Strategic Planning Power Point - Ardsley Union Free School District

Strategic Planning
Do we care about test scores or learning?
Strategic Planning
S Committee facilitated by Frank Hariton, Joanne Sold and
Lauren Allan;
S Committee included 2 Board of Education members, 7
teachers, 8 students, 7 administrators and 16 parents;
S Committee Charge;
S Establish a new district vision
S Establish a strategic plan and implementation plan.
District Vision Statement
S Building on a tradition of academic
excellence and success for every
student, we cultivate passionate
learners and informed global citizens
who actively influence their world.
S Academic Excellence
S Success for Every Student
S Passionate Learners
S Informed Global Citizens who Influence Their
Academic Excellence
S Maximizes personal potential and
inspires collective achievement, so
mastering curricular content is only
the starting line and learning is
tailored to needs, strengths and
Possible Goals
S Develop STEM - D courses;
S Promote integration of curriculum;
S True teaming at AMS;
S Offer computer science and coding courses;
S Expansion of world language program;
Success for Every Student
S Is measured in a variety of ways. Our
view of success reaches beyond academic
performance and encompasses resilience,
flexibility, tenacity, curiosity, creativity,
empathy, determination and athletic and
artistic expression.
Possible Goals
S Build a common academic vocabulary for students;
S Establish math support for students at CRS;
S Develop a study skills program for 5th grade;
S Allow and encourage students to struggle;
S Change the perception of what “failure” means.
Passionate Learners
S Take full advantage of learning
opportunities. They assume
responsibility for their own learning,
have courage to explore and take the
initiative to discover their interests. They
are self-motivated, demonstrate
confidence, collaborate freely and share
their discoveries.
Possible Goals
S Increased opportunities for student directed learning;
S Increased opportunities for performance based assessments
and tasks;
S De-emphasizing grades and emphasizing “Why are we
learning this?”;
S Establish entrepreneurial opportunities for students;
S Develop a goal setting process with students.
Global Citizens
S Engage in active inquiry to acquire
knowledge that reflects the depth and
breadth of the collective human
experience. They influence their world
by making positive, proactive choices
about what to do with what they know to
collaboratively effect change.
Possible Goals
S Explore virtual experiences for students;
S Develop partnerships with classrooms across the globe;
S Develop a district plan to systematically teach and focus on
current affairs and international issues;
S Offer and promote engineering courses;
S Go paperless!
Next Steps
S Mr. Hariton and Mrs. Sold will meet with the administrators
to prioritize and set goals for the next 3 to 5 years;
S Present the goals and the 3-5 year plan to the Board of
Education for final approval;
S Begin the work which may include establishing some sub
committees for extended study or planning;
S Present the vision and plan to the community in September.