PowerOptInvest and Utility Investment Data Tool Overview Manual Beta Version March 2012 Welcome to PowerOptInvest and Utility Investment Data Tool. PowerOptInvest is an investment decision model that determines the least cost investment and operating strategies for electric power generation facilities. The Utility Investment Data Tool is software that is used to enter data into PowerOptInvest. This manual provides an overview of PowerOptInvest and the Utility Investment Data Tool. We strongly recommend that first time users read this overview manual and the Utility Investment Data manual before starting the Utility Investment Data Tool. Description of PowerOptInvest PowerOptInvest is an investment decision model that determines the least cost investment, or series of investments, and operation decisions that minimize total operations, capital, and emissions costs over time across multiple scenarios for an electric power generation requirement or potential investment in an electricity market. The model represents a rational decision maker who is attempting to minimize costs given his or her knowledge about the likelihood of future scenarios and system constraints. The model is generally used to represent an investment decision for an individual generation plant or the investment decision(s) to meet a set amount of electricity demand (or capacity requirement) for a time period in the future.1 The model user determines and enters constraints into the model to represent environmental regulations, policy restrictions, reliability requirements or other constraints that restrict investment and operation options in each scenario. The constraints and timing of constraints can vary by scenario, as determined by the model user. Please note that PowerOptInvest is not a dispatch model and is not a substitute for system wide reliability modeling. To represent uncertainty, PowerOptInvest asks the user to: 1) Define a set of scenarios 2) Express his/her beliefs on the current likelihood of each scenario 3) Express his/her beliefs on how the likelihood of each scenario will evolve until there is no more uncertainty and reality converges on a scenario. This must be specified for each scenario. What is a scenario? A scenario is a forecast of uncertain variables that affect the profitability of investment and operation decisions. Each scenario requires forecasts for electricity prices, fuel prices, and emission allowance prices2 for the period of uncertainty plus the planning horizon. The planning horizon is how far the model looks into the future to determine least cost investment and operation decisions. Each investment option included in the model requires operations cost, generation, capital cost and emissions data for the period of uncertainty plus the planning horizon. The model assumes the decision maker is a price taker, and any investment and operation decisions do not affect market prices for electricity, fuel, or emissions allowances. 1 2 Example of electricity demand requirement: provide 5000 GWh of baseload generation for the next 30 years Emissions allowances prices are not required if a scenario does not include an emissions allowance price. Scenario Probabilities The user must specify the initial probability of each scenario, how these probabilities change over time as the model converges on each scenario, and when uncertainty is resolved (what year the model converges).3 For example, the model could begin in 2012 (year 1) and resolve uncertainty in 2020 (year 9). The model runs multiple times to converge on each scenario and generates least-cost investment and operation decisions for each convergence.4 The changes in scenario probabilities and convergence on each scenario simulate the changes in uncertainty that occur as regulations and legislation are enacted and technology and markets change over time, as well as the ability of the decision maker to wait for new information and revise previous decisions. Information Provided by PowerOptInvest PowerOptInvest determines the optimal investment and operations decisions under certainty and uncertainty for each of the user’s scenarios given the user’s assumptions about scenario probabilities and constraints. Investment and operations decisions determined prior to the year uncertainty is resolved are optimal hedging investments that minimize total cost for the user’s scenarios and assumptions about scenario probabilities. Because the model determines optimal hedging investments, it minimizes the range of total costs across the user’s scenarios. PowerOptInvest also allows the user to estimate the cost of ignoring selected scenarios and sudden shocks. Users can estimate these costs by hiding the probability of selected scenarios (set probabilities equal to zero) prior to convergence on the scenarios and compare systems cost to model runs that do not ignore selected scenarios or include shocks. Recommended Steps for Using the PowerOptInvest Model 1) Formulate modeling question Begin by determining what information you want to get from using the PowerOptInvest model. It is important to identify the underlying need or constraint you are addressing. For example, does the user want to know if a proposed retrofit is cost effective or what is the least cost option to meet an annual generation requirement? It is important to identify all of the constraints affecting the investment question you are modeling. Are there future constraints that should be considered? Are these future constraints uncertain? PowerOptInvest is designed to determine least cost, hedging investments under uncertainty. After determining all potential uncertainties, the user then should qualitatively determine which uncertainties are likely to affect the question the user is answering. Often times, the impact of these uncertainties is the information the user want to obtain from the model. 2) Develop Scenarios PowerOptInvest requires forecasts for each scenario included in the model. These scenarios should capture the uncertainties and constraints the model user believes are important and could affect 3 If there are 5 scenarios, there are 5 sets of scenario probabilities converging on each scenario. Convergence occurs when there is no longer scenario uncertainty, equivalent to traditional scenario analysis. 4 If there are 5 scenarios, the model generates 5 sets of investment and operations results. If there are 9 scenarios the model outputs 9 sets of investment and operations results. decision making based on present knowledge about these uncertainties. Scenarios can be added or removed for future analyses if they do not provide the user with useful information. Each scenario forecast should be a reasonable forecast for the environmental regulations, government policy, market conditions and technology assumptions represented in each scenario. PowerOptInvest requires forecasts for wholesale electricity prices, fuel prices, and emissions allowance prices (if they exist in the scenario). Scenario forecasts can come from EIA, EPA, utility IRPs, DOE, the Nicholas Institute, or any other models or sources. The user can adjust third party forecasts to fit an analysis with regional price differentials, etc. Users can create their own forecasts if they believe they are reasonable. For example, if a user wants to model a high natural gas scenario, the user could add $4/MMBtu to a Henry Hub forecast. The table below presents example forecasts for natural gas prices for 12 scenarios. All forecast data should be in a constant dollar year that applies to all PowerOptInvest model inputs. We recommend creating matrixes of scenario forecasts for future prices (electricity, coal, gas, emissions) in a spreadsheet prior to starting the Utility Investment Data Tool unless projections can be described with an initial value and a fixed growth rate. Period of Uncertainty Planning Horizon Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 ……. 2049 Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ……. 39 5.05 5.06 5.03 5.27 5.34 5.13 5.01 4.98 5.00 5.12 5.35 5.64 5.95 6.26 6.43 ……. 9.24 5.04 5.04 5.03 5.28 5.34 5.38 5.34 5.14 5.03 5.14 5.30 5.53 5.82 6.15 6.32 ……. 9.28 5.02 5.06 5.02 5.23 5.31 5.27 5.21 5.21 5.19 5.56 5.94 6.08 6.28 6.59 6.76 ……. 8.27 5.02 5.05 5.00 5.21 5.29 5.26 5.19 5.18 5.16 5.52 5.81 5.94 6.12 6.42 6.59 ……. 8.03 5.79 6.04 6.14 6.59 6.74 6.68 6.55 6.56 6.65 7.05 7.51 7.97 8.40 8.89 9.08 ……. 10.77 5.80 6.01 6.15 6.59 6.74 6.85 6.87 6.74 6.72 6.98 7.32 7.76 8.21 8.73 8.95 ……. 10.98 5.81 6.01 6.15 6.63 6.82 7.97 8.21 8.23 8.29 8.32 8.46 8.62 8.98 9.35 9.51 ……. 11.62 5.78 5.98 6.12 6.57 6.78 8.00 8.19 8.23 8.24 8.28 8.44 8.54 8.73 9.17 9.38 ……. 10.39 6.08 6.32 6.59 7.16 7.50 7.62 7.68 7.76 7.89 8.37 8.63 8.78 9.11 9.52 9.73 ……. 13.76 6.09 6.34 6.61 7.12 7.47 7.81 7.87 7.93 7.99 8.38 8.59 8.71 9.06 9.43 9.66 ……. 13.84 6.01 6.36 6.49 7.05 7.51 10.61 11.44 11.61 11.95 12.43 12.30 12.07 12.04 12.12 11.80 ……. 10.57 6.01 6.36 6.56 7.19 7.71 10.94 11.56 11.83 12.01 12.16 11.97 11.68 11.62 11.65 11.48 ……. 10.37 Scen 1 Scen 2 Scen 3 Scen 4 Scen 5 Scen 6 Scen 7 Scen 8 Scen 9 Scen 10 Scen 11 Scen 12 Example matrix natural gas price forecasts, 2010 dollars In addition to the price forecasts, the user must specify how environmental regulations under different scenarios constrain the operation of each investment/generation option. For every option included in the model, the user must determine if the constraints in the user’s scenarios make an investment option unavailable in the future. For example if there is an existing plant that does not meet a new environmental regulation constraint included in one or more of the user’s scenarios, the user will need to enter the year the option is no longer available for those scenarios. The year an option is no longer available may vary by scenario and the user may include constraints that only apply to select scenarios. 3) Planning Horizon and Uncertainty Period The user determines the planning horizon, how far the model looks into the future when estimating the expected net present value of each investment and operation decision, and the period of uncertainty. The planning horizon is typically set equal to generation finance periods, often 20 or 30 years, or expected lifetime of the investment options. The period of uncertainty is the time in years before the model converges on each scenario in the year uncertainty is resolved (1 + period of uncertainty). The period of uncertainty is constant for all scenarios but some scenarios can converge earlier if the user sets their probability equal to 100% prior to the year uncertainty is resolved. The model projection period, the number of years into the future the model estimates least cost investment and operations data for, is equal to the period of uncertainty + the planning horizon, or year uncertainty is resolved – 1 + planning horizon. 4) Initial Scenario Probabilities and How Uncertainty is Resolved The user determines that initial probabilities of each scenario and the probability matrixes for convergence on each scenario. The initial scenario probabilities are the same for each convergence. The user should set initial probabilities based on his or her beliefs about the probability of each scenario included in the model. Similarly the user should set convergence probabilities based on his or her belief about how probabilities change over time as the model convergences on each scenario. Additionally, users can test how different assumptions about initial scenario probabilities and scenario convergence affect model results by adjusting these values. We recommend creating matrixes of scenario probabilities for each scenario convergence in a spreadsheet prior to starting the Utility Investment Data Tool unless all initial scenario probabilities are equal and linearly converge on each scenario. Period of Uncertainty Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Scen 1 50% 50% 50% 50% 60% 60% Scen 2 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 3.64% 3.64% Scen 3 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 3.64% 3.64% Scen 4 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 3.64% 3.64% Scen 5 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 3.64% 3.64% Scen 6 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 3.64% 3.64% Scen 7 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 3.64% 3.64% Scen 8 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 3.64% 3.64% Scen 9 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 3.64% 3.64% Scen 10 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 3.64% 3.64% Scen 11 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 3.64% 3.64% Scen 12 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 4.55% 3.64% 3.64% Example probability matrix converging on scenario 1 2017 7 60% 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 3.64% 2018 8 80% 1.82% 1.82% 1.82% 1.82% 1.82% 1.82% 1.82% 1.82% 1.82% 1.82% 1.82% 2019 9 90% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% Uncertainty Resolved 2020 10 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% To model sudden shocks, set the probability of the convergence scenario equal to zero and then change the probability of the convergence scenario to 100% in the final years of uncertainty or when uncertainty is resolved. To model the effect of ignoring selected scenarios representing different constraints or uncertainties5, set the probabilities of these scenarios equal to zero until the model converges on these scenarios for all scenario convergences and then rerun the model without setting these scenario probabilities to zero during the uncertainty period and compare results. 5 For example the user can hide scenarios with or without different environmental regulations to simulate the effect of ignoring these regulations. 5) Investment and Operations Options List all the potential options to meet the need, constraint or investment question you are modeling. This should include potential new generation investment options, the existing unit (if there is one), any potential retrofits of existing generation or new construction, different operations configurations for all options and potentially combinations of options. An important feature of PowerOptInvest is the ability to represent sequential investment (or investment in stages) in the same power plant. For example, the user can include investment options that require prior investments by assigning prerequisites. A prerequisite tells the model it cannot invest in a particular investment option unless the model has invested in the prerequisites or one of the prerequisite already exists. Including all potential investment options and interdependencies of these options captures the full range of options available to a decision maker in the real world. For example the table below illustrates the options and corresponding pre-requisites that would need to be specified to represent the alternative of retrofitting an existing pulverized coal-fired power plant with 1)wet flue gas desulfurization system (WFGD), 2)selective catalytic reduction (SCR), and 3)Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS), in any sequence. The table shows that Investment Option 3 is a pre-requisite of generation/investment option 5. It also shows that there are three alternative pre-requisites for investment option 7 (i.e. investment option 7 can be chosen if and only if one of the alternative prerequisites has been installed). Generation/Investment Option Pre-requisite 0. Existing None 1. Existing retrofitted with WFGD + SCR + CCS None 2. Existing retrofitted with WFGD + SCR None 3. Existing retrofitted with WFGD None 4. Existing retrofitted with SRC None 5. Existing + WFGD retrofitted with SCR 3. Existing retrofitted with WFGD 6. Existing + SCR retrofitted with WFGD 4. Existing retrofitted with SRC 7. Existing + WFGD + SCR retrofitted with CCS 2. Existing retrofitted with WFGD + SCR Alternative Pre-requisite Alternative Pre-requisite 5. Existing + WFGD retrofitted with SCR 6. Existing +SCR retrofitted with WFGD Description of a set of investment options and corresponding pre-requisites The user needs to specify capital costs and operating and maintenance costs for each of the 7 generation/investment options. The order in which investment occurs may affect the capital cost, but should not affect performance of the resulting plant. For example, investment options 2, 5, and 6 result in the same plant. Capital costs of option 2 may be lower than the combined capital costs of Option 3 and Option 5, or the combined capital costs of option 4 and option 6. However, the heat rate, emissions, and operating and maintenance costs of options 1, 5, and 6 must be the same for every period of the planning horizon. If this is not the case then the 3 options should not be considered alternative prerequisites of option 7. This specification of investment in stages also enables the model to represent the flexibility of running power plants without operating all the installed environmental emissions controls. For example, the user can specify that the installation of generation/investment option 7, automatically installs options 2, 3 and 4 at no additional cost. This specification enables the model to choose to operate a plant that has all three controls to shutdown some of them whenever it is optimal and allowed by regulatory constraints. The model will prompt the user for these potential limited operation options by asking the user to identify the other option that matches the limited operation. Different configurations can be modeled by including additional options that use the same asset but with different operating characteristics and costs. PowerOptInvest assumes that the annual generation, heat rate and emissions rate of each option are constant throughout the modeling period. If the user wants to include the ability to change the annual generation, heat rate, or emissions an option, the user needs to create additional options that represent these changes. For each option the user must specify capital and operations and maintenance costs. Operations and maintenance costs need to be specified for every year of the modeling period or alternatively an initial cost in year 1 and rate at which these costs change for each scenario must be provided. Capital costs for each investment option need to be specified as the net present value of the total cost of the investment including financing, engineering, permitting, and funds used during construction for the planning horizon. The user must specify these net present value costs (lump sum) for every year of the modeling period or alternatively can specify an initial net present value cost in year 1 and a rate at which these cost change for each scenario. We recommend creating matrixes of net present value capital cost and operations and maintenance cost for each option if they differ by scenario or change at non constant rates. Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3024 3024 3024 3024 3024 2997.27 2958.65 2784.87 2715.06 2674.96 2631.89 2581.39 1846.18 3024 3024 3024 3024 3024 2997.27 2958.67 2786.46 2716.69 2676.61 2633.56 2583.08 1846.75 3024 3024 3024 3024 3024 2998.75 2960.10 2784.66 2710.32 2670.18 2627.07 2576.52 1850.99 3024 3024 3024 3024 3024 2998.75 2960.10 2784.66 2710.32 2670.18 2627.07 2576.52 1850.99 3024 3024 3024 3024 3024 2995.78 2957.14 2784.77 2714.93 2674.80 2631.71 2581.19 1857.50 3024 3024 3024 3024 3024 2994.29 2955.75 2782.32 2712.65 2672.63 2629.64 2579.24 1854.39 3024 3024 3024 3024 3024 2994.29 2955.75 2782.32 2712.65 2672.63 2629.64 2579.24 1854.39 3024 3024 3024 3024 3024 3000.24 2961.62 2787.84 2718.04 2677.93 2634.86 2584.36 1861.04 3024 3024 3024 3024 3024 3000.24 2961.62 2784.87 2707.64 2667.54 2624.46 2573.96 1806.08 3024 3024 3024 3024 3024 3000.24 2961.62 2784.87 2707.64 2667.54 2624.46 2573.96 1806.08 3024 3024 3024 3024 3024 3000.24 2961.62 2787.84 2710.61 2670.51 2627.43 2576.94 1825.39 3024 3024 3024 3024 3024 3000.24 2961.62 2787.84 2718.04 2677.93 2634.86 2584.36 1869.95 Scen 1 Scen 2 Scen 3 Scen 4 Scen 5 Scen 6 Scen 7 Scen 8 Scen 9 Scen 10 Scen 11 Scen 12 2049 39 Example matrix of net present value of capital costs over planning horizon for an individual investment option for modeling period 39 years in millions of 2010 dollars Other model assumptions The beta version of PowerOptInvest assumes that all investment options take three years to design, permit, and construct. However, pre-requisites do not need to be operational before a sub sequential investment is allowed to happen. An investment/generation option can be selected one year after the pre-requisite is installed. Future versions will allow the user to specify the construction time for each investment option. Technical Description of PowerOptInvest PowerOptInvest is a multi-period decision model with an embedded multi-stage stochastic optimization program that minimizes the expected total costs of plant operation, capital investments, and emissions allowances over a time horizon across multiple scenarios. The Multi-Period Decision Making Model (MPDM) determines the optimal sequence of decisions by a utility over a planning horizon while uncertainty is resolved. Each year the MPDM selects the investment and operation options that minimize Expected Net Present Value of total costs over the planning horizon6 by solving the multi-stage Stochastic Optimization Model (SOM) described below. Once the investment and operations decisions for a given year are determined, the MPDM moves to the next year by updating (1) the “current” conditions, which are determined by the investments made in the “past” and (2) the probabilities assigned to the scenarios, which change over time to converge on individual scenarios (see Table 3 for example probabilities for converging on scenario 2). Thus, for each convergence, we assume that one of the user’s specified S scenarios describes reality and that this reality will be revealed when the model converges. In the last year of the MPDM (i.e., convergence year), the SOM has collapsed to a deterministic optimization problem describing investment and operations decisions until the end of the planning horizon. This formulation requires the specification of fuel prices, emissions allowances prices, and capital and O&M costs for each scenario for the period of uncertainty (year uncertainty is resolved 1) plus the planning horizon. The SOM is a mixed integer linear program that includes binary variables representing the decision to invest in a retrofit or new generation and the decision to operate a plant (set to 1 if the control is installed/used and set to 0 otherwise) by the decision maker. The SOM determines the capital, O&M, fuel, and emissions costs for the current year plus the net present value of the capital, O&M, fuel and emissions cost for the planning horizon for each investment and operations option for each scenario. Each investment and operations option represents a combination of investment and operating decisions.7 The SOM then calculates these expected net present values for each investment and operating option by multiplying the expected net present value of the option by the probability of the scenario and summing for each scenario, resulting in an expected net present value for each option over the planning horizon. The SOM selects the lowest expected net present value investment and operations option and relays this information to the MPDM. Thus, at each point in time, the model determines the optimal sequence of investment and operating decisions that account for the possibility of retrofitting an existing plant to meet new regulations or other constraints, building a new plant, mothballing, purchasing power from the wholesale market, and shutting down a plant at any period of the planning horizon under different environmental regulation, 6 The planning horizon is typically set equal to generation finance periods, often 20 or 30 years, or expected lifetime of the investment options. 7 Investment and operation options represent every combination of investment and operation decisions over the planning horizon subject to the user’s constrains. policy, and annual generation constraints. By explicitly modeling the full flexibility of installation and operation of plants, and the irreversibility of capital investments (represented by the total capital cost, including financing costs at installation and a zero salvage value at shutdown), the model effectively accounts for the “options” available to an investor to meet the constraints. The SOM model assumes all operating plants and investment options are price takers and cannot affect market prices for fuel, electricity, capital investments, or emissions allowances.