- The Synaptic Trust

Year 3: What did the Ancient Greeks ever do for us?
KS2 History: A study of Greek life and achievements and their
influence on the western
KS2 Geography: understand geographical similarities and
differences through the study of human and physical
geography of a region or area in a European country;
WOW: Visit from a Greek warrior, dressed suitably with
expectation that children already have questions
ready of him.
Where is Greece and why do so many people
enjoy going on holiday there?
What is a myth and a legend?
What was so special about the Greek Gods?
Would you have enjoyed being an Olympian?
What is the link between an Ancient Greek
and pupil voice?
What did we learn from the Ancient Greeks in
terms of art, music and culture?
Reflection: Children to put on a special Greek
evening for parents to include features of
ancient and modern Greece.
Wow: Pupils to have opportunities to
consider questions they would want to ask
a Greek warrior.
Literacy Link: LC3 presents opportunities for
children to find out information about one of
the Greek Gods.
LC5 provides opportunities for children to
debate issues and to understand more about
LC4 provides children with opportunities to
research about the Ancient Olympics and its
Numeracy Link: Opportunities in LC1 for children
to carry out surveys and to present information
in data and statistical forms.
Creative Art Link: The children should research
how the Greeks made clay pots and use
techniques such as coiling to make their own
and decorate them accordingly.
© Focus Education 2013
and the
Year 3: What did the Ancient Greeks ever do for us?
Year 2: History, Geography and Art
Can they describe events and periods using the words: BC, AD and decade?
Can they describe events from the past using dates when things happened?
Can they describe events and periods using the words: ancient and century?
Can they use a timeline within a specific time in history to set out the order things may
have happened?
Can they use their mathematical knowledge to work out how long ago events would
have happened?
Do they realise that invaders in the past would have fought fiercely, using hand to
hand combat?
Can they suggest why certain events happened as they did in history?
Can they suggest why certain people acted as they did in history?
Do they recognise the part that archaeologists have had in helping us understand
more about what happened in the past?
Can they use various sources of evidence to answer questions?
Can they use various sources to piece together information about a period in history?
Can they research a specific event from the past ?
Can they use their ‘information finding’ skills in writing to help them write about
historical information?
Can they through research identify similarities and differences between given periods
in history?
Year 1 (Challenging)
Can they set out on a timeline, within a given period, what special events took
Can they appreciate that war/s would inevitably have brought much distress and
Do they have an appreciation that wars start for specific reasons and can last for a
very long time?
Do they appreciate that invaders were often away from their homes for very long
periods and would have been ‘homesick’?
Can they begin to use more than one source of information to bring together a
conclusion about an historical event?
Can they use specific search engines on the Internet to help them find information
more rapidly?
Do they use correct
geographical words to
describe a place and the
things that happen there?
Can they confidently
describe physical features
in a locality?
Can they locate the
Mediterranean and
explain why it is a popular
holiday destination?
Can they explain how the
lives of people living in the
Mediterranean would be
different from their own?
Can they name a number
of countries in the
Northern Hemisphere?
Can they name and
locate some well-known
European countries?
Can they name and
locate the capital cities of
neighbouring European
Are they aware of
different weather in
different parts of the
world, especially Europe?
Do they experiment with and
combine materials and
processes to design and
make 3D form?
Can they begin to sculpt clay
and other mouldable
Year 3: What did the Ancient Greeks ever do for us?
LC1 Where is Greece and why do so many people
enjoy going on holiday there?
LC2 What is a myth and a legend?
This Learning Challenge will start with a visit to the
British Museum to learn about the Ancient Greeks.
After this they will receive a visit from a Greek warrior.
They will then focus on the geographical elements
associated with Greece.
They will carry out weather surveys and recognise
how the climate contrasts in comparison to the UK.
They will also find out about why Greece is a popular
holiday destination. They will also look at typical
Greek food and later will attempt to prepare some
as part of the reflection week.
This will be an opportunity for pupils to learn about
the Greek myths and about many of the characters.
Pupils will study specific myths and summarise the
Focus on the book Theseus and the Minotaur by
Percy Jackson.
LC3 What was so special about the Greek Gods?
LC4 Would you have enjoyed being an Olympian?
Pupils will create fact files on different Gods.
Focus on the book ‘Men and Gods’ by Rex Warner.
The focus is very much on the ancient and modern
Olympics. Pupils will contrast the London Olympics of
2012 with a typical Ancient Greek Olympics.
They will find out more about the events that were
central to the Greek Olympics. They will also find out
about the history of the Marathon which has direct
links to the Ancient Olympics. This will culminate in
pupils having an Olympic day, where they will
compete across a range of events that they will
choose themselves.
© Focus Education 2014 for Forest
Year 3: What did the Ancient Greeks ever do
for us?
LC5: What is the link between an Ancient Greek and
pupil voice?
LC6 What did we learn from the Ancient Greeks in
terms of art, music and culture?
The pupils will focus on the term democracy and
recognise that much of what happens in many
countries across the world will have been influenced
by the Greek philosophers. Pupils will debate an issue
that is current to them using a ‘parliament’ style
process. They will view a short ‘real’ parliament
debate on television. They will also write to their
member of parliament and put to him/her a number
of issues they would like to considered in making life
better for young people.
This is an opportunity for pupils to research about
Greek culture, art and music. They will attempt to
create a Greek clay pot using the coiling method. In
addition they will look at the images created by
Greek artists and attempt to create their own based
on their ‘Olympic day’.
LC7 Reflection: Children to write and perform own
Greek myth for parents.
This reflection brings together everything the pupils
have learnt.
The reflection will be a performance of the Greek
myth for parents. This will include writing a playscript,
making costumes and props.
© Focus Education 2014 for Forest