Programming Languages of Computer

It is an electronic device which receives
data, processes it and gives meaningful
Main operations:
Architecture Of Computer
Performs all the processing tasks of a computer.
 Also called “Brain of the Computer”.
 Controls all parts of a computer system
Has three components:
 Arithmetic and Logic Unit : has small locations
called registers, and consists of Arithmetic and Logic
 Control Unit : controls the operations of CPU, and
governs transfer of data between IO devices and the
 Memory : RAM and ROM
Types of Computer
Based on Use:
 Analog Computer
 Digital Computer
 Hybrid Computer
Based on Sizes:
 Super Computer
 Main Frame Systems
 Mini Computer
 Personal Computers
 Micro Computers
Generations of Computer
First: 1949-54,
Second: 1954-64Transistors, Magnetic Core, tape and
Third: 1964-80, Integrated Circuits, High Speed
Fourth: 1980-Now, Large Scale ICs, Semi-Conductor
Vaccum Tubes/Electronic Valves,
Magnetic Drum (about 1KB memory), Speed: 333ms
disk (about 100KB main memory), Speed: 10ms
Magnetic Cores (about 1MB main memory), Speed:
Memory(about 10 MB main memory), Speed: 10ns
Bits / Bytes / Words
One Binary Digit
4 bits
8 bits
16/32/64 bits
Kilobyte (KB)
Megabyte (MB)
Gigabyte (GB)
1024 bytes
1024 KB
1024 MB
Terabyte (TB)
Petabyte (PB)
1024 GB
1024 TB
Examples: Motherboard, VDU, Secondary and
removable storage devices, Sound Card, Peripherals
Input Devices
Digital Camera
Touch Screen
Types of keys on a keyboard:
◦ Alphanumeric
◦ Special
◦ Function
Output Devices
Monitor (Video Display Terminal)
Sound Card
Video Card
Application Software
◦ Software that a user uses to accomplish a particular
◦ Eg: MS Word, Notepad, Adobe Reader etc.
System Software:
◦ Software that is designed to operate the computer
◦ Provides a platform for running application
◦ Eg: device drivers, operating systems, servers,
◦ Dynamic RAM (DRAM) : needs periodic
◦ Static RAM (SRAM): does not require
periodic refreshing
Programming Languages of
Machine Language
Assembly Language
High Level Language
Fourth Generation Language (4GL)
Programming Languages of
Machine Language
Assembly Language
High level Language
Programming Languages of
Program Compilation
Converts program in high level language to
executable machine language.
Converts entire document at once.
Program Interpretation
Converts program in high level language to
executable machine language.
Converts document line by line.
Operating Systems
Set of programs that control, coordinate and
supervises activities of a computer system.
Types of OS:
 Batch Processing Operating System
 Real-time Operating System
 Multi- User (eg: Time Sharing Systems)
 Multi-processing
 Multi-tasking
 Multi-threading
 Distributed
Operating Systems
MSDOS (Disc Operating System)
Developed by Microsoft (1981) for micro
Was most popular in 80s and mid 90s
Single user OS.
Character User Interface.
Provides commands for File handling.
It is not case sensitive.
File names restricted to 8 chars.
No spaces are allowed in filenames.
It has various internal and external commands.
File Naming in DOS
Primary Name:
Secondary Name or Extensions
eg: .exe , .com, .bat, .ovr, .doc, .txt .
Related Questions
Microsoft Word is an example of a/an
SBI PO 2010
Processing device
Application Software
Input device
Ans: Application Sofware
C++ is a/an ………. language
Object oriented
Ans: Object Oriented
SBI PO 2010
………. is a type of input machine.
SBI PO 2010
None of these
Ans: Keyboard
Which of the following is not an input unit?
Touch pad
Ans: Monitor
SBI PO 2010
Program or instructions are included in …… of a
PNB PO 2010
None of these
Ans: Software
The capacity of memory is measured in terms of
PNB PO 2010
All of these
Ans: megabyte
The place where data and program goes is known as
Allahabad Bank PO 2010
None of these
Ans: CPU
In MICR, C stands for
PNB PO 2010
None of these
Ans: Character
Which of the following is not one of the four major data
processing functions of a computer?
Allahabad Bank PO 2010
Gathering data
Processing data into information
Analyzing the data or information
Storing the data or information
None of these
Ans: Analyzing the data or information.
These are specially designed computers that perform
complex calculations extremely rapidly.
Syndicate Bank PO 2007
Super computers
None of these
Ans: Super computers
It is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the
same type of intelligence that humans do?
Bank of India PO 2010
None of these
Ans: AI
Word Processor (MSWord)
Word Window and its components:
Title bar
Menu Bar
Standard Tool Bar
Scroll Bars (Vertical and Horizontal)
Formatting tool bar
Drawing tool bar
Status bar.
Look of MS Word 2003
Top half of Ms word:
Bottom half of Ms word:
Characteristics of Word
Editing Feature.
Permanent storage facility.
Formatting (Changing the text in any form)
Thesaurus (For changing word with its Synonyms)
Find and Replace.
Headers and Footers
Page Orientation.
Spell Checker.
Mail Merge.
Bullets and Numbering.
Shortcut Keys
Ctrl + A:
Ctrl + B:
Ctrl + I :
Ctrl + U:
Ctrl + C:
Ctrl + X:
Ctrl + V:
Ctrl + P:
Ctrl + F:
Ctrl + Y:
Ctrl + Z:
Ctrl + K:
Ctrl + L:
Ctrl + R:
Ctrl + E:
Ctrl + J:
Ctrl + M:
Select all components of page.
Bold highlighted section
Italic highlighted section
Underline highlighted section
Copy selected text.
Cut selected text.
Open print window.
Open Find box.
Redo last operation.
Undo last operation.
Insert Link.
Align left .
Align right.
Align Centre.
Indent Paragraph.
Ctrl + < (Ctrl + Shift + <)
Ctrl + > (Ctrl + Shift + >)
Ctrl + [
Ctrl + ]
Ctrl + S
Decrease font size.
Increase font size.
Decrease font size.
Increase font size.
Save the document.
MS Excel
It is a spreadsheet application.
 It has graphic tools, calculation support, pivot
tables, and a macro-programming language
called Visual Basic For Applications(VBA).
Terms used in Excel
Row Number
Column Letter
Cell Pointer
Current Cell
Range of Cells
Work Book
Data in Worksheet
Cell Referencing : Absolute/Relative/Mixed
Charts: Area/ Column/ Line/ Bar/ Pie
Some Excel Shortcuts
Ctrl + A
Select all components of page.
Ctrl + B
Bold highlighted section.
Ctrl + I
Italic highlighted section.
Ctrl + K
Insert Link.
Edit the selected cell.
Go to a specific cell.
Spell check selected text or document.
Create chart.
Ctrl + Shift + ; Enter current time.
Ctrl + ;
Enter current date.
Shift + F3
Open excel formula window.
Shift + F5
Open search box.
Ctrl + F6
Switch between open workbooks/window.
Ctrl + Page up Switch between excel worksheets in same document.
Alt + =
create formula to sum all above cells into the cell currently
Some Excel Shortcuts
Ctrl + 5
Ctrl + Arrow Key
Ctrl + Space
Shift + Space
Ctrl + F9
Ctrl + F10
Ctrl + ’
Ctrl + Tab
Ctrl +Shift + $
Strikethrough highlighted selection.
Move to next section of text.
Select entire column.
Select entire row.
Minimize current window
Maximize current window
Insert value of above cell into current cell.
Move between two or more open excel files.
Format number in currency format.
MS Powerpoint
It is the presentation graphics part of MS Office suite.
We can create various presentation materials like charts, graphics,
slides, handouts, overheads etc.
It can be used to create slide shows.
Some methods for creating new presentation are: Auto Content
Wizard, Design Templates, Sample Presentation and Blank Presentation.
File formats of powerpoint are: the 2003 default .ppt(presentation), .pps
(powerpoint show), .pot (template).
Custom animations can be used to create small story boards by animating
pictures to enter, exit or move.
Powerpoint presentations can consist of several pages or slides.
Common Operations
Apply a Template to a Presentation
 A template is a PowerPoint presentation that defines how your
text and slide background will look. A plain presentation is simply
black text on a white background.
Define Slide Transition and Animation
 Transition effects help define how a presentation move from one
slide to the next. Animation defines how you want your listed
information to come in and out of the presentation.
Edit the Slide Master or Individual Slides
 The Slide Master in a template is a slide that controls the
formatting, text, and objects that appear on every slide in your
Some Powerpoint Shortcuts
Start the slide show from first slide.
Shift + F5
Shift + F7
Ctrl + F9
Start the slide show from current slide.
Check the spelling of text.
Thesaurus (suggest synonyms).
Minimize current window
MS Access
It is an RDBMS that combines Microsoft Jet Database Engine
with GUI and software development tools.
The Microsoft Jet Database Engine ( JET stands for Joint
Engine Technology), is a database engine on which
several Microsoft products have been built. A database engine is
the underlying component of a database.
It stores data in its own format, and can link or import data
from other Access databases.
A database is a tool for collecting and organizing information.
MS Access
In a RDBMS data is stored in the form of tables or relations. RDBMS is
a multi-table database, where tables are related to one other.
Each table has number of rows and columns.
Each column or field, represents a category
Each entry in a table is known as a row or a record.
MS Access is an RDBMS that enables us to manage relational database in
windows environment.
It enables us to enter, retrieve and modify/update data and also create
forms and reports.
Databases created in the Access 2007 format have the file extension
.accdb, and databases created in earlier Access formats have the file
extension .mdb
Database Objects
Tables: store data in form of rows and columns.
Queries: For viewing data from a table.
Forms: enable us to enter, view and modify in a table. Also known as
“data entry screens”.
Reports: generate reports based on tables and query results.
Data Access Page: they are web pages to view and work with
Macros: series of commands and functions that can be
executed when a task is needed to be performed.
Modules: Visual basic procedures and declarations stored as
one unit.
data from the Internet or an intranet, where data is stored in
an Access database. (no longer supported in MS Access 2007).
Some Access Shortcuts
Ctrl + N
Ctrl + O
Alt + F4
Ctrl + P
Open new DB.
Open existing DB.
Quit Access.
Open print dialog box for printing
current or selected object.
 P
open print dialog box from print
 S
open page setup dialog box from print
 C or Esc
cancel print preview or layout preview.
 F12 or Alt + F12 open Save As dialog box.
Ctrl + S or Shift + F12 or Alt + Shift + F2 : save a DB object.
F4 or Alt + Down Arrow : open a combo box
F9 :
refresh the contents of a lookup field, list
box or combo box.
Page Up:
move up one page.
Page Down: move down one page.
Up Arrow: move up one line.
exit the combo box or list box.
Ctrl + F:
Ctrl + H:
Shift + F4:
open find tab in Find and Replace dialog
open replace tab in Find and Replace
dialog box.
to find the next occurrence of the text
specified in Find and Replace dialog box
when the dialog box is closed.
Related Questions
In application software (MS Excel), there is …….
immediately below the title bar.
SBI PO 2010
Text area
Menu bar
Standard tool bar
Task bar
Ans: Menu bar
Just below the formatting bar, there is
Task bar
(2) Tool bar
(3) Formula bar
(4) Scroll bar
Ans: Formula bar
SBI PO 2010
“Comic Sans Ms” is example of
SBI PO 2010
Font type
Font face
Font layout
Font structure
Font design
Ans: Font face
By ……., text can be made more attractive in different
colors, shapes and sizes.
SBI PO 2010
Word Art
Word art text box
Mail merge
None of these
Ans: Word Art
Telephone no, date of birth, name of customer are the
examples of
PNB PO 2010
None of these
Ans: Data
In which grouping, the formatting of text is done in
PNB PO 2010
Tables, Paragraphs and Indexes.
Paragraphs, Indexes and Sections.
Characters, Sections and Paragraphs.
Indexes, Characters and Tables.
None of these
Ans: Tables, Paragraphs and Indexes.
The item cut during cutting and pasting process is stored
temporarily in
PNB PO 2010
Hard Drive
Ans: Clipboard
Data Communication and Network
Signals: electric or electromagnetic encoding of data.
Signaling: propagation of signal along suitable medium.
Transmission: communication of data achieved by
propagation and processing of signals.
Parallel data transmission: each wire carries a bit of
Series data transmission: bits are sent sequentially.
(slower as compared to parallel transmission)
Synchronous transmission: characters are
transmitted as groups, with control characters in
beginning and end of data stream.
Asynchronous transmission: each char is
transmitted separately.
Modes of Communication:
◦ Simplex
◦ Half duplex
◦ Full duplex.
Types of Computer Network:
◦ LAN (Local Area Network) eg: nw in a building
◦ MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) eg: nw
connecting branches in different cities.
◦ WAN ( Wide Area Network) eg: internet.
Topology: physical layout of a network.
Mesh Topology
Bus Topology
Star Topology
Tree Topology: combination of Bus and Star topology.
It is a global interconnection of systems, linked together by
various means.
For communication to be possible an addressing mechanism
and safe means of moving data is required
The rules governing the sending and receiving data are
implemented in TCP and IP protocols.
TCP divides data stream into small packets.
Internet Protocol puts addressing information on these
IP Address: is a 4 byte (32 bit) number that represents a logical
address of a host.
IP Versions
◦ IPv4 eg:
◦ IPv6 eg: 2001:db8:0:1234:0:567:8:1 (128 bits or 16 bytes)
Hosts: individual systems/machines at particular location.
Domain is a general category that a computer on internet
Domain names serve as humanly-memorable names for
Domain Name Service(DNS): resolves queries for
belongs to.
Internet participants, like computers, networks, and services.
domain names into IP Addresses for the purpose of locating
computer services and devices worldwide.
E- Mail: used for sending electronic messages.
SMTP (Simple mail Transfer Protocol): is
an Internet standard for e-mail transmission
across Internet Protocol (IP) networks.
Use net and news groups are set up by people for
sharing common interests.
Usenet is a worldwide distributed internet discussion
Telnet: is a program runs on your computer and
connects your PC to a server on the network. Telnet is a
common way to remotely control web servers.
Gopher protocol displays set of resources on Internet in the
form of menus or list of items.
World Wide Web (WWW): is a system of interlinked
hypertext documents accessed via the internet.
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): is the main
international standardization organization for development of
standards for the world wide web.
Hyper Text Markup Language(HTML): it is a tag based
language that is used to create web pages.
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML): is
an ISO-standard technology for defining generalized markup
languages for documents. HTML, XHTML and XML are all
examples of SGML-based languages.
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP): used to manage
transfer of HTML documents.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL): is a way to avail resources
on internet.
Browser: is an application program which is used to explore
internet resources.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP): is a standard network protocol
used to transfer files from one host to another host over a TCPbased network.
Modem (Modulator-Demodulator): enables a computer to
transmit data over telephone line.
Wide Area Information Service (WAIS) : is a clientserver text searching system that is used to search index databases
or libraries on remote computers.
Mosaic is the web browser credited with popularizing the WWW.
developed at the National Centre for Supercomputing
Applications (NCSA). It gives access to internet resources by using
GUI allowing users to navigate through documents.
Information Technology
IT refers to the branch of engineering
that deals with manipulation, storage,
retrieval and transmission(sharing) of
 It includes both hardware and software.
 IT now plays a major role in our day-today activities, and has automated various
tasks which were earlier done manually.
Computer Virus
A computer virus is a malicious program that can
copy itself and infect various systems.
It spreads from one computer to another via
network or internet, or through a removable media
such as floppy disc, CD, DVD, USB drives etc.
Some of the most popular viruses that came into light
so far are:
I Love You (2000)
Code Red (2001)
Nimada (2001)
Melissa (1999)
Sasser (2004)
Malware, short for malicious software, is software to help
hackers disrupt users computer operation, gather sensitive
information, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system.
Malware includes computer viruses, worms, trojan
horses, spyware, adware, and other malicious programs.
Antivirus Software can be used as preventive measure from
viruses. They can destroy or remove viruses by finding them.
Back up of data on other mediums can negate the losses incurred
if data gets misplaced.
Some Antivirus software are:
Symantec Norton Antivirus
Kaspersky Antivirus
McAfee Antivirus
Panda Security
Trend Micro
Related Questions
What is the full form of PPP?
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Power to Process Point
Point to Point Protocol
Point to Power Protocol
Protocol for Powerpoint
None of these
Ans: Point to Point Protocol
In HTML, which tag is used to give background color?
SBI PO 2010
<Bg colour>
Ans: <Bg colour>
To hyperlink on web page through HTML which tag is used?
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<a href>
Ans: <a href>
…. Is a folder where virus suspected files are kept.
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Junk Mail
Spam Mail
Both 1 and 2
Virus affected folder
Ans: both 1 and 2
…. does work related to exchange of data between the computers .
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Sound Card
Network Card
Expansion Slot
None of these.
Ans: Modem
Which tag is used to invoke form from HTML language?
SBI PO 2010
<Form method post>
<Form invoke>
<Form>< invoke>
None of these
Ans: <Form method post>