ONE MINUTE GUIDE PREVENT What is PREVENT? PREVENT is part of the UK Government’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy, launched 2011, preventing vulnerable people from becoming involved in terrorism or supporting terrorism. PREVENT aims to protect those who are vulnerable to exploitation, extremism or radicalisation from those who seek to recruit them to support their cause. Extremism is defined by the UK government as vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. British values are defined as "democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs"; institutions are expected to encourage students to respect other people with particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010. Responding to PREVENT? All FE and Skills providers have a duty to safeguard their students, PREVENT is about safeguarding learners to be safe and stay within the law. The PREVENT Duty is not about preventing learners from having political and religious views and concerns but about supporting them to use these concerns and act on them in a non-extremist way. It is essential within our safeguarding responsibilities that each tutor plays a role in protecting and supporting vulnerable individuals and their welfare with whom they come into contact. There is no expectation that tutors will take on either a surveillance or enforcement role as a result of PREVENT however contribute in the prevention of terrorism by safeguarding and protecting vulnerable individuals and making safety a shared priority. What should you do? All providers and staff have a legal responsibility under the PREVENT Duty to make sure that: they have undertaken training in the Prevent Duty as identified by their managers they are aware of when it is appropriate to refer concerns about students, learners or colleagues to the Prevent officer, usually the provider's safeguarding officer they exemplify British values of "democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs" into their practice Due to our role and the types of learners we support, some tutors are in a position to recognise when an individual’s behaviour or opinions have changed or is being exploited and intervene before a crime has been committed; recognising that PREVENT is part of our safeguarding responsibilities. Please note: A concern that an individual may be vulnerable to exploitation does not mean that the person is a terrorist, it means that a concern has been raised that they are prone to being exploited by others, and so therefore have a safeguarding concern. You should: NOTICE that a person is vulnerable to being exploited and be aware of any changes in behaviour or routine that may lead to you have concerns that they are being exploited. SHARE you concerns with your line manager, the CLaSS PREVENT lead or a member of the Safeguarding team. Key Contacts In the unlikely situation where you have any concerns that an individual is presenting an immediate terrorist or extremism risk to themselves, others or property, then you should contact your concerns through your line manager, CLaSS PREVENT lead or a member of the designated safeguarding team. CLaSS PREVENT &: Safeguarding Team: Andy Ashley 07736 117924 or email Michael Reid 07929 628991or email PREVENT Online Training As part of the CLaSS’s response to the PREVENT agenda we are requesting that all tutors undertake the Channel General Awareness Module as part of their CPD. This short module offers an awareness of PREVENT and the risks it is intended to address; helping tutors identify factors that can make learners vulnerable. Channel General Awareness Module or place the following web address into you browser References: PREVENT Duty Guidance – Counter Terrorism & Security Act 2015 PREVENT Strategy, HM Government, June 2011 PREVENT Strategy, Equality Impact Assessment, HM Government June 2011