Safety Overview Cheney Public Schools First, print off the check-off sheet, go over the Safety Presentation .When you finish, sign the check-off sheet and turn into building secretary. This includes volunteers and student teachers. This is keeping with state and federal law.. Purpose of Orientation Provide information regarding the content of the Cheney School District accident prevention program in order to integrate safety and health measures into each job task so that safety practice, accident prevention and job performance become inseparable Management’s Responsibility Provide a workplace free of recognized hazards Provide adequate safety devices, safeguards, work practices, methods, processes, and means Provide training Conduct investigations into cause of accidents Report and maintain records WAC 296-27 Employees’ Responsibility Cooperate with all employees to eliminate occupational accidents and injuries Apply the principals of accident prevention in their daily work Use and properly care for safety devices and equipment Offer suggestions that may contribute towards a safer work environment Report unsafe conditions Accidents and Injuries Report to supervisor immediately, Complete ESD’s SUPERVISOR INCIDENT INVESTIGATION FORM and follow its direction. Supervisor evaluates / investigates and initiates action to correct condition Send report to District office and site Safety Committee District reports to ESD-101 Risk Manager First Aid To provide temporary and immediate care to the injured until medical help arrives Location of First Aid Equipment Names and Location of First Aid trained personal to be posted on safety bulletin board Persons required to have First Aid certification; Supervisors, Voc. Ed. Teachers, PE and Coaches, Lab and Science Teachers, School Bus Drivers, M&O personnel, Day care workers Potential Hazards on Job Site Identify (Workplace Hazard Assessment) Report unsafe act or condition Improper use or care of safety devices: machine guards, ventilation cabinets, fire extinguishers, fire blankets, hot pads, etc. Improper use or care of Personal Protective Equipment: safety glasses, hearing protectors, respirators, gloves, aprons, EMERGENCIES Fire: Initiate alarm, evacuate and notify Chemical: Evacuate, notify, clean-up Medical: First Aid, notify, provide assistance Other Examples include weather, flooding, intruder, etc: Follow direction as provided List emergency phone numbers Call 911 Asbestos Location and review of management plan Location of asbestos containing materials within work areas Name and phone number for district contact person, Jeff McClure (559-4548) Training for Maintenance and Custodial Staff Re-inspections and notification requirements Chemical Hazard Communication Program Regulation requires manufacturers to determine if their products contain hazardous chemicals and to provide that information to the product user Know and understand the new Global Harmonization Standard for the new Safety Data Sheets. Our online Safety Data Sheets as=True Chemical Hazard Communication Mary Margaret Pratt (CHS), Chemical Hygiene Officer is the coordinator of all procurement and use of science classroom chemicals You can also link to our online SDS sheets on the M&O webpage , click the MSDS ONLINE page and follow the link. All staff need to be trained in the new SDS sheet, if you haven’t been contact M&O. Generation and Disposal of Hazardous Waste Science Laboratories Health Rooms Maintenance and Custodial Dept. Transportation Department Art Classrooms Shop Classrooms Contact M&O for disposal 559-4548 Building Safety Committees Safety policy and function WAC 296-24-045 Members (Each site) Meeting dates and locations (Set and posted) Minutes of meeting recorded Complete Self-inspection of work site, to include AED and First Aid Kit inspection Lockout/Tagout Purpose of program: Control of hazardous stored energy Recognition of lockout/tagout equipment Importance of NOT attempting to start up or use equipment that has been locked out or tagged out of service Respiratory Protection To protect worker from air-borne contaminates Respirators are the second line of defense (elimination / engineering) Medical qualification required Fit testing required Confined Space Entry Program WISHA defined spaces: tunnels, crawl spaces, air ducts, vaults, water towers, boilers, mechanical spaces, etc. Authorized entrance only General staff responsibility: Report only unsecured hatches, covers, doors Fall Protection Required if working above 10 feet Safety Equipment: guardrails, fall restraint system, fall arrest system No one except M&O personnel can be on a ladder over four feet tall. Never use the last step on a ladder and never stand on the top of a ladder. Kids can never be on any ladder. Hearing Conservation Hearing lost from noise exposure cannot be restored Primary elimination by engineering control at the source Monitor condition Audiometric testing to establish TWA Provide protection and training if needed Classroom Sanitation Only district supplied cleaners are allowed in classrooms. Cleaning wipes must be peroxide based, NOT chlorine bleach. Room fresheners or air filters of any kind are not allowed in classrooms and will be removed. Forms and Notices Forms and Notices are available in the administrative office at each location Form lists can be obtained from the school secretary Drug Free Workplace Board Policy 5257 Possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs or alcohol by employees poses a difficult and potentially dangerous problem for students as well as staff It is illegal All employees are subject to this policy Evacuation and Disaster Planning Contact Kelly Hembach at 559-4096 for further information Evacuation Plan Classroom evacuation and fire escape routes Emergency plans: Posted in each classroom Evacuate to locations Disaster Plan Crisis action / response plan Fire, earthquake, intruder, bomb threats, active shooter, etc. Posted evacuation routes may be utilized depending on circumstance Shelter in Place Emergency classroom kits End of Orientation Thank you for your attention and cooperation. Have a great year!!