Centre Wellington District High School

Centre Wellington District High School
Spring 2014
Course: Biology
Textbook: Biology 12 (McGraw-Hill Ryerson)
Grade: 12
Replacement Cost: $80.00
Course Type: University Preparation
Ministry Code : SBI 4U1
SBI3U0 (Grade 11 University Biology)
SCH3U0 (Grade 11 University Chemistry)
SCH4C0 (Grade 12 College Chemistry)
Course Overview:
This course provides students with an in-depth study of biological processes. While focussing on the
theoretical aspects of the topics, students will also further develop their investigatory skills through
researching, designing and conducting experiments. Through the achievement of detailed knowledge
and skills, students will prepare for further study in various branches of life sciences and related fields.
Although not a requirement, SCH3U0 or SCH4C0 is strongly recommended. Many topics covered in
senior biology involve studying living things from a molecular level. Success will entail a substantial
understanding of basic chemical concepts.
Assessments and Evaluations
Formative assessments are learning practices that provide important feedback on student progress
(eg. quizzes, homework completion, oral interviews). These assessments will give insight to the
student’s progress in the five learning skills listed on the report: independent study skills, teamwork
skills, organizational skills, work habits/homework, and initiative.
Summative assessments form the foundation of the final mark allotment at the end of a unit, term,
and course. The following is a breakdown of types of evaluations and the weighting of each
assessment category.
Evaluation Categories:
Knowledge/Understanding (35%)
 Quizzes
 Unit tests/summative tasks
 Lab reports
 Answers to questions based on readings
Thinking and Investigation (30%)
 Unit tests/summative tasks
 Internet/library research
 Laboratory work
 Problem-solving activities
 Supportive Opinion
Application (20%)
 Unit tests/summative tasks
 Case studies
 Questions related to Science, Technology
& the Environment
Communication (15%)
 Making proper observations/charts/graphs,
scientific drawings
 Essays/lab reports
 Use of scientific terminology
 Oral presentations/Interviews
 Homework web blogs
Term Work:70%
Culminating Evaluation:30%
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Different instructional strategies are used to provide learning opportunities to accommodate a variety of learning
styles, interests and ability levels. Some of these include investigations, independent reading, dissections,
problem-solving, research projects, direct instructions, manipulative activities, and writing processes.
Expectations – Students are expected to:
 Attend classes regularly and be punctual. Lates will be recorded and handled according to the school’s
attendance policy. If you are late, please quietly take your seat and wait for an appropriate time to
discuss matters or retrieve necessary materials
 Obtain and complete missed class work during absences. It is important to get caught up on missed work
before the next class. It is a good idea to have the phone number of TWO classmates
who would be willing to fill you in on what was missed, including homework.
 Do their homework on a DAILY basis. Students can expect to do about 30 minutes of
homework every night.
 Keep an organized, up-to-date notebook including all handouts, labs, and tests
 Be safety conscious at all times in the lab
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of taking ownership of written material or ideas belonging to someone else,
whether knowingly or unknowingly. Refer to the CWDHS student handbook for consequence related to
plagiarism. Students who send other students their copy of their work, which is subsequently submitted
by the second individual (whether knowingly or unknowingly by the donor) will be dealt with in the same
manner as the perpetrator.
Deadlines: Assignments are due within the first 5 minutes of class. If you are absent on an assignment due date,
e-mail an electronic copy to a friend and they can print it and submit it for you. Assignments are due whether or
not you are in class. At the teacher’s discretion, you may be given some class time to complete a missing
assignment (or alternate assignment). In this case, the assignment (whether complete or not) will be submitted at
the end of the period and graded.
Reporting of Grades: Estimates of student’s grades will be posted in the classroom using codenames. Report
card grades may vary from those posted based on the student’s most recent and consistent achievement as well
as their completion and participation in course requirements.
Action Student Takes
Regular Class
Obtain notes, homework, and/or assignments from the teacher or a classmate BEFORE the
following class
You must follow-up with the teacher and provide confirmation (parent note, parent phone
call, or on official field trip or team list) that the absence was excused. Quizzes will be
offered to students with legitimate absences.
MISSING A TEST IS A SERIOUS MATTER! The teacher must be informed by e-mail PRIOR
to the test.
In the case of absence, arrangements must be made to complete the experiment as soon as
possible. Students not completing compulsory labs / reports will not receive credit for the
course, regardless of how marks average out. Students missing a lab where it is not possible
to repeat the experiment will be responsible for obtaining their own data from others and
following the same expectations as others. Alternative web-based labs may be given at the
discretion of the teacher.
Contact information
Mr. Blair Winch
Extra help available at lunch between 12:00 and 12:30 in room 3048.
E-mail: blairwinch@ugdsb.on.ca