Standard 5 The collection of data for standard 5 had been put on hold until the purpose could be better clarified. The collection of student samples is valuable for peer modeling practices, calibration between instructors, and review of assessment bias and farness. The collection of student work samples would not be valuable for the site review without these pieces. Corll will be sending out a survey for input regarding if/how the collection of student work meets this requirement. The purpose for using the student work samples would be to offer an example of data driven decision making and instructor collaboration. Standard 5 documentation of evidence is within the education department, not the individual endorsement areas. Students will be meeting this standard through their portfolio assignment. The endorsement areas have the main responsibility of teaching the content area. The education majors are being instructed to focus their portfolios upon the core education classes; if they wish, they may cover method and content classes in addition. It will help students to offer a clear view of the portfolio project. If students do not complete work for EDUC 420, they will not pass and will not be able to advance to student teaching. The reasoning behind this decision is based on candidate disposition. During the education department meeting, a vote will be taken to no longer allow out of area student teaching. Students who have been completing their student teaching from a long distance location have been struggling with the edTPA as they are unable to attend seminars and may not be able to speak with a mentor who is informed about the edTPA. There is a discussion to limit students to a sixty mile radius. What are the responsibilities of endorsement areas? The responsibilities include alignment to endorsement competencies as well as giving attention to re-approval timelines for each area. Another element which needs attention is instruction in academic language. Standard 4 program design. This will be discussed throughout the quarter, though this meeting will be focused upon collaboration. Standard 4B The admissions committee of the education department has been evaluating admission requirements. The minimum grades in English and Math may be increased as well as increasing the minumun GPA requirement. The minimum for math and English maybe a 2.5 or a 3.0. The minimum GPA will be a 2.8. Janolov have been calculating the percentage of students who complete the program based on GPAs. The most significant contributing factor appears to be math. Adopting these practices would affect the number of students who enter into and graduate from the program. 2.8 would likely be the GPA for math, English and the cumulative GPA. The West-B is required by the state. Student teaching cannot be one quarter in length. The education sequence will be adjusted so student complete EDUC 200 before student teaching. Fall quarter and half of winter quarter will contain field experience and pedagogy. For the other half of winter quarter and spring quarter students will enter into their field experience. This will allow for students to meet the 450 hour requirement. There is a tension between students with higher GPAs and students with a checkered past who have struggled academically. The GPA is currently the leading consideration, however data does not support that higher GPAs translate into individuals remaining in the profession longer or being better teachers. Data does support that those with higher GPAs do better meet standards such as retention. This is being actively discussed at the state and federal levels. A committee will be formed to assess writing prompts; there will be a technical writing component as well as evaluation of the students’ dedication to the field. Justin Young would be valuable to include on this committee. The West-E will also be required before student teaching. Central has a committee designated to aid a student who is struggling. The student may refer themselves or may be referred by a mentor or instructor. Eastern is looking to adopt this process as well. The exact order has not yet been determined. A concern could be a student entering into a methods class without knowledge of the content areas. This has been observed in the schools during a student’s field experience. A database is under construction as the state requires for mentors to be trained. PESB is continuing to develop this database. It is helpful to teachers to rotate, though, so that the same teachers are not used time and time again and become overwhelmed. Additionally, there are very talented teachers who are not included on the list. Another consideration is to allow students to work with more than one teacher as each teacher may offer a different school environment as well as different strengths. The three hours per week in a school limit the content which a student will acquire; for instance a math major would choose to experience math and reading to experience reading. If students experience an entire cycle, they would have a more rounded experience. As this requires a deeper discussion, this can be continued during the next meeting. The admissions requirements are to be mended by Fall 2014. If there are concerns specific to admissions, please contact Marion Moore. The decision will need to be made shortly. However, the other issues can be discussed at a later date. edTPA Content areas and the edTPA. The Professional Standards Board has set a cut score which affects the first fifteen criteria of the rubric for all content areas except for modern language. Modern language is not evaluated upon academic language. If a student does not pass the assessment, they will need to retake the entire assessment. Furthermore, students are not allowed to use anything from a previous assessment other than the context for learning. Deadlines are set by Pearson, though students may enroll. Currently, students must take the edTPA during the first five weeks of student teaching. Dale recommends having candidates in spring quarter submit the edTPAs by the fifth of may so that the scores will be returned by June. In the event a student does not meet the deadline, they will need to stay for another quarter. The cost will still be $300. The retake policies may be revised, though the changes will not be implemented until fall or perhaps the following winter. Students will not be allowed to take other courses during student teaching due to the time available for the edTPA. Students must show connections between tasks and knowledge. There must also be at least a minimum of a surface discussion regarding research or theory. The last piece is academic language; the content areas will be crucial regarding this element. The student self-reflection would be improved by using academic language. Academic language should be a common theme. Assessment is currently the area where students are struggling the most. has further information. Standard 4 will be documented by education department. The edTPA and portfolio will document this. Dean’s Office Structure to support program’s work. The certification office has been changed to Dean’s office. An interim is currently in the position and a job search has begun to find a permanent. There is an interim assessment director as well. Platforms for site review documentation. Fall quarter: self-studies and plans. Building systems for input. Hire assessment director. Winter quarter: Articulate practices aligned with standards. Name evidence. Implement assessment plans. Spring and Summer quarters: upload and link evidence. Build website. Determining what is useful. Janolov can help with this. Next year: Fall quarter: faculty review web materials. Submit to PESB by11/1. Report between November and January. Will be a list. Winter quarter: review and collect “evidence still needed” Spring quarter: plan for May 3-7 onsite review. Schedule interviews. Group Activity: Standard 4B program design. How does the program design reflect and been informed by mutually beneficial communication? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. For continuous improvement With content specialists With P12 schools (workforce, student learning, PD). With broader professional community. With members of under-represented populations. EMAIL TO JAMIE CHAVLIN