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1. Explain the functions of an operating system
The purpose of an operating system is to organize and control hardware and software so that the de
1. It's the interface between you, the software you want to run and the hardware. The middle
man, so to speak
2. It performs basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the
display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral
devices such as disk drives and printers.
3. It provides a software platform on top of which other programs (i.e., application software) can
vice it lives in behaves in a flexible but predictable way
2. Type of Operating System
Microsoft Windows XP Professional, 32-bit
5.01.2600 Service Pack 3
Advantages of Microsoft Windows over Linux
Easy To Operate - Microsoft has made several advancements and changes that have
made it a much easier to use Operating System, and although arguably it may not be
the easiest Operating System, it is still Easier than Linux.
Software Availability - Because of the large amount of Microsoft Windows users, there
is a much larger selection of available software programs, utilities, and games for
Help - Microsoft Windows includes its own help section, has vast amount of available
online documentation and help, as well as books on each of the versions of Windows.
Compatibility - Because it’s backed by Microsoft, Windows typically has the jump on
Linux systems when it comes to compatibility with brand new hardware. This is because
Linux’s community of developers don’t usually have access to new hardware before it
comes out and Microsoft, with its powerful corporate backing, often does. So, Windows
tends to sync up better, and more conveniently, with brand new hardware on the
3explain how to install and configure operating system
Run Disk Defragmenter.
2. Disable any un needed start-up routines.
3. Delete temporary files & folders.
4. Use a good tweaking utility.
5. Remove old drivers.
6. Edit the Registry.
7. Scan for Viruses and Spyware often.
8. Partition hard disk
9. Increase memory
4.provide instructions to the user on using operating system recommend software for small
I recommend quick books for accounting software or Microsoft office.
FireFox $nil
The complete OpenOffice Suite$70.00
VLC Media Player free
Windows xp $280.00
Install and manage N/W protocols.
Network protocols is a set of rules that governs communications between computers on a
Open Network Connections by clicking the Start button
, clicking Control Panel, clicking
Network and Internet, clicking Network and Sharing Center, and then clicking Manage
network connections.
Right-click a local area connection, and then click Properties.
If you are prompted for an
administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
Click Install.
In the Select Network Feature Type dialog box, do one of the following:
To install a client, click Client, and then click Add.
To install a service, click Service, and then click Add.
To install a protocol, click Protocol, and then click Add.
In the dialog box that appears, select the item that you want to add, and then click OK.
To identify network protocols I would use network mapping.
Monitor & Manage Your Network
Manage Your IT Assets
Manage Changes & Configurations Inventory Your Network & PCs
Inventory Your Network & PCs
manage your it assets
Monitor & Manage Your Network Manage Your IT Assets
Map Your NetworkBETA
Audit Your Software
Troubleshoot Your Network
Run an IT Help Desk
Be an MSP
Talk to IT Pros Like You
Provide basic system admin.
1. Record security access
Create a new user on your system and do the following tasks
1.1 Obtain client access requirements and clearance according to organisational
1.2 Issue computer or network user account and password details to client
1.3 Provide security documentation and access to client
1.4 Record user account and security access details to maintain system integrity and
assist later auditing.
1. Step 1
Click the "Start" button. Select "Control Panel." Double click "User Accounts," and then click
"Create a New Account." Click "Next."
2. Step 2
Type the name for the new account and click 'Next."
3. Step 3
Pick the type of account. Computer administrators can view all files, alter all the computer
settings, make system-wide changes and add, delete or change user accounts. A limited
user can only modify the password for that user account, pick the desktop appearance, view
files created by that user or view files in the Shared Documents folder.
4. Step 4
Click "Create Account." The User Account screen will reappear. The new user account will
be listed on the list of accounts.
5. Step 5
Choose "Change an Account" under the "Pick a Task" menu to customize the new user
account. Select the new account when prompted to pick and account to change.
6. Step 6
Select the option to change. Options include password creation, user name change, picture
or icon change and account type change.
7. Step 7
Confirm any changes to the user account. When all changes have been completed, close
out of the "User Account" window by clicking the red box in the upper-right corner of the
screen. The new user account will appear when the computer restarts, or when the "Switch
User" command is activated at logoff.
2. Record software licences
Use a software audit program like Belarc Adviser to audit software and hardware and do
the following:
2.1 Determine what licensed software is used within the organisation
2.2 Maintain records of licence number and location, a database may be used for this
2.3 Check personal computers and network for illegal software
2.4 Report illegal software to appropriate person.I
Recommended security access system FAT32
I would back up with windows back up program or straight on to usb or
cd. Using the Windows interface
1. Open
The Backup Utility Wizard starts by default, unless it is disabled.
2. Click the Advanced Mode button in the Backup Utility Wizard.
3. Click the Backup tab, and then, on the Job menu, click New.
4. Specify the files and folders you want to back up by selecting the check box to the left of a file or
folder in Click to select the check box for any drive, folder, or file that you want to back up.
5. In Backup destination, do one of the following:
o Click File if you want to back up files and folders to a file. This is selected by default.
o Click a tape device if you want to back up files and folders to a tape.
6. In Backup media or file name, do one of the following:
o If you are backing up files and folders to a file, type a path and file name for the backup
(.bkf) file, or click the Browse button to find a file.
o If you are backing up files and folders to a tape, click the tape you want to use.
7. Specify any backup options you want, such as the backup type and the log file type, by clicking
the Tools menu, and then clicking Options. When you have finished specifying backup options,
click OK.
8. Click Start Backup, and then make any changes to the Backup Job Information dialog box.
9. If you want to set advanced backup options such as data verification or hardware compression,
click Advanced. When you have finished setting advanced backup options, click OK. For more
information about advanced backup options, see To set advanced backup options.
10. Click Start Backup to start the backup operation.
I would restore my system by using System restore
To supply security access controls by providing strong passwords and applying rites and restrictions
Use the Permissions list box to grant or deny access permissions.
Read is the only permission needed to run scripts. Execute permission doesn't matter.
Read access is required to access a shortcut and its target.
Giving a user permission to write to a file but not to delete it doesn't prevent the user
from deleting the file's contents. A user can still delete the contents.
If a user has full control over a folder, the user can delete files in the folder regardless of
the permission on the files.
To set permissions for files and folders, follow these steps:
1. In Windows Explorer, right-click the file or folder you want to work with.
2. From the pop-up menu, select Properties, and then in the Properties dialog box click the
Security tab, shown in Figure 13-12.
3. Users or groups that already have access to the file or folder are listed in the Name list
box. You can change permissions for these users and groups by doing the following:
Select the user or group you want to change.
Use the Permissions list box to grant or deny access permissions.
Look In This drop-down list box allows you to access account names from other
domains. Click Look In to see a list of the current domain, trusted domains, and
other resources that you can access. Select Entire Directory to view all the
account names in the folder.
Name This column shows the available accounts of the currently selected domain
or resource.
Add This button adds selected names to the selection list.
Check Names This button validates the user, contact, and group names entered
into the selection list. This is useful if you type names in manually and want to
make sure they're available.
Look In This drop-down list box allows you to access account names from other
domains. Click Look In to see a list of the current domain, trusted domains, and
other resources that you can access. Select Entire Directory to view all the
account names in the folder.
Name This column shows the available accounts of the currently selected domain
or resource.
Add This button adds selected names to the selection list.
Check Names This button validates the user, contact, and group names entered
into the selection list. This is useful if you type names in manually and want to
make sure they're available.
Provide N/W system administration
I would provide access and security by using a anti virus program like
How McAfee makes this possible:
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against today’s threats
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unknown threats
New technology is able to recognize unknown viruses,
stopping new threats instantly
How McAfee makes this possible:
Freely surf, search, and browse the web
McAfee SiteAdvisor® (UNIQUE) technology indicates
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color codes
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performance (UPGRADED)
Shop, bank, and trade online more securely
Identity theft protection, anti-phishing, and SiteAdvisor
software all help keep your identity safe
Let your children go online safely
Parental controls allow you to limit where and when your
kids go online
Know when someone connects to your
home network
Network Monitor (NEW) detects new devices and alerts you
when they connect to the home network
Safely search or click on links from
Site Advisor Plus software (UNIQUE) identifies and prevents
friends,knowing your PC won’t be exposed you from clicking on harmful website links in your browser,
to viruses or threats
email, or instant messages
Use your laptop for longer while you’re on New battery mode decreases power consumption by
the go
deferring power hungry scans until your PC is plugged in
Protect all of the PCs in your home
Online account management lets you easily add other PCs
to your subscription
Get the maximum performance from your
QuickClean safely removes junk files that slow your PC and
take up space on your hard drive
Configure and administer network operating system
I would protect information and the computer system by sharing only specific folders and privatise
personal folders.setting access permissions as read or writeby allocating passwords for different users.