Module handbook

Module Handbook
Educational program
Information Systems
1. Computer Science and programming bases ................................................................................................. 3
2. Foreign language .......................................................................................................................................... 5
3. State language .............................................................................................................................................. 6
4. Man and society ........................................................................................................................................... 7
5. Man and environment .................................................................................................................................. 9
6. Higher Mathematics and Physics ............................................................................................................... 10
7. Bases of Information Systems.................................................................................................................... 12
8. Health-improving (beginner level)............................................................................................................. 14
9. Ethical and legal norms .............................................................................................................................. 15
10. Bases of Economic analysis ....................................................................................................................... 17
11. Professional languages ............................................................................................................................... 18
12. Mathematical Statistics .............................................................................................................................. 20
13. Databases ................................................................................................................................................... 21
14. Programming Technology.......................................................................................................................... 22
15. Applications programming ........................................................................................................................ 23
16. Health-improving (continuing level) ......................................................................................................... 24
17. Computer modeling of systems.................................................................................................................. 25
18. Operating Systems ..................................................................................................................................... 26
19. Methods and means of designing information systems ............................................................................. 27
20. Typology of Modern Information Systems ................................................................................................ 28
21. Infrastructure of Computer Systems .......................................................................................................... 30
22. Researches And Innovations ...................................................................................................................... 31
23. Systems of Artificial Intelligence .............................................................................................................. 33
24. The technology of designing information systems .................................................................................... 34
25. Modern Management Methods of Information Projects and Resources .................................................... 35
26. Final certification ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of hours per
week and per term:
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Recommended requirements:
Objectives of modules/assumed
teaching results:
Results of study /examinations /forms
of examinations:
Technical/multimedia equipment:
Computer Science and programming bases
Dolmatova L. V.
Computer Science – Aliyeva A. O., Klishina Y. A.
Algorithms, data structures and programming – Dolmatova L.V.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode of study:
1st Number of hours per week – 8; In the 1 term – 120
2nd Number of hours per week – 8; In the 2 term – 120.
Full-time mode of study:
Curricular load: 133 hours
Extracurricular study: 107 hours
Total: 240 total
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least
50 out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Background knowledge of the school courses of Informatics.
Background knowledge of the school course of algebra and
The basis of algorithmization, methods of algorithm description,
algorithm languages of a high level as well as elements of a
structural programming, development of programs on the
languages of a high level, style of programming, methods of
construction and verification of programs, designing of
programs, debugging of programs and modern technologies of
Developments of diverse algorithms structural schemes,
organization in dependence of the task requirements of the
necessary data structures, developments of a program on the
chosen programming language;
Skills of the professional searching for the necessary information
in the Internet, scientific literature and periodic;
Understanding of the informatics’ key concepts such as
“algorithm”, “data processor” in abstract form, which doesn’t
refer to the definite technical implementation.
The main concepts: data and information. Means and methods of
data processing. File and file structures. Scale of notation. . The
hardware of modern computers. Peripherals. Computer systems
software. Modern operating systems. Modern office systems.
Multimedia technologies. Computer network and Internet
technologies. Servers, browsers, standards and protocols of
computer networks. E-mail. Hypertext technology. Computer
security and protection. Anti-virus programs.
Basics of algorithms. Algorithmic-level languages. The structure
of the program. Elements of structured programming.
Development of programs for high-level language. The latest
programming technologies.
Computer testing, creative examination
PowerPoint-presentations, multimedia complex, computer halls
1. Network technologies, Solovyova L. F. Saint-Petersburg.
2. Informatics. 4 edition. Stepanov A. N. Spb. – Piter, 2005. –
684 p.
3. Arkhangelsky A. Programming in Delphi 6. М.: «BINOM
edition» ltd, 2001. -1120 p.
4. D. Gudenko, D. Petrochenko «Problems in Programming».
Spb: Piter. 2003. -475 p.
5. Kirnos V. P. Practicum on problem solving in Pascal.
Karaganda, 2005
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of
hours per week and per term:
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Recommended requirements:
Objectives of modules/assumed
teaching results:
Results of study /examinations
/forms of examinations:
Foreign language
Olkova I.A.
Foreign language – Olkova I.A.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode of study:
1 term: hours in a week – 10; In a term – 150.
2 term: hours in a week – 8; In a term – 120.
Full-time mode of study:
Curriculur load: 90 hours
Extracurricular load: 180 hours
Total: 270 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50 out
of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Background knowledge of the school courses of the foreign language
phonetic, orthographic, lexical and grammatical norms of the studied
presentation, searching, exploring and viewing reading;
dialogue and monologue speech within the framework of the studied topics;
translation of professional texts from the foreign in the native language
according to the language norms;
listening posts everyday, informative and professional character.
possession of all kinds of speech activity;
graduates will take an advantage of the opportunity provided by the
Academic mobility center for advance of their purview; they will improve
knowledge of the foreign language.
Phonetic, orthographic, lexical and grammatical norms of the studied
Phonetics: pronunciation and rhythm and intonation features of a foreign
language, reception and reproduction of the sound system of speech.
Spelling: basic spelling rules.
Vocabulary: word-formation models, lexical minimum volume of 2,500
units of the base language, as well as the terms corresponding to the profile
of specialty; differentiation of vocabulary in the spheres of application.
Grammar: the basic parts of speech - noun, adjective, adverb, verb, article,
pronoun, preposition, and the structure of simple and complex sentences,
the basic model of word formation.
Computer testing
Multimedia and language laboratories, interactive smartboard,
multimedia complex.
1. Agabekyan I.P. English for technical institutions. Rostov-na-Donu, 2003
2. Kurashvili Y. I. English for technical institutions. M., 1991
3. Polyakova T. Y. English for engineers. M., 2003
4. Chistik M. Y. English for polytechnic institutions. M., 1988
5. Tutorial “Texts and lexical and grammatical tasks for the students of
specialty “Informational systems” (Shtro O. G., Urusova N. A.)
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of
hours per week and per
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Objectives of
modules/assumed teaching
Results of study /examinations
/forms of examinations:
State language
Zhuanishpaeva S.Zh.
Kazakh language – Zhuanishpaeva S.Zh.
Russian, Kazakh
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
1 term: hours per week – 8; In a term – 120.
2 term: hours per week– 10; In a term – 150.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 90 hours
Extracurricular load: 180 hours
Total: 270 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50 out of
100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Background knowledge of school courses of the Kazakh language
Grammatical forms and constructions in communicative and functional
Lexical and terminological minimum on the specialty field;
Reading, listening, note-taking in the specialty literature in the studied
Making various kinds of scientific and educational texts that are close to the
texts of books and lectures, dialogues and monologues at the training and
professional, scientific and professional topics.
Graduates will take an advantage of the opportunities provided by the
Academic mobility center for purview expanding purposes.
Expanding vocabulary minimum of common words and phrases, and
mastery of grammatical forms and structures at the level of their use in
speech. Acquirement of the lexical and terminological minimum on the
specialty. Making various types of speech activity: conversation,
description, acquisition. Grammatical forms and constructions in
communicative, functional styles.
Adapted reproduction and the production of simple pragmatic texts of
dialogue and monologue, orally and in writing on topics relevant to social
and professional spheres, according to different types of language skills:
speaking, listening, reading and writing.
Computer testing
Multimedia and language laboratories, interactive smartboard, multimedia
1. Aldasheva A., Akhmetzhanova Z., Kadasheva K., Suleimenova E.
Official documents. «Dictionary» А., 2002.
2. Aldasheva A., Akhmetzhanova Z., Kadasheva K., Suleimenova E. The
language of official communication: the Kazakh language program. Astana, 1999.
3. Akhmetzhanova Z., Yernazarova Z. Business Kazakh. Basic level.
Almaty: «Arhisema», 2007.
4. Ayapova T.T., Kuzekova Z. S. The Kazakh language. Almaty, 2002.
5. Bekturova A., Bekturov Sh. Kazakh for everybody. Almaty: Atamura,
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of
hours per week and per term:
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Recommended requirements:
Objectives of
modules/assumed teaching
Results of study
/examinations /forms of
Man and society
Chukhno A.V.
History of Kazakhstan – Ibrayev S.I.
Social science – Chukhno A.V.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
1 term: hours per day – 14; In a term – 210.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 70 hours
Extracurricular load: 140 hours
Total: 210 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50 out
of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Background knowledge of a school courses “Ethics”, “The history of
The most important facts, events, phenomena and processes in the history
of Kazakhstan on the objective scientific bases;
The place and role of Kazakhstan in the development of the world
Social structure of community; social contradictions existing in the
modern Kazakhstani society;
Creative mastering of historical material;
Redefining of key problems of the History of Kazakhstan using the
newest concepts and achievements of the modern historiography;
the collection, processing, interpretation of sociological data and use them
in a professional activity;
Knowledge of legal and moral and ethical norms in the professional
activity field.
Studying the history of Kazakhstan as the original and simultaneously as
an organic part of the world history; Identify the role and place of the
Kazakh nation in world community in the diverse stages of formation and
Showing the basic regularities of ethnical and genetic processes on the
territory of Kazakhstan; considering development features of the social and
economic relations, key problems of the political history; search the
evolution of material and spiritual cultures.
The nature of sociological knowledge. Historical stages of formation,
trends and prospects of further development of Sociology. Community,
social structure, social institutions and processes.
Computer testing, oral examination.
Interactive smart board, multimedia complex. Power-Point Presentation,
e-texts and maps.
1. History of Kazakhstan. Sketch. – А., 1993.
2. Sheretov S.G. Contemporary history of Kazakhstan (1985-2002). – А.,
3. History of Kazakhstan: nations and cultures: Study guide / Massanov
N. E. and others. – А., 2001.
4. History of Kazakhstan and Central Asia: Study guide / Abuseitova М.
Kh. and others. – А., 2001.
5. History of Kazakhstan. Collection in 5 volumes. – А., 1996-2011.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of hours
per week and per term:
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Recommended requirements:
Objectives of modules/assumed
teaching results:
Results of study /examinations
/forms of examinations:
Man and environment
Skvortsova E. P
Ecology and Sustainable Development – Doskenova B.B.
Fundamentals of Life Safety – Skvortsova E. P.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
1term:hours per week – 12; In a term – 180.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 60 hours
Extracurricular load: 120 hours
Total: 180 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50
out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
School courses of Biology, Geography, World history, The history of
Kazakhstan, Chemistry, Math, Physics.
The most important concepts and terms of Ecology and Sustainable
development. Students get acknowledged with formation stages of
ecology as a science, have acknowledgement about the place and the
role of Ecology within the system of physical sciences;
Setting the correspondence of natural and anthropological regions of
environmental pollution and distress of the human environment;
Applying the comparative method in the analysis of the impressive
factors on the natural environment by human;
Acting in emergency situations of population protection, organizing
and conducting rescuing and urgent issues;
To be competent in all issues related to the stages of technological
processes, labor safety in industry and environmental protection.
Kinds of anthropological influence on biosphere; air pollution; water
pollution; depletion of groundwater and surface water; soil erosion;
desertification; human impacts on the flora and fauna; sustainable
development of the biosphere.
Risks of human’s interaction with biosphere and technosphere.
Legislation in the field of emergency situations.
Activities and procedures for emergency situations. Means of
collective and individual protection. Basis of first medical aid.
Computer testing
PowerPoint-presentations, electronic texts and maps, multimedia
1. Vronsky I. A.Applied ecology. – Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 2006. – 381 p.
2. Korobin V. P., Peredelsky Y. V. Ecology. –Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks,
2008. – 452 p.
3. Nikolaikin N.I., Nikolaikina N.E., Melekhova O.P. Ecology. 3 edition,
stereotypes. - М.:Drofa, 2004. - 624 p.
4. Panin M.S. Ecology of Kazakhstan. – Semipalatinsk, 2005. – 472 p.
5. Reimers N. F. Ecology. – М.: Nauka, 2004. – 349 p.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of hours
per week and per term:
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Recommended requirements:
Objectives of modules/assumed
teaching results:
Results of study /examinations
/forms of examinations:
Higher Mathematics and Physics
Rabinovich B. V.
Algebra and Geometry – Rabinovich B. V.
Physics – Leontyev P.I., Repnyov A.V.
Mathematical analysis – Rabinovich B. V.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
1 term: hours per week – 8; In a term – 120.
2 term: hours per week – 20; In a term – 300.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 154 hours
Extracurricular mode: 266 hours
Total: 420 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50
out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Background knowledge of a school course of Algebra, Geometry and
General theoretical disciplines “Algebra” and “Geometry”;
Modern physical world view and scientific purview;
Basic concepts and methods of mathematical analysis, definitions,
wordings of theorems, basic formulas;
Task solving on mathematical disciplines;
Usage of fundamental laws, theories and classical and contemporary
Ability to prove theorems and to apply results for task solving.
Graduates are acknowledged with scientific bases, which are
necessary for Informatics, particularly knowledge of Mathematics,
Logics, Statistics, Physics and others.
Matrices and determinants. Systems of linear equations. The scalar,
vector, mixed product of vectors. The arithmetic n - dimensional
vector space. Linear arithmetic images (straight lines, planes) on the
plane and in space. The curves and surfaces of the second order.
The quadratic forms. Elements of Algebra. Complex numbers.
Mechanics. Kinematics. Waves. Molecular physics and
thermodynamics. Statistical physics and thermodynamics.
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics. Electricity and Magnetism.
Magnetic field. Optics. The concept of radiation (geometric) optics.
Quantum physics. The photoelectric effect. Wave-particle duality.
Hydrogen atoms and molecules in the quantum theory. Lasers.
Elements of quantum statistics. The atomic nucleus and elementary
Introduction to analysis, differential calculus of functions of one and
several variables, integral calculus of functions of one and several
variables, differential equations, the theory of series, Fourier series
and integrals.
Computer testing, oral examination.
PowerPoint-presentations, multimedia complex, test equipment and
instrumentation of specialized laboratory audiences.
1. Rabinovich B. V. The course of lectures on Higher Mathematics
for specialty “Information Systems”, p. 1, Petropavlovsk, NKZU
edition, 2001.
2. Rabinovich B. V. The course of lectures on Higher Mathematics
for specialty “Information Systems”, p. 2, Petropavlovsk, NKZU
edition, 2004.
3. Zankin S.N., Rabinovich B.V. Problems of Mathematics for the
specialty “Information Systems”, part 1
4. Kletenik D.V. Problems of analytical geometry. Moscow, Nauka.
5. Trofimova T.I. Course of Physics. 2003, Moscow.
6. Savelyev I.V. Course of general physics. V 1-3. 2001, Moscow.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of hours
per week and per term:
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Recommended requirements:
Objectives of modules/assumed
teaching results:
Results of study /examinations
/forms of examinations:
Bases of Information Systems
Pyatkova T.V.
Bases of Information Systems – Pyatkova T.V.
Computing practice – Astapenko N.V.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
2 term: hours per week – 6; In a term – 90. Computing practice – 60.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 45 hours
Extracurricular load: 105 hours
Total: 150 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50
out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Algebra and Geometry, Informatics
Ideas on informational process structure, knowledge of bases of
informational processes organization; own methods of formal
description of information processes and objects to know the basics of
system analysis and synthesis of information systems;
knowledge of the regulatory documents in the specialty;
a systematic analysis in the formulation and algorithmic problems of
information systems, to define a conceptual model of information
the acquisition of skills for sustainable high-performance PC
experience as an operator;
To know the basic principles of complicated information systems,
which are compatible with the contemporary technologies and have a
personal experience of adequate handling with such systems;
To be able to solve problems according to the fact, that systems
consist of humans, procedures, hardware and software equipment as
well as data;
To obtain skills of works with hardware and software complexes of
information systems.
Main problems of theory systems. Short historical reference.
Terminology of system theory. Concept of information systems.
System analysis. Cybernetic approach. Dynamic description of
information systems. Canonic concepts of information systems.
Aggregate description of information systems. The principle of
minimal information communications units. The unit as a random
process. Information and Control. Models of information systems.
Information models of decision making.
Oral examination, attestation
PowerPoint-presentation, multimedia complex, computer halls
1. Glushkov V.M. Bases of paperless informatics. М: «Nauka», 1982
– 368 p.
Gud G.H., Makol R. E. Systemic techniques. Introduction in large
systems projection. – M.,, 1962.
2. Yershov A.P. Selected works/ Under the edition of prof. I.V.
Pottosin. – Novosibirsk, VO Nauka, 1994.
3. Messarovich M., Takakhara Y. General theory of systems:
Mathematical bases/ Trans. from English under the edition of S. V.
Yemelyanov. - М.:Mir, 1987.
4. Moroz A.I. Course of system theory. - М.: Vysshaya skola.,1987.
Module Title:
Term of Study:
Person responsible for the module:
Discipline, Lecturer:
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of hours per
week and per term:
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Objectives of modules/assumed
teaching results:
Results of study /examinations /forms
of examinations:
Technical/multimedia equipment:
Health-improving (beginner level)
1, 2
Fyodorov V.N.
Physical training – Fyodorov V.N.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
1 term:hours in a week – 2; In a term – 30.
2 term: hours in a week – 2; In a term – 30.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 60 hours
Extracurricular load: 0 hours
Total: 60 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at
least 50 out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the
- knowledge: creating a culture of movement, enrichment
motor experience exercise with general developmental and
corrective orientation; skills in physical culture and sports and
recreational activities;
- skills: development of basic physical skills and abilities,
health promotion, expansion capability of the body;
- competencies: knowledge in the area of healthy lifestyles.
Athletics. Swimming. Ski training. Sports games.
Creative examination
Gym, swimming pool, skiing lodge
1. A.V. Zharabtsov. “PE and Sport”, М.: 1986.
2. A.V. Korobkov, V.A. Golovin, V.A. Maslyakov. “Physical
education”, М.: Vysshaya shkola, 1983.
3. Adzhanyan N.A., Katkov A. U. Reserves of our organism.
– 2nd edition. M.: Znanie, 1982.– 176 p.
4. B.I. Zagorskii, I.P. Zaletayev, Y.P. Puzyr and others.
“Physical education”, Vysshaya Shkola, 1989.
5. Y.D. Zhalaznyak. “Young Volleyball player”. Tutorial for
coaches. Moscow. PE and Sport. 1988.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of
hours per week and per term:
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Recommended requirements:
Objectives of
modules/assumed teaching
Results of study /examinations
/forms of examinations:
Ethical and legal norms
Nikiforov A.V.
Political Science – Kaziyev S.Sh.
The Basics of Law – Konyrbayeva D.T.
Philosophy – Nikiforov A.V.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode
3term: hours per week – 22; In a term – 330.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 110 hours
Extracurricular load: 220 hours
Total: 330 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50 out
of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Background knowledge of a school courses “Bases of Law”, “Bases of
Social Science”.
Background knowledge of a school courses “Bases of Law”,
Background knowledge of a school course “Human and Society”,
“Literature”, “World History”, “The History of Kazakhstan”.
- knowledge:
the basic principles, concepts that are used in the study of political
phenomena, basic definitions and categories of sector legislation of the
Republic of Kazakhstan, the modern system of national law and
legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the scientific world through
the study of historical and philosophical material;
- skills:
conceptualize contemporary political phenomena and processes, form
active citizenship identity of students; differentiate basic standards
institutes of sector legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, explain the
essence of the socio-legal phenomena, apply the law standards of
different branches of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the social
and professional life;
- competencies:
graduate should know the ethical and legal standards governing the
relation of man to man, society, environment.
The main stages in the development of political science. Politics in the
public life. The political system of the society. The state and civil
society. Political parties and social movements. Political regimes. Bases
of state theory. Bases of the theory of law. Constitutional law of the
Republic of Kazakhstan. Bases of Administrative Law of the Republic
of Kazakhstan. Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Financial Law
of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Labor Law of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. General
characteristics of environmental and land rights of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The study of philosophical categories and methodology in the process of
improving the historical and philosophical knowledge.
Oral examination, computer testing
Computer laboratories, multimedia complex
1. Bulatova A.N., Ismagambetova . Political Science. ALmaty, 2005.
2. Gadzhiyev K.S. Political Science (basic course): manual.- М., 2007.
3. Kozyrev G.I. Political conflictology: manual. – M., 2008
4. Political Science: manual/ Author A. Y. Melvel and others. - М.,
5. Political Science: manual/ A.N. Nysanbayeva.- ALmaty, 1998.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of hours
per week and per term:
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Recommended requirements:
Objectives of modules/assumed
teaching results:
Results of study /examinations
/forms of examinations:
Bases of Economic analysis
Terekhin A. N.
Fundamentals of Economic Theory – Terekhin A. N.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
2 term: hours per week – 4; In a term – 60.
Full-time mode:
Curricular mode: 20 hours
Extracurricular mode: 40 hours
Total: 60 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50
out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
The history of Kazakhstan, background knowledge of a school course
Economic laws and categories;
Building of graphic dependences, interpretation of consequences out
of economic facts;
Combination of theoretical and methodical skills in making economic
Graduate must be acknowledged with the bases of economic analysis
and be ready for the implementation of organizational and managerial
functions in staff.
Social manufacture and its structure. The forms of social economy.
Market: models, structure, kinds. Supply and demand. Competition
and Monopoly. Governmental regulation of the economy.
Computer testing
Multimedia complex
1. Borissov Y. F. Economic theory. - М.: YURIGHT, 2005. - 400 p.
2. Course of economic theory/ Under the edition of M.N. Chepurin. Kirov: АSА, 2001. – 752 p.;
3. Economic theory/ Edited by P. Nikolayeva. – М.: UNITI -DANA,
2008. – 527 p.
4. Economic theory/ Edited by A. I. Dobrynina. SPb.: Piter, 2004. –
544 p.
5. Salimova B. H., Orlova Y.S., Ramazanova Sh. Sh. Economic
theory. Part Экономическая теория. Часть 1- Петропавловск: Petropavlovsk: NKZU named after M. Kozybayev, 2007.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of
hours per week and per
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Objectives of
modules/assumed teaching
Results of study
/examinations /forms of
Professional languages
Shtro O. G.
Profession oriented foreign language – Shtro O.G.
Professional Kazakh (Russian) Language – Koshanova Zh. T.
Russian, Kazakh
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
3 term: hours per week – 6; In a term – 90.
4 term: hours per week – 6; In a term – 90.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 60 hours
Extracurricular load: 120 hours
Total: 180 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50 out of
100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Foreign language
The Kazakh language
functional and stylistic characteristics of the scientific presentation of the
material in the target foreign language, principles of business correspondence
in the framework of international cooperation, and methods to ensure reliable
operation and long-term grammatical material of the Kazakh language.
free to read, translate the original literature in their chosen specialty, followed
by analysis, interpretation and evaluation of the extracted information,
listening and understanding public appearances with the direct and indirect
communication, the formation of written and oral communication skills
through the actions of students.
ability to use opportunity provided by the Academic mobility center to
improve purview; improve the knowledge of foreign and the Kazakh
Improving proficiency in the English-language speech: improve level of
skills of speaking, writing, oral and writing speech, the study of the rules
of construction of scientific and professional speech, language features
reports and presentations, the study of basic terms in the field of
research, strengthening of basic grammatical structures and phenomena.
Profession. Informatics. Information. The diversification of information.
Personal computer. Computer. The main blocks of personal computer.
Communication through the Internet. The necessity of file archieving.
Windows. Computer networks. Multimedia opportunities of computer.
Programs. Program equipments. WINDOWS(ХР) operational system.
Computer testing
Language lab 249/3, Interactive smartboard 253/3, Audio and video
equipment 250/3, Internet
1. D.E. Zemach, L.A.Rumisek. Academic Writing. MacMillan Press, 2006.
2. Key Concepts in Information and Communication Technology (Palgrave)
by Roger I. Cartwright. 3. Holley Roddik. Business Writing Makeovers, АSТ,
Astrel, 2004.
3. Aldasheva A., Akhmetzhanova Z., Kadasheva K., Suleimenova E. Official
documents. “Dictionary”. А., 2002.
4. Bekturova A., Bekturov Sh. Kazakh for everybody. Almaty: Atamura,
2004 .
5. Document keeping in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2005.
6. Pirimbetova M. Documents conducting in Kazakh. Tutorial. Astana, 2007.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of hours
per week and per term:
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Recommended requirements:
Objectives of modules/assumed
teaching results:
Results of study /examinations
/forms of examinations:
Mathematical Statistics
Chugunova A. A.
The Theory Of Probability And Mathematical Statistics – Chugunova
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
3 term: hours in a week –8; In a term –120.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 40 hours
Extracurricular load: 80 hours
Total: 120 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50
out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
This course is based on the knowledge, skills and abilities obtained
during the studying disciplines such as Informatics, Mathematical
analysis, Algebra and Geometry and Discrete Mathematics.
- knowledge:
on the latest developments on the study of probabilistic and statistical
facilities and the latest technologies for processing information on the
basis of the results of studying phenomena;
- skills:
to solve scientific and engineering problems in this area, creating,
implementing and maintaining effective use of computers and
technology in all spheres of public life connected with the statistical
probability-related objects;
- competencies:
to know the methods of analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness
of the design, implementation and operation of information systems.
To be able to use the system to understand the concept and definition
of problems;
graduates possess the scientific basis for computer science, in
particular knowledge of Mathematics, Logic, Statistics.
Main concepts and theorems of the probability theory. The sequence
of independent trials. The random variables. The limited theorems of
the probability theory. Main concepts of the information theory. Main
concepts of the random variables. Elements of the random variables
theory. Elements of Mathematical statistics.
Oral examination.
Multimedia complex.
1. Ventsel Y. S. The theory of probability. М: Fizmatlit, 1962 –
2. Gmurman V. Y. The guidance to problem solving on the
probability theory and mathematical statistics. M: Vysshaya shkola,
3. Ventsel Y.S., Ovcharov L.A. Problems and exercises on the
theory of probability. M: Vysshaya shkola, 2002.
4. Kremer N. Sh. Theory of probability and mathematical statistics.
M.: Uniti, 2000
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of
hours per week and per
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Objectives of
modules/assumed teaching
Results of study
/examinations /forms of
Kassimov I.R.
Databases in Information Systems
Database systems/Databases and knowledge bases – Kassimov I.R.
Study practice – Astapenko N.V.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
3 term: hours per week – 8; In a term – 120.
4 term: hours per week – 12; In a term –180.
4 term – practice – 30
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 171 hours
Extracurricular load: 159 hours
Total: 330 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50 out of
100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Informatics, Algorithms, Data structures and programming, Algebra and
- knowledge:
approaches to databases and the basic concepts of relational algebra and
relational calculus;
- skills:
DBMS Visual FoxPro and MS Access, a query language SQL;
- competencies:
knowledge of modern models, methods and technologies of information
systems design; have skills of work with apparatus and program-apparatus
complexes of information systems;
possession of basic understanding of the composition and functioning of
computers and key informatics systems such as operating systems, database
systems, and communication systems;
ability to independently complement and deepen the knowledge acquired
during their studies and to adapt to developments in the field.
Information systems and databases. General information about the data.
Concept of construction a database. Fundamentals of the theory of
databases. The theory of relational databases. Normal forms of relations.
Database development. Database design. Automation of databases design.
Transaction and integrity of the databases. Database software.
Creative examination, oral examination, attestation
Computer laboratories, multimedia complex
1. K.J. Date. "Introduction to Database Systems" M: St. Petersburg.
"Publishing house" Williams", 2000. – 848p.
2. Raiordan R. "Bases of Relational Databases", Moscow: Russian edition,
2001 - 384 p.
3. Glushakov S.V., Lomotko D.V. "Databases: Training Course" M. AST,
2000. - 504 p.
4. Khomonenko A.D., Tsigankov V.M., Maltsev M.G. Database: a
textbook for high schools. M. Binom-Press, 2006 - 736 p.
5. Henderson K. Professional leadership on SQL. St. Petersburg: Piter,
2005 - 620 p.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of
hours per week and per
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Objectives of
modules/assumed teaching
Results of study
/examinations /forms of
Programming Technology
Astapenko N.V.
Programming Technology/Programming Languages – Astapenko N.V.
Analysis of Algorithms / Theory of algorithms – Kulikov V.P.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
3term: hours per week –12; In a term –180.
4 term: hours per week – 12; In a term – 180.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 210 hours
Extracurricular load: 150 hours
Total: 360 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50 out of
100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Algorithms, Data structures and programming, Informatics.
basics of algorithms, methods of recording algorithms, basic programming
techniques, standard features of the C-language, the elements of structured
evaluate different algorithms for solving problems and select the most
suitable for the specific conditions; record created algorithms for modern
high-level languages;
- competencies:
ability to program using modern tools; familiar with the use of various
techniques to develop efficient and robust algorithms to create software;
modeling, analysis and design methods using mathematical and logicalmathematical methods of analysis and software testing.
Basics of algorithms. Methods for describing algorithms. The structure of the
programs. Description of data types, the data structures. Major operators of
high-level language. Elements of structured programming. Develop programs
using modular programming. General information about the object-oriented
programming (OOP).
Creative examination, oral examination, attestation
Computer laboratories, multimedia complex
1. N.A. Litvinenko "Technology programming in C++. The initial course
"// St. Petersburg. 2005, BHV.
2. A.V. Nikulin. "A course of lectures: An algorithmic and programming
languages"//Petropavlovsk: NKSU named after M. Kozybayev, 2006.
3. A.G. Yurkin "Problem book on programming" // St. Petersburg: Piter,
2002. – 192 p.
4. M.V. Kuznetsov "C++ master-class problems and examples" / / St.
Petersburg. 2007.
5. A.G. Yurkin "Problem book on programming," St. Petersburg: Piter.
2002. -192 p.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of
hours per week and per term:
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Recommended requirements:
Objectives of
modules/assumed teaching
Results of study
/examinations /forms of
Applications programming
Astapenko N.V.
Solution of Specific tasks in Programming / High-level programming –
Kopnova O.L.
Production practice 1 – Astapenko N.V.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
4 term: hours per week –12; In a term –180.
4 term: practice – 150
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 108 hours
Extracurricular load: 222 hours
Total: 330 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50 out
of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Algorithms, Data structures and programming, Informatics.
basics of algorithms, methods of recording algorithms, basic
programming techniques, standard features of the C-language, the
elements of structured programming;
evaluate different algorithms for solving problems and select the most
suitable for the specific conditions; record created algorithms for modern
high-level languages;
- competencies:
ability to program using modern tools; familiar with the use of various
techniques to develop efficient and robust algorithms to create software;
modeling, analysis and design methods using mathematical and logicalmathematical methods of analysis and software testing.
Programming using the modular programming. General object-oriented
programming (OOP) information.
Creative examination, oral examination, attestation
Computer laboratories, multimedia complex
1. N.A. Litvinenko "Technology programming in C++. The initial course
"// St. Petersburg. 2005, BHV.
2. A.V. Nikulin. "A course of lectures: An algorithmic and programming
languages"//Petropavlovsk: NKSU named after M. Kozybayev, 2006.
3. A.G. Yurkin "Problem book on programming" // St. Petersburg: Piter,
2002. – 192 p.
4. M.V. Kuznetsov "C++ master-class problems and examples" / / St.
Petersburg. 2007.
5. A.G. Yurkin "Problem book on programming," St. Petersburg: Piter.
2002. -192 p.
Module Title:
Term of Study:
Person responsible for the module:
Discipline, Lecturer:
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of hours per
week and per term:
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Objectives of modules/assumed teaching
Results of study /examinations /forms of
Technical/multimedia equipment:
Health-improving (continuing level)
Fyodorov V.N.
Physical trainig – Fyodorov V.N.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
3term:hours in a week – 4; In a term – 60.
4term:hours in a week– 2; In a term – 30.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 90 hours
Extracurricular load: 0 hours
Total: 90 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at
least 50 out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the
- knowledge: creating a culture of movement, enrichment
motor experience exercise with general developmental and
corrective orientation; skills in physical culture and sports and
recreational activities;
- skills: development of basic physical skills and abilities,
health promotion, expansion capability of the body;
- competencies: knowledge in the area of healthy lifestyles.
Athletics. Swimming. Ski training. Sports games.
Creative examination
Gym, swimming pool, skiing lodge
1. A.V. Zharabtsov. “PE and Sport”, М.: 1986.
2. A. V. Korobkov, V.A. Golovin, V.A. Maslyakov. “Physical
education”, М.: Vysshaya shkola, 1983.
3. Adzhanyan N.A., Katkov A. U. Reserves of our organism.
– 2nd edition. M.: Znanie, 1982.– 176 p.
4. B.I. Zagorskii, I.P. Zaletayev, Y.P. Puzyr and others.
“Physical education”, Vysshaya Shkola, 1989.
5. Y.D. Zhalaznyak. “Young Volleyball player”. Tutorial for
coaches. Moscow. PE and Sport. 1988.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of
hours per week and per term:
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Objectives of
modules/assumed teaching
Results of study
/examinations /forms of
Computer modeling of systems
Kopnova O. L.
Analysis and modeling of systems / The system analysis – Pyatkova T.V.
Methods of mathematical problems solving using a computer / Systems of
computer mathematics – Kopnova O. L.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
5 term: hours per week – 18; In a term – 270.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 150 hours
Extracurricular load: 120 hours
Total: 270 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50 out of
100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Background knowledge of school courses of Algebra, Geometry, BA
disciplines such as Bases of Information Systems, The Theory of
Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Informatics, High-leveled methods
of programming.
basic techniques of systems analysis, data interpretation, analysis and
processing of the result of simulation, advanced computational algorithms
for solving mathematical problems;
designing different systems; using modern computational algorithms to
solve a variety of applications arising from the mathematical modeling of
real processes and phenomena, and then implement them on a computer;
to know the current models, methods and techniques for designing of information
systems; to be able to use the system for understanding the concepts and
definitions of problems; to have the knowledge and skills with the new
information technologies in the field of computer and mathematical modeling of
natural, physical, chemical and technological phenomena.
The development of the theory, methods, and technologies for analysis and
modeling systems.
Systematization of the forms and concepts of approximate methods for
solving applied problems and to prepare students for the development and
application of computer-aided numerical algorithms for solving
mathematical problems that arise in the process of learning and use in
practice, through mathematical modeling.
Computer testing, oral examination
Computer laboratories, multimedia complex
Modeling of data-processing processes. А.А. Markov, М.,1999.
Sovetov B. Y., Yakovlev S. A. System modeling. - М.: Vysshaya shkola, 2001.
Mathematic methods and models. G. P. Fomin, М.2001.
Dyakonov V.P. Maple 7: ed.course/V.P. Dyakonov. –SPb: Piter, 2002. – 666 p.
Demidovich B.P. Bases of Computational Mathematics: tutorial/ B.P.
Demidovich, I. A. Maron.– М.: Fizmatgiz, 1963. – 660 p.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of
hours per week and per
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Objectives of
modules/assumed teaching
Results of study/examinations
/forms of examinations:
Operating Systems
Kulikov V.P.
Operating systems and Systems Programming / Introduction to Parallel
Programming – Kulikov V. P.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
5term: hours per week – 12;
In a term – 180.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 105 hours
Extracurricular load:75 hours
Total: 180 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50 out of
100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
BA disciplines such as Informatics, Algorithms, Data structures and
programming, Programming Techniques; Architecture of computer
systems; Operational systems. Algorithm analysis.
operating system from the point of view of the user, administrator, programmer
and designer, the main organization of parallel computation with MPI and PVM;
“systems” thinking for the development and understanding of the organization and
their relationship mainframes computer, use the methods of formal description of
parallel information processes;
have the skills to select the architecture and aggregation of information systems
graduates should have the systems thinking, have knowledge of parallel
programming, both at the conceptual level and at the level of practical application,
including possession of algorithmic thinking and the ability to develop parallel
versions of sequential algorithms for solving problems and their software
Main methods and means of management: processes, computer work
regimes, systems and networks. File systems. Means of file organization
and protection. Means and methods of forming and effective work of
contemporary operational systems. Contemporary methods and means of
parallel programming.
Oral examination
Computer laboratories, multimedia complex
Tanenbaum E. «Modern operational systems», SPb.: Piter, 2006.
Bacon D., Harris T., «Operational Systems», SPb.: Piter, 2004.
Gordeyev A. V., «Operational Systems», SPb.: Piter, 2005.
Stolings V. «Operational Systems», М.: Williams, 2004.
Zelinsky S., «Windows XP» SPb.: Leader, 2004.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of
hours per week and per term:
Work load:
Objectives of
modules/assumed teaching
Results of study
/examinations /forms of
Methods and means of designing information systems
Kopnova O.L.
Graphic tools of information systems/ Computer graphics – Otinova I.V.
WEB technologies/ Designing client-service applications – Astapenko N.V.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
5 term: hours in a week – 24; In a term – 360.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 210 hours
Extracurricular load: 150 hours
Total: 360 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50 out of
100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Informatics, Algorithms, Data structures and Programming, Bases of
Information Systems, Database Systems
Main directions of computer graphics usage; principles of organization and
functioning of Internet, interaction bases of servers and clients, techniques of
application creation on the bases of client-server-database multilevel
architecture; HTML, CSS, JavaScript;
- skills:
work with graphics by means of information systems, creation of Internetbased applications with elements of interactivity with the users;
- competences:
graduates need to know the current models, methods and techniques for
designing of information systems; have the skills to design information
systems and their elements in specific areas; skills in the field of geometric
modeling, the ability to apply practical skills in the field of graphic-analytical
methods for constructing algorithms for the information system.
Basics of graphics devices and means. Data structures and models. Basic
algorithms of computational geometry and computer graphics. principles for
the use of modern graphics systems.
The principles of organization and functioning of the Internet. Methods of
application design. Development of web-pages and the creation of complete
websites with interactive elements. The principles of organization and
functioning of the Internet, the basics of having servers and clients,
technology, building applications based on client-tier architecture - Webserver - the server database. Hypertext Markup Language HTML, Cascading
Style Sheets CSS, a means of ensuring the dynamics of the language
Oral examination, creative examination
Computer laboratories, multimedia complex
1. М.N. Petrov, V. P. Molochkov. Computer graphics 2 edition.
Educational course, 2001.
2. Gursky Y., Gurskaya I., Zhvalevsky A. Effective work: tools and effect
in CorelDRAW 11, 2001
3. Bondarenko S.V., Bondarenko S. V. 3D Max 7, 2003.
4. Matrosov, Sergeyev, Chaunin. HTML 4.0, SPb, BHV, 2001.
5. Hallshlag. HTML and CSS languages. M, Triumph, 2006.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of
hours per week and per
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Objectives of
modules/assumed teaching
Typology of Modern Information Systems
Pogrebitskaya M.V.
Fundamentals of Financial Accounting and International Financial
Reporting Standards - Legostaeva L.V.
Systems of Database Management - Kassimov I.R.
Information Management and Quality Management - Pogrebitskaya M.V.
Information Technology in Financial Accounting - Gulyaeva A.L.
WEB-programming - Astapenko N.V.
Theory of Control and decision-making - Pyatkova T.V.
Protocols and Interfaces of Information Systems/ Interface Design and WebApplications/ Interfaces of Intelligence Systems - Kulikov V.P.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
5 term: hours per week – 6; In a term –90.
6 term: hours per week – 22; In a term – 330.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 218 hours
Extracurricular load: 202 hours
Total: 420 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50 out of
100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Bases of Economic theory, Databases and Knowledge bases, Bases of
Information Systems, Algorithms, Data structures and Programming,
Algorithm Analysis, Programming Techniques, Programming Languages.
order regulatory accounting in the country; provisions on the organization
and accountability in different parts of business entities; acquire knowledge
system of management, information management, and quality management
theory, have an idea of modern management techniques and their application
in management, the principles and information resource management
- skills:
demonstrate the ability to work in a professional and ethical framework of
the financial profession to identify, evaluate, and report information about
economic and financial developments, principles of database administration
and control; acquire skills in the use of tools to improve practice; able to
determine the effective relationship between the individual elements of the
process flow of information , Web-page design based on an integrated
approach, the Internet program on the client and server;
- competencies:
be familiar with the international accounting standards, the ability to analyze
business situations, the ability to choose an automated system to meet the
functional requirements to it. The ability to analyze the existing technology
of automated data processing with a view to its improvement; conduct
automated accounting system that meets the specifics of a particular
1. The consolidated financial statements. Investment property. Estimated
liabilities. Taxes on profits. Accounting and valuation of financial
2. Information systems using database. Relational database management:
relational algebra and relational calculus. Relational Database Management:
Results of study/examinations
/forms of examinations:
SQL. Client / server technology. Database management environment.
Database administration and control. Distributed DBMS. Technology CGI
(Perl - DBI and PHP) to access the data and display the data in the WEB.
3. Elements of organizations and management process. Management
functions and binding processes. Group dynamics and leadership. Theory of
leadership. Fundamentals of quality management. System and process
management approaches. The theory of continuous improvement.
4. Principles of construction of automated accounting systems.
Formation of internal reporting organization. External financial statements
of the organization. Tax reporting.
5. Basics of web-programming. Programming in JavaScript. Programming
in PHP.
6. Decision making. The problem of measuring. Formulation of indicators
and performance measures. Terms of stochastic risk. Terms of nonstochastic (behavioral) risk. Classical game theory: matrix games, bimatrix
7. Classification interfaces. Channels of communication information
systems. Discrete network with an integral service. Protocols and terminal
equipment of integrated networks. Spectral analysis of the signals on
communication lines. Modeling binary Fourier series expansion. The routing
algorithm of Dijkstra. Choosing the shortest path.
Oral examination, creative examination, computer testing
Computer laboratories, multimedia complex
1. Albert M., Hedouri F., Meskon M.H. The bases of management. M.:
Delo, 2002.-704 p.
2. Bolshakov A.V., Mixailov V.I. Modern management: theory and
practice. SPb.: Piter, 2002
3. Kamordzhanova N.A., Kartashova I.V. Financial accounting. – 3rd
edition. – SPb.: Piter, 2008.
4. K.J. Date. Introduction in database systems. Publish House “Williams”,
5. D. Goodman. JavaScript and DHTML. The collection of receipts, 2004.
6. Kleshev N.T. Designing of information systems: Tutorial/ N.T. Kleshev,
A.A. Romanov. Edited by K.I. Kurbakov – M.: Russian economic academy.,
2000.– 386 p.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of
hours per week and per term:
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Objectives of
modules/assumed teaching
Results of study /examinations
/forms of examinations:
Infrastructure of Computer Systems
Ivel V. P.
Computer networks/ Systems and networks of information transmission –
Ivel V.P.
Architecture of computer systems/ Computer Architecture – Kadochnikova
E. L.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
6 term: hours in a week – 22; In a term – 330.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 188 hours
Extracurricular load: 142 hours
Total: 330 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50 out of
100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Algorithms, data structures and programming, Programming techniques,
Bases of parallel computations, System and network administration
Classification of computer networks, tools and methods of transformation,
conversion and presenting of information in networks; architectures of
computer systems, storage devises, processor systems;
implement the installation and configuration of network hardware in
modern operating systems, to ensure assignment of access rights, password
protection and copy the contents of the file system;
- competencies:
have the skills to select the architecture and aggregation of information
systems hardware;
Graduates possess a basic understanding of what it consists of and how to
operate computers and the main information systems such as operating
systems, storage systems, communication systems.
Mastering the principles of organization and operation of computer networks, the
characteristics of the personal computer in the network, familiarity with modern
computer network technology and methods of transmission, storage, retrieval,
processing and presentation of information, practical skills on local networks.
Bases of computer organization. Presentation of information in the computer.
Functional units of computers. Definition, purpose and main features of storage
devices (memory) computer. ROM. Computer processors. Organization of
input-output. PC interfaces. Basics of PC architecture.
Oral examination, computer testing
Computer laboratories, multimedia complex, real-virtual laboratory
1. Olifer V. U., Olifer N. A. Computer networks. Principles, technologies,
records. SPb: Piter, 2000. – 672p.
2. Guk M. Hardware LANs. Encyclopedia. – SPb: Piter. 2000. - 576 p.
3. Computer architecture. V.D. Koldayev, S.A. Lupin, Moscow, PH
«Forum» - Infra-М
4. Computer architecture. A.P. Zhmakin, 2006. Saint-Petersburg, “BVHPetersburg”.
5. Computer architecture. E. Tanenbaum, 2003, Saint-Petersburg, “Piter”
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of
hours per week and per
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Objectives of
modules/assumed teaching
Results of study
/examinations /forms of
Researches And Innovations
Shmigirilova I.B.
Basics of scientific research organization and innovative activity /
Organization of scientific-research activity – Shmigirilova I.B.
Production practice 2 – Astapenko N.V.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
6 term: hours per week – 6; In a term – 90.
Practice: 150
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 45 hours
Extracurricular load:195 hours
Total: 240 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50 out of
100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Philosophy, Bases of Information Systems, linear programming
modern methodology for scientific researches; methods for obtaining,
processing and storage of scientific information;
form and solve modern scientific problems, organize, plan and conduct
scientific activity on the chosen specialty; form and apply models of linear
and non-linear programming, reserve management, network planning and
management models; form and solve problems of public service theory;
apply theory of plays in system modeling;
- competencies:
know international experience in the chosen field of activity; able to analyze
their own and foreign experience in the development and implementation of
information systems graduates are key skills, such as the use of different
methods, techniques, and methods of study and work, ability to work in a
team and communicate, the ability to use modern literature and information
Bases of research methodology. The historiography of scientific problems
as a result of historical and pedagogical analysis. The language of science:
the conceptual apparatus of scientific research. Stages of research.
Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study. The organization
works with a scientific and educational literature. Internet in the preparation
of coursework, thesis and master's thesis. Publication of the results of
scientific and educational research. Technique of writing dissertations and
master's theses. Guidelines for the defence of the thesis. Consolidation of
theoretical knowledge on the example of a particular company or production
unit, the expansion and deepening of information on various aspects of their
Creative examination, attestation
Computer laboratories, multimedia complex
1. Makhanov M.M., Kalanova Sh.M. Bases of scientofoc researches in
institutions, methodology of scientific and methodic work writing, design
rules: Tutorial, - Taraz: TarGU, 1999. – 170 p.
2. Kuznetsov I. N. Scientific research. Methods of conducting and design.
- М.: Dashkov and C. – 2007, - 460 p.
3. Ansoff I. Strategic management: Transl. from English/ Scientific editor
L.I. Yevenko. М.: Economika, 1989.
4. Vihansky O.S. Strategic management. М.: MSU PH, 1995.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of
hours per week and per
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Objectives of
modules/assumed teaching
Results of study
/examinations /forms of
Systems of Artificial Intelligence
Koshekov K.T.
Artificial intelligence systems / Intellectual information systems –
Koshekov K.T.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
7 term: hours per week – 14; In a term – 210.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load:122 hours
Extracurricular load: 88 hours
Total: 210 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50 out of
100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Bases of Information Systems, System Analysis, Analysis and System
classifications of artificial intelligence, knowledge representation models,
output solutions and models of communication in artificial intelligence
system, the basic concepts of fuzzy sets;
use the elements of the fuzzy sets for the mathematical formalization of the
initial information about the study or the actual situation of decisionmaking;
- competencies:
graduate should possess the knowledge system for the creation and
application of modern technologies in their subject area, as well as in related
graduates are able to independently complement and deepen their
knowledge, and adapt to changes in the studied area of expertise.
Knowledge bases and data banks. Model of knowledge representation. The
principles of organization and functioning of the systems of artificial
intelligence. The design of artificial intelligence systems. Methods of
preparation, formalization and structuring of the problem of knowledge,
storage and use of knowledge in the knowledge base.
Oral examination
Computer laboratories, multimedia complex
1. J-L. Lorer. Artificial Intelligence Systems, Mir, 1999.
2. Aliev R.A. and others. Production systems with artificial intelligence. /
R.A. Aliyev, N.M. Abdikeyev, M.N. Shahnazarov. Moscow, Radio and
Communication, 1990.
3. Applied fuzzy systems: Transl. from Japanese./К.Аsai and others. М.:
Mir, 1993.
4. S.A.Orlovsky. Decision making with fuzzy initial information, Nauka,
Moscow, 1981.
5. 5. Fuzzy sets in models of management and artificial intelligence
/Edited by D.A. Pospelova. - М.: Nauka, 1986.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of hours per
week and per term:
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Recommended requirements:
Objectives of modules/assumed
teaching results:
Results of study /examinations
/forms of examinations:
Technical/multimedia equipment:
The technology of designing information systems
Gulyaeva A. L.
Automation of financial activities – Gulyaeva A. L. Design of
Web-appendices – Astapenko N. V.
Information-managing systems – Pyatkova T. V.
Production practice 3 – Astapenko N.V.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
7term: hours in a week –9; In a term –240.
8 term – practice – 270
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 144 hours
Extracurricular load: 366 hours
Total: 510 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least
50 out of 100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Foundations of Economic Theory, Principles of Information
Systems, Fundamentals of Financial Accounting and International
Financial Reporting Standards, Information technology in the
financial accounting / WEB technology, WEB-programming,
design customer-service applications, interfaces of intelligent
Bases of computer accounting, ways to improve computer
accounting, bases of computations, the features and capabilities of
modern computers and operating systems, Web-based
set up a program to automate the unique needs for accounting
peculiar to a particular company, to conduct domain analysis and
cost estimates for the design of software; formulate and solve
problems of queuing theory;
- competencies:
have the skills for designing information systems and their
elements in specific areas; graduates possess a basic understanding
of what it consists of and how to operate computers and the main
information systems.
Technology of computer processing of accounting information.
Diagrams of Business Process. Current approaches to design,
deploy and support software.
Creative examination, attestation
Computer laboratories, multimedia complex.
1. "Manual 1C: Enterprise 8.0", M: Firma "1C", 2004.
2. Dunayev V. PHP. Teach. SPb.: Piter, 2007.-284 p.
3. Sleptsova L.D., Bidasyuk Y.M. JavaScript. Teach. Publishing
House "Williams", 2007 - 448 pages
4. Booch G. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with application
examples on C++. 2nd edition. : Trans. from English. - M. Binom,
St. Petersburg.: Nevsky dialect, 1999.
5. Ansoff I. Strategic Management: Trans. from English. /
Scientific. Ed. L.I. Yevenko. Moscow: Economics, 1989.
Module Title:
Term of Study
Person responsible for the
module :
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study/ number of
hours per week and per
Work load:
Examination requirements:
Objectives of modules/
assumed teaching results:
Results of study /examinations
/ forms of examinations:
Modern Management Methods of Information Projects and Resources
7, 8
Kadochnikova E. L.
Information security and protection of information /System and network
administration – Kulikov V. P.
Management of IT projects/ Management of information resources –
Kadochnikova E.L. Pre-diploma practice – Astapenko N.V.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
7 term: hours in a week – 28; In a term – 420 hours.
8 term – 150 hours.
Full-time mode:
Curricular load: 245 hours
Extracurricular load: 325 hours
Total: 570 hours
To be admitted for the examination the student must have at least 50 out of
100 points assigned for each discipline of the module.
Informatics, Computer nets, Systems and nets of transferring information.
Bases of information systems, Bases of economic theory, Theory of
management and decision making.
information security and possible violations of protection; about cryptography
and its place in today's information society and in the methods of operation
and information management projects;
- skills:
symmetric and asymmetric encryption; authorization and authentication to
detect and counteract the virus attacks on your PC; to develop an IT strategy;
- competencies:
know the techniques and technology of project management development and
implementation of information systems in business; graduates should know
the ethical issues and safety concerns associated with the use of data
processing systems;
to be able to carry out the installation, configuration and administration of the
system and network software, server and network maintenance equipment to
ensure the integrity of the backup data, the implementation of an information
security policy; the policy of access to network resources, technical and
management reporting.
Cryptography. Technology to protect data on a PC. The life cycle of the
project. The organization of project management. Methods MSF. Model
application development process MSF. Risk management MSF. Principles and
methods for evaluating the effectiveness of IT projects. Methods to improve
the management of information technology. Model of the production
architecture MSF.
Oral examination, creative examination, attestation
Computer laboratories, multimedia complex
1. J. Lodon, K. Lodon. Information Systems Management, 7th edition, Piter, 2005.
2. Baranov V.V., Kalyanov G.N., Popov B.I. Information technologies and
enterprise management, DMK Press, 2006.
3. Project Management. Edited by M.L. Razu, Knorus, 2006.
4. B. Shider. Applied Cryptography. M.: Triumph, 2003 – 816 p.
5. М. Maslennikov. Practical Cryptography. SPb.: BHV-Petersburg, 2003. – 464 p.
Module Title:
Term of study:
Person responsible for
the module
Curriculum relation:
Mode of study /
number of hours per
week and per term:
Work load:
Objectives of modules
/ assumed teaching
Results of study /
examinations /
forms of examination:
Technical / multimedia
Final certification
Shevchuk E.V.
Shevchuk E.V.
5В070300 Information Systems
Full-time mode:
8 term: 540 hours
Full-time mode:
Curricular load:
Extracurricular load: 540 hours
Total: 540 hours
Completion of the whole educational program and writing a bachelor’s thesis
Educational course of the specialty
- knowledge:
graduates reinforce and deepen the theoretical knowledge acquired in the course
of development of the basic educational program of a specialty;
demonstration of general professional and special knowledge;
graduates reinforce and deepen the practical skills and techniques learned during
the development of the basic education of specialty programs, carry out activities
that may collect and summarize the factual material in order to use it in the
preparation of the graduation project;
apply this knowledge for self-applied problems in the specialty;
coherently and convincingly express their thoughts, present and defend their
ideas, proposals, projects;
graduates are familiar with the application of informatics on practice. They are
able to assess and solve practical problems using information technology, taking
into account technical, ergonomic, economic and social factors.
Thesis project includes an explanatory note and a set of posters and / or handouts.
Explanatory note consists of an introduction, main body and conclusion.
Oral examination, creative examination, attestation
Computer laboratories, multimedia complex
1 State General Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan 5.03.0162009. Rules of the thesis (project) in higher educational institutions.
2 Shevchuk E.V., Kopnova O.L.. Guidelines on thesis and research projects and
activities for the students of the specialty 091340 “Information Systems (by branches
and areas of application)”, 541530 “Information Systems (by branches and areas of
application)”, 050703 “Information Systems” and 050111 “Computer Science”/
“Informatics”. Petropavlovsk, NKSU named after M. Kozybayev, 2007. – 51p.
3 Shevchuk E.V., Kassimov I.R. Guidelines on the implementation of student
projects and works. Petropavlovsk, NKSU named after M. Kozybayev. 2007. – 28p.
4 Shintemirova A.U., Kadochnikova E.L., Nikishina O.A. Guidelines on the calculation
of economic efficiency diploma and course projects for students majoring 050703
“Information Systems”. - Petropavlovsk, NKSU named after M. Kozybayev, 2009. - 77 p.