St John Fisher Catholic High School MFL:Short Term Plan Class: Term: MAR-APR Week: Teacher: ALL Framework sub-strands: L&S: R&W: ICU CHARLIE ET LA CHOCOLATERIE – BOOKLET BY N. FAULKES KAL LLS: FLA – WHICH CHARACTER AM I – POST-ITS, FORMING QUESTIONS AND PICKING A CHOCOLATE BAR OUT OF A BAG AND DESCRIBING IT/ADVERTISING IT Language: French Lesson Lesson Structure Objectives Lesson 1 Charlie et la Chocolaterie – le livre Lesson 2 Charlie et la Chocolaterie – les personnages Page 1 of 8 To identify details in written texts Starter: Watch Bande Annonce on Youtube – what words do students recognise? What do students remember about the story? Video link: To use prior Main: knowledge as Show students cover of book, Charlie et la chocolaterie 1 and 2 pdf and work an aid to through page 2 of Charlie et la Chocolaterie booklet. understanding Plenary: Students compare translation of back cover with a partner, then ask some students to share with whole class. To use a Starter: variety of Watch best bits video: (find adjectives to cues for end of each character’s tour in chocolate factory). What can students describe remember about each character? character and Main: express Card sort – character descriptions opinions Page 3 of booklet – find meaning of adjectives. Which adjective(s) would students use to describe the different characters? Remind students about adjectival agreement. Page 4 of booklet – give your opinion about characters, some students justify. Homework Remind yourself of story for Charlie et la Chocolaterie AFL: □ Objective setting □ Peer Assessment □ Self Assessment □ Questioning Notes Lesson Objectives Lesson 3 Charlie et la Chocolaterie personnages To describe physical appearance Lesson 4 La Galerie de Gagnants To write detailed descriptions Lesson 5 Une Interview – comment poser les questions? Page 2 of 8 Plenary: Show picture of Willy Wonka and/or Oompa Loompa. Students write a brief description of one of these characters using card sort and adjectives work as model. Lesson Structure Starter: Hot potato activity – students have a set amount of time that reduces each time to annotate the pictures of the characters from the film (encourage French sentences if possible). Main: Introduce vocabulary for describing physical appearance – hair, eye colour and height etc. In pairs, students could play guess who with characters from film. In groups, students use vocabulary to write a description of the character from the hot potato activity. Plenary: Peer assess another pair’s description using MFL marking for literacy codes then return to other pair for green penning. Starter: Profile of Willy Wonka to translate Main: Highlight words that you could change in Willy Wonka description to write about somebody else. Students complete pages 5 and 6 of booklet (gallery of the winners of the Golden Tickets). Plenary: Peer assess galleries, vote on class favourite and award good comment. Starter: Card sort – questions French and English translation. Main: Encourage students to look at how questions are formed; is there anything they notice? Introduce question words vocabulary. Give students some questions in English and ask them to translate into French – mini-wb competition? Students write three more questions that they would like to ask the golden ticket winners and translate into French. (page 7 of booklet) Plenary: Compare questions with a partner and green pen. Homework Complete Gallery Notes Lesson 6 Une Interview – comment répondre? Lesson Objectives Lesson Structure Homework To provide detailed responses to questions. Starter: Places in the Chocolaterie card sort. Complete preparation for interview. Main: Give each student a card that says which character they are going to be playing in the newspapers interviews. Prepare model responses to questions that students can alter to say something new if necessary. Students prepare their answers to the newspaper questions. Lesson 7 Une Interview Lesson 8 Un Rapportage Page 3 of 8 To ask and respond to questions To plan writing in detail Plenary: Review bande annonce video, to inspire pupils’ answers: Starter: Questioning – students to remain standing until they have answered a question in French/translated a word. First student to answer/translate sits down. This is to encourage spontaneous speech. Main: Students spend half of the lesson as an interviewer, asking questions and taking notes for newspaper article, then other half of lesson being interviewed. (pages 8 and 9 of booklet) Plenary: Check that students have understood the answers that they have given to each other. Starter: Brainstorm the main elements of a newspaper article and how they are structured. Main: Give students planning sheet (page 10 of booklet). Students to spend lesson planning their newspaper article in detail. Plenary: Compare plans – have students got something to say for each element. Notes Lesson 9 Le Monde de Chocolat Lesson 10 Le Chocolat – de la plante à la tablette Lesson 11 Les Délices de Willy Wonka Lesson Objectives Lesson Structure Homework To construct an informative newspaper article Starter: Establish class success criteria for newspaper article. Write display version of article using page 11 of booklet. To conjugate ER verbs in the present tense To describe the chocolatemaking process. To use a variety of strategies to understand text To describe sweets Page 4 of 8 Main: Students to write newspaper article in exercise book. Plenary: Peer assess articles – do they meet class success criteria? Starter: Review ER verb endings using Main: If you wish to go through ER verb endings in more detail, you could show students the Willy Harcourt Cooze chocolate: 2Willys chocolate adapted Students complete page 12 of chocolate booklet. Plenary: Peer mark page 12 of booklet and green pen. Starter: Card sort – sweet titles Main: Complete page 13 of booklet, including students’ own descriptions of sweets. Worksheet also available – Charlie et la Chocolaterie à la salle des inventions. This helps students to describe sweets. Plenary: Some students to read their descriptions of sweets aloud. Find the names of 5 French chocolate bars Notes Lesson 12 La Publicité Lesson Objectives Lesson Structure To identify meaning in aural texts. Starter: What chocolate adverts do students remember? Why do they remember these particular adverts? Main: Watch adverts: Snickers Gremlin Lindor Nestlé Android Kit Kat And students complete page 14 of booklet. They could also write down any words that they recognise. Put students into groups for own adverts. They could then begin working on page 15 of booklet. Lesson 13 La Publicité To use French to advertise a chocolate bar. Plenary: Challenge 21 – students count to 21 in French as a class, but only one student at a time can stand up to say the next number in the sequence. If two students stand up together, they must go back to one. Starter: Students review chocolate adverts they remember and why. You could also show some of last year’s chocolate adverts by year 7, which are in the 2012-13 archive. Main: Students work in groups to plan and rehearse their advert – pages 15 and 16 of booklet. Plenary: Produce a list of who needs to bring what for next lesson when students will be filming adverts. Lesson 14 La Publicité To use persuasive Starter: Rehearsal time. Page 5 of 8 Homework Notes language effectively. Main: Students perform and film chocolate adverts, with those who aren’t filming completing peer assessment. Plenary: Vote on which advert was best and why. Lesson Objectives Lesson Structure Homework Lesson 15 Ma Propre Barre de Chocolat To structure an advert Starter: What are the key elements in a bar of chocolate? Brainstorm. Revise for assessment Lesson 16 Ma Propre Barre de Chocolat - Assessment To promote a chocolate bar Notes Main: Students use page 17 of booklet to plan own chocolate bar for assessment. Plenary: Peer assess and green pen plan. Starter: Students complete assessment – drawing chocolate bar advert on A3, using planning sheet from last lesson as an aid. Main: Plenary: Lesson 17 Les Chansons des Oompas Loompas To identify meaning in texts and use as a model for own writing Starter: Watch video – Music from Charlie et la Chocolaterie Main: Analyse Oompa Loompa song lyrics. Students work in groups to write own Oompa Loompa song (page Page 6 of 8 For the lessons after the assessment, choose between Oompa Loompa songs, chocolate tasting, watching the film 18 booklet). Chocolat and doing Easter in France. Plenary: Students perform songs in groups. Lesson 18 C’est bon le chocolat Lesson 19-20 Chocolat Page 7 of 8 Lesson Objectives Lesson Structure To express opinions Starter: Chocolate cards – match the answers to the questions. Verify using chocolate introduction PowerPoint. Main: To use 1. Each student makes a note of their answers to the card comparatives sort questions. 2. Each student chooses three questions from the card sort to ask other students. They must try to find someone in the class who has given the same answer as them. 3. Vocabulary brainstorm – what words could we use to describe chocolate e.g. j’aime, je n’aime pas, adjectives etc. 4. Chocolate tasting – each student tries 3 types of chocolate and gives a score for the sections noted on Chocolate Sondage worksheet. Students tell a partner their opinion of each type of chocolate in French. Plenary: Students write an opinion for each chocolate tasted in their exercise book. G&T could use comparison modelling slide from PowerPoint. To identify Starter: key elements FILM - CHOCOLAT of French Main: culture in moving Homework Notes You’ll need to buy chocolate for students to taste. Check all in class can eat chocolate. image. Plenary: Lesson 21 Pâques To compare Easter in France and UK Starter: Put pupils into teams and give each team a question sheet. Tell pupils that the answers to their questions are displayed around the room, in French. Ask pupils what strategies they will use to work out the answers to the questions. They should be able to tell you that they will think about cognates, prior knowledge, use their exercise books, look at any images etc. Resources: Traditions de Pâques wall cards, Ppoint & Easter traditions quiz Main: Only one pupil at a time may stand up to find a wall card for their team and attempt to work out the meaning. Points will be deducted for groups that have more than one person away from their table, as well as for taking the questions paper with you, removing wall cards from the wall. Give pupils a set time limit to work out the answers, then go through. Plenary: Ask pupils to write a short essay explaining what they have learnt about Easter in France including any differences and similarities they identify. Page 8 of 8