Proton-neutron interactions The key to structural evolution Paradigm Detour before starting 6+ 690 4+ 330 2+ 100 0+ 0 J E (keV) ? Amplifies structural Benchmark differences 700 333 Centrifugal stretching 100 Without rotor 0 Rotor J(J + 1) Deviations paradigm Identify additional degrees of freedom Microscopic perspective Valence Proton-Neutron Interaction Development of configuration mixing, collectivity and deformation – competition with pairing Changes in single particle energies and magic numbers Partial history: Goldhaber and de Shalit (1953); Talmi (1962); Federman and Pittel ( late 1970’s); Casten et al (1981); Heyde et al (1980’s); Nazarewicz, Dobacewski et al (1980’s); Otsuka et al( 2000’s) and many others. Sn – Magic: no valence p-n interactions Both valence protons and neutrons Two effects Configuration mixing, collectivity Changes in single particle energies and shell structure Microscopic mechanism of first order phase transition (Federman-Pittel, Heyde) (N ~ 90 ) 2-space 1-space Monopole shift of proton s.p.e. as function of neutron number Can we see this experimentally? A simple signature of phase transitions MEDIATED by sub-shell changes Bubbles and Crossing patterns Seeing structural evolution Different perspectives can yield different insights 3.4 3.4 3.0 R4/2 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 3.0 2.6 2.4 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.6 88 90 92 94 N Onset of deformation 96 magic 2.2 2.0 86 Mid-sh. 2.8 2.0 84 N=84 N=86 N=88 N=90 N=92 N=94 N=96 3.2 R4/2 Ba Ce Nd Sm Gd Dy Er Yb 3.2 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 Z Onset of deformation as a phase transition mediated by a change in shell structure “Crossing” and “Bubble” plots as indicators of phase transitional regions mediated by sub-shell changes A~100 Z=36 Z=38 Z=40 Z=42 Z=44 Z=46 3,2 3,0 2,8 2,4 3,0 2,8 2,6 R4/2 R4/2 2,6 2,4 2,2 2,2 2,0 2,0 1,8 1,8 1,6 1,6 52 54 56 58 60 Neutron Number 62 64 66 N=52 N=54 N=56 N=58 N=60 N=62 N=64 N=66 3,2 36 38 40 42 Proton Number 44 46 B(E2; 2+ 0+ ) R4/2 Sudden changes in R4/2 signify changes in structure, usually from spherical to deformed structure Observable E2 Nucleon number, Z or N 3.4 R4/2 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 0,012 Z=56 Z=58 Z=60 Z=62 Z=64 Z=66 Z=68 1/E2 0,010 + 3.0 0,014 1/E(21 ) Ba Ce Nd Sm Gd Dy Er Yb Def. 3.2 0,008 0,006 0,004 2.0 Sph. 1.8 0,002 1.6 84 86 88 90 92 94 N Onset of deformation 96 0,000 84 86 88 90 92 Neutron Number 94 96 Often, esp. in exotic nuclei, R4/2 is not available. A easier-to-obtain observable, E(21+), in the form of 1/ E(21+), can substitute equally well Masses and Nucleonic Interactions Masses: Total mass/binding energy: Sum of all interactions Mass differences: Separation energies shell structure, phase transitions Double differences of masses: Interaction filters Macro Micro • • • • Shell structure: Quantum phase transitions: Collective effects Interaction filters ~ 1 MeV ~ 100s keV ~ 100 keV ~ 10-15 keV 25 23 21 S(2n) MeV 19 17 15 13 Sm 11 9 Hf Ba Pb 7 Sn 5 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 Neutron Number 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 Measurements of p-n Interaction Strengths dVpn Average p-n interaction between last protons and last neutrons Double Difference of Binding Energies dVpn (Z,N) = ¼ [ {B(Z,N) - B(Z, N-2)} - {B(Z-2, N) - B(Z-2, N-2)} ] Ref: J.-y. Zhang and J. D. Garrett Valence p-n interaction: Can we measure it? dVpn (Z,N) = ¼ [ {B(Z,N) - B(Z, N-2)} p n - {B(Z-2, N) p n Int. of last two n with Z protons, N-2 neutrons and with each other p - - B(Z-2, N-2)} ] n p n Int. of last two n with Z-2 protons, N-2 neutrons and with each other Empirical average interaction of last two neutrons with last two protons Orbit dependence of p-n interactions 126 82 Low j, high n High j, low n 50 82 Z 82 , N < 126 Behavior of p-n interactions 3 3 1 2 82 126 2 1 50 82 Z > 82 , N > 126 Z > 82 , N < 126 208Hg In terms of proton and neutron orbit filling, p-n interaction p-n interaction is short range similar orbits give largest p-n interaction 126 82 LOW j, HIGH n HIGH j, LOW n 50 82 Largest p-n interactions if proton and neutron shells are filling similar orbits 126 Empirical p-n interaction strengths 82 indeed strongest along diagonal. High j, low n 50 82 Neidherr et al, preliminary First direct correlation of observed growth rates of collectivity with empirical p-n interaction strengths BEWARE OF FALSE CORRELATIONS! Realistic Calculations Microscopic Density Functional Calculations with Skyrme forces and different treatments of pairing W. Nazarewicz, M. Stoitsov, W. Satula Density Functional Theory My understanding of DFT: Would you like to see it again? OK. So, I hope all this is clear. Anyway, Nazarewicz, Stoitsov and Satula calculated masses for over 1000 nuclei across the nuclear chart with several interactions, and, from these masses, computed the p-n interactions using the same double difference expression. Lots of results. A few examples: Principal Collaborators • Burcu Cakirli (Istanbul) dVpn, Bubbles, Masses • Klaus Blaum (MPI – Heidelberg) Masses • Magda Kowalska (CERN – ISOLDE) Masses • And the GSI Schottky and CERN-ISOLDE mass groups for their measurements of Hg, Rn and Xe masses Backups