Name: Business Studies Business Communication Assignment#2 Class: Date: I) Match the information in Column A to Column B for the correct match up by placing the lettering on the dotted line. COLUMN A A) The principal channel for delivering messages outside an organization B) Nonverbal communication includes C) Paper based messages include D) Jargon. E) Looking and sounding professional gains you? F) Slang G) The primary purpose of most business messages is to H) Characteristics of Business Communication include I) The communication process has the following steps: J) A quotation, enquiry and invoice are. L) Communications is COLUMN B …… the transmission of information and meaning from one individual or group to another. …....Via business letters ….... sounds fashionable, but it lacks precise meaning and should be avoided in business writing. (moved it down the totem pole) …… inform or to persuade; the secondary purpose is to promote goodwill. …… letters and memorandum …….which is terminology unique to certain professions, should be reserved for individuals who understand it. …… idea formation, message encoding, message transmission, message decoding, and feedback. …….trading documents. ……All unwritten and unspoken messages, intended or not . …... verbal, nonverbal, written, orally, listening and responding ……gains you credibility II) List ten ways in which we communicate: Means of Communication 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. Name: Business Studies Business Communication Assignment#2 Class: Date: 1.Advancements in technology an writing skills are increasingly important why? because more messages are being transmitted. 2.Looking and sounding professional gains you? credibility on the job. 3.Those with four-year degrees will earn nearly ? as much as high school dropouts? three times 4.Communication is? the transmission of information and meaning from one individual or group to another. 5.The communication process has five steps ? idea formation, message encoding, message transmission, message decoding, and feedback. 6.Most individuals listen at only ? percent efficiency. 25 Name: Business Studies Business Communication Assignment#2 Class: Date: 7.Barriers to listening may be ? physical, psychological, verbal, or nonverbal. 7.Barriers to listening may be ? physical, psychological, verbal, or nonverbal. 8.Physical barriers impediments include hearing disabilities, poor acoustics, and noisy surroundings, ill, tired, uncomfortable, or worried 9.Psychological barriers cultural, ethical, and personal values "tune out" the speaker 10.Language problems Unfamiliar words, abortion or overdose has an intense emotional impact 11.Nonverbal distractions Unusual clothing, speech mannerisms, body twitches, or a radical hairstyle 12.Nonverbal communication includes ? all unwritten and unspoken messages, intended or not. Name: Business Studies Business Communication Assignment#2 Class: 13.When verbal and nonverbal messages clash? listeners tend to believe the nonverbal message. 14.The appearance of a message and of an individual can convey ? positive or negative nonverbal messages. 15.Ethnocentrism is ? the belief in the superiority of one's own culture and group. 16.A stereotype is ? an oversimplified behavioral pattern applied to entire groups. 17.Developing intercultural tolerance means ? practicing empathy, being nonjudgmental, and being patient. 18.The writing process has three parts: prewriting, writing, and revising. 19.The first phase of the writing process involves analyzing and anticipating the audience and then adapting to that audience. 20.Because revising is the most important part of the writing process, it takes the most time. 50% 45 revising n 5 proofreading. Date: Name: Business Studies Business Communication Assignment#2 Class: Date: 21.The primary purpose of most business messages is to inform or to persuade; the secondary purpose is to promote goodwill. 22.Choosing an appropriate channel depends imp. of message, feedback required, need for a perm. record, cost, needed degree of formality,confidentiality,sensitivity 23.By profiling your audience before you write ? you can identify the appropriate tone, language, and channel for your message. 24.profiling the audience, you can decide whether the receiver will be ? neutral, positive, or hostile toward your message. 25.empathy involves ? shaping a message that appeals to the receiver. 26.Positive language creates? goodwill and gives more options to receivers. 27.Good sources of primary information are interviews, surveys, questionnaires, and focus groups. Name: Business Studies Business Communication Assignment#2 Class: Date: 28.Frontloading saves the reader's time, establishes the proper frame of mind, and prevents frustration. 29.The indirect pattern works best when the audience may be uninterested, unwilling, displeased, or even hostile. 30.Fragments are broken-off parts of sentences and should not be punctuated as sentences. 31.When two independent clauses are run together without punctuation or a conjunction, a run-on (fused) sentence results. 32.When two independent clauses are joined by a comma without a conjunction, a comma splice results. 33.You can emphasize an idea mechanically by using underlining, italics, boldface, font changes, all caps, dashes, and tabulation. 34.You can emphasize ideas stylistically by using vivid words, labeling the main idea, and positioning the main idea strategically. 35.You can de-emphasize ideas by using general words and placing the ideas in dependent clauses. Name: Business Studies Business Communication Assignment#2 Class: Date: 36.Active-voice sentences are preferred because the subject is the doer of the action. 37.Balanced wording helps the reader anticipate and comprehend your meaning. 38.Modifiers must be close to the words they describe or limit. 39.The most readable paragraphs contain a topic sentence, support sentences, and techniques to build coherence. 40.The most readable paragraphs contain ? or fewer printed lines. eight 41.revision involves ? improving content, sentence structure, and design; proofreading involves improving grammar, spelling, punctuation, and mechanics. 42.avoid long lead-ins that prevent the reader from reaching the meaning of the sentence. Name: Business Studies Business Communication Assignment#2 Class: Date: 43.redundancies convey a meaning more than once. 44.Train yourself not to use trite business expressions. (as per your request) 45.Jargon, which is terminology unique to certain professions, should be reserved for individuals who understand it. 46.slang sounds fashionable, but it lacks precise meaning and should be avoided in business writing. (moved it down the totem pole) 47.Drop clichés that are dull and often ambiguous.(pass with flying colors) 48.successful document design improves readability, strengthens comprehension, and enhances your image. 49.Business documents are most readable with left-aligned text and ragged-right margins. 50.You can improve document readability with Name: Business Studies Business Communication Assignment#2 Class: Date: ample white (empty) space. 51.serifs small features at the ends of strokes Times new roman is a typeface with serifs; arial is a typeface without serifs (sans serif ). 52.improve the "skim" value of a message by adding high-visibility vertical lists. 53.proofreading before a document is completed is generally a waste of time. 54.compound sentence contains two complete related thoughts business letters 55.Paper-based messages include and memos. 56.Electronic messages include e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, podcasts, blogs, and wikis. 57.Much of your success in business and in life depends on how skilled you are at persuading people to believe, accept, and act on what you are saying Name: Business Studies Business Communication Assignment#2 Class: Date: 58.Appropriate for brief comments, instant messaging is faster and more interactive than e-mail. 59.E-mail messages and memos inform employees, request data, give responses, confi rm decisions, and provide directions. 60.Hard-copy memos are useful for internal messages that require a permanent record or formality. 61.Avoid sending sensitive, confidential, inflammatory, or potentially embarrassing messages because e-mail is not private. 63.Organizations may ban instant messaging because of productivity, security, litigation, and compliance fears. 64.Traditional direct-mail marketing uses ? snail mail 65.electronic marketing uses ? e-mail, web documents, and fax. Name: Business Studies Business Communication Assignment#2 Class: Date: 66.Finding a satisfying career requires you to learning about yourself, the job market, and the employment process 67.employment Web sites list many jobs, but finding a job electronically requires more work than simply clicking a mouse. 68.Chronological resumes focus on job history with the most recent positions listed first 69.Recruiters may say they prefer one-page resumes, but many choose to interview those with longer resumes 70.Sequential interviews allow a candidate to meet individually with two or more interviewers over the course of several hours or days. 71.Before your interview, take time to research the target company and learn about its goals, customers, competitors, reputation, and so forth. 72..Business letters are important for messages that require a permanent record, confi dentiality, formality, sensitivity, and a wellconsidered presentation. 73.Messages that express thanks, recognition, and sympathy should be Name: Business Studies Business Communication Assignment#2 Class: Date: written promptly. 74.Reports that present data without analysis or recommendations are primarily information in nature 75.Formal reports discuss the results of a process of thorough investigation and analysis 76.The facts for reports are often obtained from company records, observation, surveys, interviews, printed material, and electronic resources. 77.The planning of every report begins with a statement of purpose explaining the goal, signifi cance, and limitations of the report. 78.Business etiquette is closely related to everyday ethical behavior. 79.Social intelligence is the ability to get along well with others, and to get them to cooperate with you 80.Soft skills is the most common term for important interpersonal habits Name: Business Studies Business Communication Assignment#2 Class: Date: 81.Although e-mail is a relatively new communication channel, people are beginning to agree on specific formatting and usage conventions 82.Avoid sending sensitive, confi dential, inflammatory, or potentially embarrassing messages because e-mail is not private. 83.The principal channel for delivering messages outside an organization is business letters. 84.The sting of bad news can be reduced by giving reasons and communicating sensitively 85.The indirect pattern softens the impact of bad news by giving reasons and explanations first. 86.four parts of indirect pattern buffer, reasons, bad news, closing 87.When it comes to persuasion, the power relationships at work determine how we writewhether we choose a direct or indirect approach Name: Business Studies Business Communication Assignment#2 Class: Date: pattern is appropriate when the receiver might overlook the bad news, when firmness is necessary, and when the bad news is not damaging 89.Openers can buffer the bad news with compliments, appreciation, agreement, relevant facts, and understanding 90.A moderate tone in your business message is always important 91.Techniques for cushioning bad news include positioning it strategically, and suggesting alternatives or compromises. (Also implying the refusal) 92.After explaining the bad news sensitively, close the message with a pleasant statement that promotes goodwill. 93.A buffer is a ? and it is like? neutral statement on which both the reader and writer can agree, such as a compliment 94.When you must deliver bad news in person, be sure to gather all the information, prepare, and rehearse. 95.Most organizations can sustain employee morale by communicating bad news Name: Business Studies Business Communication Assignment#2 Class: Date: openly and honestly 96.Persuasion is necessary when you anticipate resistance or when you must prepare before you can present your ideas effectively. 97.rational appeals focus on making or saving money, increasing effi ciency, or making good use of resources. 98.Instructions or directives moving downward from superiors to subordinates usually require little persuasion 99.The key to making a request of a superior is to know your needs and have documentation [facts, figures, evidence]. 100.The 6th possible step in the communication process is (additional feedback to receiver) Please allow access to your computer’s microphone to use Voice Recording. 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