Baptism 101 - National Hmong Caucus of the United Methodist Church

For “Ca Sab 2014” at Allen Camp
August 4-9, 2014
Tsuker Yang
What is Baptism?: baptizo (Greek),
meaning to immerse.
--Traditional rite of purification of sin and
cleansing, in baptismal font, pond,
pool, river.
--What is the significant—“baptize with
water, with the Spirit and with fire”.
Water=symbol of life, water gives life,
symbol yet a powerful and mysterious
mean that gives life to life; Spirit=God’s
Spirit of life and power given to us.
--Various forms/modes of baptism:
immersion, pouring, sprinkling
John’s Baptism: John the Baptist
baptized for the remission of sin (Mt.
--Repentance—John preached, “Repent,
for the Kingdom of Heaven is near”
(Mt. 3:2)
--Confession—“Confessing their sins,
they were baptized” (Mt. 3:6)
--Baptize—“Confessing their sins, they
were baptized by him in the Jordan
River” (v. 6)
John’s Baptism: John the Baptist
baptized for the remission of sin (Mt.
--The basis for of John’s baptism:
Repentance is more than just a confession
of sins but a radical change in one’s life,
turning away from sins to an obedient life
in the Torah. Baptism washes away our
sins, makes us cleansed and ready for
God’s claim to be God’s people. It is about
transformation of life, not a mere ritual act.
John’s Baptism: John the Baptist
baptized for the remission of sin (Mt.
--John did not baptize the Pharisees for
they were not sincere in their repentance,
or they were not willing to do so (Mt. 3:710)
John’s Baptism: John the Baptist
baptized for the remission of sin (Mt.
--Jesus was baptized by John (Mt. 3:1317): (1) “to fulfill all righteousness”, to be
right with God and people, to identify with
mankind as sinner and in need of God’s
favor; (2) the inception and announcement
of Jesus’ ministry; and (3) to be claimed by
Christian Baptism: Baptism in the
name of the Father, Son and Holy
--John said of Jesus to baptize people
with the Spirit and fire (Jh. 1:33; Mk.
1:8; Mt. 3:11; Lk. 3:16)
--Christian baptism is a command (Mt.
28:19-20; Mk. 16:15-16; Jh. 3:1-10)
--Christian baptism is a sacrament—the
holy things of God commanded by
God that makes us one with God (new
birth, transformation of life, disciples
of Jesus Christ, children of God and
heirs) 2:1-4)
Christian Baptism: Baptism in the
name of the Father, Son and Holy
--The Day of Pentecost, the coming of
the Holy Spirit and baptism, and the
beginning of the church (Acts 2:1-4)
The Practice of the Church since
--On the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:36-40),
the basis criteria for baptism
=“Repent and be baptized… in the
name of Jesus Christ for the
forgiveness (as oppose to washing
away or purification) of your sins. And
you will receive the fit of the Holy
Spirit” (v. 38)
=“Those who accepted his message
were baptized… that day” (v. 41)
The Practice of the Church since
--The practice of the early church—as
soon as they believed, they were
baptized (Acts 8:26-39; 10:44-48;
--Paul’s teaching—as dying with Christ
and arising with Christ (Rom 6:1-11)
--Luther: on faith alone, baptism does
not save us. “We are saved by grace
through faith”—that is by believing.
--Anabaptist: initiation into the church
The Practice of the Church since
--Methodist: regeneration (new birth in
the Spirit) and assurance (of our
salvation), as well as initiation into the
family of God
--Others—baptism cleanses us from the
“original sin” and makes us right
with God as God’s people, such as in
circumcism; but it does not save us.
United Methodist Teaching on Baptism
--Believe in free-well and human capacity
to receive the gift of God. Salvation is a
gift from God offered to us; we are to
receive to make it worthwhile and legal.
United Methodist Teaching on Baptism
--For UMC, to believe means taking into
considering all the following:
repentance/renunciation of sins and evils,
confession of Jesus Christ, a commitment
to discipleship and baptism. All these
confirm you to be a child of God, a true
Christian in a sense, or a “born again”
United Methodist Teaching on Baptism
--Means of Grace—baptism is a sign/mean
of God’s grace (God’s initiative and act of
empowerment and blessing for those who
believe) and personal testament of faith,
an outward sign of inward grace, a visible
evidence/witness of an invisible faith.
United Methodist Teaching on Baptism
--Both adults and infants can be baptized
in any mode of baptism. Children are to be
confirmed later through confirmation class.
Just as salvation is a gift of God (Jesus
died for all) and can’t be denied to anyone
(children, slave and free, women and men
equally), infants and children are to be
baptized. Both parents and children are
members of the church through confession
of faith and baptism.
United Methodist Teaching on Baptism
--The baptismal covenant in the UMC calls
for repentance, renunciation of evils,
confession of Jesus Christ, commitment to
discipleship/service and baptism. For
infant baptism, parent is called to
commitment to raise and teach the child of
the Christian faith until they are confirmed.
Living The transformation life
--Romans 12:1-2 (spiritual worship, nonconformance to the pattern of this
world and the renewed mind). We are
what we think and do. Baptism sets the
tone, marks your beginning and new life
in Jesus Christ.
Living The transformation life
--A butterfly at two levels: the
cocoon/lava and the butterfly, two
different stages, two different lives and
--Be baptized that you may become
children of God in all that you can be and
equip for all good works, living the
transforming life.