Outline of Presentation

Session 1020
Using OPNET software at Rowan University
Dr. Vasil Hnatyshin
Computer Science Department
Rowan University
Glassboro, NJ 08028
E-mail: hnatyshin@rowan.edu
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Session 1020: Using OPNET software at Rowan University
Outline of Presentation
 Computer Science Program at Rowan University
• About Rowan University
The Computer Science Department
 Academic instruction using OPNET products
Teaching with IT Guru
Undergraduate research using OPNET Modeler
 Summary and Conclusions
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Session 1020: Using OPNET software at Rowan University
About Rowan University
 Rowan University was founded in 1923
 The main campus
• Is located in southern part of New Jersey
• Is nestled in historic town of Glassboro
• Is only 30 minutes from Philadelphia's famed South Street
• Is only 45 minutes from the Atlantic City Boardwalk
 Nearly 10,000 students pursuing
degrees in
• 36 undergraduate majors,
• 7 teacher certification programs,
• 26 master’s degree programs and
• A doctorate in educational
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Session 1020: Using OPNET software at Rowan University
About Computer Science
Department at Rowan University
 Nationally accredited program by Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology (ABET)
 16 highly qualified faculty with diverse areas of research including:
• Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Natural Language Processing
• Operating Systems, Computer Architectures, and Distributed
• Computer Communication and Networks, Wireless Technology
• Computer and Network Security
• Simulation and Modeling of Computer Systems
• Software Engineering and Databases
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Session 1020: Using OPNET software at Rowan University
Teaching with IT Guru
 IT Guru is being used in the following courses:
• CS 06.410: Data Communications and Networking
• CS 06.415: Wireless Networks, Protocols, and Applications
• CS 06.416: TCP/IP and Internet Protocols and Technologies
 Each course meets twice a week for a 75 minute lecture
 Each course includes assignments using
Ethereal and/or
 Each course introduces OPNET software via
• A lecture about modeling and IT Guru/Modeler features
• Reading assignments about IT Guru/Modeler features
• In class examples of various features
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Session 1020: Using OPNET software at Rowan University
Teaching with IT Guru
 OPNET assignments are usually set-up as follows
• Discuss the theoretical part in class
• Show several example of configuring the corresponding feature in OPNET
• Ask students to complete an example started in class or conduct a separate
simulation study that illustrates features of the discussed topic.
 We use several types of OPNET assignments
• Take-home practical assignment
Complete simulation example started in class
• Take-home laboratory assignments
Conduct a complete simulation study
• Exploratory laboratory assignments/end-of-semester projects
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Session 1020: Using OPNET software at Rowan University
Teaching with IT Guru
 The simulation study requires students to
• Complete configuration of the simulated study by setting a certain features or
• Create a complete model of a simulated system
• Debug their simulation
• Analyze collected results
 Depending on the assignments students may work in groups or
 All of the OPNET assignments are developed “in-house”
 As semester progresses
• The complexity of the assignments increases
• The amount of OPNET configuration details decreases
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Session 1020: Using OPNET software at Rowan University
Teaching with IT Guru
 CS 06.410: Data Communications and Networking
• J. Kurose and K. Ross, "Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach
Featuring the Internet“
 Typical IT Guru assignments
• Introductory lab that teaches how to use basic software features
Creating and configuring network topology
Running simulation and collecting results
This assignment corresponds to in-class discussion about OSI reference model
• Introduction to Application layer
Configuring standard applications
Creating user profiles and deploying defined applications
This assignment introduces students to such simple applications as FTP, E-mail,
Remote Login (telnet), etc.
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Session 1020: Using OPNET software at Rowan University
Teaching with IT Guru
 Typical IT Guru assignments (cont.)
• Studying HTTP protocol
Compare performance of various configurations of HTTP protocol
Persistent vs. Non-persistent connection, Pipelined connections
This assignment examines in depth HTTP features
• Introduction to Transport layer
Basic TCP configuration parameters
This assignment introduces student to basic transport layer configuration parameters
• Influence of TCP and UDP on the traffic performance
Examine how connection set-up and reliability of TCP (e.g. re-transmissions)
influence the delay experienced by the network applications
Use performance of applications running over UDP for comparison
• Introduction to Network layer
Examine basic configuration features of IP layer (e.g. influence of various MTU
sizes on application performance)
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Session 1020: Using OPNET software at Rowan University
Teaching with IT Guru
 CS 06.416: TCP/IP and Internet Protocols and Technologies
• B. Forouzan, “TCP/IP Protocol Suite”
 Typical IT Guru assignments
• Introductory lab that reviews basic OPNET features
Creating and configuring network topology
Configuring basic TCP and IP properties
Configuring and deploying applications
Running simulation and collecting results
• IP Addressing
Create a simulation study of a network with several sub-nets
Compute and configure IP addresses according to the provided specification
IP Routing, TCP’s Flow and Congestion Control, QoS mechanisms, open-ended
group projects.
• Other assignments:
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Session 1020: Using OPNET software at Rowan University
Undergraduate Research with
OPNET Modeler
 OPNET Modeler is being used in the following courses:
• CS 04.400: Computer Science Senior Project
• CS 01.395: Topics in Computer Science
 Approach to teaching OPNET Modeler
• OPNET’s tutorials and reference manuals
• Comment, re-factor, and debug already written code
• Re-write and expand portions of the code
• Endless one-on-one sessions
 OPNET Modeler Projects
• QoS in the Internet: Modified IP layer process models to support Bandwidth
Distribution Scheme
GeoAODV: modified OPNET implementation of AODV protocol to improve
efficiency of route discovery process through the use of GPS coordinates
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Session 1020: Using OPNET software at Rowan University
Summary and Conclusions
 IT Guru is an excellent tool to facilitate the classroom learning
• Contains excellent illustration of numerous networking concepts
• Enables students better appreciate the importance of the protocol configuration
Provides valuable hands-on experience configuring and setting-up various
network configurations
 Students become more enthusiastic about the subject
 Students understand the course material better
 Using OPNET software may require more work for the instructor and
may appear to have somewhat steep learning curve
 OPNET Modeler is more appropriate for graduate studies and it is
difficult to incorporate it into undergraduate study
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