Poetry / Mythology / Short Story / Children's Book / Play or Skit

5-11-15 Learning Targets:
 I can choose an option for the project due on May 20th.
 I can read, annotate, and analyze the poem “The
Highwayman” by Alfred Noyes.
Homework: Poetry / Mythology / Short Story / Children’s Book /
Play or Skit Projects due on Wednesday, May 20th.
Pick a card. Keep it at your desk.
Word of the Day: narrative poem
Context: In English class today, we will read a narrative poem
called The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes; it tells a romantic tale of
love, betrayal, honor, and death.
Opening Activity: Read and discuss the Project Sheet.
(I am not posting this as an assignment, because I am requiring a paper copy of
whichever project you choose.)
1. Listen to the poem The Highwayman (page 300).
2. Make 1 annotation on the worksheet (individually).
3. Listen to the poem again: an interpretation.
Make 2 more annotations (individually)
Closing Activity: Join one partner (random, using cards)
 Add 1 annotation.
 Join another pair and share your annotations.
 Choose 1 annotation to post on Schoology.
Poetry / Mythology / Short Story / Children’s Book / Skit Project
Choose one of the following options: Projects are due on Wednesday, May 20th.
Option # 1: Poetry Anthology
Compile an anthology of poems that YOU have written.
You must have at least 8 poems in your anthology.
Option # 2: A Visit from a Mythological Being
You must come in to class dressed as a character from Mythology (Greek, Roman, Egyptian…. )
 Tell us about yourself and your powers.
 Retell a myth about you.
**If you choose, you may work with a partner (in your class-period) for this option.
Option # 3: Short Story
Your story must include:
Background on the Main Character (name, physical description, likes/dislikes, etc.)
A Problem (Conflict)
Interference (what prevents the hero/heroine from solving the problem?)
A Climax (this is the “dramatic” part – the point of highest interest in the story!)
A Resolution (What happens to “resolve” the climax?)
Option # 4: Children’s Book
We have read several examples of children’s books this year. Your book may:
 Illustrate a concept (like Princess Pigtoria and the Pea)
 Teach young children about an important topic or time period (like Bobbin Girl)
 Tell a fairytale from a different perspective (like The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig)
 Retell a poem (like Seven Blind Mice)
 Write an original story. Make sure you use dialogue!
Option # 5: Write and perform a play/skit.
This may also be a group option. If so, make sure that you write-up an explanation of why everyone should get
the same grade.
 You must film your performance and submit it to me digitally.
 You must ALSO include a written copy of the play.
 Feel free to incorporate original musical numbers into your play/skit.
« The Highwayman » by Alfred Noyes
Name _______________________
Objective: to annotate the poem “The Highwayman” individually and with partner(s).
Task: Annotate the poem by citing the line number in the left-hand column and writing your comment in the
right-hand column.
Line number:
My question/comment/connection/insight
**** Share your annotations with your partner, then add one more annotation that you think of together. This
comment should build upon something that you thought of when you were working by yourselves.
***** Join another pair of students. Share all of your annotations with your group of four people. Then, you
must collectively choose (and write) one annotation to share with the class via the Schoology Discussion Post.
Please put all of your names on the post.