Slides- Generational Marketing- It All Started with the Girdle

Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on…
Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on…
1 in 4 Ohioans
reports making charitable gifts
in a given year.
Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on…
Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on…
Points to ponder while we wait for everyone to log on…
Let’s Talk Philanthropy
“It All Started With a Girdle”
Presented by: Suzanne Allen, Ph.D.
Philanthropy Ohio’s President
Tiffani Gottlieb
Regional Director, Programs
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How the Webinar Works
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It All Started With a Girdle…
And what that means to philanthropy
Suzanne Allen, Ph.D.
Philanthropy Ohio’s
It All Started With a Girdle…
It All Started With a Girdle…
It All Started With a Girdle…
It All Started With a Girdle…
They lived in
absolute uncertainty!
It All Started With a Girdle…
But it’s important to remember the era in
which this question was asked?
It All Started With a Girdle…
But it’s important to remember the era in
which this question was asked?
It All Started With a Girdle…
But it’s important to remember the era in
which this question was asked?
It All Started With a Girdle…
But it’s important to remember the era in
which this question was asked?
It All Started With a Girdle…
But it’s important to remember the era in
which this question was asked?
It All Started With a Girdle…
But it’s important to remember the era in
which this question was asked?
It All Started With a Girdle…
But it’s important to remember the era in
which this question was asked?
It All Started With a Girdle…
• They began to do the
• The standard market
research missed the
generational angle
It All Started With a Girdle…
• Older generation thought
girdles were:
– A statement of values
– Something “nice” women
– A necessity
• Newer generation thought
girdles were:
Inhibited freedom
It All Started With a Girdle…
• Older generation thought
girdles were:
– A statement of values
– Something “nice” women
– A necessity
• Newer generation thought
girdles were:
Inhibited freedom
Generational Marketing
Generational Marketing
• What do you think Betty Crocker learned
when they turned to psychoanalysis to help
solve their sales problem?
– Younger women did not feel the product was
geared toward them
– Women felt guilty about using the product
– Men didn’t want their wives to buy the product
– Women did not know how to use the product
Generational Marketing
Generational Marketing
Generational Marketing
Generational Marketing
Generational Marketing
• What do you think Segrams learned when they
turned to psychoanalysis to help solve their
sales problem?
– The Boomer generation rebelled against their
parents and preferred to the taste of beer
– The Boomer generation could not afford the prices
– The Boomer generation was impatient and did not
want to learn to enjoy scotch
Generational Marketing
Generational Marketing
Generational Marketing
Generational Marketing
So here’s what they found…..
Generational Marketing
Demographics consist of
factual information and are
void of any opinion or
Generational Marketing
Demographics include the type of
information that can be categorized
and labeled
Types and number of credit cards
type of car
size of residence (rented or owned)
number of residents in the
Generational Marketing
• Psychographic information
– a.k.a. IAO variable (interest,
activities, and opinions),
– Not quantitative and does not use
simple numbers and figures.
– based on a demographic profile, so
it can only exist in the presence of a
Generational Marketing
• Psychographic information,
– a.k.a. IAO variable (interest, activities,
and opinions),
– Not quantitative and does not use
simple numbers and figures.
– based on a demographic profile, so it
can only exist in the presence of a
• Classify the target market's
feelings toward consumer goods
what they want and why
how they carry on their everyday lives
what they value and most importantly
how they make choices when it comes
to what they purchase.
Generational Marketing
• Psychographic information,
– a.k.a. IAO variable (interest, activities, and
– Not quantitative and does not use simple numbers
and figures.
– based on a demographic profile, so it can only
exist in the presence of a demographic
• Classify the target market's feelings toward
consumer goods
what they want and why
how they carry on their everyday lives
what they value and most importantly
how they make choices when it comes to what
they purchase.
• Psychographic analysis
– lifestyle analysis
– looks at all of the factors that make up a person's
Generational Marketing
Psychology and demographics combined
and psycho-demographic research became
the new norm…
• What generation do you belong to
Millennial/ Gen Y (1980-1997)
Gen X (1965-1979)
Young Boomers (1955-1964)
Older Boomers (1946-1954)
Silent Generation (1929-1945)
GI Generation (before 1928)
Generational Marketing
Generational Marketing
Generational Marketing
Think about the messages that you respond to…
What type of messages
appeal to you, what
Generational Marketing
Think about the messages that you respond to…
What type of messages
appeal to you, what
What types of orgs you
give to and which ones
you don’t?
What It Means to Philanthropy
What It Means to Philanthropy
Generational Marketing
What It Means to Philanthropy
The key to reaching individual
donors in the increasingly
diverse U.S. population is to
understand their language and
Del Martin of Alexander Haas Martin & Partners.
What It Means to Philanthropy
The key to reaching individual
donors in the increasingly
diverse U.S. population is to
understand their language and
Talk to the donor in the donor's language. It's
going to be a different communication with a
70-year-old, Republican white male, than a
35-year-old gay man in a committed
relationship in an urban setting, or a 45-yearold Catholic, Latino woman with six children
whose husband is an illegal alien.
Del Martin of Alexander Haas Martin & Partners.
What It Means to Philanthropy
“A nonprofit should look at its
donors as part of its
constituency, and care as much
about them as it does the people
its mission serves.”
“The key to reaching individual
donors in the increasingly
diverse U.S. population is to
understand their language and
“Talk to the donor in the donor's language.
It's going to be a different communication
with a 70-year-old, Republican white male,
than a 35-year-old gay man in a committed
relationship in an urban setting, or a 45-yearold Catholic, Latino woman with six children
whose husband is an illegal alien.”
Del Martin of Alexander Haas Martin & Partners.
What It Means to Philanthropy
What It Means to Philanthropy
“Impact of diversity
on philanthropy can
be "dialectical.“
Paul Schervish,
Director, Center on Wealth and Philanthropy
Professor, Department of Sociology
Boston College
What It Means to Philanthropy
“Impact of diversity
on philanthropy can
be "dialectical.“
Paul Schervish,
Director, Center on Wealth and Philanthropy
Professor, Department of Sociology
Boston College
“The same forces that are
fueling giving by more
people and more diverse
groups could result in a
narrower group of donors if
nonprofits "do not
understand the trends and
respond in an appropriate
What It Means to Philanthropy
“With the top five percent of Americans
by wealth or income giving over 40
percent of all charitable dollars, often in
multi-billion-dollar gifts, the remaining
95 percent of Americans might back
away from charitable giving because of
a perception that "the work of
philanthropy is properly the realm of
the extremely wealthy."
What It Means to Philanthropy
“With the top five percent of Americans
by wealth or income giving over 40
percent of all charitable dollars, often in
multi-billion-dollar gifts, the remaining
95 percent of Americans might back
away from charitable giving because of
a perception that "the work of
philanthropy is properly the realm of
the extremely wealthy."
What It Means to Philanthropy
“In addition to connecting donors
with their diverse beneficiaries
charities also face the challenge of
competing effectively with a growing
number of charities vying for an
increasing pool of charitable dollars.”
“That increasingly competitive
charitable marketplace can create
pressure on individual charities,
prompting them to act as if they were
entitled to donations”
Paul Schervish,
Director, Center on Wealth and Philanthropy
Professor, Department of Sociology
Boston College
From a Strategic Perspective
What do your stakeholders look like?
• Demographically
• Psychographically
What It Means to Philanthropy
From a Strategic Perspective
From a Strategic Perspective
Are you still making girdles?
• Review your mission
from a stakeholder
• Think about how a
stakeholder uses the
messages you send
From a Strategic Perspective
The rest of the story…..
It All Started With a Girdle
Playtex today….
It All Started With a Girdle
Thank you so much for joining this conversation!
Thank you for attending!
Stay tuned for:
• Inclusive Competitiveness and
Ohio’s Innovation Economy
– Webinar: March 26th 12-1pm
• Leading Through Change:
Advice from and for Seasoned
CEOs and Their Boards
– Webinar: April 10th 2pm
• Philanthropy Ohio’s Summer
– The Blackwell Center @ The Ohio
State University on July 9th, 2014
Continue the Conversation
@philanthropyOH (hashtag: #POH)