Human Ecology in 7 Steps

Human Ecology e-course in 7 steps
I. Course Objectives
May 2009
To propose a transdisciplinary course about sustainable
development at the local level
To address environmental questions and sustainability according to
the viewpoints of different actors who are confronted by real
problems, concrete projects and risk factors
To promote cognitive apprenticeship and learning through case
studies and collaborative work.
Human Ecology
Human Ecology e-course in 7 steps
II. Content
Part 1 (1 ECTS) : Key Concepts
and Principles
Part 2 (3 ECTS) : Planning projects
& Application
Definition of human ecology
Environment - Society Development: player’s
interrelations and logic
Analysis of key concepts and
principles (environment, systems,
players, etc.)
Thoughts on human needs
Analysis of methodological concepts
and principles (regulation, needs,
May 2009
Human Ecology
Landscape integration into sectoral
planning and case studies
Player’s strategies, geographical and
temporal scales, procedures and
regulatory instruments
Scenarios in planning projects
Sustainability & Applications
From key principles of sustainable
development to project
Human Ecology e-course in 7 steps
III. Knowledge and competency
During the first part, you will not only acquire the
basic theories of sustainable development; you will
also learn about various communication and
information tools provided by Dokeos.
 In the second part of the course, you will reinvest
what you learned in the first part and then
familiarize yourselves with data research using the
tools presented in the lessons. Finally, using a wiki
tool, you can share, discuss and increase your
knowledge with your colleagues.
 In the third part, in groups of two or three people,
you will evaluate a land development project using
your new knowledge. Among other things, you will
be able to debate these projects with your
May 2009
Human Ecology
This learning method
is based on social
You are the master of
what you learn and of
the competency that you
develop as you interact
in your group. The use of
collaborative and
communication tools is
Human Ecology e-course in 7 steps
IV. Evaluation
Different types of assignments are proposed
during the course such as quizzes, essays,
wiki collaborative work, and an individual
May 2009
Human Ecology
What is a portfolio
A portfolio is an archive
of the work you have
done, displaying the
knowledge and
qualifications you have
Human Ecology e-course in 7 steps
V. Case studies
Motorway Environmental
Impact Assesment
Land planning scenarios
Evaluation of the
« sustainability » programs
in Glasgow and Sydney
Glasgow Slum 1871
Sydney 2007
May 2009
Human Ecology
Human Ecology e-course in 7 steps
VI. Alumini feedback (Zurich University)
“It was interesting to do this ECourse. I liked it and it was really a
good construction because each
session had a clear set up and in
every time i knew where I was and
what i had to do for the next step.
Kind regards
May 2009
“I liked this e-course a lot. I could work in my
own pace and I could leave it away for some
weeks when I was busy with my exampreparation. The videos we had to watch
the course were very interesting and helpful to
illustrate the theories provided in the lectures.
The content of the course correlates very good
with the matters we worked through during my
whole studies and this course was a nice
ending of my geography-studies.”
Human Ecology
Human Ecology e-course in 7 steps
VII. Some screenshots of the course….
 Visit our course portal for more information
May 2009
Human Ecology