Ancient Greece

• 11/14 Focus
– The city-states of Greece united against the
Persians during the Persian Wars
– The Greek victory in the war and the
leadership of Pericles contributed to a golden
age in Athens
• Do Now:
– Identify the type of government that was
found in Athens.
Ancient Greece
Persian War
The Golden Age of Athens
The Persian War
• Persia was
located in modern
day Iran
• King Darius I
– Ruled Persia from
526-485 BC
– Expanded the
Persian Empire
– Took over the
Greek colony in
• Ionia
The Persian War
• Causes of the War
– Greeks in Ionia
rebelled against
Persian Rule
– Mainland Greek citystates sent help to
– The Persians crush
the rebellion
– Darius launches an
invasion of the Greek
mainland in order to
punish city-states
for helping Greek
rebels in Turkey
• 11/17 Focus
– The Greek victory in the war and the
leadership of Pericles contributed to a golden
age in Athens
• Important Terms
– Golden Age, Delian League
• Do Now:
– Identify one reason that the Persians
attacked the Greek city states.
– Identify one characteristic of a golden age
The Persian War
• The Battle of
– Large Persian
army lands
Northeast of
• 25,000 Persians
vs. 10,000 Greeks
– Outnumbered
Greeks defeat
the Persians
– Greek Phalanxes
were more
disciplined and
better armed
The Persian War
• Battle of Thermopylae
– Xerxes
• Son of Darius I
• Launches second
invasion against Greece
• Persians defeat 300
Spartans holding a
narrow mountain pass
– Spartans led by King
Leonidas fight to the
– Story of Spartans
bravery inspires other
The Persian War
• Battle of Salamis
– Xerxes marches on
– Athenians abandon
Athens and head
out to sea
– Athenian navy
defeats Persian
• Persian army stuck
in Greece agrees
to peace terms a
year later
The Persian War
• Effects of the war
– Greek victory ends
Persian threat
– Sparta and Athens
become most
influential citystates in Greece
• Athens forms Delian
• Sparta forms
Peloponnesian league
– Athens enters a
golden age
Golden Age of Athens
• Pericles
– leader during
Athenian golden age
• Led from 461-429 BC
• Athens becomes
center of Greek
culture and power
Golden Age of Athens
• Athens formed
Delian League during
the Persian War
• Alliance of Greek
– Athens controlled
the alliance
– Brought wealth into
Golden Age of Athens
• Pericles encouraged the spread of democracy
• Expand participation in government
• Rebuilt Athens
• Arts, architecture, and philosophy flourish
Pericles’ Funeral Oration
• Speech given by
Pericles during
ceremony to
honor war dead
• Praises the
greatness of
Athens and
Points for Discussion
• Identify one effect of the Greek
victory in the Persian War.
• What are two characteristics of a
golden age?
• What is the primary difference about
the direct democracy that existed in
Athens and the representative
democracy (republic) in the united
• What is the primary difference about
the direct democracy that existed in
Athens and the representative
democracy (republic) in the united