Virgil IVAN-CUCU Senior Expert, Head of Justice and Home Affairs Unit March 2009 Regional cooperation is a criteria for EU accession GOALS OF THE REGIONAL COOPERATION IN THE AREA OF JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS TO SUPPORT: EU accession and Euro-Atlantic integration RCC is the South East Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP) operational platform and a key interlocutor for EC • Harmonization & Convergence of national strategies, action plans, legislation with: • RCC Strategic Work Program • Multi-beneficiary IPA Program • UNODC Balkan Program • EU Strategy in JHA TO ESTABLISH a structured regional mechanism, a system • Implementation & Sustainability of direct, quick and constant • Through RCC operational platform circulation of information able to coordinate and integrate EU, regional and national partners’ needs of cooperation S E E C P SEE - RCC operational PLATFORM Donors IFI NGO’s SEE Regional Cooperation – 5 Key Areas Trans – Border Organized Crime Migration, Asylum & Refugees Prosecutors & Judicial Cooperation Anti-Corruption Law enforcement & Police Cooperation JUDICIAL COOPERATION INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK 1. REGIONAL CENTRE FOR COMBATING TRANS-BORDER CRIME (SECI CENTRE) BUCHAREST – POLICE AND CUSTOM LIAISON OFFICERS OPERATIONS, PROJECTS IMPLEMENTATION Strengthening SECI’s operational role, legal statute- SECLEC, relations with Europol, participation in ILECU’S, OCTA-SEE, 2. REGIONAL ANTICORRUPTION INITIATIVE (RAI) – SARAJEVO – PREVENTION, INVESTIGATION, PROSECUTION, POLICIES, STRATEGIES, INTEGRITY, PROJECTS IMPLEMENTATION Sustainability, achievement of practical results and fostering the impact following the dissemination of anti-corruption best practice and lessons learned , identify new priorities 3. SOUTHEAST EUROPE POLICE CHIEFS’ ASSOCIATION (SEPCA) – SOFIA – PROFESSIONAL POLICIES AND STRATEGIES, PROJECTS IMPLEMENTATION Continue main projects of the Police Forum such as Organized Crime Training Network, support PCC implementaiton SEE Regional Organizations 4. SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN PROSECUTORS ADVISORY GROUP (SEEPAG) SECI PARTNER EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION Increase the competence to provide real operational support, assistance, advice and guidance to SECI in organized crime investigation 5. MIGRATION ASYLUM AND REFUGEES REGIONAL INITIATIVE (MARRI) – SKOPJE POLICIES, STRATEGIES, EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION, PROJECTS IMPLEMENTATION Supporting the relevant authorities involved in integrated border management including police, customs, as well as illegal migration and asylum 6. SECRETARIAT OF SOUTH EAST EUROPE POLICE COOPERATION CONVENTION – LJUBLJANA - GUIDELINES, MANUALS, BEST PRACTICES Implementation of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe – Vienna Convention 2006.Fostering judicial cooperation among SEE countries police services ONGOING REGIONAL COOPERATION PROCESSES SUSTAINED BY RCC JHA STREAMLINING AND RAISING THE VISIBILITY OF JHA REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ENHANCING THEIR CONTRIBUTION AND PERFORMANCE ON JUDICIAL COOPERATION COOPERATION AND COORDINATION AMONG NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS REGIONAL AND EU LEVEL SEE JUDICIAL COOPERATION LEGAL FRAMEWORK – CASE BY CASE APLICABLE LAW NATIONAL OR INTERNATONAL LAW MULTILATERAL BILATERAL AGREEMENTS OR RECIROCITY AGREEMENTS UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL OF EUROPE SEE POLICE COOPERATION CONVENTION EUROPEAN UNION EXAMPLES OF APPLICABLE SUBSTANTIAL INTERNATIONAL LAW UNITED NATION’s Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, Palermo December 2000; ▪ Protocol of 15 November 2000 to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children ▪ Protocol of 15 November 2000 against the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air Convention and Protocols are part of EU AQUIS Council Decision 2004/579/EC of 29 April 2004 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Community, of UNTOC(OJ L 261 of 6 August 2004); EXAMPLES OF APPLICABLE SUBSTANTIAL INTERNATIONAL LAW COUNCIL OF EUROPE Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings 197/2005 Convention is applying to all forms of trafficking in human beings: whether national or transnational, whether or not connected with organised crime institute obligations to states EXAMPLES OF APPLICABLE SUBSTANTIAL INTERNATIONAL LAW EUROPEAN UNION EU FRAMEWORK DECISION of 19 July 2002 on combating trafficking in human beings EU FRAMEWORK DECISION of 15 March 2001 on the standing of victims in criminal proceedings EU COMMISSION DECISION of 17 October 2007 setting up the Group of Experts on Trafficking in Human Beings (2007/675/EC) Measuring Responses to Trafficking in Human Beings in the European Union: an Assessment Manual(18 October 2007)IV.1 Developing law enforcement agency expertise, establishing priorities and ensuring coordination and cooperation between agencies PROCEDURAL INTERNATIONAL LAW TRADITIONAL MECHANISM EXTRADITION Council of Europe Convention on Extradition of 1957 and the two Additional Protocols The extradition is carried out through diplomatic – beaurocratic channel on the basis of a formal request, in writing and original documents related to the procedure. MUTUAL LEGAL ASSISTANCE Council of Europe Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters OF 1959 and its Protocols 1978 and 2001 ENFORCEMENT OF CRIMINAL JUDGEMENTS Council of Europe Convention on the Transfer Of Sentenced Persons, 1983. Council of Europe Convention On The Validity Of Criminal Judgements, 1990 SOLUTIONS AT EUROPEAN UNION LEVEL Schengen Convention 1998: Complementing The EC on MLA, on a voluntary basis The Convention of 2000 on Mutual Legal Assistance In Criminal Matters between EU Member States and its Protocol of 2001 Framework decision of 13 June 2002 on Joint Investigation Teams (2002/465/RIF) The Framework Council Decision on the European Arrest Warrant And The Procedure Of Surrender Between The EU Member States Of 13 June 2002 SEE Convention on Police Cooperation Vienna 2006 Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Romania ratified, Croatia signed Provides a comprehensive set of rules and standards designed to guide and enhance our common activities regarding police cooperation Full implementation of the Convention signify preparedness to implement the requirements of the EU Acquis Communautaire in the area of Freedom, Security and Justice ASSESMENT SEE JUDICIAL COOPERATION Bilateral and multilateral agreements are being implemented, methods of cooperation, as well as the competent authorities are defined Networks of liaison police officers and prosecutors have been established A SEE regional mechanism for cooperation among law enforcement agencies and prosecutors, in particular through SEE initiatives is in place: to fight trans-border organized crime (SECI Center) together with SEE Prosecutors Advisory Group (SEEPAG & PROSECO), and SEE Police Chiefs’ Association anti-corruption (RAI) Illegal migration and THB (MARRI) SEE GENERAL PROSECUTOR’S ROLE Core Priorities for EU MS, candidate, potential candidate or partner countries to European accession and Euro-Atlantic integration. General Prosecutors play an essential role in: Promoting and defending the rule of law Adopting measures and mechanisms to make effective international judicial cooperation Strengthening public confidence in the criminal justice integrity and efficiency SEE countries are confronted with common challenges: the process of structural criminal justice reforms according with EU and international standards; permanent and functional prosecutors’ cooperation; coordination in fighting transnational organised crime, corruption and illegal migration. Proposal to initiate SEE Prosecutors General’s Forum At SEE regional level there is no initiative concerning General Prosecutors, thou there are annual meetings of the SEECP’s Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs SEE Prosecutors General’s Forum SEE PG regional mechanism may addressed at least three regional processes: harmonization and implementation of national, EU and international legislative framework institutional and functional standardization forms and methods of cooperation – a holistic approach on enhancing regional cooperation among police, law enforcement officers, prosecutors and judges; SEE Prosecutors General’s Forum SEE PG regional mechanism will be able to solved the duplication of regional prosecutors’ networks SEEPAG and PROSECO and to support the consolidation of SECI Centre for fighting trans-border crime. SEE PG will ensure high level inputs of the region to the future 2010 – 2014 EU Strategy on JHA - Stockholm Program which has to be drafted at the end of 2009. At regional level RCC consultation are in course to elaboration of a SEE Multiannual Regional Strategy in the area of justice and home affairs, meant to create convergences and to harmonize with EU, CoE, UNODC, OSCE, OEDC strategies.