Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development EASTERN AFRICA POLICY CENTRE Caravan Of Liberty Kenya- Project EAPC Alex Njeru & Mike Rotich 2013 N A I R O BPage I - 1K E N Y A Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development Table of Contents Executive Summary ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 List Of Abbreviations ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 Background ................................................................................................................................................... 5 Eastern Africa Policy Centre .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Mission Statement ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Vision Statement ………………………………………………………………………….......................... 5 Background of Founders………………………………………………………………………………….. 5 Core Values ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 Justification ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Project Plan ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….......9 Target Group ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 9 Project Objectives ………………………………………………………………………………………… 9 Activities ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10 Summary of Key Objectives …………………………………………………………………………….. 10 Project Execution …………………………………………………………………………………………11 Monitoring & Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………………… 14 Project Closure ……………………………………………………………………………………………15 Annexes ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12 Annex 1 Budget ………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 Annex 2: Calendar & Time Matrix …..………………………………………………………………….. 12 Annex 3: Training & Outreach Manual ……………………………………………………………… ….13 Annex 4 Request for Technical Assistance ……………………………………………………………….14 CoLK Project Plan Page 2 Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development Executive Summary Kenya and by extension the entire Eastern Africa Region has seen very little extension of libertarian ideas. As a consequence; individuals, civil societies and institutions are generally averse to the ideas of libertarianism, most notably free trade, respect for property rights, and respect for individual civil and political freedoms. This in itself has enfeebled and slowed down the pace of social, economic and political development in the country. Historically Kenya comes from an environment of over-veneration of state led, socialist ideology in academic, social, political and economic discourse. The environment and pre-conditions for growth of libertarian culture is present though in the Country as the country posses a vibrant civic culture. The time to introduce and accelerate the adoption of libertarian ideas, and their critical importance as an anchor of national development is now, as the country seeks veritable ideas, principles and practices to guide achievement of the Vision 2030 blue print of national development. This ripe opportunity for change in is what inspires the Eastern Africa Policy Centre to be at the centre of efforts to bring freedom and liberty home and ultimately informs the organizations, maiden project, the Caravan of Liberty Kenya (CoLK). CoLK as a maiden project, seeks to extend; information and ideas about libertarian ideology and practice in Institutions of higher learning in the country. The project hopes to carry the torch of liberty to all the regions of the country and hopes that, that the project will create a new node of libertarian enlightenment in the country and the region. CoLK Project Plan Page 3 Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development List of Abbreviations COLK – Caravan OF Liberty-Kenya PM – Project Manager PV – Project Volunteer M & E- Monitoring and Evaluation TBD – To Be Determined CoLK Project Plan Page 4 Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development 1.0 Background 1.1 Institutional Background The Eastern Africa and Horn of Africa region is a geographical region with; Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea and Djibouti. The institute hopes to introduce, promote and disseminate the Free Market ideas, and Libertarian angles to policy making in the region. The institute hopes and feels it is the neigh time to introduce and Libertarianism and Free Market ideas to the region due to an ideological and policy fatigue occasioned by the ubiquity of socialism and overdeveloped states in the region. Indeed the policy makers have little manoeuvre as socialism is the guide and pillar of all policy making decision in the region. The immediate goal of the institute is to educate, promote and have debate on and around the importance of; individual liberty and Free Market ideas to sustainable socio-economic development within the region. 1.2 Vision Statement To be a premier Centre for: Free-Market oriented and Liberal policy analysis, education and reform in Eastern Africa. 1.3 Mission Statement Be a proactive tool for goal and development oriented policy reform and provide governments, organizations and individuals with evidence based policy alternatives 1.4 Background of Founders 1.4.1 Alex N. Njeru Alex n. Njeru is a Graduate of Maseno University-Kenya with a Bachelor of Arts (Development Studies) with I.T. Alex discovered and was inducted into libertarianism by accident when he won 1st prize in the 2010 AfricanLibery.org essay competition, where he tackled the question; is the free market alien to Africa’s development. At the time Alex believed as much in socialism as other young scholars in Kenya who involuntarily had to undergo through education punctuated with loads of socialist ideas. Empirical CoLK Project Plan Page 5 Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development economic history evidence gathered during his essay writing revealed a vibrant free market tradition in Africa unbeknown to him before. Since then Alex has become an ardent advocate for liberty, and policy in a region suffering from chronic state-ism and neo-Marxist prevalence in policy making. He has used various for a as an outlet to libertarian ideas and alternative policy choices. Alex has been associate editor of AfricanLiberty.org and is in the Voice of Liberty Africa (VOLA) project. He is passionate and hopes to become one of the few emerging thought leaders in the continent that will help countries and regions establish market based solutions that will see them have a panacea for chronic underdevelopment and poverty. 1.4.2 Mike Rotich I pursued a Bachelor of Business Management & IT (BBMIT). It was in University that was the first time I came into contact with the work of the French economist Frederic Bastiat. New Opportunities and Knowledge Then there was a fascinating turn of events in 2010 when I wrote to Dr. Tom Palmer of Atlas Network expressing my interest in doing Libertarian work. He Introduced me to Adedayo Thomas of Africanliberty.com and Franklin Cudjoe of IMANI in Ghana. This was the first time I was getting involved myself in a network of libertarian outside Kenya. Earlier, I had several chances to write and present papers in, four consecutive African Resource Bank Meeting (ARB).I was tasked with recommending Ten Young libertarians who were to Attend Students and Young Professionals African Leadership Academy (SYPALA) in University of Dodoma in the August of 2010. SYPALA offered me insights into the libertarian world. An introductory reading of Johan Norberg’s 'In defense of Global Capitalism' taught me that globalization is happening and we should welcome it. We are seeing a lot of an upsurge of trade in Africa, amongst Africans, after a long isolation from each other due to protectionism, nationalism and misunderstanding. In Defense of Global Capitalism showed me how governments are doing to us not just for us. I have actively participated in libertarian outreach mission in Kenya together with my mentor and great teacher Adedayo Thomas of Africanliberty.org CoLK Project Plan Page 6 Eastern Africa Policy Centre 1.5 Core Values Freedom & Development The axis of our work revolves around these key values; Freedom Peace Objectivism Innovation Distinctiveness CoLK Project Plan Page 7 Eastern Africa Policy Centre 2.0 Project Justification Freedom & Development The Developing world and more so Africa are most certainly the newest and ripest frontiers for the development and expansion of freedom in the world. It is paramount that institutions and more so thinktanks must develop and capacity and projects that will cultivate the adoption of a culture of freedom. Subsequentially the Eastern African Policy Institute has taken it upon itself to develop the culture and the culture of freedom through the Caravan of Liberty – Kenya project. CoLK Project addresses a felt need to promote the ideas of liberty in general in a country underserved by the same. Kenya’s political, social and economic history has had its notable share of socialist and agitation and scholarship, not the same can be said however about the spread of libertarian ideas though. In the past scholars and civil society institutions have misconstrued the imperialism and neo-imperialism with capitalism. This misconstruction has led to campaigns aimed at pillorying free market institutions and the capitalism, consequentially over time a culture of abhoration of free market institutions, and entrepreneurs ahs entrenched itself within Kenyan society. Time is neigh for a cultural realignment that enables people to appreciate the importance and morality of; capitalism, markets and entrepreneurship in the country. Because Kenya has a fairly well developed civic culture, and her importance geo-strategic position, she can be use as a node for the spread libertarian culture with the East, Horn, and Great Lakes region of Africa. CoLK Project Plan Page 8 Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development 3.0 Project Plan and Design The project plan takes a cyclic design format. The project starts at the project conceptualization phase, to project planning, project execution, Monitoring and Evaluation and finally project closure. Each phase has its Fig 1. Project Plan Diagram 1. Project Conceptualization 4.Project Closure 4.M & E 2. Project Planning 3.Project Execution 3.1 Target Group The CoLK project targets; undergraduate, graduate, and diploma students, in universities, technical institutions and mid and top-level colleges in the Kenya. 3.2 Project Objectives CoLK project plans to achieve the following objectives; i. Increase the currency of libertarian scholarship in the country ii. Increase the availability of libertarian literature in the country iii. Establish libertarian student groups in the country CoLK Project Plan Page 9 Eastern Africa Policy Centre iv. Freedom & Development Increase the number of young professionals who identify with libertarianism in the country v. Promote the ideas of free trade and property rights to future policy makers. 3.3 Project Activities i. Carry out an outreach and seminars to select Kenyan Universities to extend knowledge on Property rights and their importance in development, University and tertiary institutions students should be aware of the economic benefits of ingenuity and their various fields of study. Various components of property rights ; physical property and intellectual property Processes of acquiring intellectual property rights Entrepreneurship, Train students on ; general rules, practices and principles of entrepreneurship Economic Liberty, Train students on the history and importance of economic liberty Address bureaucratic and tax constrains to trade Expound on the importance of unbridled capitalism to trade and economic stability Individual Liberty, Address the importance of individual liberty in unlocking societies’ development ii. Set-up ‘Library of Liberty’ Shelves in these Select Universities. iii. iv. Set up stand alone library of Liberty shelves, in major university libraries Establish Libertarian Students groups in these Universities. Fast track registration and formalization of such student groups Develop activity plans for this groups Strengthen the capacity of these groups and individuals in this groups Maintain Libertarian Discourse in this University and roll out to other Universities. Hold an Inter University Libertarian University Caucus to promote idea exchange 3.4 Summary of Key Objectives CoLK hopes to become the seed project of a sustained and inspired spread of libertarianism in the Kenya and the Wider Eastern Africa Region. CoLK Project Plan Page 10 Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development 4.0 Project Execution The Project shall be executed and closed within a stipulated project calendar, to facilitate the achievement of the envisioned goals and objectives, the following manuals have been developed; 4.1 Project Finance manual (a) Project Budget; the project budget shall be developed to ensure and observe; prudent and the most effective resource use plan. (b) General rules of accounting, financial accountability and financial fidelity shall be adhered to all times and phases of the project. (c) The Project Manager shall be in charge of keeping all ledgers related to the project. (d) Financial reports, reconciliation statements and ledger reports shall be sent to donor’s at stipulated times and intervals, and on request. 4.2 Project Personnel Plan The project shall utilize the following critical staff; (i) Project Manager; The roles of the Project Manager shall include but not limited to a) Be in charge of developing strategic guidance and leadership. b) Take lead in Project Planning and Management c) Be in charge of finance and administration d) Act as the project liaison officer e) Be in charge of logistical planning and execution f) Ensure strict guidelines with regard to Monitoring and evaluation reports are adhered to g) Provide supervisory role to other project staffers. h) Be in charge of Training and extension (ii) Assistant Project Officer/ Volunteer The role of the project officer shall include but not limited to; a) Assist Project Manager in project administration, planning and execution b) Take charge of external communication, with a huge emphasis on social media campaigns c) Assist in training and extension d) Assist in strategy development and planning CoLK Project Plan Page 11 Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development e) Assist in project reporting 4.3 Project Logistic Plan The project logistic plan shall follow the project calendar and timelines. 4.4 Project Communication Plan The Caravan of Liberty communication plan emphasizes; clear, concise and timely communication and information between and among; the project team, the project donor, project partners, partner institutions and other benefactors, The Project shall have a branding and marking plan that will have the following; a) The Eastern Africa Policy Centre logo b) A Project Catch Phrase c) Standardized colours The Project utilize the following media platforms a) Social Media platforms b) Traditional media c) Posters, fliers and banners 4.5 Project Reporting Plan The following reports shall be sent and shared with the donors and partners. a) All project progress reports b) Project Outreach reports c) Pictures and images and other media files of all projects activities d) A Monitoring and Evaluation template shall provide for standardized project reporting e) Best practice lessons shall be developed for posterity 4.6 Training manual The training manual shall encompass and include the following; a) Training manual developed and in use in other parts of the world b) Customized training manuals to suit local needs The following materials and formats shall generally be used for Outreach training a) Pamphlets CoLK Project Plan Page 12 Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development b) Books c) Compact Discs d) Multi-media files 4.7 Project Procurement manual The project team shall at all time adhere and endeavour to use procurement methods that are cost effective, legal, and that avoid bureaucratic bottlenecks. CoLK Project Plan Page 13 Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development 5.0 Monitoring and Evaluation a) The Project shall be executed and closed within a stipulated project calendar; b) A standardized approach is to be taken to training and outreaches in all outreach stations and visits c) Logs of participants and attendees to all site visits are to be kept, the log shall have the; name of the institution; name off attendee, faculty, email address, and cell phone number. d) The aim of every outreach and training will be to develop forward partnerships and linkages with institutions covered. In that regard the M & E template shall have the following information i. The Name of Institution ii. Number of Attendees iii. Duration of outreach engagements iv. Number of outreach Materials distributed v. Financial cost of the outreach vi. Partnerships developed vii. Lessons learned viii. Success stories CoLK Project Plan Page 14 Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development 6.0 Project Closure When the project closes an audit of the success and challenges and shall be taken. Best practices shall be recorded and lessons learnt for future projects and events. CoLK Project Plan Page 15 Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development Annexes 1 1. Budget Financial Resources Item Unit cost No. Branded t-shirts Branded wrist Bands Consumables & Stationery Projector Projector Screen Project Laptop Camcorder/Digicam Broadband modem plus subscription Project Printer Project Banner s Refreshments Transport Costs Communication Marketing Accommodation Allowances Project Team Allowance 2 Contingencies Website/ blog Totals 7 US$D 1 US$D 400 US$D 360 1000 1 Total Figures in US$D 2520 1000 400 Comments 650 US$D 200 US$D 750 US$D 800 US$D 200 US$D 1 1 1 1 1 650 200 750 800 200 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical 300 US$D 70 US$D 200 US$D 200 US$D 10 US$D 100 US$D 200 US$D 1 3 12 12 12 1 12 Outreaches 300 210 2400 2400 120 120 2400 Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical Critical but substitutable Critical Each @ 2700 8 Months 500 US$D 500 US$D 1 @ 700 Eight Months 11,200 Critical But Negotiable 1 1 500 500 24,270 Not critical/ Desirable Critical/ deferrable Substitutable & Reducible Not/ Critical Critical Totals CoLK Project Plan Page 16 Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development Annex 2: Request for Technical Assistance The Eastern African Policy Centre acquiesces, that the Caravan of Liberty Project will face challenges especially being that it is that it is the Institution’s maiden project and campaign. With that in mind EAPC acknowledges that it Technical Assistance from older, more experienced Libertarian institutions and individuals is of critical importance. Among the items that the EAPC is requesting are; i. Request for assistance and expertise in; establishing the institutional website assistance in establishing a credible social media campaign strategy Web space ii. Request for the following material hardware; Laptop Computers (new or pre-owned) LCD projectors Digital camera’s/ video recorders and other digital recording equipment Branded T-shirts and other campaign materials Training CDs and other equipment Books Training manuals I-Pads tablets iii. Request for Caravan of Liberty campaign attaché, The Eastern African Policy Centre would want to request for a staffer from established institutions in other parts of the world to help the institution; Build capacity and strengthen institutional structure Provide strategic advice on various issues Share experience on best practice and implementation Help with international institutions and personality liaison Give local staffers motivation Help in administrative organization CoLK Project Plan Page 17 Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development Annex 3 Monitoring and Evaluation Template Date Week 1: 19/08/2013 week 2: 26/08/2013 Activity Execution Planning: Send out Expressions of Interest Contact Liaisons Print brochures and tshirts Execution Planning Personnel Institution Venue Indicators PM & PV PM, PV & Benefactors EAPC EAPC TBD Logistics Plan deve Understand Trainin Number O Satisfaction Liaison dev Number O Satisfaction Liaison Link Number O Satisfaction Liaison Link Number Satisfaction Liaison Link Number Satisfaction Liaison Link Logistics Plan deve Week 3: 2/08/2013 Training Manual Familiarization PM & PV EAPC TBD Week 4: 13/08/2013 Outreach PM & PV Moi University TBD TBD TBD Week 5: 20/08/2013 Outreach PM & PV Kibabi University Week 6: /09/2013 Outreach PM & PV Maseno University Week 7: 27/09/2013 Week 9: 21/09/2013 Outreach PM & PV Kimathi University Kenya Methodist University South Western University College Outreach PM & PV Week 8: 4/10/2013 Outreach PM & PV Week 10: 01/11/2013 Outreach PM & PV Pwani University TBD Project Progress Reports PM & PV EAPC TBD Week 11: 08/11/2013 Project Break Project Break Project Break Project Break CoLK Project Plan TBD TBD TBD Number Satisfaction Liaison Link Number O Satisfaction Liaison Links develo Write the half yea Share experiences Develop Content o Track Successes an Page 18 Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development Project Break Week 12: Outreach and Training PM & PV Week 13: Outreach and Training PM & PV Laikipia University TBD Baraton University TBD Week 14: Outreach and Training PM & PV Week 15: Outreach and Training PM & PV TBD Day Star University United States International University Week 16: Outreach and Training PM & PV Week 17: Outreach and Training PM & PV Week 18: Outreach and Training PM & PV Mt. Kenya University Maasai Mara University Post Project Audit PM & PV EAPC TBD TBD TBD TBD Week 19: TBD Number Satisfaction Liaison Link Numbe Satisfaction Liaison Link Numbe Satisfaction Liaison Links develo Numbe Satisfaction Liaison Links develo Numbe Satisfaction Liaison Links develo Numbe Satisfaction Liaison Links develo Numbe Satisfaction Liaison Links develo Project Report Best Practice lesso Avenues and future Week 20: Project Closure CoLK Project Plan Page 19 Eastern Africa Policy Centre Freedom & Development CoLK Project Plan Page 20