1 Motivation: multiple services, single cell / link -- HSCSD 2 Generalised stochastic knapsack 3 Admission control 4 GSM network / PSTN network 5 Model, Equilibrium distribution 6 Blocking probabilities 7 Reduced load approximation 8 Monte-Carlo summation 9 Summary and exercises 1 multiple services, single cell / link -- HSCSD 2 Generalised stochastic knapsack 3 Admission control 4 GSM network / PSTN network 5 Model, Equilibrium distribution 6 Blocking probabilities 7 Reduced load approximation 8 Monte-Carlo summation 9 Summary and exercises University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research GSM /HSCSD: High Speed Circuit Switched Data 33 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research HSCSD characteristics (LB) Multiple types (speech, video, data) circuit switched: each call gets number of channels GSM speech: 1 channel data: 1 channel (CS, data rate 9.6 kbps) GSM/HSCSD speech: 1 channel data: 1≤ b,...,B ≤ 8 channels (technical requirements, data rate 14.4 kbps) Call accepted iff minimum channel requirement b is met: loss system Up / downgrading: data calls may use more channels (up to B) when other services are not using these channels video: better picture quality, but same video length data: faster transmission rate, thus smaller transmission time 32 1 multiple services, single cell / link -- HSCSD 2 Generalised stochastic knapsack 3 Admission control 4 GSM network / PSTN network 5 Model, Equilibrium distribution 6 Blocking probabilities 7 Reduced load approximation 8 Monte-Carlo summation 9 Summary and exercises 31 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Generalised stochastic knapsack: model number of resource units C number of object classes K n' n e2 2 (n) 1 (n) n' n e1 n class k arrival rate k (n) class k mean holding time (exp) 1 / k (n) class k size bk state (number of objects) n (n1 ,..., nK ) state space S {n N 0K : b n C} object of class k accepted only if bk C b n state of process at time t X (t ) ( X1 (t ),..., X K (t )) stationary Markov process { X (t ), t 0} transition rates 1 (n) n' n e1 2 (n) n' n e2 k (n)1(bk C b n) n' n ek q(n, n' ) k ( n) n' n ek University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research 30 Generalised stochastic knapsack: equilibrium distribution Theorem 1: For the generalised stochastic knapsack, a necessary and sufficient condition for reversibility of X (t ) ( X1 (t ),..., X K (t )) is that k (n) (n ek ) k (n ek ) ( n) for some function for all n S \ Tk , k 1,..., K : S [0, ). Moreover, when such a function exists, the equilibrium distribution for the generalised stochastic knapsack is given by ( n) ( n) , ( n) nS nS University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Generalised stochastic knapsack: equilibrium distribution Proof: We have to verify detailed balance: (n)q(n, n ek ) (n ek )q(n ek , n) (n)k (n) (n ek ) k (n ek ) k ( n ) k (n ek ) If (n ek ) ( n) exists that satisfies the last expression, then satisfies detailed balance. As the right hand side of this expression is independent of the index k it must be that the : S [0, )is satisfied. Conversely, assume : S [0, ) is satisfied. Then condition of the theorem involving that the condition involving ( n) ( n) , ( n) nS nS is the equilibrium distribution. 29 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Generalised stochastic knapsack: examples Stochastic knapsack k (n) k 1(bk C b n) n' n ek k (n) nk k n' n ek K ( n) k 1 kn 1(b n C ) nk ! k Finite source input k (n) (M k nk )k 1(nk M k ) n' n ek k (n) nk k n' n ek K ( n) k 1 M k nk k nk State space constraints K k (n) k 1(bk C b n; nk Ck ) n' n ek (n) k 1 k (n) nk k n' n ek kn 1(b n C; nk Ck ) nk ! k 28 1 multiple services, single cell / link -- HSCSD 2 Generalised stochastic knapsack 3 Admission control 4 GSM network / PSTN network 5 Model, Equilibrium distribution 6 Blocking probabilities 7 Reduced load approximation 8 Monte-Carlo summation 9 Summary and exercises University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Admission control Admission class k whenever sufficient room bk C b n Complete sharing Simple, but may be unfair (some classes monopolize the knapsack resources) may lead to poor long-run average revenue (admitted objects may not contribute to revenue) admission policies: restrict access even when sufficient room available calculate performance under policy determine optimal policy Coordinate convex policies In general: Markov decision theory 27 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Stochastic knapsack under admission control Admission policy f ( f1 ,..., f K ) 1 f k ( n) 0 f k : S {0,1} class k accepted in state n class k rejected in state n Transition rates k f k (n)1(bk C b n) n' n ek q(n, n' ) nk k n' n ek Recurrent states S ( f ) S {n : b n C} Examples: complete sharing 1 b n C bk f k ( n) otherwise 0 trunk reservation 1 b n C bk t k f k ( n) otherwise 0 26 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Stochastic knapsack under trunk reservation trunk reservation admits class k object iff after admittance at least t k resource units remain available C4 K 2 b1 b2 1 t1 0 t2 2 1 b n C bk t k f k ( n) otherwise 0 Not reversible: so that equilibrium distribution usually not available in closed form 25 24 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Stochastic knapsack coordinate convex policies S : n , nk 0 n ek Coordinate convex policy: admit object iff state process remains in Coordinate convex set f k (n) 1 iff n ek Theorem: Under the coordinate convex policy f the state process X f (t ) ( X 1 (t ),..., X K (t )) is reversible, and 1 f ( n) Gf K k 1 kn k nk ! , n University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Coordinate convex policies: examples Note: Not all policies are coordinate convex, e.g. trunk reservation Complete sharing: always admit if room available Complete partitioning: accept class k iff C2 C1 S S bk (nk 1) Ck C1 CK {0,..., } ... {0,..., } b1 bK C1 ... C K C Threshold policies: accept class k iff bk (nk 1) Ck b n bk C C2 C1 S C {n : b n C , nk k , k 1,..., K } bk 23 22 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Coordinate convex policies: revenue optimization K revenue in state n r (n) rk nk long run average revenue W ( f ) r (n) f (n) k 1 n rk bk rk k example: long run average utilization long run average throughput Intuition:optimal policy in special cases k 0 k blocking obsolete complete sharing k k complete partitioning with * C k bk sk* * where ( s1 ,..., sK ) is the optimal solution of the knapsack problem K max rk sk k 1 * K subject to k 1 bk sk C If C / bk * integer, where k maximizes per unit revenue rk sk N 0 rk / bk for k k * / bk then s otherwise 0 * k University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Coordinate convex policies: optimal policies number of coordinate convex policies is finite thus for each coordinate convex policy f compute W(f) and select f with highest W(f) infeasible as number of policies grows as O(C1...CK ) show that optimal policy is in certain class often threshold policies b n bk C C2 C1 S Ck {n : b n C , nk , k 1,..., K } bk then problem reduces to finding optimal thresholds in full generality: Markov decision theory 21 1 multiple services, single cell / link -- HSCSD 2 Generalised stochastic knapsack 3 Admission control 4 GSM network / PSTN network 5 Model, Equilibrium distribution 6 Blocking probabilities 7 Reduced load approximation 8 Monte-Carlo summation 9 Summary and exercises University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Loss networks So far: stochastic knapsack equilibrium distribution blocking probabilities throughput admission control coordinate convex policy -- complex state space model for multi service single link multi service multiple links / networks 20 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research PSTN / ISDN C4 C1 C3 C5 C2 C6 C7 Link: connection between switches Route: number of links Capacity Ci of link i Call class: route, bandwidth requirement per link Stochastic knapsack: special case = model for single link But: is special case of generalised stochastic knapsack 18 1 multiple services, single cell / link -- HSCSD 2 Generalised stochastic knapsack 3 Admission control 4 GSM network / PSTN network 5 Model, Equilibrium distribution 6 Blocking probabilities 7 Reduced load approximation 8 Monte-Carlo summation 9 Summary and exercises 17 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research C1 Loss network : notation C4 C3 C2 number of links J capacity (bandwidth units) link j Cj number of object classes K class k arrival rate k class k mean holding time (exp) 1/ k bandwidth req. class k on link j b jk Route Rk {1,..., J } C5 C6 C7 n' n e2 2 1 n' n e1 n `n11 Class k admitted iff b jk bandwidth units free in each link j Rk n' n e1 n2 2 n' n e2 Otherwise call is blocked and cleared Admitted call occupies b jk bandwidth units in each link j Rk for duration of its holding time University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Loss network : notation Set of classes K {1,..., K } set of classes that uses link j K j {k K : j Rk } state state space n (n1 ,..., nK ) S {n N 0K : kK j b jk nk C j , j 1,..., J } S {n N0K : An C} A (b jk ) class k blocked Tk {n S : b j n b jk C j , some j} K j Tk {n N 0K : An C , A(n ek ) / C} 16 15 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Loss network : notation state of process at time t X (t ) ( X1 (t ),..., X K (t )) stationary Markov process { X (t ), t 0} aperiodic,irreducible equilibrium state utilization of link j X ( X1 ,..., X K ) U j : b jk X k kK j long run fraction of blocked calls Bk 1 Pr{U j C j b jk , j Rk } long run throughput TH k k (1 Bk ) k E[ X k ] unconstrained cousin (∞ capacity) Poisson r.v. with mean unconstrained cousin of utilization X ( X 1 ,..., X K ) k k / k U j : kK j b jk X k PASTA Little 14 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Equilibrium distribution Theorem: Product form equilibrium distribution 1 K k k Pr{ X n} Pr{ X n} , G k 1 nk ! Pr{U C} n nS G nS K k 1 k n , nk ! k nS Blocking probability of class k call Bk 1 Pr{ X n} Pr{ X n} nS \Tk nS K 1 nS \Tk 1 K nS 1 n n ! n n ! V, C vectors The Markov chain is reversible, PASTA holds, and the equilibrium distribution (and the blocking probabilities) are insensitive. PROOF: special case of generalised stochastic knapsack! 1 multiple services, single cell / link -- HSCSD 2 Generalised stochastic knapsack 3 Admission control 4 GSM network / PSTN network 5 Model, Equilibrium distribution 6 Blocking probabilities 7 Reduced load approximation 8 Monte-Carlo summation 9 Summary and exercises University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Computing blocking probabilities Direct summation is possible, but complexity O( KC1...CJ ) Recursion is possible (KR), but complexity O( KC1...CJ ) Bounds for single service loss networks ( b jk {0,1} ) For link j in loss network: probability that call on link j is blocked jC / C j! j L j Er ( j , C j ) Cj k 0 j k / k! , j kK j k b jk k kK load offered to link j facility bound Call of class k blocked if not accepted at all links Bk 1 (1 Er ( j , C j )) jRk product bound 13 1 multiple services, single cell / link -- HSCSD 2 Generalised stochastic knapsack 3 Admission control 4 GSM network / PSTN network 5 Model, Equilibrium distribution 6 Blocking probabilities 7 Reduced load approximation 8 Monte-Carlo summation 9 Summary and exercises 12 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Computing blocking probabilities: single service networks Reduced load approximation Facility bound L j Er ( k , C j ) kK j Part of offered load kK j L j Er ( tk ( j ) k , C j ) k blocked on other links : kK j tk ( j ) probability at least one unit of bandwidth available in each link in Rk \ { j} k tk ( j ) reduced load tk ( j ) approximation: blocking independent from link to link (1 Li ) iRk \{ j} reduced load approximation L j Er( k k K j existence, uniqueness fixed point repeated substitution accuracy (1 Li ),C j ), j 1,...,J iR k \{ j} Bk 1 (1 L j ), j R k k 1,...,K University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research 11 Reduced load approximation: existence and uniqueness Notation: L : ( L1 ,..., LJ ) T j ( L) : Er ( k kK j (1 Li ), C j ) iRk \{ j } T ( L) : (T1 ( L),..., TJ ( L)) Theorem There exists a unique solution L* to the fixed point equation L T (L) Proof The mapping T : [0,1]J [0,1]J is continuous, so existence from Brouwer’s theorem T is not a contraction! 10 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Reduced load approximation: uniqueness Notation: Er 1 j ( B) inverse of Er for capacity C j : value of such that B Er ( , C j ) is strictly increasing function of B B Therefore Er 1 j ( z )dz is strictly convex function of B for B [0,1] 0 Proof of uniqueness: consider fixed point L T (L) and apply Er 1 j : Er1 j (L j ) : Define L [0,1] k k K j J (L) : J Lj j1 0 (1 L ) k k K j i iR k which is strictly convex. Thus, if L* [0,1]J is solution of Er1 j (z)dz ( L) 0, i 1,..., J Li Then L* is unique minimum of over [0,1]J writing out the partial derivatives yields (*) iR k \{ j} (1 Li ) (*) University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research 9 Reduced load approximation: repeated substitution Start L [0,1]J T j (L) : Er( k k K j Repeat L0 : L Lm : T ( Lm1 ), Theorem Let m 1,2,... L (1,...,1) 0 Then (0,...,0) L1 L2 n 1 L2 n 3 L* L2 n 2 L2 n L0 (1,...,1) Thus L L , 2n L2 n 1 L , L L* L Proof T is decreasing operator: T(L) T(L') if L' L componentwise Thus T 2n (L) T 2n (L') and T 2n 1 (L) T 2n 1 (L') if L' L componentwise (1 Li ),C j ) iR k \{ j} University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research 8 Reduced load approximation: accuracy T j (L) : Er( k L j Er( k ,C j ) * Corollary k K j (1 Li ),C j ) iR k \{ j} k K j Bk 1 (1 L j ) 1 Er( k ,C j ), j R k j R k k K j * so that Proof k 1,...,K T j (1...1) T(0...0) Er( k ,C j ) 2 k K j (0,...,0) L1 L2n1 L* L2n L0 (1,...,1) L2 T (0,...,0) Indeed Bk from reduced load approximation does not violate the upper bound 1 multiple services, single cell / link -- HSCSD 2 Generalised stochastic knapsack 3 Admission control 4 GSM network / PSTN network 5 Model, Equilibrium distribution 6 Blocking probabilities 7 Reduced load approximation 8 Monte-Carlo summation 9 Summary and exercises University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Monte Carlo summation For performance measures: compute equilibrium distribution k n n! Pr{X n} k1 K k n , k n! k n S k1 K k k nS K for blocking probability of class k call Bk n Tk l 1 K n S l 1 In general: evaluate K n U l 1 l n nl ! l l n nl ! l n l nl ! l difficult due to size of the state space : use Monte Carlo summation 7 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Monte Carlo summation Example: evaluate integral c d b f ( x)dx a a b Monte Carlo summation: draw points at random in box abcd # points under curve / # points is measure for surface //// = value integral Method d d Let X U (a, b) Y U (0, c) indep, and let Z 1(Y f ( X )) draw n indep. Samples Z ,..., Z 1 n Then Z Z1 ... Z n n b 1 f ( x)dx unbiased estimator of c(b a) a with 95% confidence interval Z 1.96 S 2 (n) /n Powerful method: as accurate as desired 6 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Monte Carlo summation K For blocking probabilities Bk n Tk l 1 K n S l 1 5 l n n l ! e l n e nl ! l l ratio of multidimensional Poisson( ρ) distributed r.v. d Let X Poisson( ) then Bk Pr{ X ( ) Tk } Pr{ X ( ) S} Estimate enumerator and denominator via Monte Carlo summation: draw Vi from Poisson( ), i 1,...,n iid Let g(Vi ) 1(Vi U) K Eg(V ) Pr{X() U} n U l 1 l e nl ! nl l for U Tk and U S confidence interval? University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Monte Carlo summation K For blocking probabilities Bk n Tk l 1 K n S l 1 l n n l ! e l n e nl ! l l Estimate enumerator and denominator via Monte Carlo summation: confidence interval? Harvey-Hills method (acceptance rejection method HH) Pr{ X ( ) Tk } Bk Pr{ X ( ) Tk | X ( ) S} Pr{ X ( ) S} draw Vi from Poisson( ), i 1,..., n iid if sample S ignore if sample S count if sample also Tk count as succes unbiased estimator! g (Vi ) 1(Vi Tk | Vi S ) Eg (V ) Bk 4 1 multiple services, single cell / link -- HSCSD 2 Generalised stochastic knapsack 3 Admission control 4 GSM network / PSTN network 5 Model, Equilibrium distribution 6 Blocking probabilities 7 Reduced load approximation 8 Monte-Carlo summation 9 Summary and exercises University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research 3 Summary loss network models and applications: GSM network architecture Loss networks - circuit switched telephone wireless networks TELEPHONE Markov chain equilibrium distribution blocking probabilities throughput admission control Evaluation of performance measures: recursive algorithms reduced load method Monte Carlo summation MS (G)MSCPSTN/ISDN BTS BSC RADIO INTERFACE GSM/HSCSD C1 C2 C4 C3 C5 C6 C7 2 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Exercises: 7 Consider a HSCSD system carrying speech and voice. Let C=24. For speech and video load increasing from 0 to ∞ and minimum capacity requirement for speech of 1 channel and for video ranging from 1 to 4 channels, investigate the optimality of complete partitioning versus complete sharing for long run average utilization and long run average througput. To this end, first show that for complete partitioning the long run average revenue is given by Ck bk K W (C ) rk k 1 nk 0 nk 1 nk k ( j ) j 0 Ck bk nk 1 nk 0 K rkWk (Ck ) k 1 k ( j) j 0 so that the optimal partitioning is obtained from K max Wk (Ck ) k 1 K subject to k 1 Ck C 0 Ck C , Ck N 0 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research Exercises: 8 For the stochastic knapsack show (directly from the equilibrium distribution) that E[ X k ] k (1 Bk ) / k k 1,..., K Prove the elasticity result: B j Bk k j j , k 1,..., K 1 University of Twente - Stochastic Operations Research References: Ross, sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.5 (reduced load method) Kelly: lecture notes (on website of Kelly) Kelly F.P. Kelly Loss networks, Ann. Appl. Prob 1, 319-378, 1991 HH C. Harvey and C.R. Hills Determining grades of service in a network. Presented at the 9th International Teletraffic Conference, 1979. KR J.S. Kaufman and K.M. Rege Blocking in a shared resource environment with batched Poisson arrival processes. Performance Evaluation, 24, 249-263, 1996 0 Exercises: rules In all exercises: give proof or derivation of results (you are not allowed to state something like: proof as given in class, or proof as in book…) motivate the steps in derivation hand in exercises week before oral exam, that is based on these exercises All oral exams (30 mins) for this part on the same day, you may suggest the date… Hand in 5 exercises: 1 and 4 and select 2 or 3 and 5 or 6, and 7 or 8 Each group 2 persons: hand in a single set of answers G1: 1, 4, 2, 5, 7 G2: 1, 4, 2, 6, 8 G3: 1, 4, 3, 5, 8 Each group 3 persons: hand in a single set of answers G1: 1, 4, 2, 5, 7 G2: 1, 4, 3, 6, 8