THE TIN WASH DISH Glossary: Rag – female menstrual cycle, Toejam – Dirt found underneath finger and toenails, Feed – food, Paw – urine. OVERVIEW Read the poem over again, annotate and then write an opening paragraph to a commentary on the poem. This should be your overview of the poem appreciating the “journey” theat Murray takes you on during the poem. CLOSE ANALYSIS In pairs you will now closely annotate sections of the poem. You will write a detailed paragraph on the section that you have been assigned. Consider the following in your close annotation – imagery (how are the senses evoked, what devices (personification, simile, metaphor) are used, punctuation, rhythm, rhyme etc. Remember to keep referring to the overall meaning of the poem as you progress through your annotation. How does the way Murray construct his poem enhance its meaning/ purposes/ impact? PAIR 1 – lines 1-7 – “Lank poverty …. Ain’t no more” PAIR 2 – lines 8 – 14 – “Dank poverty …. From above” PAIR 3 – lines 15 – 23 – “It’s never the fault …. Like a sleeve” PAIR 4 – lines 24 – end – “Watch out …. Tin wash dish” LINES 1- 7 LINES 8- 14 LINES 15 -23 LINES 24 – end