Cassilis Public School plan 2015 – 2017 dd Excellence in Professional Practice Student Learning and Engagement Building Community Partnerships Planning template Cassilis Public School Cassilis Public school 1527 School background 2015 - 2017 SCHOOL VISION STATEMENT SCHOOL CONTEXT SCHOOL PLANNING PROCESS To prepare every student to be successful lifelong learners who are confident and creative individuals; and active informed citizens through a commitment to equity and excellence in education. Cassilis Public School is a small school with 17 students, located in the Upper Hunter Tablelands, 42 kms west of Merriwa. Whilst our school is in a rural area the majority of families live within the village of Cassilis. We believe it is important for students to be self-aware, build resilience and positive relationships and actively contribute to the school, the community and the society in which they live. The school is committed to providing an environment that is friendly, safe and nurturing. CPS is positive and supportive, through effective learning programs and a positive approach to behaviour and learning. The new model of school planning was presented to staff and the P&C through meetings and planning days. Community members were invited to meetings. However, staff and community also discussed issues informally to gain more information and input. We value and support strong partnerships with the broader community to maximise student engagement and achievement in a nurturing environment. The school provides a well-rounded curriculum that caters for the broad socio economic variance across the community. Cassilis public school provides a variety of opportunities for students to develop talents in all curriculum areas. Learning programs are designed to give students opportunities to learn and succeed to their potential and beyond. The school vision was revisited and reviewed several times during the process to refine. Past and current students were surveyed for their opinions on teaching and learning and what it would look like in the future. The school is a focal point of learning for the community and supports the learning of staff, parents and students. Our school is part of the Invermein Community of Schools. Cassilis Public School 1527 01 School strategic directions 2015 - 2017 STRATEGIC DIRECTION 1 Student Learning and Engagement STRATEGIC DIRECTION 2 To develop the intellectual, emotional and behavioural intelligences of students by building a learning environment where well-being is central and students develop their capacity to learn and play an active role in their own learning. To achieve excellence through high quality teaching and leadership. The leadership team demonstrates instructional leadership, promoting and modelling effective, evidence based practice. Students are creative, innovative and resourceful and are able to solve problems in ways that draw upon a range of learning areas and disciplines. This is consistent with the goals of the Melbourne Declaration. Excellence in Professional Practice Advocate for, participate in and lead strategies to support high quality professional learning opportunities for colleagues that focus on improved student learning. Engage all stakeholders in the process of developing professional knowledge of leadership that enables engagement in a collegial community of learners founded in quality teaching and leadership which brings about inspired learning. Cassilis Public School 1527 STRATEGIC DIRECTION 3 Building Community Partnerships To identify, initiate and build on opportunities that engage families in both the progress of their children’s learning and the educational priorities of the school. To build productive links with the wider community to improve teaching and learning. To investigate and utilise people’s passions and skill sets and provide opportunities where they can have the greatest impact on community learning. Student learning is enhanced through an engaged approach which is connected with their local community. 02 Strategic direction 1: Student Learning and Engagement PURPOSE PEOPLE PROCESSES PRODUCTS AND PRACTICES Why do we need this particular strategic direction and why is it important? How do we develop capabilities of our people to bring about transformation? How do we do it and how will we know? What is achieved and how do we know? Students: Learn to make informed judgements about their progress against learning outcomes. Provide professional development to ensure all staff has a deep understanding of: the learning outcomes of all National Curriculum documents; The Quality Teaching Framework; and all elements of Visible Learning. Products: To develop the intellectual, emotional and, behavioural intelligences of students by building a learning environment where well-being is central and students develop their capacity to learn and play an active role in their own learning. Students are creative, innovative and resourceful and are able to solve problems in ways that draw upon a range of learning areas and disciplines. This is consistent with the goals of the Melbourne Declaration. IMPROVEMENT MEASURE/S All students are self -directed learners. They are active participants in their learning and know what they are learning and why. They can articulate where to next. This will be evidenced within each child’s personal learning plans. Staff: are explicitly trained in the quality teaching framework, visible learning and the strategies required to build capacity of students. Parents: develop an understanding of the learning process so they can effectively support and encourage their children to learn. Community partners: develop strong relationships and understanding of the school and our students’ needs for the purpose of enriching learning experiences and building meaningful connections. Leaders: demonstrate they are the lead learner through developing a deeper knowledge of the change process required and a clear direction for the school. Within the teaching and learning program, provide rich opportunities that challenge concepts taught and experiences that facilitate independent thinking. All students are self -directed learners. They are active participants in their learning and know what they are learning and why. They can articulate where to next. This will be evidenced within each child’s personal learning plans. All students have the skills to care for themselves and contribute to the wellbeing of others. This will be evidenced within school well-being data. Develop a school wide system that ensures PBL is embraced by the whole school community and that every member has high expectations of positive interactions. All students improve and value their learning by actively engaging in the curriculum and extra curricula activities. This will be evidenced by greater than 0.4 effect size in summative and formative assessment data. Evaluation plan: Practices: Students will be actively seeking and responding to feedback and continually seeking a deeper understanding of their learning. Regular reporting against the milestones. Evaluation against the school excellence framework each semester. All students have the skills to care for themselves and contribute to the wellbeing of others. This will be evidenced within school well-being data. Students will be demonstrating selfregulation and resilience in their interactions with all members of the school community. All students improve and value their learning by actively engaging in the curriculum and extra curricula activities. This will be evidenced by greater than 0.4 effect size in summative and formative assessment data. Cassilis Public School 1527 03 Strategic direction 2: Excellence in Professional Practice. PURPOSE PEOPLE PROCESSES PRODUCTS AND PRACTICES Why do we need this particular strategic direction and why is it important? How do we develop capabilities of our people to bring about transformation? How do we do it and how will we know? What is achieved and how do we know? To achieve excellence through high quality teaching and leadership. The leadership team demonstrates instructional leadership, promoting and modelling effective, evidence based practice. Advocate for, participate in and lead strategies to support high quality professional learning opportunities for colleagues that focus on improved student learning. Engage all stakeholders in the process of developing professional knowledge of leadership that enables engagement in a collegial community of learners founded in quality teaching and leadership which brings about inspired learning. IMPROVEMENT MEASURE/S Every teacher will have a performance and development plan, aligned to the Australian teaching standard and the school plan All new scheme and executive teachers undertaking accreditation at higher levels are successful in gaining and maintaining accreditation. A culture of collaborative professional learning that is valued and builds the capacity of all staff. As evidenced by staff assuming leadership roles in KLA areas in the school. Students: Provide students with a framework that supports learning through progressive feedback on teaching practices with the school and whole school environments. Staff :Develop capacity of staff through the formal and informal process involved in the Performance and Development Plan and the School Excellence Framework Parents: Establish programs that involve families in the education of their children and broader school priorities and activities. Create tools specifically designed for our community which will provide opportunities for families to give progressive feedback about the quality of teaching and learning at our school. Community partners: Take a leadership role in professional and community networks and support the involvement of colleagues in external learning opportunities. Develop and implement programs that will support the school to ensure Great Teaching- Inspired Learning is the foundation. Leaders: Advocate for, participate in and lead strategies to support high quality professional learning opportunities for colleagues that focus on improved student learning. Through targeted professional learning programs current and aspiring leaders will refine their leadership skills The development of a quality system to support the implementation of the Professional Development Framework. Effectively engage with Invermein community of schools to work towards common goals and build a strong collegial network. Invermein leaders plan together with a united vision to develop a purposeful, high level partnership of schools. Refine communication resources to provide information to the community centred around the purpose and benefit of professional learning of staff. Provide staff with opportunities to shadow and work collaboratively with highly accomplished staff at other schools. Provide staff with high quality professional learning according to their learning needs. Identify professional strengths of staff to share with other schools. All teachers are supported to ensure that a range of professional learning opportunities are available to ensure they have the evidence to remain current in their accreditation. School develops whole school identified professional learning plan. Products: Every teacher will have a performance and development plan, aligned to the Australian teaching standard and the school plan All new scheme and executive teachers undertaking accreditation at higher levels are successful in gaining and maintaining accreditation. Strengthen school partnerships with families and the wider community through consistent communication around professional practices undertaken to improve teaching and learning. A culture of collaborative professional learning that is valued and builds the capacity of all staff. Practices: Staff access high quality professional learning aligned with strategic directions and personal goals Practices: Collaborating with Invermein Community of Schools and other neighbouring schools for mutual professional growth. Evaluation plan: Regular reporting against the milestones. Evaluation against the school excellence framework each semester. Cassilis Public School 1527 04 Strategic direction 3: Building Community Partnerships PURPOSE PEOPLE PROCESSES PRODUCTS AND PRACTICES Why do we need this particular strategic direction and why is it important? How do we develop capabilities of our people to bring about transformation? How do we do it and how will we know? What is achieved and how do we know? Students: The use of school facilities is optimised to best meet the needs of students and the local community. Staff: Practices and process are responsive to school community feedback. Appreciate and utilise local community knowledge to make real connections to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. Parents: develop an understanding of the learning process so they can effectively support and encourage their children to learn. The school and parent community work in partnership to improve student achievement and wellbeing and to celebrate students achieving personal learning goals. Families collaborate with staff and students to analysis and create personal learning goals which are relevant and achievable. Community partners: Major partnership decisions are made collaboratively and partnership activities are designed to make the best use of the partner’s expertise Leaders: The school leadership team makes deliberate and strategic use of its partnerships and relationships to access resources for the purpose of enriching the school’s standing within the local community and improving student outcomes. Create new opportunities, within teaching and learning programs, which highlights the community involvement. To identify, initiate and build on opportunities that engage families in both the progress of their children’s learning and the educational priorities of the school. To build productive links with the wider community to improve teaching and learning. To investigate and utilise people’s passions and skill sets and provide opportunities where they can have the greatest impact on community learning. To enhance student learning through an engaged approach which is connected with their local community. IMPROVEMENT MEASURE/S Families assist their children at home with their education. Community members feel valued are in partnership with the school to enhance student learning Every student will feel connected with their local community and engaged in learning activities. Their background knowledge of their community provides a foundation for deeper learning to occur. Investigate the understanding a student brings to the lesson through a focused understanding of their background knowledge. Focused learning activities are developed to deepen families understanding of their child’s education and the strategies they can use to help them. Existing school communication practices will also focus on developing this. Community members will be canvassed through a variety of ways to ensure future school directions reflects their vision for the school. Evaluation plan: Parent and community surveys developed in conjunction with P & C Regular reporting against the milestones. Evaluation against the school excellence framework each semester. Cassilis Public School 1527 Products: Families assist their children at home with their education. Community members feel valued are in partnership with the school to enhance student learning. Every student feels connected with their local community and is engaged in learning activities. Their background knowledge of their community provides a foundation for deeper learning to occur. What are our newly embedded practices and how are they integrated and in sync with our purpose? Practices: Staff, families and the community are working in partnership to create a positive school culture for the students and contribute to their education. The school and its P&C are working in partnership to plan for and coordinate school events. 05