here -

Earning a PhD in Language and
PhD Overview for newly admitted
doctoral students
Dr. Peggy Albers,
Professor, Language and
Literacy; arts-based
literacy, visual discourse
analysis, children’s
Shae O’Neill,
Doctoral student, Doctoral student,
Language and
Ryan Boylan, foreign
language and culture
Dr. Dru Tomlin,
middle school
education; leadership
and literacy
Janelle Gardner,
Doctoral student,
Black women in
the academy
India Fraser,
Kamania Wynter- Hoyte, Christi L. Pace,
Doctoral candidate,
literacy, religion and
• Getting Involved
• Program of Study/
Residency Plan
• PreQuals
• Balancing Teaching and
• Comprehensive Exams
• Prospectus
• Dissertation
• Advisor-Advisee Relations
• Q&A
• Kelli Sowerbrower
• Ryan Boylan, Janelle
Gardner, Shae O’Neill
• Christi Pace
• India Fraser
• Dr. Dru Tomlin
• Kamania Wynter-Hoyte
• Peggy Albers
Getting Involved
What this journey can look like in pictures…
Presented by Kelli Sowerbrower
Chicago and Vegas
and San Fran
Writing, Reading,
and Survival Cohort
In The Beginning…
Starting Your Doctoral Studies
The Program of Study and
Residency Plan
Presented by Ryan Boylan
Developing a Course of Study
The Program of Study Sheet is in place to help you along the
way. It is, in fact, your best non-human friend!
The path you choose is largely up to you. Most of the classes
you will take are choices among several options.
Tip: Choose what you think will interest you and base your
next course selection off of that choice.
Program of Study
Tip: Don’t be afraid to change your mind
about something during your program.
Example: Qualitative versus quantitative
Program of Study
While most of the coursework is either planned
out for you or choices among options, the
major work is the most specialized area for
Tip: Take a semester or two of required
research or major area courses first. Then see
where you are in your thought process and
plan the rest of your courses from there.
What is a PoS?
Janelle Gardner
• See example in L&L Doctoral Handbook
• Comprised of both required and self-selected
coursework (66 hour min)
• Within your first 27 hours as a PhD student…
– Plan Program of Study (PoS)
– Select doctoral advisory committee
– Meet with Chair, complete & file a copy with Office of
Academic Assistance (OAA)
• FYI…
register minimum of 6 hours
After comps, enroll for min. of 3 hours
remain actively enrolled to graduate
Maintain 3.5 cumulative GPA
5 Areas of Coursework (66 hour min)
Required Research (12 Hours): (Develop Research paradigm competence)
Required Prerequisite: EPRS 7900, Methods of Research in Education or
Required: EPRS 8530, Educational Statistics I
Research Track Course:
Research Track Course:
Research Track Course:
Social Foundations & Psychology of Learning Core (6 hours):
Choose from required coursework
To understand historical, social, political, psychological, & economic factors
currently influencing education
Dissertation (9 hour min.):
EDCI 9900-after comps
PoS Cont’d
Major Area (21 hours) + Extra 8310
EDCI 9660: Graduate Teaching and Research Internships (GTA & GRA non-paid)
EDCI 9850: Research Seminar (to write prospectus) (repeatable) (P/F)
EDCI 9900: Critique of Educational Research - current research and theories with
potential to inform research and practice in L& L education
EDRD 8310: Theoretical Models & Processes of Literacy Learning (Reading, Writing, &
Language) Note: Think Comps
3 Electives
EDRD 9870: Writing Support Seminar * 3 =
Develops new knowledge about teaching and learning in L&L education
Cognate (18 hours)
EDCI 8970: Seminar in Teaching and Learning (Take early & repeatable)
5 Electives that extend L&L education knowledge beyond major and help shape
dissertation research focus
Residency Plan
While this looks intimidating and
overwhelming, it is an ongoing process
which takes care of itself in many ways.
Residency Plan
There a four facets:
1. Research – doing research, presenting at
conferences, etc.
2. Teaching – teaching courses at the
university level, participating in webinars
like this one
3. Service/outreach – working within the
4. Professional Development –
expanding/improving your knowledge
and that of other students
Residency Plan
Places to get this information:
1. Advisor
2. Emails from professors
Residency Plan
• Monishae O’Neill (Shae)
• Entered program a long time ago!
• Currently Employed at The College
• Former Literacy Director – 5 years
• Former Teacher – 8 years
• Studied at Spelman College & NYU
• GRA/GTA positions
• Focus Areas: socio-linguistics,
standards-based literacy instruction
& social foundations
Program Standard: Professional
Identity/Service to the Profession
Residency Requirements
Teaching experience: teaching internship
(pre-service, in-service, college students)
Attendance at national conference(s)
Collect & analyze data: research internship
Experience writing/submitting manuscripts
for publication
Presentations: local or state conferences
Writing group participation: beginning,
middle, end of coursework
Presentations: national or international
Service experience: unit, department,
university, and/or local, state, or national
professional organizations
Professional organization(s) membership
Technology usage
Track Residency Requirements
*Keep Your Curriculum Vitae Current*
• Teaching/research
internships: name of course,
professor, dates
• Names of conferences, dates,
– Presentations
– Attendance
• Professional organization
membership information
• Manuscript submission
information, name of
submission/publication dates
• Dates writing group
• Artifacts to document service
– Agendas
– Emails
– Photographs
• Global Conversations in Literacy Research
• Alpha Upsilon Alpha Honor Society (IRA)
• LL Doctoral Students List Serv
Internship opportunities
Presentation opportunities
Conference information
Manuscript opportunities
Volunteer opportunities
• Editorial Teams
• Proposal Reviews
Pre-Qualifying Phase
Christi Pace
Georgia State University. (2008-2010). PhD in teaching and learning: Language and literacy education guidebook
[MSIT web page]. Retrieved from
• Annotated Discussion &
Reflection of Program
• Revised Course Paper
• Action Plan
• Program of Study
- Residency Update
- Program Update
- Program of Study Form
• Updated CV
Identify key learning from each
course; Annotated APA bibliography
of key course readings;
Rework a course paper using
instructor feedback
Reflect on strengths/ weaknesses;
formulate intent for major and
File “Program of Study” form with
committee signatures
Add presentations, grants, service,
GRAs/GTAs, etc.
Tips for Success
• Don’t Wait! Continually update Residency Plan,
Program Update, and CV
• Use Endnote or Zotero from the beginning- free
download accessible from GSU library web page
• Get Organized- keep copies of course readings,
separated by course title; keep all syllabi
• Ask Questions of your advisor, other students,
during PAW
Balancing Teaching and Learning
Presenter: India Fraser
Top ten tips to help balance teaching
and learning
10. Form partnerships/cohorts/study groups (w.s.n.h.)
9. Record all important dates (in more than one place) including in your
S.O.’s datebook (insert your own electronic device here).
8. Meet with your advisor frequently. Be honest. Don’t be afraid to ask
stupid questions.
7. Inform school administrators and professors when scheduling conflicts
arise. Evenly distribute time and resources.
6. Plan for the long term, but focus just a few feet ahead.
Top ten tips to help balance teaching
and learning
5. Make time for academic
4. Do something social even when you feel like
you don’t have time.
3. Actually use your planning time to plan.
2. Learn to say no. . . and
1. Don’t look back!
Oh the Places You’ll Go excerpt
read aloud on…
Preparing for & Passing
Your Comprehensive
Dru Tomlin
June 3, 2013
411 about Each Part of the Comps Sandwich!
Due Date
Submit to
a. Memo of Intent
Semester before taking your comps
Your major advisor
b. Written Exam
(deciding on your
question areas)
Semester before writing your exam
Major Advisor and
committee members
Key questions, thoughts, concerns:
Have you finished your coursework (or almost all of it) to the point where you
have a solid sense of your key educational areas?
Have you kept easily accessible files of your course readings, articles,
presentations and papers that you’ve written?
Key people: advisor, other students at the same stage, friends, family, and work.
You must be able to write about:
a) Research & theory in your cognate area
b) Research methodologies (quant, qual and mixed methods)
c) Research & theory in 2 major fields of Language & Literacy:
• Reading (teaching, learning, development, curriculum)
• Writing (teaching, learning, development, curriculum)
• Literature and/or Media (teaching, learning, response, curriculum)
• First/Second language issues (teaching, learning, development,
More 411 about Each Part of the Comps Sandwich!
Due Date
Submit to
c. Writing your
10 days after you get them (except your research
methodologies question, which you will get in EDCI 9900).
Due date typically coincides with 1st day of PAW.
Your committee
d. Manuscript
for publication
During PAW week
Your committee
Key questions, thoughts, concerns:
1. Have you chosen the major fields with which you are the most comfy?
2. How well do you know the historical aspects, the key people, and the current trends of your
major field choices? How much refresher work will you need?
3. Do you have many, varied, and easily accessible resources to write your answers? Are they
organized and how?
4. Writing: How will you write your perspective into your answers? APA style?
5. How are you going to plan out your life for the 10 days that you have to write your answers?
6. Have you already submitted to a journal for publication? Do you have the emails, etc.?
7. If you haven’t already submitted something for publication, what journals interest you (and
possibly your committee, too)? Do you know their guidelines for submitting an article?
8. Do you have papers that could be revised as articles for submission? Does your possible
article “represent you as a literacy scholar”?
More 411 about Each Part of the Comps Sandwich!
Due Date
Submit to
e. Syllabus for mock course
During PAW week
Your committee members
f. Orals
2 to 3 weeks following PAW (TBD
by you & your advisor)
Your committee members
Key questions, thoughts, concerns:
1. What courses/subjects have you taken at GSU that have really excited and engaged you
intellectually, emotionally, etc. –in both your major field and your cognate?
2. What elements of those courses/subjects (assignments, classwork, readings) did you really
enjoy –and what elements didn’t you enjoy? What could have made them even better?
3. What articles, books, other readings & theories did you enjoy and how do they all relate?
4. Do you know the different elements for a syllabus at GSU?
5. How well do you know your own work –as well as the journey that got you there?
6. Can you just talk about your answers –and expand upon them to show that you can go
beyond the page?
7. Are you prepared to defend your answers –especially if there are aspects that are missing?
8. Do you have someone with which you can practice this part?
9. Are you prepared if you have to rewrite a section?
Kamania Wynter-Hoyte
Georgia State University
June 3, 2013
What is a Prospectus?
First 3 Chapters of Dissertation:
Introduction (What you are studying?)
Literature Review (Why is the topic
Methodology (How are you going to do
How to prepare?
EDCI 9850 (repeatable)
Four Committee Members
Extensive Writing Process
Prospectus Defense Announcement
Advisor’s Signature
Department Chair’s Signature (7 days
to read)
Office of Academic Assistance (12
Business days prior to defense date)
Dr. Dru Tomlin at hooding
ceremony this past May
• After successful
defense of prospectus,
student has earned
“candidacy” and begins
to work on their
focal research study
• Can take between 1-2
• Must work closely with
advisor to develop
ideas, questions,
format, and final
How to be Proactive in Your Learning:
Strategies for Success
• Advisee
• Advisor
– Ensure that program of study is
discussed at least once a year;
– Ask advisor to respond to your
queries within 2 days
– Invite advisees to participate in
studies; make sure that roles are
defined and authorship is
– Be gentle but firm; challenge
students to think deeply
– Contact advisees when they fall
off the radar (this may be once
or twice; then it’s up to the
– Ensure that advisees are working
towards their goals
– Ensure that an updated program of
study is submitted annually; discuss it
with your advisor
– Let your advisor know what you are up
to (publishing, presenting, service, etc.)
– Ask for support when you need it;
– Attend doctoral webinars and
mentoring sessions
– Always stay on the radar; respond to
your advisor when s/he contacts you
– ALWAYS give advisors at least two
weeks to read your work
– ALWAYS attend PAW (Professional
Advising Week); this ensures contact
with advisor
– Volunteer when faculty ask for service
Doctoral Flowchart
• Guides the paper/work you
need to complete and
• Always check for changes in
this flowchart
• Keep a 3-ring binder for
doctoral work and
paperwork organized:
Research, Teaching,
Service/ Outreach,
Professional Development
• File all paperwork in this
binder; keep all forms in
this binder
• Conversations in Doctoral
• 3-4 times per semester
• Topics of interest presented
by senior students often to
newly admitted students
• Please send areas of
interest to Dr. Albers
• Global Conversations in
Literacy Research
• 7 online open access web
seminars featuring leading
literacy researchers
• Part of residency plan
• Offers doctoral students
opportunity to host sessions
Dr. Peggy Albers,
Professor, Language and
Literacy; arts-based
literacy, visual discourse
analysis, children’s
Shae O’Neill,
Doctoral student, Doctoral student,
Language and
Ryan Boylan, foreign
language and culture
Dr. Dru Tomlin,
middle school
education; leadership
and literacy
Janelle Gardner,
Doctoral student,
Black women in
the academy
India Fraser,
Kamania Wynter- Hoyte, Christi L. Pace,
Doctoral candidate,
literacy, religion and