MA CHP presentation

Combined Heat and Power Overview
& CHP Technical Assistance
Bill Valentine
DOE Mid Atlantic CHP Technical Assistance Partnership
November 20, 2014
CHP Technical Assistance Partnerships
Promote and assist in transforming the market for CHP, waste heat to power, and
CHP district energy technologies and concepts throughout the United States.
Key services of the CHP Technical Assistance Partnerships include:
Market Opportunity Analyses – Supporting analyses of CHP market opportunities in diverse markets including
industrial, federal, institutional, and commercial sectors.
Education and Outreach – Providing information on the energy and non-energy benefits and applications of CHP to
state and local policy makers, regulators, energy end-users, trade associations and others.
Technical Assistance – Providing technical assistance to end-users and stakeholders to help them consider CHP, waste
heat to power, and/or district energy with CHP in their facility and to help them through the project development
process from initial CHP screening to
CHP Technical Assistance Partnerships
What is Combined Heat & Power?
• Form of Distributed Generation
• An integrated system
• Located at or near a
building / facility
• Provides at least a portion of
the electrical load and
• Uses thermal energy for:
– Space Heating / Cooling
– Process Heating / Cooling
– Refrigeration/Dehumidification
CHP provides cost-effective, clean and reliable energy –
today and for the future.
Slide 4
CHP Diagram
Over Two Thirds of the Fuel Used to
Generate Power in the United States Is
Lost as Heat
CHP Drivers
• Benefits of CHP recognized by policymakers
– President Obama signed an Executive
Order to accelerate investments in
industrial EE and CHP on 8/30/12 that
sets national goal of 40 GW of new CHP
installation over the next decade
• Favorable outlook for natural gas supply
and price in North America
• Opportunities created by environmental
• Energy resiliency and critical infrastructure
DOE / EPA CHP Report (8/2012)
Slide 7
CHP Drivers
• Cost Savings
– Offset Utility/3rd Party kWh’s + Therms
– Reduce Utility Demand Charges - Demand Response
– Improved Power Reliability/Quality
• Emissions Reductions
– In the same way that it saves fuel cost, CHP reduces
pollution by using the fuel’s energy twice, yielding half
to a third of the emissions from separate fossil fuelled
grid power and boilers.
– Supported by US DOE & US EPA
Slide 8
CHP Drivers
• Reliability / Resiliency
– Provides local grid support and improves power quality
– Can often be configured to provide emergency power
– Natural Gas grid can be more reliable for long term
• National Security
– Reduced fossil fuel usage extends US resources and
reduces dependence on foreign energy imports
– Multiple points of power generation are less subject to
catastrophic failure or attack
Slide 9
Combined Heat and Power Benefits
Benefits of CHP for U.S. businesses
Reduces energy costs for the user
Reduces risk of electric grid disruptions and enhances energy reliability
Provides stability in the face of uncertain electricity prices
Benefits of CHP for the Nation
Improves U.S. manufacturing competitiveness
Offers a low-cost approach to new electricity generation capacity
Provides an immediate path to lower GHG emissions through increased energy efficiency
Lessens the need for new transmission and distribution (T&D) infrastructure and enhances power grid
Uses abundant clean domestic energy sources
Uses highly skilled American labor and American technology
Source: DOE/EPA, CHP: A Clean Energy Solution, August, 2012,
CHP Case Studies
Abington Health
•Co-Generation Capacity:
(1) 4.5 mW Combustion Turbine
•Steam heat recovered for all hospital heating needs
•Produces 60% electrical demand
•Option for future Steam Turbine Chiller (not installed yet)
•Premium cost for facility to house CHP
Abington Health – 4.5 MW CT
Utility Operating Cost Prior to Co-Generation:
$7 million/yr
Net Annual Savings*:
$2.25 million/yr
Investment Cost:
$9.2 million
Simple Payback:
4.1 Years
Financial Incentive
(PA Award)
(ACT 129)
$3 million
$3.2 million
*Includes Maintenance Cost
Phoenix Contact
Middletown , PA
• Five 200kW Capstone micro-turbines packaged in a single
• 300 ton exhaust fired absorption chiller.
• 5,000 BTU heat exchanger.
• Facility heating and/or cooling.
• Expected annual savings of $300,000.
• Redundant source of electricity.
Princeton University
• The 15 MW CHP plant provides steam and
chilled water throughput the campus and is
integrated with the wholesale and transmission
• Provides 100% of heat and hot water
requirements and 50% of electrical energy.
• Through the efficiency of CHP, Princeton has
dramatically reduced its fuel use, avoiding over
27,900 metric tons of carbon emissions and
making it one of the leading campus energy
plants in the country in both efficiency and
environmental sustainability.
Slide 15
Independence Visitor’s Center
50,000 sq. ft. facility
75 kW reciprocating engine
20 ton Absorption Chiller
Natural gas
Roof mounted unit
Building LEED certified
Slide 16
The Brevoort: Manhattan, NY
• Residential high rise with natural gas-powered CHP system
 Four 100 kW CHP units powered all 290 apartments
through Sandy
• Normal occupancy is 720 people. During Sandy, the
Brevoort was able to house and provide power to 1,500
people through the storm.
• “Powered by our CHP system, we were the only building
on lower Fifth Avenue able to provide energy and full
service to our residents.” - Diane Nardone, President of
the Brevoort coop board
• The Brevoort was able to maintain power for central
boilers, domestic water pumps, all elevators and all
Additional Local CHP Installations
PGW Headquarters
200 kW Microturbine
40 ton Absorption chiller
Four Seasons Hotel
3 – 65 kW Microturbines
Domestic hot water
130 kW Microturbine