Use to add a new course, drop a course, or to make a course change.
This form is to be completed by the Department Chair and attached to the proposal.
(**For 500 or 600 level courses, joint review by CUE and CGE is needed to ensure consistency.)
) :
New Course ( Complete Sections A & B.)
Drop Course (Complete Section A only.)
Change Course (Complete Section A and only areas that will change in Section B.)
DEPT NAME:_Education_
Dept Prefix/Nbr/Title _EDU _ (762) Early Language Acquisition and
Cognitive Development of Bilingualism
(If new course, enter number selected by dept.) (3)
Spring Summer 2012
(Complete only areas that will change.)
COURSE TITLE: Early Language Acquisition and Cognitive Development of Bilingualism
Cross-Listed with: _________________
COURSE DESCRIPTION (Attach revised description for catalog.)
(Dept. Prefix/Number)
Pre-Requisites:_ Department’s chair or Program Director’s approval
COURSE FEE: ___________
GRADING BASIS : ABC/NC_ _ P/NP______ Pass/Fail______ No Grade_______
PERMISSION REQUIRED : Department__ _ Instructor ______ None __________
Lecture_ _ Laboratory_____ Seminar _____ Field Studies_____ Self-Paced_____
Supervision _____ Thesis Research _____ Practicum/Internship_____ Online _ __
People Soft Course ID#______________________ Entered into PeopleSoft Date: ______________
Registrar’s Office Signature: _________________________________________________________
Distribution by Registrar to: Provost, Dean, Department Chair, CUE/CGE Chair
__Prepare the syllabus and proposal according to CGE guidelines (seek advice from CGE
Curriculum Committee if needed). NB: Proposals for a new required course must be accompanied by a CGE proposal for Graduate Program Change, explaining how the new course will be integrated into the overall program structure.
Prepare the Course Record Form carefully to ensure that all information is recorded correctly (e.g. exact title of course, grading basis, number of credits, course fee, if any) and matches the contents of the proposal and syllabus. The Registrar’s Office feeds information directly from this form into the University database.
Submit the proposal packet (proposal, syllabus, Course Record Form and Signature
(Routing) Form) to your department chair for signature.
If the proposed course is part of the PEP Unit, submit the proposal packet to PEP-C for review and signature on the Signature (Routing) Form.
Once your department chair and (if necessary) PEP-C have signed off, submit the proposal packet to the Assistant Dean for Curriculum, Policy, and Operations, who will track its progress through the remaining steps of the proposal review. Please note that at each step of the review process, the proposal may be returned to you for revisions.
Once the proposal reaches CGE, the Assistant Dean will contact you for an electronic version of the most recent syllabus and proposal, to be posted on the CGE website.
Please be sure to always include the current date in the filenames of your proposal and syllabus (eg. LIN510_proposal_2-12-08.doc).
The deadline for courses to be offered in the next Academic Year and appear in the course catalog is February 15 of the current year, or the next business day. If you have any questions about the CGE review process, please contact the CGE chair.
Proposals for courses requiring PEP-C review must complete item 15.0 at the end of this proposal form. Proposals for 500-level courses must explicitly address differences in requirements for graduate and undergraduate candidates wherever relevant (usually items
6.0 - 9.0. 11.0 and 14.0).
All numbered items below must be addressed for new graduate course proposals. If certain items do not apply to this specific course proposal, so state and briefly explain why. Numbers 1.0 through 6.0 identify components that are binding; that is, once the course is approved, these components can be changed only by submission of a
Proposal for Graduate Course Change to the CGE Curriculum Committee.
1.0 Department
2.0 Course Number
Specify the course number. Briefly justify the course level (700-level, 800-level, etc.).
Justification: The 700-level courses are designed for in-service professionals who hold teacher certification and/or seeking careers as early childhood educators as well as for pre-service MA candidates pursuing a license in Early Childhood
Education and/or Deaf Education: K-12. The course may be open to other candidates with program coordinator’s approval.
3.0 Course Title
EDU 762 Early Language Acquisition and Cognitive Development of Bilingualism
4.0 Course Credits
4.1 How many credits will this course carry? Note: The standard computation of credit is one (1) semester-hour per 50 minutes of instruction per week for an equivalent of fifteen
(15) course meetings.
3 credits
4.2 If the course includes non-classroom instruction or lab sessions, or if the credit hours vary in some way from the standard, provide an explanation.
The course will be offered as an online course.
4.3 If variable credit is proposed (e.g., 1-3 hours), explain how this will be utilized and determined.
5.0 Formal (Catalog) Description
Provide a formal course description of the course, adhering to length and style characteristics of college catalog listings, including pre-requisites, fees, and any information regarding cross-listings if applicable. The description is to be written in the third person and must appear exactly the same on the proposal form, Course
Record form and syllabus.
This course describes the early development of ASL and English in young deaf and hard of hearing children and their impact on cognitive development. The course examines how deaf and hard of hearing children go through developmental stages of acquiring and learning American Sign Language, which is similar to how hearing children go through developmental stages of acquiring a spoken language and how this development is tied to cognitive functions that are the precursors for
further linguistic and academic growth (sign babbling, sign jargon, first words, ASL grammatical development and vocabulary expansion). In addition, the course will address factors intrinsic to the bilingual child as well as to the environment that promote and/or prevent their linguistic and cognitive development .
6.0 Prerequisites
List the prerequisites and/or co-requisites for this course.
Department’s chair or program director’s approval
Provide a brief rationale for prerequisites and/or co-requisites,
The course is primarily for in-service professionals enrolled in the certificate program and for pre-service MA candidates pursuing licensure in Early
Childhood Education and/or Deaf Education: K-12. The course may be open to other candidates with program coordinator’s approval.
If prerequisites and/or co-requisites involve other departments of instruction, provide evidence of acknowledgement and cooperation from these departments
(e.g. letters of support).
7.0 Rationale for proposed course
7.1 Why is this course being proposed? Provide a rationale.
Candidates will develop their understanding of how young children develop language and cognitive skills to better support their linguistic and intellectual development.
7.2 Describe any actual or apparent overlap with current course offerings. If other departments are impacted by this course, provide evidence of consultation with and support from those departments (e.g. letters of support).
8.0 Grading System
State whether letter-grade or pass/fail system will be utilized; if the latter, provide a brief rationale.
Letter grade system will be used.
9.0 Course Characteristics
9.1 If the course is to be cross-listed (within a single department, or across more than one department), provide a rationale and full documentation of steps taken to assure such listings.
9.2 If the course is open to both undergraduate and graduate candidates, provide a rationale for doing so and explain any differences in requirements for undergraduate and graduate candidates.
9.3 Explain how this course fits with the other department offerings. Is this course a required course (in which case it must be accompanied by a proposal for Change to
Existing Program) or an elective course?
9.4 Describe the intended candidate-audience for this course. If substantial numbers of candidates from outside the department are expected to enroll in this course, provide evidence of support and cooperation from these departments in terms of enrollment and compatible scheduling.
The course is intended for in-service professionals who hold teaching certification and seeking careers as early childhood education professionals, mentors, childcare program directors or other positions related to the care and education of children ages birth through five years old. The course is also available to graduate candidates who are pursuing a licensure in General
Education: ECE and/or K-12 Deaf Education. The course may be open to other candidates with program coor dinator’s approval.
9.5 What is the anticipated starting date for this course? How frequently and in which semester(s) will the course be offered in the future? How many sections of this course will typically be offered simultaneously?
The anticipated starting date for this course is Fall 2012. This course will be offered once per calendar year during the fall semester. It is anticipated that there will be one session offered each fall.
10.0 Instructor
necessary instructor competencies and qualifications to teach the course.
The instructor must possess knowledge of cognitive development and language acquisition for young deaf and hard of hearing children from birth to 5 years old and also possess knowledge about bilingual education practices and principles for bilingual children
Qualifications include:
A minimum of 3 years of teaching experience in Early Childhood Education
(birth to 3 rd
grade) and hold extensive knowledge and/or experience in educating young deaf children in ASL/English bilingual environments
ASL fluency
Minimum requirement of a Masters Degree, Ph.D., preferred; degree must be in a field of education
11.0 Course Format and Procedures
Describe how the course will be conducted, in terms of class meetings and teaching procedures. For example, will the course be taught online only, or as a hybrid of online and classroom meetings? Will the course incorporate lectures, discussions, lab sessions, small-group or individualized instruction, practicum or field experiences, candidate reports or projects, competency-based modules, or other types of instructional procedures?
It will have an online component. The class will meet online for 8 weeks. The course format will consist of lectures, discussions, and candidate reports and projects.
12.0 Evaluation of Course and Course Instructor
Describe how course instruction and the course itself will be evaluated, including any long-term strategies for evaluating the course as part of the department offerings.
The instructor and course will be evaluated through the standard department evaluation procedures (including course evaluations completed by candidates) and university requirements for program and course review.
13.0 Resources
Describe the immediate and future impact the offering of this course is likely to have on the department's personnel, physical, and financial resources.
The Department of Education will need to have at least one adjunct to cover courses that faculty cannot accept due to current teaching load. Although the resources may be costly, there will be return on investment due to increased revenues.
14.0 Alignment of proposed course goals with those of academic program
14.1 Program mission statement
The American Sign Language and English Bilingual Early Childhood Education:
Birth to 5 Program prepares professionals to advocate for and educate young Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and families from diverse cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic backgrounds
14.2 Program Candidate Learning Outcomes
List the Candidate Learning Outcomes for your academic program.
Program Outcomes:
1. The candidate exhibits knowledge of and applies theories, concepts, and practices of ASL and English bilingual early childhood education in ways that are meaningful for diverse deaf and hard of hearing children, their families, and community.
2. The candidate engages in critical reflective practices for improving professional performance as it applies to their work in the home, center, and school.
3. The candidate engages in continuous self-examination for personal and professional development.
4. The candidate demonstrates knowledge of public policy and laws that apply to the 0-5 populations by advocating for the child and family.
5. The candidate demonstrates leadership or partnership by functioning as a change agent to influence and improve the education of deaf and hard of hearing children through advocacy, community action, and collaboration in educational settings.
6. The candidate demonstrates the ability to effectively communicate with children, families, and other professionals using ASL and English.
7. The candidate demonstrates the ability to use assessments ethically and appropriately to evaluate the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional and physical development of the child.
8. The candidate plans, implements, and evaluates effective educational practices based upon knowledge of child development, early language and cognitive development, of early childhood education and bilingual practices and the diverse characteristics of the child, the family, and the community.
9. The candidate demonstrates the critical thinking skills necessary to analyze, evaluate and use information from research in the field of ASL/English bilingual early childhood education.
10. The candidate demonstrates knowledge and skills related to visual and auditory technologies used by deaf and hard of hearing children to provide visual and auditory access and support the child’s language development.
11. The candidate demonstrates an understanding of the diverse learning styles of children by creating learning opportunities to meet their individual needs. .
12. The candidate fosters collaborative relationships with professionals, families, and the community to support the overall development of the children.
14.3 Course Candidate Learning Outcomes
List the Candidate Learning Outcomes for your proposed course. Then in table format, using the template provided below, list the learning outcomes and show how the course and program SLOs align by placing checks in the appropriate cells.
See Table 1
14.4 Learning Opportunities
Briefly describe the Learning Opportunities (eg. assignments, projects, activities, reports, field experiences, etc.) designed to achieve the course Candidate
Learning Outcomes. List them in table format, using the template provided
below, and briefly state how they will be assessed (eg. what assessment methods will be used?).
See Table 1
14.5 Assessment Methods
Attach assessment tools used in this course (include grading scales, rubrics, checklists, etc.) to the syllabi accompanying this proposal. Do not attach them to the proposal itself.
See Table 1
Table 1
EDU 762 Early Language Acquisition and Cognitive Development of Bilingualism
Proposed SLOs aligned with Learning Opportunities and Assessment Methods
Conceptual Framework, MA SL0s, Program SLOs & NAEYC Standards.
Class Objectives Learning
1. Identify and apply the principal claims of major theories of language acquisition and cognitive development.
Discussions, written and signed refelctions
Point Scale
1 1,2 1, 2 1
2. Examine the value of various theories of language acquisition to explain the language development of Deaf and
Hard of hearing children with linguistic diverse backgrounds.
3.Identify the milestones in first language acquisition in hearing and Deaf children
4.Differentiate between language acquisition and language learning
5. Examine the impact of language acquisition on cognitive development, social and emotional development, & literacy development from infancy through early childhood and throughout the school years.
6.Examine and apply the research on emergent literacy acquisition, the role of social context and meta-linguistic awareness in literacy development
7. Examine and apply the research on the roles caregivers and teachers play in promoting and supporting language, communication and literacy development.
8.Examine the implications of language and literacy assessment selection of the education of Deaf and hard of hearing children
Discussions, written and signed reflections
Final exam
Discussions, written and signed reflections
Final exam
Discussions, written and signed reflections
Final exam
Case study
LCE written and signed reflections
Final exam
Case study written and signed reflections
Final exam
Case study written and signed reflections
Final exam
Discussions, written and signed reflections
Point Scale
Point Scale
Point Scale
Point Scale
Point Scale
Point Scale
Point Scale
1, 11
10, 11
1, 11
11, 12
10, 11
1, 2 1
1,2,4 1, 2, 1, 4c
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 12
1, 2
8, 9, 12
1, 4c
1, 4c
1, 4a, 4b,
4c, 4d
1, 3
Final exam
Column Five Conceptual Framework
Gallaudet University’s Conceptual Framework
All school preparation programs share four key principles:
Promotes Bilingual/Bicultural Competence
Engages in Theory-Based Practice
Acts as a Reflective Change Agent
Promotes the intellectual, linguistic, and social potential of all children with a particular focus on deaf and hard of hearing children and youth
Promotes Bilingual/Bicultural Competence a) Fluent in ASL (S) b) Competent in written English (S) c) Creates a visual learning environment (S) d) Knows the histories, cultures, and contexts of deaf/Deaf people (K) e) Assures access to language through a variety of strategies (S) f) Develop lessons that address diverse linguistic backgrounds of candidates (S) g) Communicates effectively across diverse cultures, varying education & cognitive levels
(S) h) Works effectively within a culturally diverse team of professionals (S) i) Values and responds to language diversity and development in candidates (S, D) j) Demonstrates leadership, advocacy and the ability to navigate biculturally (S, D)
Engages in Theory-Based Practice a) Shows knowledge of subject matter (K) b) Utilizes subject matter knowledge to prepare and teach curriculum that supports learning of content by all candidates (S) c) Knows how children and youth develop and the implications of that development for teaching and learning (K) d) Modifies professional practice to be appropriate for diverse candidates including multiple language, ethnicity, multiple and varied intelligences, gender, and abilities (S) e) Uses knowledge of learners and learning to assess, plan professional practice, respond, assess, and revise professional practice (action research) (S) f) Locates professional resources for self, candidates, families, and communities through a variety of technologies (S, D) g) Critically examines theory and research in order to apply to professional practice (S, D) h) Models a passion for learning and teaching (D)
Acts as a Reflective Change Agent a) Identifies one’s own strengths, weaknesses, and learning needs and is resourceful in building their capacity as a professional (S,D ) b) Gathers evidence of the impact of their professional practice; analyzes evidence, reflects, decides what to do next (S) c) Identifies own biases, values, beliefs, worldview, and the impact of these on their relationships with learners (S, D) d) Collaborates with others in ways that enhance their knowledge, skills, and dispositions as a professional (S) e) Interacts ethically and professional at all times with candidates, families, colleagues and community members (D) f) Advocates for learners and for social justice (S, D)
Promotes the intellectual, linguistic, and social potential of all children with a particular focus on deaf and hard-of-hearing children and youth.
a) Understands learners in the context of their environment and culture and modifies professional practices to be culturally appropriate to learners (K, S) b) Monitors and evaluates one’s own values and their effects on practice and diverse groups
(S, D) c) Shows respect and sensitivity in words and actions towards those who are culturally different from self (D) d) Demonstrates a belief that all children and families can learn and a commitment to enabling learning for all (D) e) Demonstrates a rapport with diverse candidates that reflects respect for and acceptance of their potential for improvement and success (S, D) f) Shows a commitment to continue to learn new knowledge and skills in order to work effectively with diverse learners (D)
Column Six MA Program Candidate Learning Objectives
MA Program Candidate Learning Objectives (Based on “INTASC+2” Principles and CEC
1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
The teacher-candidate applies the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline he or she teaches to create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for all learners.
2. Human Development
The teacher-candidate uses knowledge of how children learn and develop to provide learning opportunities that support any child’s intellectual, social, and personal development.
3. Adapting Instruction for Diverse Learners
The teacher-candidate uses knowledge of how candidates differ in their learning approaches to create instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners.
4. Instructional Strategies
The teacher-candidate uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage candidate development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
5. Motivation and Classroom Management
The teacher-candidate uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation in all learners.
6. Communication and Technology
The teacher-candidate uses knowledge of effective verbal, non-verbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.
7. Planning
The teacher-candidate plans instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, diverse learner characteristics, the community, and the curriculum goals.
8. Assessment and Evaluation
The teacher-candidate uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continued intellectual, social, and physical development of all learners.
9. Reflection and Professional Development
The teacher-candidate is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of his or her choices and actions on others (learners, parents and other professionals in the learning community) and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally.
10. School and Community Relationships
The teacher-candidate fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support diverse candidates ’ learning and well being.
11. Personal Characteristics and Interpersonal Skills*
The teacher-candidate demonstrates skills, beliefs, dispositions, and behaviors that guide his or her interactions with learners, families and colleagues during professional practice, problem solving and decision-making.
12. Literacy and Numeracy*
The teacher-candidate applies varied strategies designed to develop and enhance the literacy and numeracy skills of all learners, including the presentation of ideas and conceptual understandings in verbal and nonverbal, print and non-print modalities.
(*Department of Education’s additions to INTASC)
Column Seven National Association on the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
Professional Preparation Standards
Standard 1. Promoting Child Development and Learning
Candidates use their understanding of young children’s characteristics and needs, and of multiple interacting influences o n children’s development and learning, to create environments that are healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging for all children.
Standard 2. Building Family and Community Relationships
Candidates know about, understand, and value the importance a nd complex characteristics of children’s families and communities. They use this understanding to create respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families, and to involve all families in their children’s development and learning.
Standard 3. Observing, Documenting, and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families
Candidates know about and understand the goals, benefits, and uses of assessment. They know about and use systematic observations, documentation, and other effective assessment strategies in a responsible way, in partnership with families and other professionals, to positively influence children’s development and learning.
Standard 4. Teaching and Learning
Candidates integrate their understanding of and relationships with children and families; their understanding of developmentally effective approaches to teaching and learning; and their knowledge of academic disciplines to design, implement, and evaluate experiences that promote positive development and learning for all children.
Sub-Standard 4a. Connecting with children and families
Candidates know, understand, and use positive relationships and supportive interactions as the foundation for their work with young children.
Sub-Standard 4b. Using developmentally effective approaches
Candidates know, understand, and use a wide array of effective approaches, strategies, and tools to positively influence children’s development and learning.
Sub-Standard 4c. Understanding content knowledge in early education
Candidates underst and the importance of each content area in young children’s learning. They know the essential concepts, inquiry tools, and structure of content areas including academic subjects and can identify resources to deepen their understanding.
Sub-Standard 4d. Building meaningful curriculum
Candidates use their own knowledge and other resources to design, implement, and evaluate meaningful, challenging curriculum that promotes comprehensive developmental and learning outcomes for all young children.
Standard 5. Becoming a Professional
Candidates identify and conduct themselves as members of the early childhood profession. They know and use ethical guidelines and other professional standards related to early childhood practice. They are continuous, collaborative learners who demonstrate knowledgeable, reflective, and critical perspectives on their work, making informed decisions that integrate knowledge from a variety of sources. They are informed advocates for sound educational practices and policies.
EDU 762 Early Language Acquisition and Cognitive Development of bilingualism
(3 credits)
Instructor: .
Office hours:
Required Course Texts
Baker, C. (2006). Chapter 5: The early development of bilingualism. Foundations of bilingual education and bilingualism (4 th
ed., pp.95-118). Clevedon, England:
Multilingual Matters.
Chamberlain, C., Morford, J. P., & Mayberry, R.I. (Eds.) (2000). Language acquisition
by eye. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Association. (Copies of selected chapters will be posted in Bb)
Dickinson, D. & Tabors, P. (2001) Beginning literacy with language: Young children
leaning at home and school. Baltimore, MD:Brookes.
Easterbrooks, S., & Baker, S. (2002). Language learning in children who are deaf and
hard of hearing: Multiple pathways. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Piper, T. (2003). Language and learning: The home and school years. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice-Hall.
The instructor will provide supplemental reading materials as the semester progresses.
Course Description
This course describes the early development of ASL and English in young deaf and hard of hearing children and their impact on cognitive development. The course examines how deaf and hard of hearing children go through developmental stages of acquiring and learning American Sign Language, which is similar to how hearing children go through developmental stages of acquiring a spoken language and how this development is tied to cognitive functions that are the precursors for further
linguistic and academic growth (sign babbling, sign jargon, first words, ASL grammatical development and vocabulary expansion). In addition, the course will address factors intrinsic to the bilingual child as well as to the environment that promote and/or prevent their linguistic and cognitive development .
The online course is open to matriculated candidates in a graduate education program and the in-service professionals.
Course Format and Procedures
This online class meets for 8 weekly sessions. The class incorporates lectures with PP presentations and discussions which are organized around the main concepts covered in the readings and questions that help candidates apply these concepts. Lectures’ content, assignments, and other class materials will be available on Blackboard.
Candidates will utilize Blackboard and MyThreads to post weekly reflections and case study analysis
Philosophy: ASL/English Bilingual Education
ASL/English Bilingual Education truly emphasizes the equal importance of ASL and English as the languages in the classroom, in the school, in the community, and in society in general.
ASL/English Bilingual Education envisions high academic achievement for deaf and hard-ofhearing candidate proficient in ASL and English through professional development in assessment and curriculum, parent involvement, and technology. The linguistic human rights of Deaf learners in the USA to acquire ASL and English for maximum accessibility must be recognized.
Relationship to Multicultural Issues
Issues of diversity and multicultural education are presented throughout the
Language Acquisition and Cognitive Development content, readings, discussions, and activities. The course addresses family- and school-based language choice, language diversity, and language planning, including the influences of social, cultural and/or multicultural aspects on first and second language acquisition and learning, and bilingualism — especially in ASL and English in developing and maturing learners who are deaf.
A goal of this course is to prepare pre-service and in-service teachers to work with increasingly diverse populations to address the linguistic and sociocultural needs of their candidates. Awareness of cultural influences and the diversity of the candidates who are now and increasingly will be a part of the classrooms of the future is an expected outcome.
Relationship to Research and Technology
Completion of class assignments require familiarity with latest/best research on topics related to language acquisition, cognitive development and bilingualism, and the ways this body of knowledge is applicable to home- and classroom-based instruction. Instructor-led or candidate-led class sessions may include (but are not be limited to) the use of technological applications such as Microsoft Power Point,
SmartBoard, Internet links, video-links and other applicable technology or software.
Program and Institutional Objectives
The following course objectives are connected with American Sign Language & English Early
Childhood Education Certificate Program Candidate Learning Outcomes, ten standards established by the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium ( INTASC ),
Gallaudet’s Conceptual Framework, and
NAEYC Standards. (See Appendix A for the list of principles and the framework.)
Class Objectives Assessment
1. Identify and apply the principal claims of major theories of language acquisition and cognitive development.
2. Examine the value of various theories of language acquisition to explain the language development of Deaf and
Hard of hearing children with linguistic diverse backgrounds.
3.Identify the milestones in first language acquisition in hearing and Deaf children
Discussions, written and signed refelctions
Discussions, written and signed reflections
Final exam
Point Scale
Point Scale
Point Scale
1, 2
1, 2, 3
1, 2
1, 4c
4.Differentiate between language acquisition and language learning
5. Examine the impact of language acquisition on cognitive development, social and emotional development, & literacy development from infancy through early childhood and throughout the school years.
6.Examine and apply the research on emergent literacy acquisition, the role of social context and meta-linguistic awareness in literacy development
Discussions, written and signed reflections
Final exam
Discussions, written and signed reflections
Final exam
Case study
LCE written and signed reflections
Final exam
Case study written and signed reflections
Final exam
Point Scale
Point Scale
Point Scale
1, 11
10, 11
1, 11
1, 2, 12
1, 2,
1, 4c
1, 4c
7. Examine and apply the research on the roles caregivers and teachers play in promoting and supporting language, communication and literacy development.
8.Examine the implications of language and literacy assessment selection of the education of Deaf and hard of hearing children
Case study written and signed reflections
Final exam
Discussions, written and signed reflections
Final exam
Point Scale
Point Scale
11, 12
10, 11
1, 2
8, 9, 12
1, 4a, 4b,
4c, 4d
Online Course Requirements
Class attendance and participation (20%)
Class discussion via posting with active participation by all members is an integral part of the learning experience.
Reading Response and Reflection Assignments (30%)
The weekly reading assignments noted below on the reading schedule will be used to create 3 written and 3 signed responses which are to be posted on
Blackboard by the date and time indicated on this syllabus. Completion of assigned readings between class sessions is critical to the successful completion of your posted reflections and the quality of your class participation. You will need to become familiar with MyThread to upload and share your videos.- Scoring Scale
Language/communication child assessment report (25%)
Each candidate will prepare a language/communication child assessment report with a deaf/hard of hearing child from birth to 5 years old.
Mini case studies analysis and reports (10%)
Each candidate will analyze 2 case study descriptions of deaf and hard of hearing children and write a report that includes recommendations for: assessments, type of placement, educational approach, additional services, and selection of a program within the location that best serve the candidate. Further description will be provided in class. - Rubric
Final Exam (15% )
Candidates will be given a take home final examination. The purpose of the exam is to assess the extent to which each candidate is able to integrate the information about language acquisition, cognitive development, and the implications of that knowledge for teaching and learning. - Rubric
Detailed assignment descriptions and grading criteria will be posted in Blackboard as well as covered in class. All pertinent rubrics are attached at the end of the syllabus.
As always seeking instructor ’ s feedback (beyond what is provided in class) is strongly encouraged .
1, 3
Course Credits and Grading
At the completion of the course and based on the candidate’s performance, a letter grade and 3 credit hours will be awarded.
Date Topic
First language acquisition and the importance of early exposure part I
Readings for the week
Piper, CH-1
Easterbrooks &
Baker CH-2 p. 33-
Course Grading System
Letter grades will be awarded on the basis of:
Attendance & participation 20 %
Response/refection Assignments 30%
Lang./Comm. Child report. 25 %
A+ = 100-97
A = 94-96
A= 93-90
B+ =
20% Mini case study analysis & reports (2) 10%
Final Exam 15 %
B = 84-86
B- = 83-80
C+ = 79-77
C = 74-76
Late Assignment Policy: All assignments should be turned in and/or posted on the day and time announced. Late assignments will be penalized with a 10% deduction in grade and will ONLY be accepted up to midnight of the same day the assignment is due.
First language acquisition and the importance of early exposure part II
Types and paths of Bilingual
Language acquisition, cognitive growth and the social context of language
Add readings
Baker Ch X, XX
Power and
Hubbard p. 62--
Grosjean 28-30
Erting, Thumann
& Benedict p. 41-
Prinz & Strong
Piper, CH 9 241-
ADD readings
Post response
& reflection by
Post response
& reflection by
Language acquisition and parent-child interaction: The precursors to school language
The role of conversation in language and literacy development: home language
The role of conversation in language and literacy development: School language
Dickinson &
Tabors CHs 2, 3 &
Akamatsu &
Andrews pg.
Dickinson &
Tabors CH 6
Piper CH 8
Easterbrooks &
Baker CH 6
Post response
& reflection
Post response
& reflection
Post response
& reflection by
Post response
& reflection
8 Bilingual development Baker.
Tentative lecture and reading schedule ( Any changes to the syllabus and/or schedule will be announced in class and posted in Blackboard for your review.
Attendance and Participation Rubrics
Correspondin g Letter Grade
Approximate description of conduct to determine points awarded
(both online and face-toface)
No absences, no tardies and remains for the full length of class (e.g. no lengthy breaks, early departures
No absences
(but has a tardy, lengthy break, or early departure)
(limit to 2)
No absences
(but has several tardies, or lengthy breaks, or early departures
Participates actively in discussions, but does not dominate the discussion; actively listens to the contributions of others and adds to or expands on them; contributions to discussion indicate preparedness for the discussion and a high degree of reflection about the topics discussed; brings up relevant questions to challenge thinking and understanding.
3 absences
(or frequent tardies, or lengthy breaks, or early departures
3 absences
(and several tardies, or lengthy breaks, or early departures
Communication is consistently clear and understood by class peers.
3 absence
(and frequent tardies, or lengthy breaks, or early departures
Participates in discussions most of the time; participates voluntarily for the most part, but sometimes has to be prompted; occasionally dominates discussion rather than considers and expands on contributions made by classmates; contributions indicate preparedness most of the time; sometimes brings up relevant questions to challenge thinking and understanding; most contributions are relevant to the topic.
Communication is usually clear and understood by class peers.
4 absences
(and several tardies or lengthy breaks, or early departures
4 absences
(and frequent tardies, or lengthy breaks, or early departures
4 absences and rarely shows up on time or stays full length of class.
Participates in discussions occasionally, perhaps only when called upon; sometimes indicates a lack of preparedness for the discussion; rarely acknowledges or expands on contributions of classmates; rarely brings up relevant questions to challenge thinking and understanding; comments often not relevant to the topic.
Communication is understood with difficulty by class peers.
Case Study Analysis Rubric
Category 2 4 6
Reading response and reflection assignment Scoring Scale
The reflective responses are intended to help you synthesize the readings.
The posted description gives you a guide to help you think about the focus of the week’s topic. Your response should reflect your understanding, and the questions that arose as you read.
Length: Written: No less than 1 page and no more than 3. Video: No less than
4 minutes no more than 6.
– 1 point: short, superficial answer that does not address topic, no integration of issues among readings, or focuses on only one reading.
– 2 points: within required length, addresses topic but retells rather than reflects on issues, some integration of issues is noted; some questions related to the topic are present.
– 3 points: appropriate length for the topic, addresses topic as posted, integration of issues from various readings is evident, raises questions that show reflection.
Introduction The introduction is short or irrelevant to main topic.
An introduction is present partially inclusive of main points
Main points Main points are difficult to identify
Conclusion The conclusion is
Mostly accurate information, but
Candidate is uncomfortable with the content;
Inaccurate, generalized or inappropriate supporting arguments and examples may be used.
abrupt or limited.
punctuation errors
Final Exam Rubric
Mechanics Numerous and distracting errors (organization, grammar or usage errors) – detract from meaning.
Numerous and distracting spelling,
Main points are introduced but not always clearly identified
Candidate is at ease with content but
fails to elaborate;
information is present but not integrated
supporting arguments are missing or
examples used come directly from the book and lack adequate development.
The conclusion may need additional development.
Some errors
(organization, grammar or usage errors) -do not detract from meaning-
Some spelling, punctuation errors
The introduction is clear, inclusive of main points and gets the attention of the audience.
Main points are clear and organized effectively.
Candidate demonstrates clear knowledge of subject;
integrates concepts
applies information to focus population
uses supporting arguments
uses examples that are original, logical, and relevant.
The conclusion is inclusive of main topics discussed.
None or nearly no errors
None or nearly no errors
TOTAL : out of 40
Language and Communication Child Assessment Report
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Language and Communication Exemplar requirement
Special Education Content Standards about language (CEC/CED: Standard 6: Language)
Checklist: Teacher candidate’s report includes (but need not be limited to):
Met NOT Met
Child’s personal background information (age, gender, grade level, hearing loss, amplification, etiology, ethnicity, disability, years in the US if applicable, other relevant information)
Child’s family history (pa rental hearing status, home language, ethnicity, SES, other relevant information)
Child ’s educational background (past and current school placement, type of program; language/communication mode used in the classroom)
Observation details (time, place, length of observations, activity, participants, other relevant information)
Characteristics of candidate’s language(s) use, as applicable (ASL skills – expressive/receptive-
English skills – oral/aural and reading/writing) OR Type of communication mode used by the candidate
Description of the child’s communication skills (language functions: linguistic and non-linguistic) during observed interactions
An overall child’s profile tha t includes strengths and areas of need (communicative, linguistic, developmental, other relevant areas)
Recommendation section that addresses areas of need previously identified
Total Met _____/8
The rubric evaluates the degree to which the teacher candidate describes, analyzes, and integrates verbal and nonverbal data gathered to formulate a language and communication report that profiles a child in their target population (FCEE, Ele, HS, MD, MAT) in order to demonstrate understanding of the language and communication development in individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Rating →
Standard ↓
Gathers and analyzes verbal and nonverbal communication samples
Poor work that does not meet expectations
No evidence of data gathered during observations is present
Fair work that nearly meets expectations
Candidate provides beginning-level verbal and nonverbal observation data, notes provide limited evidence for analysis, little attention to detail
Good works that approaches expectations
Candidate provides some evidence of verbal and non-verbal observation data, some attention to detail is present, evidence somewhat
Excellent Work that meets expectations
Candidate provides explicit and comprehensive verbal and nonverbal observation data that fully supports their analysis
supports their analysis
Knowledge of the effects of cultural and linguistic differences on growth and development
Knowledge of the language and communication features salient to the individual who is deaf or hard
of hearing
Knowledge of the impact of early communication on the development of the individual who is deaf or hard of hearing
No recognition of the ways that cultural and linguistic differences affect growth and development, or incorrect understanding is presented; details or supporting examples are missing;
Candidate displays beginning-level knowledge of the ways that cultural and linguistic differences affect growth and development (e.g. ethnicity, home language(s), little attention to detail or supporting examples, reports rather than analyzes response is unfocused
Candidate displays general knowledge about the ways that cultural and linguistic differences affect growth and development (e.g. ethnicity, home language(s), SES )
, some attention to detail and examples are present, some evidence of analysis
No description of the language and communication features salient to the individual who is deaf or hard of hearing, or incorrect understanding is presented; details or supporting examples are missing;
Candidate displays beginning-level knowledge of the language and communication features salient to the individual who is deaf or hard of hearing (e.g. expressive and receptive skills in
ASL, English) little attention to detail or supporting examples, reports rather than response is unfocused
Candidate displays general knowledge of the language and communication features salient to the individual who is deaf or hard of hearing, (e.g. expressive and receptive skills in
ASL, English) some attention to detail and examples are present, some analyzes evidence of analysis
No evidence of knowledge of the impact of early communication on the development of the individual who is deaf or hard of hearing, or incorrect understanding is presented; details or supporting
Candidate displays beginning-level knowledge of the impact of early communication on the development of the individual who is deaf or hard of hearing (e.g. onset of loss, age of identification, etiology, age of 1 st access to a language) little attention to detail
Candidate displays general knowledge of the impact of early communication on the development of the individual who is deaf or hard of hearing
(e.g. onset of loss, age of identification, etiology, age of 1 st access to a language) , some
Candidate explicitly displays comprehension of the ways that cultural and linguistic differences affect growth and development clear explanations and use of appropriate examples are present, effectively synthesize relevant concepts, thorough, yet concise treatment of ideas
Candidate explicitly displays comprehension of the language and communication features salient to the individual who is deaf or hard of hearing, clear explanations and use of appropriate examples are present, effectively synthesize relevant concepts, thorough, yet concise treatment of ideas
Candidate explicitly displays comprehension of the impact of early communication on the development of the individual who is deaf or hard of hearing, clear explanations and use of appropriate examples are present, effectively synthesize relevant concepts, thorough, yet concise
DH6K5 the
Knowledge of communication modes used by and with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing examples are missing; response is unfocused
No evidence of knowledge of the communication modes used by and with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing or incorrect understanding is presented; details or supporting examples are or supporting examples, reports rather than analyzes
Knowledge of the effects of sensory input on the development of language and
Knowledge of the components of nonlinguistic and linguistic communication used by individuals who are deaf or hard of
No evidence of knowledge of the effects of sensory input on the development of language and cognition, or incorrect understanding is presented; details or supporting examples are missing; response is
Candidate displays beginning-level knowledge of the effects of sensory input on the development of language and cognition (e.g. hearing loss, type and level, amplification use and consistency) little attention to detail or supporting examples, reports unfocused rather than analyzes
No evidence of knowledge about the components of nonlinguistic and linguistic communication, or incorrect understanding is presented; details or supporting examples are missing; response is unfocused
Candidate displays beginning-level knowledge about the components of nonlinguistic and linguistic communication
(e.g. communication functions, types, purpose) little attention to detail or supporting examples, reports rather than analyzes attention to detail and examples are present, some evidence of analysis
Candidate displays general knowledge of the effects of sensory input on the development of language and cognition (e.g. hearing loss, type and level, amplification use and consistency) some attention to detail and examples are present, some evidence of analysis treatment of ideas
Candidate explicitly displays knowledge of the effects of sensory input on the development of language and cognition, clear explanations and use of appropriate examples are present, effectively synthesize relevant concepts, thorough, yet concise treatment of ideas
Candidate displays beginning-level knowledge of the communication modes used by and with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, little attention to detail or supporting examples, reports rather than analyzes
Candidate displays general knowledge about the components of nonlinguistic and linguistic communication,
(e.g. communication functions, types, purpose) attention to detail and examples are present, some evidence of analysis
Candidate displays general knowledge of the communication modes used by and with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing attention to detail and examples are present, some evidence of analysis
Candidate explicitly displays knowledge of the components of nonlinguistic and linguistic communication, clear explanations and use of appropriate examples are present, effectively synthesize relevant concepts, thorough, yet concise treatment of ideas
Candidate explicitly displays knowledge of the communication modes used by and with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing clear explanations and use of appropriate examples are present, effectively synthesize relevant concepts, thorough, yet concise treatment of ideas
Knowledge of current theories of
(first and second) language development in individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing
Knowledge of strategies to facilitate cognitive and communicative development in individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Knowledge of strategies for stimulating and using residual hearing.
Not applicable missing; response is unfocused
No evidence of current theories of
(first and second) language development in individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, or incorrect understanding is presented; details or supporting examples are missing; response is unfocused
No evidence of knowledge of strategies to facilitate cognitive and communicative development, or incorrect understanding is presented
No evidence of knowledge of strategies for stimulating and using residual hearing.
Candidate displays beginning-level knowledge of current theories of
(first and second) language development in individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, little attention to detail or supporting examples, reports rather than analyzes
Candidate displays beginning-level knowledge of strategies to facilitate cognitive and communicative development, strategies are vaguely related to the areas of needs mentioned
Candidate displays beginning-level knowledge of strategies for stimulating and using residual hearing.
Candidate displays general knowledge of current theories of (first and second) language development in individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, attention to detail and examples are present, some evidence of analysis
Candidate displays general knowledge of strategies to facilitate cognitive and communicative development, strategies are somewhat related to the areas of needs mentioned
Candidate displays general knowledge of strategies for stimulating and using residual hearing.
Total: Checklist +
Rubrics =
Candidate explicitly displays knowledge of current theories of
(first and second) language development in individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, explanations and use of appropriate examples are present, effectively synthesize relevant concepts, thorough, yet concise treatment of ideas
Candidate explicitly displays knowledge of strategies to facilitate cognitive and communicative development, strategies fully align and address the areas of need mentioned
Candidate explicitly displays knowledge of strategies for stimulating and using residual hearing.
Candidates must receive a grade of B or better in order to fulfill the LCE requirements
Scoring criteria with standard DH6K8
Scoring criteria without standard DH6K8
34 – 38 = A
32 – 35 = A
31 – 33 = B
28 – 31 = B
27 – 30 = C
25 – 27 = C
Below 30 = D
Below 27 = D
Appendix A
Gallaudet’s Conceptual Framework
All school preparation programs share four key principles:
Promotes Bilingual/Bicultural Competence
Engages in Theory-Based Practice
Acts as a Reflective Change Agent
Promotes the intellectual, linguistic, and social potential of all children with a particular focus on deaf and hard of hearing children and youth
Promotes Bilingual/Bicultural Competence a.
Fluent in ASL (S) b.
Competent in written English (S) c.
Creates a visual learning environment (S) d.
Knows the histories, cultures, and contexts of deaf/Deaf people (K) e.
Assures access to language through a variety of strategies (S) f.
Develop lessons that address diverse linguistic backgrounds of candidates (S) g.
Communicates effectively across diverse cultures, varying education & cognitive levels (S) h.
Works effectively within a culturally diverse team of professionals (S) i.
Values and responds to language diversity and development in candidates (S, D) j.
Demonstrates leadership, advocacy and the ability to navigate biculturally (S, D)
Engages in Theory-Based Practice a.
Shows knowledge of subject matter (K) b.
Utilizes subject matter knowledge to prepare and teach curriculum that supports learning of content by all candidates (S) c.
Knows how children and youth develop and the implications of that development for teaching and learning (K) d.
Modifies professional practice to be appropriate for diverse candidates including multiple language, ethnicity, multiple and varied intelligences, gender, and abilities (S) e.
Uses knowledge of learners and learning to assess, plan professional practice, respond, assess, and revise professional practice (action research) (S) f.
Locates professional resources for self, candidates, families, and communities through a variety of technologies (S, D)
Critically examines theory and research in order to apply to professional practice (S, D) h.
Models a passion for learning and teaching (D)
Acts as a Reflective Change Agent a.
Identifies one’s own strengths, weaknesses, and learning needs and is resourceful in building their capacity as a professional (S,D ) b.
Gathers evidence of the impact of their professional practice; analyzes evidence, reflects, decides what to do next (S) c.
Identifies own biases, values, beliefs, worldview, and the impact of these on their relationships with learners (S, D) d.
Collaborates with others in ways that enhance their knowledge, skills, and dispositions as a professional
(S) e.
Interacts ethically and professional at all times with candidates, families, colleagues and community members (D) f.
Advocates for learners and for social justice (S, D)
Promotes the intellectual, linguistic, and social potential of all children with a particular focus on deaf and hard-of-hearing children and youth.
Understands learners in the context of their environment and culture and modifies professional practices to be culturally appropriate to learners (K, S) b.
Monitors and evaluates one’s own values and their effects on practice and diverse groups (S, D) c.
Shows respect and sensitivity in words and actions towards those who are culturally different from self
(D) d.
Demonstrates a belief that all children and families can learn and a commitment to enabling learning for all (D) e.
Demonstrates a rapport with diverse candidates that reflects respect for and acceptance of their potential for improvement and success (S, D) f.
Shows a commitment to continue to learn new knowledge and skills in order to work effectively with diverse learners (D)
Program Outcomes:
1. The candidate exhibits knowledge of and applies theories, concepts, and practices of
ASL and English bilingual early childhood education in ways that are meaningful for diverse deaf and hard of hearing children, their families, and community.
2. The candidate engages in critical reflective practices for improving professional performance as it applies to their work in the home, center, and school.
3. The candidate engages in continuous self-examination for personal and professional development.
4. The candidate demonstrates knowledge of public policy and laws that apply to the 0-5 populations by advocating for the child and family.
5. The candidate demonstrates leadership or partnership by functioning as a change agent to influence and improve the education of deaf and hard of hearing children through advocacy, community action, and collaboration in educational settings.
6. The candidate demonstrates the ability to effectively communicate with children, families, and other professionals using ASL and English.
7. The candidate demonstrates the ability to use assessments ethically and appropriately to evaluate the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional and physical development of the child.
8. The candidate plans, implements, and evaluates effective educational practices based upon knowledge of child development, early language and cognitive development, of early childhood education and bilingual practices and the diverse characteristics of the child, the family, and the community.
9. The candidate demonstrates the critical thinking skills necessary to analyze, evaluate and use information from research in the field of ASL/English bilingual early childhood education.
10. The candidate demonstrates knowledge and skills related to visual and auditory technologies used by deaf and hard of hearing children to provide visual and auditory access and support the child’s language development.
11. The candidate demonstrates an understanding of the diverse learning styles of children by creating learning opportunities to meet their individual needs. .
12. The candidate fosters collaborative relationships with professionals, families, and the community to support the overall development of the children.
Standard 1. Promoting Child Development and Learning
Candidates use their understanding of young children’s characteristics and needs, and of multiple interacting influences on children’s development and learning, to create en vironments that are healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging for all children.
Standard 2. Building Family and Community Relationships
Candidates know about, understand, and value the importance and complex characteristics of children’s families a nd communities. They use this understanding to create respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families, and to involve all families in their children’s development and learning.
Standard 3. Observing, Documenting, and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families
Candidates know about and understand the goals, benefits, and uses of assessment. They know about and use systematic observations, documentation, and other effective assessment strategies in a responsible way, in partnership with families and other professionals, to positively influence children’s development and learning.
Standard 4. Teaching and Learning
Candidates integrate their understanding of and relationships with children and families; their understanding of developmentally effective approaches to teaching and learning; and their knowledge of academic disciplines to design, implement, and evaluate experiences that promote positive development and learning for all children.
Sub-Standard 4a. Connecting with children and families
Candidates know, understand, and use positive relationships and supportive interactions as the foundation for their work with young children.
Sub-Standard 4b. Using developmentally effective approaches
Candidates know, understand, and use a wide array of effective approaches, strategies, and tools to positively influence children’s development and learning.
Sub-Standard 4c. Understanding content knowledge in early education
Candidates understand the importance of each content area in young children’s learning. They know the essential concepts, inquiry tools, and structure of content areas including academic subjects and can identify resources to deepen their understanding.
Sub-Standard 4d. Building meaningful curriculum
Candidates use their own knowledge and other resources to design, implement, and evaluate meaningful, challenging curriculum that promotes comprehensive developmental and learning outcomes for all young children.
Standard 5. Becoming a Professional
Candidates identify and conduct themselves as members of the early childhood profession. They know and use ethical guidelines and other professional standards related to early childhood practice. They are continuous, collaborative
learners who demonstrate knowledgeable, reflective, and critical perspectives on their work, making informed decisions that integrate knowledge from a variety of sources. They are informed advocates for sound educational practices and policies.