Candidate topics

Computer Networks
Spring, 2011
Group Projects
Guifeng Zheng
 Around 6 per group, 15 groups totally.
Tasks: 4 small projects
 3 from candidate topics
 1 free topic (network related, can be one
of the candidate topics)
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Candidate topics
Building a Multi-Threaded Web
Server (Chapter 2)
A Mail User Agent (Chapter 2)
UDP Pinger (Chapter 2)
Proxy Cache (Chapter 2)
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Candidate topics (cont.)
Implementing a Reliable Transport
Protocol (Chapter 3)
Implementing a Distributed, Asynchronous
Distance Vector Routing Algorithm
(Chapter 4)
Streaming Video with RTSP and RTP
(Chapter 7)
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Requirements: Due on Week 15
Submit for each project
 Project proposal (for free topic project only)
 Design Documents
 Project Management
• Duties
• Management
• Meetings and Communication
 Project Report
 Source code
 Presentation: PPT and demo video
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Grade policy
Basic points
 Finish all projects correctly (w/o error). (60)
 Documents, codes, presentation. (30)
 On time (WEEK 15). (10)
Bonus points: 10
 Creative or difficulty (free topic) (+2)
 Extra functions implementation (+2)
 Friendly GUI (+2)
 Apply design pattern or else (+2)
 Excellent Presentation (+2)
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Any question?
Email me
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