
Chapter 13
Properties of Solutions
Brown, LeMay, Bursten, Murphy
AP Edition 11e
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Ways of Expressing
Concentrations of Solutions
% by Mass
Mole Fraction
Normality (antiquated)
You will have to interconvert concentration units
on free-response questions.
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Mass Percentage
Mass Percent =
mass of solute
 100
total mass of solution
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Parts per ?
Parts per Million (ppm)
mass of solute
 106
ppm =
total mass of solution
Parts per Billion (ppb)
mass of solute
 109
ppb =
total mass of solution
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Mole Fraction (X)
moles of A
XA =
total moles in solution
• In some applications, one needs the
mole fraction of solvent, not solute —
make sure you find the quantity you
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Molarity (M)
mol of solute
L of solution
• You will recall this concentration measure
from Chapter 4.3
• Since volume is temperature-dependent,
molarity can change with temperature.
Molality (m)
mol of solute
kg of solvent
• Since both moles and mass do not change with
temperature, molality (unlike molarity) is not
• Symbol is an italicized, lower case m
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Normality (N)
gram equivalent weight of solute
Normality 
liter of solution
• It is the only concentration unit that is reaction
• It is an antiquated term and not used in most
of the more current literature.
• Ex. 1.0M Sulfuric acid is 2 N because each
mole of acid provides 2 moles of H+ ions Solutions
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Interconverting Units
mol/kg solvent
Moles of
Molar Mass
If we know the density of
the solution, we can
calculate the molality from
the molarity and vice versa.
This is a good chart for
interconverting values
mol/L solvent
Practice p.520 #25-27
• Solutions are homogeneous mixtures of two
or more pure substances.
• In a solution, the solute is dispersed uniformly
throughout the solvent.
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The intermolecular
forces between solute
and solvent particles
must be strong enough
to compete with those
between solute particles
and those between
solvent particles.
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How Does a Solution Form?
As a solution forms, the solvent pulls solute
particles apart and surrounds, or solvates,
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How Does a Solution Form
If an ionic salt is
soluble in water, it is
because the ion-dipole
interactions are strong
enough to overcome
the lattice energy of
the salt crystal.
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Energy Changes in Solution
• Three processes affect the
energetics of solution:
1. separation of solute
2. separation of solvent
3. formation of solution by
solute & solvent interaction
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Energy Changes in Solution
The enthalpy change
of the overall
process depends on
H for each of these
This is a NET
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Why Do Endothermic Processes Occur?
Things do not tend to occur
spontaneously (i.e., without
outside intervention) unless
the energy of the system is
This is a NET Endothermic
Yet we know in some
processes, like the
dissolution of NH4NO3 (an
ice pack) in water, heat is
absorbed, not released.
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Enthalpy Is Only Part of the Picture
The reason is that increasing
the disorder or randomness
(known as entropy, S) of a
system tends to lower the
energy of the system.
So even though enthalpy may
increase, the overall energy
of the system can still
decrease if the system
becomes more disordered.
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Student, Beware!
• When a substance disappears, is it a solution or a chemical
• Dissolution is a physical change — you can get back the
original solute by evaporating the solvent.
If you can’t, the substance didn’t dissolve, it reacted.
Types of Solutions
• Saturated
– In a saturated solution, the
solvent holds as much solute
as is possible at that
– When the rate of dissolving
equals the rate of
crystallization a dynamic
equilibrium is attained.
– The amount of solute
needed to form a saturated
is known as the solubility of
that solute.
 Solution
Solute  Solvent 
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Types of Solutions
• Unsaturated
– If a solution is
unsaturated, less
solute than can
dissolve in the
solvent at that
temperature is
dissolved in the
 Solution
Solute  Solvent 
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Types of Solutions
• Supersaturated
– In supersaturated solutions, the solvent holds
more solute than is normally possible at that
– These solutions are unstable; crystallization can
usually be stimulated by adding a “seed crystal” or
scratching the side of the flask.
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Factors Affecting Solubility
Soluble means the amount of the solute will dissolve in the solvent at a given temperature.
• Depends on
nature of solute
and solvent:
• Depends on:
– Temperature
– Pressure in gases
– Molecular Mass
– Polarity
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Factors Affecting Solubility
• Chemists use the axiom “like dissolves like."
– Polar substances tend to dissolve in polar solvents.
– Nonpolar substances tend to dissolve in nonpolar solvents.
Solubilities of Some Alcohols in Water and Hexane
Explanation: As the number of C increase the effect of the OH group becomes increasingly small
part of the molecule and therefore the molecule becomes less polar and immiscible in polar
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Factors Affecting Solubility: Polarity
The more similar the
attractions, the more
likely one substance
is to be soluble in
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Factors Affecting Solubility: Polarity
Cyclohexane (only 1 OH
Group) is not soluble in
Glucose (5 OH Groups)
is very soluble in water
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Factors Affecting Solubility: Polarity
• Vitamin A is soluble in nonpolar compounds,
like fats. A, D, E, & K are fat soluble
• Vitamin C is soluble in water.
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Arrange the following substances in order of increasing solubility in water:
Answer: C5H12 < C5H11 Cl < C5H11 OH <
C5H10(OH)2 (in order of increasing polarity and
hydrogen-bonding ability)
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Factors Affecting Solubility:
Pressure of Gas
• In general, the solubility of gases in water increases
with increasing mass.
• Larger molecules have stronger dispersion forces.
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Factors Affecting Solubility: Pressure
• The solubility of liquids &
solids does not change
appreciably with pressure.
• The solubility of a gas in a
liquid is directly
proportional to its
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Pressure Effects
The gas is at equilibrium in
this solution. Gas
molecule enter and
leave the solution at the
same rate.
The equilibrium is
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Pressure Effects
If you increase the
pressure the gas
molecules dissolve
The equilibrium is
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Pressure Effects
The system reaches a new
equilibrium with more gas
The relationship is:
Henry’s Law C = kP
C = Concentration of
dissolved Gas
P = Pressure
k = Henry’s Law constant
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Henry’s Law
You can use Henry’s Law to calculate the solubility of gas
C = kP
• C is the solubility of the
• k is the Henry’s Law
constant for that gas in
that solvent
• P is the partial
pressure of the gas
above the liquid.
Do #43-44 p. 521
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Factors Affecting Solubility: Temperature
Generally, the solubility
of solid solutes in liquid
solvents increases with
increasing temperature.
That means you can
dissolve more sugar in
hot tea than you can in
cold tea.
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Factors Affecting Solubility: Temperature
• The opposite is true of
– Carbonated soft drinks
are more “bubbly” if
stored in the refrigerator.
– Warm lakes have less O2
dissolved in them than
cool lakes.
– Lake Nyos Tragedy
8/21/1986 2000 Deaths
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Colligative Properties
• Changes in colligative properties depend
only on the number of solute particles
present, not on the kind or identity of the
solute particles.
• Colligative properties are
– Vapor pressure lowering
– Boiling point elevation (ethylene glycol)
– Melting point depression (salt on ice)
– Osmotic pressure (kidney function)
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Vapor Pressure
Because of solutesolvent intermolecular
attraction, higher
concentrations of
nonvolatile solutes make
it harder for solvent to
escape to the vapor
Therefore, the vapor
pressure of a solution is
lower than that of the
pure solvent.
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Raoult’s Law
Psoln = XA
– XA is the mole fraction of compound A, and
– PA is the normal vapor pressure of A at that
Presence of a nonvolatile solute lowers the vapor
pressure of the solvent in a closed system. See
figure 11.10
Practice #45-46 p. 521
Study Sample Exercises 11-6 & 11.7
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Boiling Point Elevation and
Freezing Point Depression
Nonvolatile solutesolvent interactions
also cause solutions
to have higher boiling
points and lower
freezing points than
the pure solvent.
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Boiling Point Elevation
• The change in boiling
point is proportional to
the molality of the
Tb = Kb  m
Tb is added to the
normal boiling point of
the solvent.
where Kb is the molal
boiling point elevation
constant, a property of
the solvent.
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Boiling Point Elevation
• The change in freezing
point can be found
Tf = Kf  m
• Here Kf is the molal
freezing point
depression constant of
Tf is subtracted from the the solvent.
normal freezing point of
the solvent.
Boiling Point Elevation and
Freezing Point Depression
Note that in both
equations, T does
not depend on what
the solute is, but
only on how many
particles are
Tb = Kb  m
Tf = Kf  m
Study Ex. 11.9 & 11.10
Practice #61-64 p. 522
• Some substances form semipermeable
membranes, allowing some smaller
particles to pass through, but blocking
other larger particles.
• In biological systems, most
semipermeable membranes allow water
to pass through, but solutes are not free
to do so.
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In osmosis, there is net movement of solvent
from the area of higher solvent
concentration (lower solute concentration) to
the are of lower solvent concentration
(higher solute concentration).
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Osmotic Pressure
The pressure required to stop osmosis,
known as osmotic pressure,  (capital
pi), is
= (
where M is the molarity of the solution.
If the osmotic pressure is the same on both sides
of a membrane (i.e., the concentrations are the
same), the solutions are isotonic.
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Osmosis in Blood Cells
• If the solute
concentration outside
the cell is greater than
that inside the cell, the
solution is hypertonic.
• Water will flow out of
the cell, and crenation
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Osmosis in Cells
• If the solute
concentration outside
the cell is less than
that inside the cell, the
solution is hypotonic.
• Water will flow into the
cell, and hemolysis
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Colligative Properties of
Since these properties depend on the number of
particles dissolved, solutions of electrolytes (which
dissociate in solution) should show greater changes
than those of nonelectrolytes.
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Colligative Properties of
However, a 1M solution of NaCl does not show
twice the change in freezing point that a 1M
solution of methanol does.
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van’t Hoff Factor
One mole of NaCl in
water does not
really give rise to
two moles of ions.
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van’t Hoff Factor
Some Na+ and Clreassociate for a short
time, so the true
concentration of
particles is somewhat
less than two times the
concentration of NaCl.
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van’t Hoff Factor
• Reassociation is
more likely at higher
• Therefore, the
number of particles
present is
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van’t Hoff Factor
• We modify the
previous equations
by multiplying by the
van’t Hoff factor, i.
Tf = Kf  m  i
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Suspensions of particles larger than
individual ions or molecules, but too small to
be settled out by gravity are called colloids.
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Tyndall Effect
• Colloidal suspensions
can scatter rays of light.
• This phenomenon is
known as the Tyndall
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Colloids in Biological Systems
Some molecules have
a polar, hydrophilic
(water-loving) end and
a non-polar,
hydrophobic (waterhating) end.
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Colloids in Biological Systems
Sodium stearate
is one example
of such a
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Colloids in Biological Systems
These molecules
can aid in the
emulsification of fats
and oils in aqueous
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