HRFC Strategic Review

HRFC Strategic Review
Presentation of Findings
Monday 27th May 2013
 Process
 Financial (Quantitative) Analysis
 SWOT (Qualitative) Analysis
 Findings
 Committee Response
 Vision, Values, Strategy, Mission
 Five Year Road Map
 Next Steps
 Analysed the last 5 years accounts & 99-02, and compared
averages of these periods for major trends
 Held 121s with 11 senior club people on Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
 Analysed 28 Responses to on-line survey
 Spoken to representatives from:
 Lismore (Visited)
 Preston Lodge
 Selkirk (Visited)
 Reviewed and agreed findings with committee
 Agreed Strategic Plan
 Started 2013/14 Plan, Structure & Responsibilities
Major Trend Analysis (1)
 Income is down 33% in 5 years
 Bar is down by more than 50% in 10years. (61%-27%*),
as a slight counter margins have improved (30%-40%)
 The number of senior & associate members is down by 17%
and 43% in 10years
 General Entertainments down by 90% in 10years (10%1%)
 Donations, Insurance Claims & Gift Aid are up more than
60%. (13%- 21%) None of this can be relied upon
 Coaching & Rugby Development is now our biggest single
cost, up 87% (8%-15%)
*Figures in brackets are as a % of income or costs
Major Trend Analysis (2)
 Spend on Rugby up almost 50% (24%- 33%*) & we
play less games. Cost per game up >100% (£388 £818)
 Without a Ball, Sevens, Christmas Raffle, Summer
School & a 3rds, we lose money
 Costs are at same level as 1999!
 Energy costs are up 100% in 10y & are likely to do more
than that again
 Cash reserves down 36% (£59k- £38k (Est)) in 3years
 Jack Peat’s legacy down c33% (£50k - £33k (est) with
only some gym equipment to show for it .
*Figures marked are as a % of income or costs
Major Trend Analysis (3)
Bar Sales
Bar Sales
Gift Aid Tax Scheme
International Tickets
Insurance Claim
Payments by
100 Club
Major Trend Analysis (4)
Initial Findings of Trend Analysis
 We have squeezed costs, except rugby
 We have not driven revenue
 This is not sustainable
 Best case if nothing changes, no cash in five years
 Most likely case, no cash in less than three years
A Sobering Thought
To that end, at the instigation of one of
our committee members, Iain Maddox, a
Business Development Board is being
created whose aim is to enhance the size
of the legacy, with the aim of generating
enough finance to enable Haddington
Rugby Football Club to establish itself as
a Premier 1 Club. With this and
hopefully a good year financially during
our Centenary Year, the long term future
of the club looks secure"
AGM 2010
We have a great history
Made by a host of great people on and off the pitch
Many of whom are in the Great Clubhouse in the Sky
We owe it to them to continue making this great history
There is no “Do Nothing Option”
Do we all agree?
Meetings with Other Clubs (1)
 Lismore
 Gone down the Charitable & Multi-Sports route
 Their Clubhouse has broken even without rugby
 Lots of use being made of it, by many groups
 Much to gain in terms of gift aid, sponsoring and funding
 Worthy of a separate study
Meetings with Other Clubs (2)
 Preston Lodge
 Sold Club and kept proceeds in a Bond to produce income
 Community Centre did not work, Goth did until recession
 Slashed rugby budget and were relegated twice
 Now looking at getting own club again
 Done all they can to cut costs, lots of similar stories
 Strongly advise retaining club
Meetings with Other Clubs (3)
 Selkirk
 Town of same size, but in National League
 Benefitted from Insurance to rebuild clubhouse
 Raised £75k of their own for rebuild
 Open licence with heavy use of Clubhouse
 Sevens earns them around £15k
 Approach to playing budget similar to us
 Lots of good communications examples
 Can hold a wedding and a rugby match at the same time
 Good model for us to aspire to
 Strongly advise having separate bars
SWOT Analysis (1)
A small group of individuals prepared to work hard
Clubhouse, Pitch, Training Facilites and Kit
Town (our standing, warmth to us , small businesses, growing wealth)
Minis as a nursery
Youth Set up including DO
We have a lot of goodwill
Playing Numbers
Good Functional Web-site
Summer Scheol
When we get events right we get good support
Good age spread in senior teams
Ambition to keep playing at the highest level
Top Three:
1. History
2. Place in the
3. Youth set-up
SWOT Analysis (2)
Not doing what we said we would do
Not enough business experience on Committee
Too much being borne by too few
Clubhouse is underinvested
No budgeting/business planning process
Not enough focus on coach education/Quality of coaches in minis.
Mini/Midis not fully integrated with Club
Do not look after our donors (money and time) well enough
Entrance to the Club
Not in control of our legal/compliance issues
Have devalued/misunderstood Secretary role. Should be company secretary
Not using the SRU well enough
Not enough clarity of responsibility and accountability
Communication (internal & external)
Nothing Written Down
Under-selling ourselves
Promoting the Club as a Venue
Not tapping into funds
Contacts Database
Treatment of Referees
Not segmenting our markets
Not female and family friendly enough
Over state negatives
No Clear Direction
Not enough focus on youth and juniors
Inability to maintain players in transition to senior rugby
How the Club is viewed by the people of Haddington
Poor pitch
Poor first impressions on entrance to Club
Too many changes in coaching
Lack of Leadership
Increasing player mobility: how do we build loyalty?
Top Three:
1. No Clear Plan
2. Communications
3. Fabric of Club
“over stating the negatives”!
SWOT Analysis (3)
Working more Closely with East Lothian Clubs (Fixtures, 7s, Playershare)
Engaging more with the town, and other clubs
Far greater use of the Clubhouse/lack of competition
Harnessing the minis >100 Parents we are not tapping
Direct Debit for Membership
Commonwealth Games
Multi-use of Marquee say in the Festival
Top Three:
1. Clear Plan
2. Greater use of Club
3. Increased Community Links
Re-Engaging with the farming community
Maximising the "School of Rugby"
Hugely improving our PR
Emphasising the Importance of the minis
Phased development of Clubhouse
Capitalise on School of Rugby
Create "Café" downstairs
Small scale spruce up would bring quick wins
Segmenting our markets
increasung thanks
Reinstating Discos with strong controls
Café Club for U18s
Segmenting Minis: Creche and Rugby!
Becoming more family friendly
Becoming more female friendly
Growth of Town
Looking the Part
Improving Layout of Club, especially entrance
Returning Players
Single point for coach education
Focus on big events
Building on the recovery in our rugby delivery
Becoming a community sports hub
“Potential to be Great”
SWOT Analysis (4)
Loss of Gift Aid
Loss of National Rugby Position
Breach of Championship Rules
Reduction in Donations
Food Hygiene
Licence Breach
Undeclared Income
Loss of key individuals (off and on field)
Apathy continues
Are there any othe unknown risks (underinsured, licences etc)
Externals: Economy; Game as a whole
Loss of Top East Lothian Club Status
Ageing supporters
Losing home grown strength
Not finding enough good people
Not enough refs and coaches for minis
Driving Away our less able players then losing strength in depth
Top Three:
1. Loss of league Status
2. Loss of Donations/Gift Aid
3. Lack of good people
Key Issues
 Having a clear plan and lines of responsibility
 Developing a sustainable income
 Engaging with the Community
 Improving Communications Internally & Externally
 Improving linkages with all parts of the Club
 Improving the layout and condition of the Club
 Developing good coaches throughout the Club
 Getting enough good people to deliver
Committee Response
 Developed Strategy
 Endorsed Review Findings
 Set out our Vision, Values and Mission
 Developed Five Year Plan
 Developed Structure to Deliver Strategy
Vision, Values, Strategy, Mission (1)
“To build a business which sustains our Club in the National
League or higher, fostering the fellowship of rugby union
and engaging with all parts of the community, building on
the legacy of our great history”
Vision, Values, Strategy, Mission (2)
Vision supported by Values
At Haddington Rugby Football Club we value:
 Our long history and our duty to maintain and develop it
 Our goodstanding in the community
 Our responsibility to foster the game of rugby football
 Our position as a leading club in Scottish Rugby
 Our reputation for hard, fair, and entertaining play
 Our pride in the jersey
Vision, Values, Strategy, Mission (3)
 Fully implementing the Rugby Review of 2012 to reach &
maintain National League Status
 Refurbishing & developing our clubhouse to allow full use of
it for a varied range of player, club & fundraising activities
 Increasing the number of people using the Club by
engaging with all parts of the Club & the Community
 Increasing the number of games played, our prime
function, to foster the game of rugby & maximise rugby
 Developing programmes of events to suit the needs &
wishes of the wide and varied customers we will have
Vision, Values, Strategy, Mission (4)
At the end of 2017-2018, HRFC:
 Will be self-sustaining
 Will be secure in the National League
 Will have a fully refurbished and extended clubhouse
 Will be fully integrated into the Community
 Will have the optimum ownership model for our business
 Will have the resilience to maintain this
HRFC Five Year Road Map
Next Steps
 Thoughts from the Floor
 Motions to adapt constitution to deliver
 Election of Committee
 Adoption of Plan by new Committee
 More help for the Committee
 Delivering the Plan
Key Challenges
 Need to strive for success
 Do what we say we are going to do
 “Not what can HRFC do for me, but what
can I do for HRFC”
A bit more of this!
Thank You
Thoughts Please