
This methodology sets out how our project team, “Pathways Consulting,” will undertake and
deliver the project for WAGEC within the agreed scope and timeframe.
Project Deliverables
As specified in the scope, this project is considered to be Phase 1 of a 2-part project. The aim
in Phase 1 is to provide WAGEC with a 1 year fundraising strategy, which provides the basis
for options to enhance its brand and improve its marketability to fundraisers and as such, lay
the foundations for the later development of a 5-year marketing and fundraising strategy.
The Phase 1 Fundraising Strategy includes:
A review of WAGEC’s current brand, based on the results of its client survey and feedback from past
donors and supporters.
A competitor analysis of similar non-profit organisations, outlining their approach to fundraising and the
identification of a ‘best-practice’ model for WAGEC.
A detailed SWOT analysis of WAGEC’s ability to attract funding amongst other non-profit organisations
in the marketplace.
Development of fundraising targets for the forthcoming year.
Recommended options for actions by WAGEC in the forthcoming year to enhance its brand and start
attracting more support in the marketplace.
The project is to be completed by Saturday, 4 June 2011 with delivery of outputs and a final
presentation to WAGEC on this day. This gives the project team 10 weeks from Saturday, 26
March 2011 to the final deadline.
Overview of Approach
Pathways Consulting will adopt primarily a qualitative research approach in Phase 1. This
will incorporate both practical and desktop research to collect key data and insights on
Current perceptions in the marketplace of WAGEC’s brand, service performance (from
a client and supporter perspective) and its ability to attract funding
WAGEC’s strategic direction and internal resource capability regarding fundraising and
its ability to capitalise on fundraising activities
WAGEC’s current market mix and positioning (from a funder’s perspective)
Competitor’s branding, fundraising approaches, results and distinguishing success
The suitability of fundraising targets and approaches (as gathered from the competitive
analysis) to WAGEC given the associated costs and resources necessary for each
The best sequencing of steps in the action plan (once again this will reflect findings
from the competitive analysis and the internal review).
We will also undertake some basic quantitative analysis of the client survey results (the
survey has already been completed by WAGEC) and of the high-level breakdown of
WAGEC’s client base and budget compared with other similar organisations.
The practical and desktop research components will be performed as part of an internal and
external analysis of WAGEC and the development of recommendations of the most
appropriate fundraising approaches for the organisation to adopt in the short-term.
A key aspect of the internal analysis will be a review of the marketing mix (both product
and service-based) for WAGEC. This review will take a funder’s perspective rather than the
perspective of the Centre’s female and transgender clientele.
Why a funder’s perspective?
The main purpose of the project is to develop a strategy for WAGEC to attract more funds and resources from
potential supporters in the community. Thus, it is important to review how the organisation is positioned to attract
that funding directly. WAGEC has also indicated to the project team that it does not have sufficient resources in
the short term to manage an increase in demand for its services, and so seeking to improve its marketability to its
service clientele directly eg, by creating more awareness among the homeless or those at risk of being homeless,
may serve to damage its reputation (if it can’t meet this demand) and so risks being counterproductive for
The internal and external analyses will feed directly into development of a SWOT analysis
of WAGEC in attracting funds in the marketplace, which is a key deliverable for the project.
The SWOT will then inform the development of the 1 year action plan for WAGEC.
To further inform development of the action plan, the project team will also undertake
further research on various fundraising approaches which appear desirable and feasible
for WAGEC in the short term (based on findings from the internal and external reviews). For
example, this may involve additional research on the options regarding online fundraising
strategies or targeting women’s networks for support etc. It should be noted that where
additional research may be outside of the scope of the project (given available time and
resources), the action plan may specify that this research be undertaken in Phase 2 of the
Internal Analysis
The project team will undertake an internal analysis of WAGEC as presented in Table 1.
The aim in this part of the project is to gather sufficient information and data for the team to
undertake a value-based analysis and resource-based assessment of WAGEC. This stage will
seek to identify WAGEC’s current competitive advantages in attracting funding and support
(including its unique resources and strengths) and its weaknesses regarding resources and
value-adding across its operations (that is, in how its operation areas create ‘value’ for
potential funders).
This internal review of WAGEC encompasses desk-top research on WAGEC’s operations
and services, as derived from a number of key source documents eg, WAGEC’s Annual
Report, Strategic Plan and Budget. It includes the assessment of the client survey results
provided by WAGEC. In addition, it encompasses a practical component in liaising with
WAGEC staff directly, visiting the Centre, and contacting previous key supporters of
WAGEC ie, Rotary and City of Sydney. The purpose of these practical steps is to gather
direct insights from the Board, staff and WAGEC’s supporter so that an evidence-based
assessment of WAGEC’s current brand and internal capabilities may be undertaken.
Marketing Mix Review
A key aspect of the internal analysis is also the review of the current marketing mix (from a
funder’s perspective). This review will be based on the traditional 4 Ps (price, product, place
and promotion) and the service marketing mix (people, physical evidence and process) since
WAGEC is a service-provider. The traditional marketing mix model will be adapted to the
needs of WAGEC as a non profit organisation in this fundraising context (eg, price is the
funding levels sought, product is the “support” itself etc.)
What are the elements of WAGEC’s service marketing mix?
In this context, the “people” includes the staff and female target market for WAGEC’s services which may
influence a potential funders decision.
The “physical evidence” encompasses the environment in which WAGCE delivers its service including its centre
in Surry Hills, its website, and any other tangible material it produces (eg, brochures).
The “process” refers to the actual procedures, mechanisms, and operations by which the services are delivered
by WAGEC. In this context, it applies to the experience of donors when they wish to make a donation or fund
The project methodology will also encompass consideration of the “Servuction System
Model” when reviewing the service marketing mix (see Figure 3.1) because it helps to
identify that crucial link between the ack-end operations of the organisation and what
potential supporters experience when they consider or contact WAGEC. It’s important to
note that this review of the marketing mix will draw upon a lot of the same research gathered
for the value-based analysis and resource-based review of the firm,.
Figure 3.1
Application of the Servuction System Model for WAGEC
WAGEC systems and processes invisible to potential
Centre and website
WAGEC’s staff
Potential Funders/Donors
Other Funders/donors
in non-profit
Source: Adapted form the Servuction system model developed by Langeard et al, 1981.
Table 1 Internal Analysis
Research Components
Value chain
Strategic analysis of
Practical –
This will help to determine
WAGEC with
Face-to-face discussions
WAGEC’s competitive
consideration of its
advantages regarding its
“value creating
WAGEC Board and staff
activities in the marketplace and
activities” broken up
(inc. participation in
will also help to highlight
into support activities
Strategy Day)
weaknesses and threats to
(eg, general
Phone interviews with
administration) and
former supporters (Rotary &
primary activities
City of Sydney)
(eg, services,
operations and
Desktop –
Strategic Plan/Annual
report review
Position Description review
Client survey review
Perspective that
Practical -
This assessment will highlight
Face-to-face discussions
WAGEC’s competitive
advantage eg, it has secured
advantage are due
WAGEC Board and staff
substantial DOCs funding, and
to their endowment
Phone interviews with
will be another key input into the
of strategic
former supporters (Rotary &
SWOT strengths assessment.
resources both
City of Sydney)
This step will also equip the
tangible and
project team with the knowledge
intangible and that
Desktop –
to develop short-term options for
its capabilities are
Strategic Plan/Annual
fundraising which are feasible for
valuable, rare, costly
report review
WAGEC given its resource
to imitate and costly
Position Description review
capacity, and to recommend
to substitute.
Budget Review
actions which may address any
Client survey review
resource weaknesses (linked
Website review (see below)
directly to fundraising goals).
Review of
This review will
This will be informed by the
This assessment will help to
marketing mix
assess the 4
other research and a
identify: the current perception of
traditional elements
website review of:
WAGEC’s brand and how it is
of WAGEC’s
- functionality
positioned in the marketplace to
marketing mix (price,
- content
attract funding; and how its
place, promotion,
- online donating channels
current service performance
product) and the
and instructions
(including its systems) impacts
service marketing
- general presentation.
its fundraising potential.
mix (people, physical
evidence and
External Analysis
The project team will also undertake an external analysis of the marketplace in which
WAGEC competes for funding. This will consist of 2 key steps as presented in Table 2.
The first step will begin with some environmental scanning of the market for readily
available background research and advice on the challenges and best approaches to
fundraising by non profits like WAGEC. It will also involve a basic PEST analysis to
investigate the relevant political, economic, social and technological forces in the
marketplace which will inform the SWOT analysis and development of WAGEC’s
fundraising strategy.
Next, the project team will undertake an analysis of the fundraising approaches of at least 2
(potentially 4-5) key competitors to identify key success factors which may be applicable to
WAGEC. Consideration will be given to the marketing mix of these organisations. This step
will incorporate both a desktop research component (ie, web-based reviews) and a practical
component ie, contacting the organisations for possible interviews or brief questioning.
Tab le 2 External Analysis
Research Components
This involves
Desktop –
This assessment will identify the
scanning /PEST
scanning of the
Web-based review of
opportunities and threats that are
market for
available material on
evident in the marketplace and
background research
fundraising in the non-profit
will inform the development of
material on non-
the SWOT analysis of WAGEC.
profit fundraising
Review of reports on
approaches and a
homelessness and
PEST analysis of the
Government directives in
forces which will
this area provided by
impact WAGEC’s
fundraising efforts.
Review of potential
networks/supporter groups
for WAGEC.
This will involve the
Practical -
This analysis will be a key
assessment of 2
Phone discussions with
component in the development of
(potentially 4-5)
marketing/fundraising staff
the most appropriate fundraising
similar non-profit
in these organisations to
options for WAGEC. It will serve
organisations to
ascertain strategies, what
to highlight the distinguishing
WAGEC to identify
has worked and what
success factors among similar
key success factors
organisations regarding
regarding their
Desktop –
Web-based review of
competitors including their
Annual reports, strategic
plans, marketing strategies,
available marketing and
fundraising material,
budgets and fundraising
SWOT Analysis & Development of Action Plan
The SWOT analysis provides the framework to analyse the findings from the external and
internal analyses. Following this work and depending on available time, further research
work and analysis will be undertaken to explore options and develop the best action plan
suitable to WAGEC’s short term needs.
Project Schedule
The schedule at Appendix A sets out the key steps in the project, when each step is to be
completed and by whom.
The team members are: Michelle Darby-Fay; Nicole Haddock; Khloe Ying Man Fung; Gloria
Chan and Eva Ying Wang.
The project schedule assumes that Michelle will lead the team and be the primary contact
with WAGEC. Nicole will provide support to Michelle as needed in liaising with WAGEC.
The internal analysis will undertaken primarily by Michelle, Gloria and Eva. Nicole and
Khloe will primarily undertake the external analysis. The SWOT Analysis and the action
plan will be developed by Nicole, in consultation with input from the rest of the team.
To these ends, the proposed breakdown of responsibilities for the final fundraising strategy &
action plan to be presented to WAGEC are as follows (this may be subject to change):
1. Introduction & overview – Michelle
2. Internal Analysis part 1 – WAGEC current strategy & brand perceptions - Michelle
3. Internal Analysis part 2 – Resource/activity-based assessment- Gloria
4. Internal Analysis part 3 – Marketing mix assessment - Eva
5. External analysis (other similar non profit organisation) – Khloe
6. SWOT Findings & Action Plan for WAGEC - Nicole
Appendix A – Project Schedule
Project steps
Wk 1
28 Mar
4 Apr
11 Apr
18 Apr
25 Apr
2 May
9 May
16 May
23 May
30 May
Face-to-face discussions with WAGEC
All team members with Michelle as lead
Board and staff (inc. site visit, Board
Meeting & Strategy Day)
Michelle, Gloria and Eva
Review of WAGEC internal documents
(including plans and budget)
Gloria & Eva
Staffing review (by position
Michelle, Gloria & Eva
Client survey review
Michelle & Gloria if required
Phone interviews with former
supporters (Rotary & City of Sydney)
Michelle, Gloria & Eva
Review of website
Michelle, Gloria & Eva
Internal analysis (value-based,
resource-based and marketing mix
Desktop Environmental
Desktop competitor analysis
Contact (& possible interviews) with
Nicole & Khloe
Additional research on fundraising
Nicole, Khloe & others if available
Development of SWOT & Action Plan
Refinement of final report (inc. 1 yr
Nicole with team
fundraising strategy & action plan)
Preparation for presentation
Project Deadline – Saturday, 4 June 2011 presentation