Warm-up Copy the definitions below. You will need to turn in one

Copy the question and choose an answer. You will need to
turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with all the questions
and answers for the week.
Date: 8/04
Subject: Social Science
How many continents are there on the Earth?
Know the continents for the Friday Quiz
Copy the question and choose an answer. You will need to
turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with all the questions
and answers for the week.
Date: 8/05
Subject: Social Science
How many imaginary lines do geographers use
to divide the Earth?
1. 5
2. 3
3. 4
4. 2
Know the imaginary lines for the Friday Quiz
Study this weeks warm-ups for the Friday Quiz
Friday Warm-up Quiz #1
1. List the seven continents on the Earth.
2. List three of the five imaginary lines
which geographers use to divide the
Copy the question and choose an answer. You will need to
turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with all the questions
and answers for the week.
Date: 8/08
Subject: Social Science
Geographers divide
the Earth into how
many hemispheres?
How many directions
are there on a
compass rose?
Copy the information on your paper. You will need to turn
in one sheet of paper on Friday with all the questions and
answers for the week.
Date: 8/09
Subject: Social Science
Copy Geography’s Five Themes—(leave a space between
each word for the definitions, which will follow in the
next few days).
Human-Environment interaction.
Copy the definitions below. You will need to turn in one
sheet of paper on Friday with all the warm-ups for the week.
Date: 8/10
Subject: Social Science
Location – Where a place is located; absolute
location (an address) and relative location (what it
is near).
Place – What the place is like (physical features,
such as climate, landforms, and human
characteristics such as language, government, etc.
Region – Places that have physical features or
human characteristics in common.
Copy the definitions below. You will turn in one sheet of
paper tomorrow with all the warm-ups for the week.
Date: 8/11
Subject: Social Science
Movement – People, goods, and ideas
move from one place to another.
Human-Environment Interaction –
Humans depend on, adapt to, and modify
their environment.
Study this weeks warm-ups for the Friday Quiz
Friday Warm-up Quiz #2
Georgia is located in what two hemispheres?
What is the opposite direction to northeast?
What are the five themes of geography?
Give an example of relative location.
Give an example of absolute location.
Copy the definitions below. You will need to turn in one
sheet of paper on Friday with all the warm-ups for the week.
Date: 8/15
Subject: Social Science
Continent – one of the major land areas of the
Earthquake – violent jolting or shaking of the earth
caused by movement of rocks along a fault.
Tsunami – huge sea wave caused by an earthquake
on the ocean floor.
Weathering – process by which surface rocks are
broken down into smaller pieces by water,
chemicals, or frost.
Copy the definitions below. You will need to turn in one
sheet of paper on Friday with all the warm-ups for the week.
Date: 8/16
Subject: Social Science
Erosion – wearing away of the earth’s surface,
mainly by water, wind, or ice.
Plateau – flat landform whose surface is raised
above the surrounding land, with a steep cliff on
one side.
Isthmus – narrow piece of land connecting two
larger pieces of land.
Peninsula – piece of land surrounded by water
on three sides.
Copy the definitions below. You will need to turn in one
sheet of paper on Friday with all the warm-ups for the week.
Date: 8/17
Subject: Social Science
Vegetation – plant life in a region.
Climate – usual pattern of weather events in an
area over a long period of time.
Tropics – region of the world located between
the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, with a
generally hot climate.
Rain shadow – area on the inland side of
mountain ranges, where little rain falls.
Copy the definitions below. You will need to turn in one
sheet of paper on Friday with all the warm-ups for the week.
Date: 8/18
Subject: Social Science
Rain forest – dense forest in tropical regions
with heavy, year-round rainfall.
Savanna – tropical grassland with scattered
trees, usually with wet and dry seasons.
Tundra – broad, dry, treeless plain in the
high latitudes.
Permafrost – permanently frozen lower
layers of soil in Arctic regions.
Study this weeks warm-ups for the Friday Quiz
Friday Warm-up Quiz #3
Number from 1-10 on your paper. Use the word bank
below and match the word to the correct definition.
1. Violent jolting or shaking of the earth caused by movement of rocks
along a fault.
2. Huge sea wave caused by an earthquake on the ocean floor.
3. Narrow piece of land connecting two larger pieces of land.
4. Piece of land surrounded by water on three sides.
5. Plant life in a region.
6. Usual pattern of weather events in an area over a long period of time.
7. Dense forest in tropical regions with heavy, year-round rainfall.
8. Tropical grassland with scattered trees, usually with wet and dry
9. Broad, dry, treeless plain in the high latitudes.
10. Permanently frozen lower layers of soil in Arctic regions.
Copy the question and choose an answer. You will need to
turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with all the questions
and answers for the week.
Date: 8/22
Subject: Social Science
Elevation – height above sea level.
Timberline – elevation above which trees
cannot grow.
Steppe – dry treeless grasslands, often found
at the edges of deserts.
Culture – way of life of a group of people who
share similar beliefs and customs, including
language and religion.
Copy the question and choose an answer. You will need to
turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with all the questions
and answers for the week.
Date: 8/23
Subject: Social Science
Standard of living – measure of quality of life based on
income and material possessions.
Literacy rate – percentage of adults in a society who
can read and write.
Free enterprise – basis of a market economy in which
people start and run businesses to make a profit with
little government intervention.
Socialism – economic system in which government
sets economic goals and may own some businesses.
Copy the question and choose an answer. You will need to
turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with all the questions
and answers for the week.
Date: 8/24
Subject: Social Science
Emigrate – to move from one’s native country to
another country.
Refugee – person who has had to flee to another
country for safety from disaster or danger.
Population density – average number of people
living in a square mile or square kilometer.
Urbanization – tendency of a country’s people
to move from rural areas to cities.
Copy the question and choose an answer. You will need to
turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with all the questions
and answers for the week.
Date: 8/25
Subject: Social Science
Developed country –a country that is
industrialized rather than agricultural.
Developing country – a country in the
process of becoming industrialized.
Demographer – scientist who studies
Birthrate – number of children born each
year for every 1,000 people.
Study this weeks warm-ups for the Friday Quiz
Friday Warm-up Quiz #4
Number from 1-10 on your paper. Use the word bank
below and match the word to the correct definition.
Standard of Living
Literacy rate
1. Height above sea level.
2. Elevation above which trees cannot grow.
3. Dry treeless grasslands, often found at the edges of deserts.
4. Measure of quality of life based on income and material possessions.
5. Percentage of adults in a society who can read and write.
6. Economic system in which government sets economic goals and may
own some businesses.
7. To move from one’s native country to another country.
8. Person who has had to flee to another country for safety from disaster
or danger.
9. Scientist who studies population.
10. Number of children born each year for every 1,000 people.
Copy the question and choose an answer. You will need to
turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with all the questions
and answers for the week.
Date: 8/29
Subject: Social Science
Death rate – number of deaths each year for every
1,000 people.
Famine – lack of food, affecting a large number of
Scarcity – the word economists use to describe the
conflict between people’s desires and limited
Natural resource – anything from the natural
environment that people use to meet their needs.
Copy the question and choose an answer. You will need to
turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with all the questions
and answers for the week.
Date: 8/30
Subject: Social Science
Renewable resource – resource that is replaced
naturally or can be grown quickly.
Nonrenewable resource – metals and other
minerals that cannot be replaced once they are
used up.
Fossil fuel – group of nonrenewable mineral
resources- coal, oil, and natural gas formed in the
earth’s crust from plant and animal remains.
Copy the question and choose an answer. You will need to
turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with all the questions
and answers for the week.
Date: 8/31
Subject: Social Science
Subsistence farming – a farm that produces only
enough to support a family’s needs.
Service industry – a business that provides
services to people rather than producing goods.
Pollution – putting impure or poisonous
substances into land, water, or air.
Pesticide – chemicals used to kill insects and
other pests.
Copy the question and choose an answer. You will need to
turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with all the questions
and answers for the week.
Date: 9/01
Subject: Social Science
Acid rain – precipitation in which water
carries large amounts of chemicals, especially
sulfuric acid.
Hydroelectric power – electric power
generated by falling water.
Solar energy – power produced by the heat
of the sun.
Study this weeks warm-ups for the Friday Quiz
Friday Warm-up Quiz #5
Number from 1-10 on your paper. Use the word bank
below and match the word to the correct definition.
Fossil Fuel
Hydroelectric Power
Non-renewable Resource
Natural Resource
Renewable Resource
Service Industry
Solar Energy
Subsistence Farming
1. Lack of food, affecting a large number of people.
2. Anything from the natural environment that people use to meet their
3. Resource that is replaced naturally or can be grown quickly.
4. Metals and other minerals that cannot be replaced once they are used up.
5. Group of nonrenewable mineral resources- coal, oil, and natural gas formed
in the earth’s crust from plant and animal remains.
6. A farm that produces only enough to support a family’s needs.
7. A business that provides services to people rather than producing goods.
8. Putting impure or poisonous substances into land, water, or air.
9. Electric power generated by falling water.
10. Power produced by the heat of the sun.
The End
Created By:
Debra Harrington
Yeager Middle School