OH & S - School District 52

New and Young Worker District Orientation Checklist
WorkSafe BC Regulations Part 3:
Rights and Responsibilities
Learning Intentions - I Know:
 My rights and responsibilities according to WorkSafe
BC regulations
 When to complete a Form 6A  Worker’s Report of
Injury or Occupational Disease to Employer (Main
 What to do if my workplace injury causes me to take
time away from work.
 What to do if I feel threatened in the workplace.
 How to use MSDS Fetch (Material Safety Data Sheet)
Reporting Unsafe Conditions
 “Regulation 3.10: Reporting
unsafe conditions
 Whenever a person observes
what appears to be an unsafe or
harmful condition or act the
person must report it as soon as
possible to a supervisor or to the
employer, and the person
receiving the report must
investigate the reported unsafe
condition or act and must
ensure that any necessary
corrective action is taken
without delay.”
Right to Refuse Unsafe Work
 “3.12 Procedure for Refusal
 (1) A person must not carry out or cause to be carried out
any work process or operate or cause to be operated any
tool, appliance or equipment if that person has
reasonable cause to believe that to do so would create
an undue hazard to the health and safety of any
 (2) A worker who refuses to carry out a work process or
operate a tool, appliance or equipment pursuant to
Subsection 1 must immediately report the
circumstances of the unsafe condition to his or her
supervisor or employer.”
Right to Refuse Cont’…
 “(3) A supervisor or
employer receiving a
report made under
Subsection 2 must
immediately investigate
the matter and
 (a) fix it or
 (b) tell the person why it is
not unsafe.”
 “(4) If the procedure under
Subsection 3 does not
resolve the matter” then it
must be investigated with
another employee.”
Still refusing…
 “ (5) If the investigation
under Subsection 4 does
not resolve the matter and
the worker continues to
refuse to carry out the
work process… then an
officer (from WorkSafe
BC) must investigate the
matter without undue
delay and issue whatever
orders are deemed
Workplace Health and Safety Rules
 (1) The employer must provide
for each workplace (medical
room) first aid equipment,
facilities, supplies and first aid
personnel that can immediately
support an employee (NOT a
student – this is about the
employees) with an injury
 Employees must let
supervisor know about an
injury and then fill in Form 6.
 Supervisor will then fill in Form
7 (Employer’s Injury Report).
Both are forwarded to the Board
Office and filed.
You =Form 6A
Employer = Form 7
Violence in the Workplace
 “4.27 WorkSafe Regulation Definition
 In sections 4.28 to 4.31
 “Violence" means the attempted or actual exercise by a
person, other than a worker, of any physical force so as
to cause injury to a worker, and includes any
threatening statement or behavior which gives a worker
reasonable cause to believe that he or she is at risk of
 4.28 Risk assessment
 (1) A risk assessment must be performed in any
workplace in which a risk of injury to workers from
violence arising out of their employment may be
Violence in the Workplace Cont”…
 “4.29 Procedures and policies
 If a risk of injury to workers from violence
is identified by an assessment performed
under section 4.28 the employer must
 (a) fix it (procedures etc..) and
 (b) if elimination of the risk to workers is
not possible, establish procedures to
minimize the risk to workers (Student
Safety Plan).”
Violence in the Workplace Cont’…
 “4.30 Instruction of workers
 (1) An employer must inform workers who may be
exposed to the risk of violence of the nature and
extent of the risk.
 4.31 Advice to consult physician
 (3) The employer must ensure that a worker
reporting an injury or adverse symptom as a result
of an incident of violence is advised to consult a
physician of the worker's choice for treatment or
Emergency Procedures
FIRE - Practice 6 times/year
 Evacuate in orderly fashion
to assigned areas
 Wait a minimum of 25
meters from building
 Report to Secretaries any
students or staff missing
from your class at that
moment (send runners)
 Return after 3 rings
Emergency Procedures
EARTHQUAKE Practice twice/year
 Issue ‘Duck, Cover and
Hold’ command
Get in crash position
Count to 60 once tremor
stops. (Count again if
secondary tremors occur
during the 60 sec count)
Evacuate in an orderly
Report as you would for a
Fire Drill
Emergency Procedures
Hold and Secure – Practice once/year
 Admin issue “Hold and Secure”
All outdoor classes return to
Classroom activities continue
Exterior doors locked, Hold and
Secure signs posted
Lock doors, turn off cell phones,
close curtains and keep students
away from windows
Move on announcement only
Wait for “All Clear” message
from Admin
Emergency Procedures
LOCKDOWN – Practice once/year
 Admin issue “Activate Lockdown Now”
Clear hallways, bathrooms, etc.
Lock doors, turn off lights and
electronic equipment, close curtains
and move students to best concealed
area of the room
Cell phones on silent for Emergency
Services communication only
Ignore dismissal bells
Ignore knocks, contact at doors
Wait for “All Clear” message from
Admin before responding to anyone at
the doors
RCMP checks in with every classroom
before allowing students to leave
Workplace Hazardous Material Information System
A course is required by employees working with
chemicals or potentially dangerous equipment.
Examples: art, food, science and shop teachers, custodians and
maintenance workers. Online training options.
These individuals should know how to access MSDS (Material safety
data sheet)
1. Go to District Website: www.sd52.bc.ca
2. Click on “MSDS Fetch” header through “Staff Links and
Resources” tab
3. Type in product name, company or code and VOILA.
 All you need to know about the substance including
dangers, precautions, disposal and what to do if
accidentally spilled.
Where to find more info
 WorkSafe BC Regulations:
tion/Part3.asp#SectionNumber:3.23 (Sept 2014)
 For WorkSafe humor go to:
Complete District Orientation Form
 Complete the District Orientation Form
 Sign on the back side of the page
 Questions? See a member of your
Health and Safety Committee
 Hand forms into Colleen in the main
New and Young Worker Site Orientation Checklist
WorkSafe BC Regulation Part 3:
Rights and Responsibilities
Learning Intentions - I Know:
 My Supervisors
 Workplace hazard protocols
 Working alone or in isolation.
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
 First Aid Facilities, Attendants, Protocols and Reporting
 Emergency Procedures – earthquake, fire, lockdown (x2)
 Instruction and demonstration
 Joint H & S Committee
 Additional orientation or training
 Sandy Pond, Principal
 Kevin Leach, Vice Principal
 Carla Rourke, Vice Principal
Workplace Hazards
 Regulation 3.10: Reporting
unsafe conditions
 Hazard awareness within
department areas is
important: Darkroom, Gym,
Home Ec., Shops, Science
 If you see something
hazardous, report to your
supervisor for corrective
 Safety plan for violent
students or guardians
Working Alone
 OH & S Section 4.21
 If you are directed to come in
to work alone, a plan needs
to be in place (phone call
contact number and max. 2
hour intervals)
 If you choose to come into
school on your own, no plan
 Common sense applies
Personal Protective Equipment
 WorkSafe BC Regs, Part 8
 We make it available for your
use and replace when
 Darkroom, Gym, Home Ec.,
Shop, Science
 You follow instructions for
use, inspect it, wear it and
store after use
 Report any safety concerns
First Aid
 All injuries & details reported
to Admin/Main Office –
Name, time, place, occurrence,
etc. (Sec 53/54 WC Act).
Josh McDonald, Sarah Kavalec
(Science Dept.)
First Aid Station in Main
Health Room #212 (just down
from staff room)
Form 6 – Worker’s Report of
Injury or Occupational Disease
to Employer
Emergency Procedures
 Earthquake – Duck, cover and hold, 60
secs, evacuate, do attendance, wait for 3
bells to return to building
 Fire – evacuate to assigned areas, runner to
base of main parking lot stairs
 Hold & Secure – Hold and secure
announcement, outside classes back
inside, classes continue, exterior doors
locked, stay away from windows, etc. Cell
phones, electronics off, wait for All Clear
announcement from Admin
 Intruder – Lockdown announcement, clear
the halls, silence in classes, lights out,
classroom doors locked, stay away from
windows, etc., cell phones on silent for
Emergency Services communication only,
wait for All Clear announcement from
Admin, RCMP checks every classroom
Instruction and Demonstration
 Art, Foods, Science and Shop
classes, and/or those
involving safety issues
 Contact Department Head
for specific protocols
 Working with violent
students – student safety
 Common sense approach – if
you don’t know, ask
 Workplace Hazardous
Material Information System
A course required by employees
working with chemicals or
potentially dangerous
Examples: Art, Food, Science
and Shop teachers, Custodians
and Maintenance Workers.
Online training options.
MSDS White binder to left of
PA system in main office
Joint H & S Committee
 Who to contact (Update):
 Kevin Leach, Vice Principal
 Carla Rourke, Vice Principal
 Brian Jackson, Teacher
 Kerry Fortune, Custodian
 School Safety Officer,
Cam McIntyre,
Secretary Treasurer
Additional Orientation or Training
 Orientation
 Train
 Test
 Document
Complete Site Orientation Form
 Complete the Site Orientation Form
 Sign on the back side of the page
 Questions? See a member of your
Health and Safety Committee
 Hand forms into Colleen in the main
Site Orientation Walkabout
 Do a walkabout of the Charles Hays Secondary School site
 Familiarize yourself with the school’s floor plan
 Note location of safety exits, eye wash stations, custodial
rooms, lab, shop, Fine Arts and Technology areas,
amongst others
 Also note the location of the First Aid Room (Health
Room #212)
 First Aid supplies are also available in the main office from
 Questions? See a member of the Health and Safety