Week 2 - Discussion 1 Style approach Michael Hargrave 8/6/2013 8:16:26 PM Under the style approach there are several studies from respected research facilities such as Ohio State, Michigan, and Blake and Mouton. When you boil down the two predominate leadership styles they basically all come to the same conclusion. Leaders are a mix of production oriented and people oriented tendencies. Some leader’s mange the production end of the business better than the people leaders do. While neither is considered bad in its own right, a superior leader needs to be strong in both tendencies. Blake and Mouton’s Leadership Grid uses a 9 square by 9 square grid that virtually any leader can fall into. A person who is 9 by 9 is a superior leader in both sets of the grid where a 1 by 1 would be poor with people and poor with the people they lead. Most leaders fall into one extreme or the other. People persons are more concerned with the interpersonal relationships where the production leader is concerned more with the task oriented approach of the business. The production leader is the get stuff done guy/gal where the people oriented leader is the relationship person. “Unlike many of the other approaches discussed in the book, the style approach is not a refined theory that provides a neatly organized set of prescriptions for effective leadership behavior. Rather the style approach provides a framework for assessing leadership in a broad way, as behavior with a task and relationship dimension.” (Northouse, P. pg. 83) Given that analysis of the style approach the style approach consists of assenting leaders in a way that while is scientific doesn’t appear to be at its core. Assessing leadership traits and grouping them into one dimension or the other and then combining them gives a pure picture of what the leader is at their core. The true team leader (9, 9) assembles all of the skills of a task master and a people person into one body. Giving leaders an honest assessment of where they are on the grid based on the perceptions of their peers is a powerful tool. Northouse, P. (2013). Leadership theory and practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA Respond RE: Style approach Instructor Smith Hello Micheal H. 8/9/2013 10:31:24 AM Well stated, "Assessing leadership traits and grouping them into one dimension or the other and then combining them gives a pure picture of what the leader is at their core. The true team leader (9, 9) assembles all of the skills of a task master and a people person into one body. Giving leaders an honest assessment of where they are on the grid based on the perceptions of their peers is a powerful tool." All the best, Dr. Mel Respond RE: Style approach Style Approach John Neal John Neal 8/9/2013 4:25:27 PM 8/7/2013 5:05:53 PM Week 2 - Discussion 1 Style Approach Explain the style approach and two general kinds of behaviors. What is the central purpose of the style approach? The style approach emphasizes the leaders’ behavior in regards to what they do and how they act. This also includes the actions of the leader towards their subordinates. The two kinds of behaviors which compose the style approach are task behaviors and relationship behaviors. Task behaviors help accomplish goals and objectives. Relationship behaviors help subordinates become comfortable with each other and the situation. Ultimately, the central purpose of the style approach is to describe how leaders combine these behaviors to influence the subordinates to reach a common goal (Northouse, 2013). The text discusses other approaches. However, the style approach provides a framework to assess leadership by telling leaders how they behave as well as the components of their behavior (Northouse, 2013). Leaders’ actions towards others occurs at both the task level and the relationship level. The style approach has several strengths and weaknesses. On a positive note, it broadened the scope of leadership to include characteristics of leaders rather than just their personal traits and characteristics. It is also supported by a number of studies. It underscores task and relationship behavior, and provides abroad type of conceptual map which is useful for understanding our own behaviors. On the negative side, researchers have not been able to associate task and relationship behaviors with outcomes such as morale, job satisfaction, and productivity. No research of the style approach have been able to determine a universal set of leadership behaviors that would consistently result in effective leadership (Northouse, 2013). Reference: Northouse, P. (2013). Leadership theory and practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Respond Week 2 Discussion 2 Robert Leighton 8/8/2013 12:09:16 PM Explain the style approach and two general kinds of behaviors. The style approach focuses exclusively on what leaders do and how they act. The style approach expanded the study of leadership to include the actions of leaders towards subordinates in various contexts. Researchers studying the style approach determined that leadership is composed of two general kinds of behaviors: task behaviors and relationship behaviors (Northouse, 2013, p. 75). What is the central purpose of the style approach? The style approach provides a framework for assessing leadership in a broad way, as behavior with a task and relationship dimensions. The style approach works not by telling leaders how to behave, but by describing the major components of their behavior (Northouse, 2013, p. 83). Northouse, P. (2013). Leadership theory and practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9781421974882. Respond RE: Week 2 Discussion 2 Robert Leighton Post 1 Week 2 Carolina Torres 8/8/2013 12:10:01 PM 8/8/2013 1:12:29 PM The difference between Style Approach and Trait approach is that the trait approach, according to Northouse emphasizes on the characteristic of the leader while the style approach focused on the behavior of the leader. Even though they are different they are both meant to get people to do what they need. The leader is going to tailor their behaviors to meet specific needs. If the leader is focused on completing a project then it is going to portray a task behavior approach, while if their focused on people, they while show a relationship approach. When a person is completing a project they will be focused on organizing employee schedules, creating a timeline, making sure they have the proper staffing and that their budget is appropriate, they are focused on the tasks. The other type of behavior occurs when the leader “approach subordinates with a strong human relations element. They take interest in workers as human beings, value their individuality; and give special attention to their personal needs” (Bowers & Seashore, 1996). In this case the manager that is going to start the project might take the employees for lunch, he might make sure their schedules are good because they have to pick up a kid from kindergarten, not necessary because of business needs. The “County–Club manager” has “low concern for task accomplishment coupled with a high concern for interpersonal relationships” (Northouse, 2013). This is the person that walks around the office socializing with people, while real work is accumulating at their desk, this is not an efficient type of management. On the other hand we have th Authority-Compliance Manager this person “ places heavy emphasis on task and job requirements and less emphasis on people except to the extent that people are tools for getting the job” (Northouse, 2013). Working for this type of person is difficult because they are so focus on the objective that tends to forget about the human element. Northouse, P. (2013). Leadership theory and practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Respond RE: Post 1 Instructor Smith Week 2 8/9/2013 10:34:17 AM Hello Carolina, Good us of examples to elaborate.. "The leader is going to tailor their behaviors to meet specific needs. If the leader is focused on completing a project then it is going to portray a task behavior approach, while if their focused on people, they while show a relationship approach. When a person is completing a project they will be focused on organizing employee schedules, creating a timeline, making sure they have the proper staffing and that their budget is appropriate, they are focused on the tasks". Keep up the good work, All the best, Dr. Mel Respond RE: Post 1 John Neal Week 2 Week 2 Matthias Burns 8/9/2013 4:14:08 PM 8/8/2013 1:51:33 PM The Two General kinds of behaviors are task behaviors and relationship behaviors. Task behavior is “task behaviors facilitate goal accomplishments; they help the group members to achieve their objectives”. (pg. 75) The other kind of behavior is the relationship behaviors. “Relationship behaviors help subordinate feel comfortable with themselves, with each other, situation in which they find themselves.” (pg. 75). The style approach emphasizes the behavior of the leader. The distinguishes it from the trait approach which emphasizes the personality characteristics of the leader, and the skills approach… the style focuses exclusively on what leaders do and how they act”(pg. 75). Northouse, P. (2013). Leadership theory and practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9781421974882. Respond Week 2, Discussion 1 Scott Richardson 8/8/2013 2:01:19 PM Explain the style approach and two general kinds of behaviors. The style approach focuses exclusively on what leaders do and how they act which distinguishes it from previous leadership styles we have studied, such as trait, and skills approach (Chapters two and three (Northouse, 2013 p75). The style approach expanded the study of leadership to include the actions of leaders towards subordinates in various contexts. This is interesting, especially to me because the way a leader acts in emergency services needs to be consistent. A paramedic, for example that is "attending" or managing the care of a patient should act act and direct the actions of the crew using the same demeanor and tone whether the call is a cardiac arrest or a broken arm. Several researchers studying the style approach determined that leadership is composed of two general kinds of behaviors: task behaviors and relationship behaviors (Northouse 2013, p. 75). What is the central purpose of the style approach? The style approach is not a refined theory that provides an organized way for leaders to act. This approach provides more of a framework for assessing leadership in a broad sense. It describes major components of how leaders act based on task and relationship behavior (Northouse 2013, p. 83). References Northouse, P. (2013). Leadership theory and practice (6th Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9781421974882. Respond RE: Week 2, Instructor Smith Discussion 1 8/9/2013 7:06:10 PM Hello Scott, Astute observation, "The style approach expanded the study of leadership to include the actions of leaders towards subordinates in various contexts. This is interesting, especially to me because the way a leader acts in emergency services needs to be consistent." Keep up the good work, All the best, Dr. Mel Respond RE: Week 2, Discussion 1 Discussion 1 Scott Richardson Heather Schultz 8/9/2013 11:46:31 PM 8/8/2013 3:16:53 PM The style approach refers to the behavior of the leader in his/her approach to either tasks, relationships or a measure of both. When the behavior is towards tasks, the leader assists to reach the ultimate goal. When the behavior is focused on relationships, the leader supports the subordinates to feeling comfortable within the work group and the task at hand. Most leaders using the stylistic approach use varying degrees of both categories of behaviors to make sure the final goal is met, which is the central purpose of this category of leadership approaches (Northhouse, 2013). Reference: Northouse, P.G. 2013. Leadership: theory and practice. Sixth Edition. SAGE Publications, Inc. Respond Style Approach Tammy Braswell 8/8/2013 4:37:19 PM Explain the style approach and two general kinds of behaviors. The style approach has been studied by many researchers; however, the studies done at Ohio State University, University of Michigan, and by Blake and Mounton (1964, 1978, 1985) are strongly representative of the ideas in this approach (Northouse, 2010, p. 76).The teachings in the text explain the style approach as “emphasizing the behavior of the leader” (Northouse, 2010, p. 75). The text list two kinds of behaviors: task behaviors and relationship behaviors (Northouse, 2010, p. 75). The leader that demonstrate “task behaviors facilitate goal accomplishment, helping group members achieve their objectives” and “relationship behaviors help subordinates feel comfortable with themselves, with each other, and with the situation in which they find themselves” (Northouse, 2010, p. 75). The style approach is used to describing how a leader may assign a task and build relationships. It can also be used to describe how a manager may delegate assignments to its teams and the actions of the leaders behavior. The style approach gives a leader the opportunity to learn about the style of leadership that most resembles who they are. The evaluation may be done through a questionnaire and scoring method to measure the framework of the leaders’ leadership capability to lead others. The style approach is intriguing because this is an opportunity for leaders to evaluate their leadership style approach in the two subdividing dimensions of task levels and relationship levels orientation in general. What is the central purpose of the style approach? The central purpose of the style approach is to explain how leaders combine these two kinds of behaviors of influence subordinates in their efforts to reach a goal (Northouse, 2010, p. 75). Northouse, P. (2010). Leadership theory and practice (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Saga Publications Respond RE: Style Approach Instructor Smith 8/9/2013 7:08:58 PM Hello Tammy, Well stated, "The style approach is intriguing because this is an opportunity for leaders to evaluate their leadership style approach in the two subdividing dimensions of task levels and relationship levels orientation in general." Good analysis and conclusion.. All the best, Dr. Mel Respond Week 2 Discussion 1 Michael Flores 8/8/2013 4:43:35 PM When it comes down to the different leadership styles, there are two that are critical. The first leadership style that comes in mind would be people-oriented leader. This leader is very good with leading people the right way and making the different ways a proper way of handling and managing people. The next leadership style is productionoriented which focuses more on the aspect of leading great products and wonderful results. Both leadership styles are very important in business because they both require a vast amount of knowledge when it comes to leading people. It is very important to analyze and see the different way leaders handle specific situations. Whether you are a leader, everyone must know and understand the importance of both leadership styles. Without the leadership style in effect, people will tend to become frustrated and required guidance and direction. Many of the different leadership styles have to understand and handle what is important as things tend to progress. Even leaders requires and assessment as well because they needs to empathize where their subordinates are coming from (Northouse, 2013). Northouse, P. (2013). Leadership theory and practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA Respond Style Approach Jason Harper 8/9/2013 8:39:46 PM The style approach describes the behavior of the leader. The behavior is reflected through task and (people oriented) relationship behaviors. In many situations leaders incorporate both behaviors while interacting with individuals. Task behavior relates to the goal that is set and the accomplishment of that goal. "Relationship behaviors help subordinates feel comfortable wit themselves, with each other, and with the situation in which they find themselves." (Northouse, G., 2013) The purpose of the style approach is to understand the environment in which the leader and followers interact. "The style approach views leadership as a process where an individual influences a group of people to achieve common goals." (Brown, G., 2013) Northouse, P.G. (2013). Leadership, Theory and Practice. Sage Publications Inc. Brown, G. (2013). The Trait and Style Approach to Leadership. Retrieved August 9, 2013 from: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/trait-style-approach-leadership-21103.html Week 2 - Discussion 2 Steps to Effectiveness Explain the two steps leaders must fulfill to be effective. Apply these steps to a current situation in which you are a follower. What style would be most appropriate for leading you, according to the theory, and why? Do you agree? Respond to at least two of your fellow students' postings. Respond This section lists options that can be used to view responses. Collapse All Print View Show Options Responses Responses are listed below in the following order: response, author and the date and time the response is posted. Sort by Response Sort by Author Steps to Effectivness Michael Hargrave Sort by Date/Time* 8/6/2013 9:01:01 PM In the situational leadership approach a leader must be directive and supportive. My company uses this form of leadership in all of their leadership development programs. Once you understand how the leadership approach works it is very easy to apply in the day to day operations of the office or the rigs out in the Gulf of Mexico. The situation approach focuses on the level of development of the follower. The leader then adjust his/her style to fit that situation by either directing the subordinate or supporting the subordinates decisions and actions. We use this all the time in our day to day operations out on the rigs when all the supervisors give the tasks for the day to their people. While some are competent in their jobs there will be times when a person falls into the D4 category for one aspect of their jobs while their level of development is a D1 in other areas of the daily operations. Leaders are told how to recognize the hazards associated with working with a person new to that position or job. In my current position as an Asset Manager I have a new leader who gives us the best of the situational leader. He directs us for the tasks that are important to him and the business unit, and he gives us the latitude to go about our daily tasks with little supervision. We have three other managers in our section of the business unit who all complement each other’s skills so our new boss is virtually hands off unless he needs to move into director mode. Now is the time for our annual budgets to begin so the boss has been in full direction mode the past two weeks as we finalize our budget submissions. We are at the D1 level for the new process that he has instituted but we are all at D4 for doing our daily tasks. He directs when he needs to and he supports when we require it. The situational leader approach uses the skill of the leader to help develop the skills of the followers. “The premise of the theory is that different situations demand different kinds of leadership. From this perspective, to be an effective leader requires that a person adapt his or her style to the demands of the different situations.” (Northouse, P. pg. 99) As is the case of our new leader he directs when he needs to but the majority of the time he works with us in a support function to help us obtain our corporate goals and make us a success. Northouse, P. (2013). Leadership theory and practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA Respond RE: Steps to Effectivness Instructor Smith 8/9/2013 7:11:34 PM Hello Micheal, You wrote, "The leader then adjust his/her style to fit that situation by either directing the subordinate or supporting the subordinates decisions and actions. We use this all the time in our day to day operations out on the rigs when all the supervisors give the tasks for the day to their people. While some are competent in their jobs there will be times when a person falls into the D4 category for one aspect of their jobs while their level of development is a D1 in other areas of the daily operations. Leaders are told how to recognize the hazards associated with working with a person new to that position or job." Excellent example and elaboration. Keep up the good work. All the best, Dr. Mel Respond Steps to Effectiveness John Neal 8/8/2013 8:31:27 AM Week 2 - Discussion 2 Steps to Effectiveness Explain the two steps leaders must fulfill to be effective. To be effective, a leader must be directive and supportive in a given situation. A leader needs to be able to determine the competency of their subordinates as well as their commitment to a specific task. As the subordinates changing needs develop and increase, the leader needs to change their direction and support to meet those needs. Ultimately, the leader must adapt their own style to meet their subordinate’s needs. Basically, the two parts of situational leadership is leadership style and the development level of subordinates. Apply these steps to a current situation in which you are a follower. As a follower, I would have to say that I follow the directives of the owner of the business up to a point. Currently, the business that I manage is in a financial crises due to major construction in which a road is being cut into a mountain. The owner is not concerned about how business is falling off as he is very wealthy and has never had to understand the concept of the word ‘fail’ and therefore refuses to see that happen here. This man is a brilliant businessman and I have the utmost respect for him, but when managing his business I think of the financial losses as if they were my own my own. I have made every effort to draw in business which has helped, but not enough to increase profits. As a follower, I believe that this demonstrates my being supportive of him and his organization. Being directive is more difficult as the owner wants to micro manage the business when previously he has never owned any type of food service business and therefore lacks knowledge in this area. Yesterday, I took a stand and requested a business consultant. I had talked to one last week and the owner has agreed to having him come to our business, unannounced, to determine if the problem is in the management of the business or if construction is the problem. I told the owner that if he chose to continue with the business as it currently is, then I would be leaving and moving on. What style would be most appropriate for leading you, according to the theory, and why? Do you agree? I think that all leaders need to be able to lead in a directive and supportive manner, which is what situational leadership is all about. The owner wants to be hands on, but only from the perspective that he is involved in all decision making. This would be fine, but he owns 18 other businesses involving extensive travel. There is no doubt that the owner supports me in the area that I know how to manage his business and am doing a good job of it. He also knows that I want more for the business and him. As stated by Northouse (2013), “Situational leadership demands that leaders match their style to the competence and commitment of the subordinates. Effective leaders are those who can recognize what employees need and then adapt their own style to meet those needs” (p. 99-100). The owner is learning to adapt to the needs of his business by slowly allowing me to operate his business as the manager and gradually turning the reins over to me and run it for him as I see fit. Reference: Northouse, P. (2013). Leadership theory and practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Respond RE: Steps to Effectiveness Instructor Smith 8/9/2013 7:17:56 PM Hello John, I see that your are applying what your are learning... Glad you took a stand .. glad it worked well. In the future before leaving a position or threatening to leave I would advise that you have a planned exit strategy. When you are a dedicated and conscientious employee mismanagement can be unbearable. However, when making plans to move on , have an exit strategy. Thank you for sharing this practical example. All the best, Dr. Mel Respond Week 2 Discussion 2 Robert Leighton RE: Week 2 Discussion 2 Instructor Smith 8/8/2013 2:20:46 PM 8/9/2013 7:23:39 PM Hello Robert, Well stated"Each of these styles have been used effectively in the fire service and firefighters attend training to further gain additional knowledge and experience to perform their jobs. I agree given the types of work encountered that each style has its place and opportunity for newer members to gain valuable experience. Further, in emergency services cohesion and team work are imperative. Situational leadership, high directive, high supportive style is most often used in Emergencies. All the best, Dr. Mel Respond Week 2 Post 2. Carolina Torres 8/8/2013 2:23:08 PM In order for a leader to be effective they must be directive and supportive. When the leader is directive he/she is “establishing goals and methods of evaluations setting time lines, defining roles, and showing how the goals are going to be accomplished” (Northouse, 2013). During this stage the leader is giving directions to the subordinates, and clarifying expectations. When a leader is being supportive they” help group members feel comfortable about themselves, their coworkers and the situations” Northouse, 2013). This leader is making sure people have what they need to perform their job properly. This two styles need to be interchangeable based on the task at hand and depending on whom you are managing. I am currently managing a new project, I have to report to two leaders that I have known but never worked for. What I am expecting from them is to direct me at the beginning and throughout the project. Give me enough information to make the right decisions, provide me with data to understand the needs of the project, but I am also expecting for them to be supportive by giving me affirmation. There is nothing more frustrating to me than to work for someone that doesn’t stop to provide feedback because they think you can handle. You need to have the skills to direct, but also the skills to understand if others are following you. Aleader needs to behave differently depending of a situation. I can give all the directions to a member of the team, and clarify expectations, but if I don’t understand that this person might not be performing because of dynamics in the group, then I am wasting my time. I must understand the tasks to be accomplished but also those that will accomplish the tasks. Respond RE: Week 2 Instructor Smith Post 2. 8/9/2013 7:25:45 PM Hello Carolina, Thought provoking statement, "There is nothing more frustrating to me than to work for someone that doesn’t stop to provide feedback because they think you can handle. You need to have the skills to direct, but also the skills to understand if others are following you." Keep up the good work, All the best, Dr. Mel Respond Week two, Scott Richardson 8/8/2013 2:26:58 PM Discussion 2 Explain the two steps leaders must fulfill to be effective. In my opinion, after the reading, I believe that a leader must be somewhat directive and highly supportive in a given situation. Knowing your people as a leader accomplishes these in the right quantity to produce quality. Meaning that if a leader knows their team, they know how much direction is needed and how much support is garnered by the team members. This process is dynamic to be sure! A new team or new members on a team dictate more direction than those who have been working together for a while. I have been fortunate to have the same four-member Tower Ladder Company for over four years now. Much of the direction I needed to provide in the beginning is no longer necessary unless a situational change dictates me calling an audible to our typical game plan. A good situational leader possesses a skillset and practices a craft by using appropriate styles at the right time, and developing subordinates. Apply these steps to a current situation in which you are a follower. The members of my tower ladder crew technically are my followers on every emergency we run. Of the approximately 15-20 calls we run in a 48-hour shift, half of these calls are medical assists. Some are “basic life support” (basic) type calls and some are “advanced life support” (paramedic” calls. I am the only paramedic on my crew; the other three are EMT Basics. If a medical assist is a basic call when we arrive on the scene, I allow one of the three EMT Basics to “attend” or manage the care for the patient. In this case I become the follower and do basic functions to allow the development of my EMT Basics. Although I remain liable for all actions of patient care, this enables my team members to take the lead and develop their leadership skills. Effective leaders are those who can recognize what employees need and then adapt their own style to meet those needs”(p. 99-100). What style would be most appropriate for leading you, according to the theory, and why? Do you agree? In my current position, I need very little direction and a lot of support. That is, I have been a firefighter/paramedic for over 30 years now. I have been a company officer for over ten years. I am promotable to the next position and seek every learning opportunity to develop my craft I can. If I was to take a position with a new organization I could see needing a lot more direction initially. Reference: Northouse, P. (2013). Leadership theory and practice (6th Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Respond RE: Week two, Instructor Smith Discussion 2 8/9/2013 7:29:21 PM Hello Scott, Outstanding leadership example, "I believe that a leader must be somewhat directive and highly supportive in a given situation. Knowing your people as a leader accomplishes these in the right quantity to produce quality. Meaning that if a leader knows their team, they know how much direction is needed and how much support is garnered by the team members. This process is dynamic to be sure!" I think you are ready for the nest level of leadership.. Keep up the good work. All the best, Dr. Mel Respond RE: Week two, Discussion 2 Scott Richardson week 2 Matthias Burns 8/9/2013 11:49:48 PM 8/8/2013 2:30:49 PM The two steps are being an effective leader are to be supportive and a directive. Supportive leaders is a leader that is more helping employees versus commanding and demanding them to do things which can be a leader no employee wants to work for. Most employees work effectively with a supportive leader in their group. A directive leader is a leader that is demanding and loves to give order to everyone in the group or the organization. The supportive leader in which I have is my supervisor. She exhibit great support towards all my co workers. The way she exhibits her supportive characteristics, when someone is given a task she walks around and make sure they understand the task. She will not do the project for them but she will make sure that everything is going good or see if they need help. Directive leader in which is in my department is one of my co-workers, she gives task out and tells people what they need to do, but she does not help them. This lady is also is called the mean and crazy one in our organization because she changes the work environment in which we have. I will like follow a supportive leader. Because when being taught how to do something, I prefer the leader to do whatever it is with me. Yes I agree. Respond RE: week 2 Instructor Smith 8/9/2013 7:32:12 PM Hello Matthias, Good example of a supportive leader that allows followers to learn and develop, "The supportive leader in which I have is my supervisor. She exhibit great support towards all my co workers. The way she exhibits her supportive characteristics, when someone is given a task she walks around and make sure they understand the task." Keep up the good work, All the best, Dr. Mel Respond Discussion 2 Heather Schultz 8/8/2013 3:17:41 PM There are two areas that a leader must balance inappropriate measures in order to be effective: directive and nurturing Northouse, 2013). A great example of a leader finding that balance would be the director of the show in which I am in rehearsal. As the leader, the director must be able to provide clear direction in line delivery, blocking (stage movement) and more while carefully nurturing the cast to bring out the best emotional performance possible. Performing can be a very scary proposition because the actor feels vulnerable in revealing emotions. A great director toggles the line between getting the story told in an entertaining way while fostering a sense of safety for the actor to feel comfortable into performing. When it comes to leading me, I would prefer the more direct approach. This is because I work better under clear, definitive direction and feedback. I try not to depend on other people’s approval for my self-esteem. However, providing a small sense of care about me would also be appreciated. This is because I am human and an actor. And as such, I have all the emotions including fear, self-doubt and intimidation. Reference: Northouse, P.G. 2013. Leadership: theory and practice. Sixth Edition. SAGE Publications, Inc. Respond RE: Instructor Smith Discussion 2 8/9/2013 7:34:47 PM Hello Heather, Outstanding example, "clear direction in line delivery, blocking (stage movement) and more while carefully nurturing the cast to bring out the best emotional performance possible. Performing can be a very scary proposition because the actor feels vulnerable in revealing emotions. A great director toggles the line between getting the story told in an entertaining way while fostering a sense of safety for the actor to feel comfortable into performing." Insightful post All the best, Dr. Mel Respond Steps to Effectiveness Tammy Braswell 8/8/2013 4:40:02 PM Explain the two steps leaders must fulfill to be effective. Apply these steps to a current situation in which you are a follower. What style would be most appropriate for leading you, according to the theory, and why? Do you agree? Respond to at least two of your fellow students' postings. According to Northouse (2010), the two steps leaders must fulfill to be effective occurs when the leader can accurately diagnose the development levels of subordinates in a task situation and then exhibit the prescribed leadership style that matches that situation (p. 119). In situational leadership, there are four dynamics separated into two parts: leadership style and development levels of subordinates. Depending on the situation as a follower, I may move back and forth along the development continuum. For example, I work in an environment where the manager needs to be both directive and supporting of the team members and new team members. My duties requires me to be hands on in overseeing that the accounts are paid accurately. I have done this work for about twelve years. The specialized knowledge to understanding these accounts include reviewing the amounts entered, reviewing what accounts are being paid, monitoring the contracts the accounts are paid against, ensuring the vendors are setup in the system correctly, issuing errors for incorrect account payments, and recouping any error payments. Since, I have being performing these duties for an extended time, I am pretty much seasons, trained, and experienced in performing these duties and would be classify as a D3 employee. I am very competent in completing my duties, but sometime I would request the advice of others in areas that are unclear to me; therefore, moving to a D4 in needing a little assistance or direction from my supervisor. I have no problem in performing my other duties and am very comfortable in reviewing the accounts and directing others. In this case, I would move between the S3 and S4 leadership behaviors because in my role I cannot remain in the followers behaviors. I have to be supporting and delegating to request that issues be resolved. Northouse, P. (2010). Leadership theory and practice (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Saga Publications Respond RE: Steps to Effectiveness Instructor Smith 8/9/2013 7:36:45 PM Hello Tammy, Good example, "I have no problem in performing my other duties and am very comfortable in reviewing the accounts and directing others. In this case, I would move between the S3 and S4 leadership behaviors because in my role I cannot remain in the followers behaviors. I have to be supporting and delegating to request that issues be resolved." Keep up the good work, All the best, Dr. Mel Respond Week 2 Discussion 2 Michael Flores 8/8/2013 4:48:24 PM When it comes to the leadership steps, a leader must be able to direct and support at the same time (Northouse, 2013). Both steps are important because it shows the capability to not only lead your personnel, but also support them at the same time. A leader must have the drive and the initiative to see things clearly because it keeps things true and bona fide when things are being assessed as a leader. Leader must have the capability to analyze specific situations and engage them as necessary. Leaders should be able to enforce and tell their subordinates what needs to get done. They must also have the capability to support their subordinates when upper level management is needed to enforce a policy or standard. The different standards require a strong leader to make the right decisions just to keep pushing forward and keep things secure for the different people. As long as these different situations occur, it keeps things very strong and leaves a foundation for subordinates to follow. When specific thing are occurring, it is best to just keep things directive and supportive as leader. If these two steps are followed, everything should fall into place because it is the right thing to do. Northouse, P. (2013). Leadership theory and practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA Respond RE: Week 2 John Neal Discussion 2 8/9/2013 4:30:21 PM RE: Week 2 Discussion 2 Instructor Smith 8/9/2013 7:38:59 PM Hello Michael, Good analysis, " Both steps are important because it shows the capability to not only lead your personnel, but also support them at the same time." Keep up the good work, All the best, Dr. Mel Week 2 - Discussion 3 This week there were two case studies; Technosoft Russia and Elite, Inc. In reviewing the two cases, address the following questions. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' postings. Technosoft Russia: what are the key factors at play int he telesales office? What actions should the marketing manager take to improve the leadership skills of this supervisor? Elite, Inc.: what were some of the challenges Benson faced when she took the CEO position? How might Benson help Jakes change his behavior? Respond This section lists options that can be used to view responses. Collapse All Print View Show Options Responses Responses are listed below in the following order: response, author and the date and time the response is posted. Sort by Sort by Author Sort by Date/Time* Response Post 3 Week 2 Carolina Torres 8/8/2013 3:18:23 PM Technosoft Russia; What is your evaluation of the Telesales Project at Technosoft Russia? What should Chaikovsky have done differently? The telesales project was done piece by piece, this means that at any point there was a business plan for this specific project as a whole. They have been resolving issues as new situations develop without stopping the growth and align to the new needs, and then continue to add new people. The project has moved locations without a specific plan, a team lead was assigned to the project, however this person had no managerial accreditation, the team grew from 1 to 12 without analyzing the business needs, and the guiding force, the person that was keeping everyone engage, stopped being part of the project. Chaikovsky should have slowed down and designed the project a little bit more. He allowed himself to be excited about the successes that he forgot to plan for the future. After a while he withdrew entirely of the project giving it to someone that didn’t know the business needs or how to manage people. He should have work closely with the group, and keep looking for a team leader that would meet the needs of the company instead of settling down for the least bad candidate. The project was showing so much success, that he could have reached to offices in other countries to get a good candidate. He should have provided more guidance to the team lead and have biweekly meetings with her to offer guidance and coaching. Chaikovsky should have also listened to his instinct, and in those occasions in which he felt uncomfortable with the decisions, he should have been more analytical and task oriented, he was non decisive, and in order to please others he made decisions that could have changed the direction of the project. As a manager you can’t allow yourself to want to please everyone because then you will fail everyone. Elite, Inc.; what were some of the challenges Benson faced when she took the CEO position? How might Benson help Jakes change his behavior? When Benson became the CEO we faced many difficulties including being the newest person in the team, a disengaged frontline staff, troubled labor relations between management and front line staff and lack of clear direction for everyone, she also had to deal with the fact that senior management was retiring and she had to change the business model to adequately meet stakeholders needs. Benson might not be able to change Jakes behavior and she might have to let him go, this would be very difficult because he is appreciated by the staff and he has been with the company for so long. Before she lets him go, she needs to have a personable conversation with him, where she needs to be honest and ask him what is getting in his way of completing his projects in a timely manner. She wants to understand if it’s a competency or is it lack of motivation. When she gains understanding she needs to give him the tools that he feels he is lacking to get his job done, this might be additional training, or setting clear expectations, she might need to add someone to his staff to take care of some of the clerical work. After she gives the necessary tools she can look at his progress or lack off, provide constant feedback and get his buy in, he needs to be in agreement that things need to change otherwise nothing will change. After continuous work with him she is going to do what is best for the company, that might be to demote him to an easier position, keep him at his job because he has shown dramatic improvement, or she might let him go. It all depends of her coaching, direction and involvement. . Respond Discussion 3 Heather Schultz 8/8/2013 3:18:22 PM Based on the information provided, it is not really a surprise that Olga Peterson is not as successful as she could be in regards to the Telesales Project. She was hired for a managerial position without previous training or experience. In addition, despite the fact that Chaikovsky had concerns, he did not provide any formal training upon her employment to provide Peterson the skills she would need to be an effective team leader. At the end of 2001 and into January of 2002, Chaikovsky received specific feedback and, despite bringing it to Peterson’s attention, did not provide formalized opportunities for Peterson to correct these issues. And, it does not seem that Chaikovsky went back to these TSRs who had voiced those complaints to see if the concerns had been satisfied (Rowe and Guerrero, 2011). The annual poll results should not be a surprise. In hindsight, Chaikovsky should have provided an opportunity for managerial training or required training within the first six months of employment as a condition of the employment. Then, when complaints were received, he should have followed up in a more formal way. This is a case of a leader needing to provide more direction and nurturing. To correct the situation, Chaikovsky must replace Peterson, spend more time mentoring her or provide an intensive training while providing a more micromanagement approach until the comfort level rises between the TSRs, Peterson and Chaikovsky. Again, according to the information provided, Benson had a number of challenges when she became CEO of Elite, Inc. The most significant being an unhealthy corporate culture. The second significant issue was regarding Greg Jakes, CFO. The quickest potential fix in helping Jakes change is behavior is, most likely, the basics of human resources 101. That is, Benson must sit down with Jakes, clearly communicate the concerns, and listen to Jakes’ response. Then, both must work together to come up with a strategic plan for him to effectively change in a way that is measurable and successful. There must be a deadline for the changes to be observed. Benson will need to either mentor Jakes through this situation or find a mentor for him to help assure success. If this is not effective, then either Jakes will need to be let go or removed from this position into one he is more able to handle. Personally, I would move him, if at all possible, instead of letting him go because of his tenure of service. Reference: Rowe, E. G. and Guerrero, L. 2011. Cases in Leadership. Second Edition. SAGE Publications, Inc. Respond Case Studies Michael Hargrave 8/8/2013 3:54:31 PM Technosoft Russia: what are the key factors at play in the telesales office? What actions should the marketing manager take to improve the leadership skills of this supervisor? There are several failures in leadership at the Technosoft telesales office. It is obvious from the results of the survey that Olga is not well received by her team. From the results of the poll taken by Chaikovsky it is clear that Olga is hard to communicate with and has little regard for her people. It was clearly stated that finding people with sales experience was a difficult task to say the least. Chaikovsky used his ability to mentor and train people to develop a top notch sales force only to see it torn apart by a substandard manager. There are several steps Chaikovsky can take to improve the morale of the sales force. The first step should be to reintroduce his weekly meetings with them to allow them to vent their frustrations and report on their successes during the past week. He should let Olga run the meetings and only provide input when she attempts to hold people back from speaking. The second step is that Olga was hired as a TSR on the same pay scale. This was a mistake on Chaikovsky’s part. He should have hired her as a manager at a different wage to fully differentiate her position as the leader of the team. If is often difficult for followers to give leaders their trust when they don’t earn it and are on the same pay scale. Chaikovsky must mentor Olga on how to improve her interpersonal skills and teach her how to be approachable and not overbearing. If finding talent is a difficult task then the talent that is hired must be kept happy and content. Properly trained sales teams can make or break a business. Elite, Inc.: what were some of the challenges Benson faced when she took the CEO position? How might Benson help Jakes change his behavior? The first leadership challenge Benson needed to address was the communication channels between management and the employees. The second leadership challenge I feel she needed to address and while it is not specifically mentioned is the diversity at the company. A company structure that is 95% male would tend to lead to a competitive environment and severely limit the amount of communication. She took the bull by the horns and revitalized the issues with communication by having her coffee and doughnut time with all the departments and sharing information and answering questions of the employees. The biggest challenge was the work performance of the CFO Jakes. While he is highly respected and knowledgeable his work performance was not up to standards. As a leader in the company Benson needed to mold Jakes into the person she needed him to be or send him to pasture. She should communicate clear goals and give him her clear expectations. She needs to follow that up with a written development plan to ensure he has a playbook to refer to. She also needs to work on his delegation skills as he is not relying on his resources. No one person can do everything required and he needs to understand and trust his team. Under the situational leadership plan she needs to use D1 leadership and direct him until he has proven he can complete his tasks on time. Rowe, E. G. & Guerrero, L. 2011. Cases in Leadership. Second Edition. SAGE Publications, Inc. Respond Week 2 Discussion 3 Michael Flores 8/8/2013 4:56:03 PM With Technosoft Russia, the engagement behind this business was tackling problems or predicaments as they came up. This is very important because it shows the motivation to keep things true and legitimate as times keeps progressing. Many of the different ways to engage a situation require a thoughtful and methodical process because things must keep going regardless of what the company is doing. When different problems are tackled simultaneously while the specific area or business is still running, that creates good movement for people to follow and keeps things secure. Without this attitude, it would be an honest area and keeps things proper as things move forward. This is important in any business. With Elite Inc., it becomes difficult when you are the CEO and the new person. Gaining your clout and leverage takes a long time because it requires them to perform the different duties from a serious perspective. Everything must be in order and intact when people are moving into key positions within a business. This is very important and shows initiative for different situations. As long as these things occur, it should be truthful and gives leaders the best thing for a specific situation. All of these different factors need to be taken into consideration. The CEO must be ready for the newest challenges and not be afraid to make decisions. It requires different aspects and keeps things very knowledgeable of what is happening as things push forward. Respond Week 2 Discussion 3 Robert Leighton Leader skills Leadership Skills John Neal Tammy Braswell 8/8/2013 5:18:08 PM 8/8/2013 5:25:37 PM 8/8/2013 9:47:04 PM What are the key factors at play in the telesales office? Technosoft Russia is a company that produces hardware and software products for both the business market and the consumer markets (Rowe, 2011, p. 105). The key factors that affected the telesales office were the budgeting, staffing, team leaders, polls, and poll results. If the company did well during the year, managers had bargaining power and could ask to hire more TSR member to be added to the teams; however, if the company did poor, it would reflected on the general managers (GM) and the country’s reputation (Rowe, 2011, p. 107); therefore, leadership played an important and key factor for Technosoft. Another key factor at play in the telesales office was the performance review that measured the company’s internally. The poll was a lengthy questionnaire that asked questions on job and customer satisfaction, pay for performance, the work environment, and most important evaluating the leader’s performance (Rowe, 2011, p. 107). In the evaluation of leadership for Olga Peterson, her team members gave her a low rating. Olga was a good team member and was very experience in telesales; however, she did not have much leadership skills. Mr. Chaikovsky the sales and marketing manager was aware that Olga lacked managerial skills when he offered her the management position, but took a chance in moving her to the position, over making her a team lead without additional pay, as suggested by Dubrovsky. Now, Mr. Chaikovsky is faced with a dilemma of trying to decide how to approach the situation with Olga low ratings because the low ratings are a reflection on him, as the GM. What actions should the marketing manager take to improve the leadership skills of the supervisor? The company policy for low rating on poll evaluations could mean a low bonus and, potentially, a demotion or dismissal from the company for not meeting the standards. The actions that Mr. Chaikovsky could take to improved the leadership and supervisor skills of Olga is to develop her team management skills by go over the poll questionnaires and results with her. Mr. Chaikokvsky needs to be more directing and nurturing, and he can send Olga to more training and development programs that would help Olga build relationship and task behaviors skills. Mr. Chaikovsky should not dismiss or demote Olga because she is a value employee with substantial sales experience and she is a first year manager. Northouse, P. (2010). Leadership theory and practice (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Saga Publications Elite Inc. What were some of the challenges Benson faced when she took the CEO position? The challenges Benson faced in the new CEO position was a declining “corporate culture” among the employees and management. The relationship and task behaviors of senior management were isolation. The employees were use to having weekly meeting and they were being canceled. Senior management moved to the top floors in the build, and employees could not make decisions without getting approval from management first (Rowe, 2011, p. 155). The company’s morale was low, as people were being belittled for doing any thing wrong. The company also faced a situational leadership issues, as managers’ leadership did not foresee them being directive or supportive of employees in meeting deadlines on assignments. How might Benson help Jakes change his behavior? Jake is working in the development stage of a D2 employee who has the competence to do the work, but has low commitment to completing the assignment because he is overloaded with work. Benson can help Jakes change his behavior by being S2 high directive and (S3) high supportive. As Benson develops Jakes to a D4 to become more comfortable in delegating task, planning, controlling and goal clarification with his assignment, he will be able to function on his own at these levels more comfortable. Northouse, P. (2010). Leadership theory and practice (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Saga Publications Respond Week 2, Discussion 3 Scott Richardson 8/8/2013 10:37:07 PM Technosoft Russia: what are the key factors at play in the telesales office? What actions should the marketing manager take to improve the leadership skills of this supervisor? The key factors of the Technosoft Russia telesales office are a lack of leadership and management skills, and a lack of communication. Olga does not lead, manage, or communicate well with seniors or subordinates. Simply put, she has no empathy or regard for members under her charge. Although the damage is done, reparation is still possible. Clear, concise, honest communication needs to be implemented. This can start with team meetings that emphasize two way communications. Further clear differentiation of the team structure is important. Everyone needs to know who is responsible for what and how that affects them. Elite, Inc.: what were some of the challenges Benson faced when she took the CEO position? How might Benson help Jakes change his behavior? Communication, in my opinion is at the heart of just about any challenge faced in these situations. Lack of or a breakdown in communication is at the heart of Benson’s problems. When members of a team frequently skip meetings and team members were not in direct communication with their leads a team fragments quickly. Further, when team leads isolate themselves they cannot effective lead the team. It seems to me that the leadership of the team polarized themselves by an elitist attitude and isolation being further complicated by lack of empowerment of the team members. These issues can be fixed by beginning with clear expectations of the leadership from Benson, all the way down.Getting to the root of the issues, early on is critical. A serious sit down, counseling session with Jakes to determine how to best proceed with Jakes is important. He needs to know he is a valued member of the organization. A development plan that addresses Jakes’ issues and defines the future is necessary for the organization as well as for Jakes. Rowe, E. G. & Guerrero, L. 2011. Cases in Leadership. Second Edition. SAGE Publications, Inc. Respond Leader skills Jason Harper 8/9/2013 7:43:32 PM Technosoft Russia The sales office at Technosoft Russia utilized the practice of review and reward. The subordinates of the supervisor answered the questions within a leadership performance review. The review highlighted her strengths but also her weaknesses. The weakness that was most considerably noted was the inability to be perceived as an effective leader. This was a result of the supervisor not having or pursuing formal training. While she had knowledge skills she lacked the skills required to effectively lead a team of people. There are situations in which people assume their role only as supervisors or managers. In the context of this case study, it was required that the supervisor also be a leader with willing followers. Leaders can be molded and guided to establish their role and position. As Joan Marques discusses the perspective of Awakened Leaders. "Being awakened starts with the realization that you have the capacity to change your life. It also entails that you learn to adapt to different situations." (Marques, J.F., 2010) This perspective is relative to the situation of the supervisor in that if she is willing to grow then she can progress into a leader. Her abilities show that she is a good match with the position. The marketing manager should speak with her directly and get her suggestions on how she can evolve into a leader. It would require commitment, drive and inspiration to evolve into an effective leader. She may be placed into a short term leadership program that would become the company's investment. Marques, J.F. (2010) Awakening leaders: who are they and why do we need them. Retrieved August 9, 2013 from: http://search.proquest.com.proxylibrary.ashford.edu/pqcentral/docview/194152873/13FCB4CD57D8C2C260/8?accountid=32 521 Elite Inc. Elite Inc. is a public relations firm with a newly appointed Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Financial Officers spends over 15 hours a day trying to complete their work and perform their duties. The first thing that comes to mind is that as the CEO has the responsibility of understanding the duties and role of their subordinate upper management. It would be productive for the CEO to speak with the CFO and get an understanding of the type of work they are faced with. With a bit of empathy or compassion the CEO would be more effective in understanding what could require more of the CFO's time. I have two friends who have busy work days and huge loads of work to accomplish. In some ways it relates to time management. Most of the time it is because their organizations are experiencing massive changes. Once the information is gathered and analyzed, the CEO and the CFO should speak about a strategy that would lessen the load and make the role of the CFO more effective. If the CFO is not allowing the finances to go mismanaged or "leak", then they should be given consideration and kept on. After a specific time then it would appropriate to evaluate the CFO. Hopefully by then they have incorporated changes that can be shown through clear results. Through this system the CEO will represent their leadership abilities and also gain further insight into the organization and its needs.