Information Technology

Commonwealth Information
Technology Initiative
Alana Wiens &
Charles Schiller
CITI is a public/private
partnership to promote IT
education, through strategic
investments, that prepares
graduates to participate, lead, and
innovate in the knowledge-based
economy of Massachusetts.
Launched in 2000, CITI brings
together K-12, community
colleges, public universities and
industry to promote IT education
across the curriculum and
respond to technology workforce
Instructional Technology
Information Technology
Technology for learning
Learning technology
What is Information Technology
and why is it important??
Promoting Information Technology Fluency
• Skills- a sufficient body of knowledge to permit people to use a computer
effectively today
• Concepts- refers to the fundamental knowledge underpinning IT, such
as how a computer works, digital representation of information, assessing
information authenticity. Concepts provide the principles on which students
will build new understanding as IT evolves
• Capabilities- forms of higher-level thinking applied to IT problems,
including everything from sustained reasoning to thinking technologically
(National Research Council report: “Being Fluent with Information Technology” 1997 currently being revised and
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation)
• Fluency Concepts
Fundamentals of computers
Organization of information systems
Fundamentals of networks
Digital representation of information
Structuring information
Modeling and abstraction
Algorithmic thinking and programming
Limitations of Information Technology
Social impact of computers and technology
• Fluency Skills
Set-up a personal computer
Use basic operating system facilities
Use a word processor to create a document
Use a graphics or artwork package to manipulate an
Connect a computer to the Internet
Use the Internet to locate information
Use a computer to communicate with others
Use a spreadsheet to model a simple process
Use a database to access information
Use on-line help and instructional materials
• Fluency Capabilities
Engage in sustained reasoning
Manage complexity
Test a solution
Find problems in a faulty use of IT
Navigate a collection and assess quality of the
Collaborate using IT
Communicate using IT about IT
Expect the unexpected
Anticipate technological change
Think abstractly about Information Technology
“The new standard of “fluency” assumes
an ability to use abstract reasoning; to
apply information technology in
sophisticated, innovative ways to solve
problems across disciplines and subject
to interpret vast amounts of information
with analytic skill; to understand basic
principles of programming and other
computer science fundamentals; and to
continually adapt and learn new
technologies as they emerge in the future.”
Tech-Savvy: Educating Girls in the New Computer Age: AAUW
Why fluency??
Three rationale:
- Education
- Workforce
- Societal
(From “Being Fluent with Information Technology” Computer Science and
Telecommunications Board)
Educational Rationale
• Technology as an enabler for new
educational opportunities
• Computers as a conduit of powerful ideas
and cultural change
• Providing the opportunity to develop
critical thinking
Workforce Rationale
• All jobs need to understand IT
• Business needs employees with a core
understanding (i.e. Easily trainable)
• Improved job mobility
• Changing nature of work
• Massachusetts economy needs
workers to work in technology infused
• Changing job descriptions
• Employees no longer at one job for
life – need broad skill sets
Societal Rationale
• Better understanding of the world around
them (e.g. Databases to understand risks
of datamining or credit card transactions)
• Better educated electorate
• Understand how to evaluate social
impacts of information technology
How do we achieve
Soapbox #1
Multiple Points of
Soapbox #2
Technology Across
the Curriculum
IT Minors & ITAC (H.E. and now K-12)
(Information Technology Across the Curriculum)
Example courses:
• Social Impacts of IT (Communications)
• Contemporary Internet Communication
• Introduction to Visual Culture (Art)
• Genomics and Bioinformatics (Biology)
• Geographic Information Systems
• Taking IT out of pure computer
science and integrating it with
other subjects.
• IT in context.
• Provides multiple points of
This makes a lot of sense, why aren’t we
doing it??
• Teachers
• The system (including parents)
• Testing
• Gender, race & income divides
• Installing hardware before teachers
receive training
• Training in basic skills rather than
• Disseminating best practices
• Show tangible benefits
• Need to reach pre-service teachers
The system
• Administration, teachers and parents need
to value IT fluency
• Need to have time and budgets
(infrastructure & training)
Gender, race & income divides
• 4% of CS undergrads at UMass
Amherst are female
• Underrepresented in IT classes,
workforce & academia
What’s CITI and
how can you help
• K-20 strategy
• Awareness – conferences, articles,
• Policy
• Networks/cooperation
• Policy
• Licensure
• Grants
CITI & BHE - Board of Higher Education
• Our recent past and our current relationship
• Matching funds and the private sector
• Economic Stimulus Bill funding
FY2005 and FY2006
BHE - Seven Regional STEM Networks
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics
Pre K-16 Networks
Berkshire Network
Central Network
Greater Boston East Network
Greater Boston West Network
Northeast Network
Pioneer Valley Network
Southeast Network
The STEM Collaborative
At STEM Summit II, CITI funded
The “Wingspread” Strand
Goal: Thinking about “Strategic Planning for
Information Technology Fluency in PK-20
IT Licensure Study funded by CITI
• Information Tech. in all teacher licenses?
• IT in Principal and Supervisor licenses?
• Expand Instructional Technology licenses
– Keep Instructional Tech. Teacher?
– Reinstate Instruction Tech. Specialist?
– Clarify IT Coordinator, Director, etc.?
Supporting ETAC and MA DOE decision making
Summer 2005 Projects
• Teachers Implementing Imaging and Imagery for
Classroom Learning (TI3CL) – PV STEMnet
• Berkshire Teachers Teaching with Technology
(BT3 ) – Berkshire STEM Pipeline Network
• Project MAKE-IT and LIFT2 – Framingham SC
• QCC Summer Technology Academy
(Quinsigamond CC, BATEC Replication Project)
• Teachers Implementing Imaging and
Imagery for Classroom Learning (TI3CL) –
Workshops for teachers to expand their skills
in using Imaging and Imagery in their teaching
through the use of digital photography and
Photoshop Elements.
C:\Documents and Settings\cschiller\Desktop\Zielenski Monocots-Dicots.ppt
• Berkshire Teachers Teaching with
Technology (BT3 ) – Berkshire STEM
Pipeline Network
Workshops and online components for
teachers in Berkshire County to increase
fluency skills in their teaching and use
various technologies in their classes.
Multidisciplinary Achievement, Knowledge,
and Experience through Information
Technology - Project MAKE-IT
Framingham State College
Online course for teachers to upgrade
their information technology skills in order
to facilitate their integration of these skills
into their teaching.
Leadership Initiative for Teaching and
Technology - LIFT2
Framingham State College
Development and implementation of
differentiated instructional support through
two online graduate courses to meet the
varied needs of Middle and High School
teachers in improving IT integration in
STEM curricula.
QCC Summer Technology Academy
(Quinsigamond CC, BATEC Replication Project)
Two three-week workshops for HS Juniors
1) Robotics
2) PC Maintenance, Game Programming, and
Webpage design
A lot of business-industry involvement.
Eleven New Projects for 2005-2006
Lead Organization
Getting Fluent in IT
PD new
Bristol Community College
PV ITAC: Robotics, Design, and Collaborative
Learning with IT
PD new
Holyoke Community College and
Educational Technology Program UMass Amherst
IT Module Field Testing and Dissemination
PD new
UMass Boston
Infusing Technology Across the Curriculum
PD new
UMass Medical School
Leadership Initiative for Teaching and Technology
PD continuation
Framingham State College and LIFT2
Multidisciplinary Achievement, Knowledge, &
Experience through Information Technology
PD continuation
Framingham State College and the Learning Curve
Berkshire Teachers Teaching with Technology
PD continuation
Berkshire STEM Pipeline Network;
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Teachers Implementing Imaging and Imagery for
Classroom Learning
PD continuation
Creative Classroom Computing
Course Devel.
Northern Essex Community College
Literacy in New Times
Course Devel.
UMass Amherst
Starting Out with Computer Savvy Teachers
Course Devel.
UMass Boston
Questions to consider:
What are other obstacles IT faces in our
How do we overcome these obstacles?
What could ITAC look like at my school?