ADCP 321 Management Theory, Section P - LeMoyne

LeMoyne-Owen College
ADCP321 Management Theory, Section P
Fall, 2012
Instructor: Percie A. Strong-Jenkins
Office Room: Specific to instructor
Office Phone: 901-679-3094
Office Hours: By Appointment
Email Address:
Credit Hours:
Texts: Lewis, P.S., Goodman, S.H., and Fandt, P.M. Management: Challenges for
Tomorrow’s Leaders, 5th edition.
ISBN number 978-0324302592
Supplemental Materials:
At the instructor’s discretion
Course Description: This course is concerned with the management functions and tasks
that are common to all organizations. Topics to be covered include schools organizations,
Topics to be covered include schools of management thought, planning, organization,
control, motivation, work groups, leadership, organization change, managerial decisionmaking and information systems.
College Graduate Competencies:
The two college graduate competencies (CGC) that are directly addressed in ADCP 321
1. Appreciate, understand, now and pursue the principles, methods and subject matter that
underline the major discipline.
2. Attain motivational, personal management, interpersonal skills, professional
development and research experience, as well as resourcefulness that will form the
basis for a career and/or further educational experiences,
Course Objectives:
1. Know the history of management thought.
2. Understand the function of goals in the organization.
3. Develop a model to analyze strategy in a systematic way.
4. Define the basic group processes in decision making and work.
5. Define the role of motivation in decision making and work
6. Define the role of corporate cultures as an organizing device that directs organization
members in making decisions based on similar values.
7. Understand the importance of business service to the community.
Attendance Policy: In accordance with college policy, classroom attendance is required.
The following standard will be applied:
If unexcused absences total 15% of the regularly scheduled class meetings, the
instructor has the authority to lower the final grade by one letter.
If unexcused absences total 20% of the regularly scheduled class meetings, the
instructor has the authority to give a failing grade.
Five tardies—arrival to class five minutes after class has begun—will equal one
unexcused absence.
Technology Use:
LeMoyne-Owen College is committed to enhancing student
learning through the use of a variety of applicable technology.
In this course, students will use or be exposed to [software and/or
Suitable demeanor, posture and attire are required. For guidelines and the
dress code, please refer to the 2011/2012 Student Handbook (8-9; 13).
Classroom Policies and Procedures:
The classroom learning experience provides opportunities for faculty and students to
engage in interactive exchanges of course content. To facilitate this exchange, the
following guidelines are provided:
Because each class session covers vital material and information, it is important
that students arrive on time to each class session.
In order to enhance students’ performance and confidence in acquiring the
material, it is critical that students come to each class session prepared. This
includes bringing to class required texts, supplemental materials, and assigned
work, which is provided on the course outline.
In order to limit unnecessary distractions which would deter learning, cell phones,
multi-media devices, and laptops are required to be turned off or on vibrate when
class is in session, except by permission of the faculty.
Faculty reserve the right to apply penalties for noncompliance to either or all of the above
Assignments and Submission Requirements:
Students may submit assignments in hard copy or by email to the instructor.
Because of the accelerated nature of this class, students in this cohort will be expected to
complete 20-25 contact hours outside of class on group assignments and/or projects.
Assessment and Submission Requirements:
Students will be assessed by two written exams, homework assignments, in-class assignments, a
final presentation and a final paper.
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Policies Related to Students with Disabilities:
If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability,
if you have emergency medical information to share, or if you need
special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make
an appointment with Jean Saulsberry, Director of Student Development, as
soon as possible at (901) 435-1727. The Student Development Office is
located in the Alma C. Hanson Student Center, Room 208.
Grade Scale: 90-100 A; 80-89 B; 70-79 C; 60-69 D; 59 & Below
Student Performance Evaluation:
Exam 1
Homework Assignments
In-Class Assignments
4@ 10 points each
Final Presentation
Final Paper
Total Points
40 points
120 points
40 points
50 points
150 points
400 points
LeMoyne-Owen College Graduate Competencies (CGC)
LeMoyne-Owen College graduates should be able to:
Think creatively, critically, logically, and analytically using both quantitative and
qualitative methods for problem solving;
Communicate effectively (listen, speak, read, and write) on formal and informal
Distinguish, clarify, and refine personal values for the attainment of richer selfperception and relate those values to the value system of others;
Appreciate, understand, and know the foundations of the Afrocentric perspective;
Appreciate, understand, and know the foundations of diverse cultures in the
context of a global community;
Appreciate, understand, now and pursue the principles, methods and subject
matter that underlie the major discipline(s);
Accept social responsibility and provide service to humankind;
Maintain levels of literacy that allow them to understand the impact of science
and technology on individuals, society, and the environment;
Attain motivational, personal management, interpersonal skills, professional
development and research experience, as well as resourcefulness that will form
the basis for a career and/or further educational experiences;
Attain critical skills, frame of reference, and understanding needed to appreciate
and discriminate between artistic achievements.
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ADCP 321 Management Theory, Section P
Course Outline
Before Class 1:
 Read Chapters 1, 2, 3.
 Read "A Day in the Life of Jeremy Jackson" on pg. 23.
 Answer the "Discussion Questions" on pg. 23.
Class 1: Overview of Management
 Submit discussion questions on page 23
 Discuss syllabus
 Lecture on Chapters 1, 2, 3
 Case – Leon Neon, page 53
 Case - Cutting Jobs at General Motors, page 83
Assignments for week 2:
 Read Lewis Chapters 4 and 6
 Respond to three (3) "Discussion" questions-Beacon Cleaners on page 179
(To receive maximum credit, the student must draw the matrix and indicate the
appropriate placement of the answers in the matrix). The written responses to the
questions must be typed.
Class 2: Planning
 Submit discussion questions
 Lecture on Chapters 4 and 6
 In-class exercise
 Students must submit “Paper” topic to instructor during week 2
Assignments for week 3:
 Read Lewis Chapters 9 and, 12
 Prepare for Exam on Chapters 1,2, 3, 4 and 6
 Prepare a one –two page typed essay summarizing newspaper article retrieved
from “Career – Section F of the Sunday Commercial Appeal” distributed by the
Instructor. The article highlights most recent job trends. Your essay can include
information from other sources if applicable to convey the relevant elements in
the article. (Use APA Writing format for completing this assignment)
 Complete Discussion Questions on Case - Should JJ Be Hired? Page 263. Note:
Your responses must be typed and the questions should include specific Employment
laws referenced in the textbook.
Class 3: Organizing and Leadership
 Submit homework assignments
 Lecture on Chapters 9 and 12
 In-class exercise
 Review case study
 Exam on chapters 1,2, 3, 4 and 6
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Assignments for week 4:
 Read Lewis Chapters 13 and 14
 Motivation is a key management tool that organizations can use to energize
employees. Your assignment for Week 4 requires the following action:
Read the articles relating to Yum! Brands (Facing The Challenge and
Meeting The Challenge). The articles are located in the textbook on pages
376 and 394.
After you review both articles, identify another company that faced similar
challenges and utilized motivation approaches to energize the employees.
Provide a copy of the article or reference source for books only (the
company can be identified from any business magazine, book, newspaper,
journal, or internet).
Write a two page typed summary that answers the questions below (Use
APA Writing format for completing this assignment):
Provide company name, overview of the company products, services,
mission, vision, stock price if applicable, type of company, number of
associates, etc. (demographical type data)
Provide an overview of the problem or challenge(s) the company faced
relating to employee motivation.
What factors/approaches to motivation did the company emphasize to
energize, direct or stop undesired behavior?
Class 4: Leadership
 Submit homework assignments
 Lecture on Chapters 13 and 14
 Review case study
 In-class exercise
Assignments for week 5:
 Read Lewis Chapters 15
 Prepare for Oral Presentation
 Complete Final Paper and PowerPoint presentation
Class 5: Control
 Lecture on Chapters 15
 Review case study
 Submit Final paper (Use APA Writing format for completing this assignment)
 Submit a copy PowerPoint presentation to the professor
 Present paper orally using PowerPoint presentation via projector
Instructor reserves the right to add or subtract assignments or assessments.
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