Lect01 Introduction

Welcome to IIT and cs105!
CS 105 - Secs. 001-007
• Jon Hanrath - 214 SB
• Office Hours:
– MW 8:00 A.M. – 9:45 A.M.
– W 5:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.
• 312-567-5701
• hanrath@iit.edu
• www.cs.iit.edu/~cs105
• Lecture: M,W
10:00 – 10:50 A.M. SB 111
– Labs: R,F 10:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.
SB 112F, SB 108
• Lecture: M,W
11:25 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. SB 111
– Labs: R,F 11:25 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
SB 112F, SB 108
• Lecture: W
6:25 P.M. – 8:05 P.M. LS 121
– Labs:
M 6:25 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
M 7:25p.m. – 8:15 p.m.
W 8:15 p.m. – 9:05 p.m.
SB 112F, Rice Campus
CS Intro Courses
• CS 105: 1-Semester Requiring Little or No
Previous Programming Experience, Programming
in C++
• CS 115-116: 2-Semester Sequence Assuming
Previous Programming Experience, Programming
in C++, Primarily CS Majors
• CS 201: 1-Semester Sequence Equivalent of
CS105-CS106, Requires Previous Programming
Experience, Programming in JAVA
CS 105 – Required Textbook and
Lab Manual
• “C++Programming: From Problem
Analysis to Program Design” By D.S.
• 2nd (YELLOW) OR 3rd (GREEN) Edition
CS 105 - Quizzes/Exams &
• 2 Quizzes – Each 5% of Grade
• 2 Exams:
– Exam I - Lecture Exam - 10%
– Exam II - Lecture & Lab Exam - 20%
• Final Exam - 30%
• Labs - 20%
• Project - 10%
• Must Pass Final to Pass Course
CS105 Labs
• Labs Assigned in Handout; on Website
• Labs Consist of a Reading Assignment, and Lab
Exercises from Textbook
• Lab Exercises Comprised of Exercises and
Programming Exercises (Located at End of Each
Chapter in Textbook)
• Student Expected to Complete Labs *BEFORE*
Lab Section Meets
• Students Receive Full Credit for Attending and
Participating in Lab Session
• TA Will Cover Labs/Questions/Other Topics in
Lab Session
Attendance in Lectures and Labs
Completion of Quizzes and Exams
Four to Six Hours per Week on Homework
Outside Help If Necessary
No Cheating (Quizzes, Exams, Project)
Have fun!!
• No Swearing or Other Inconsiderate
• Turn Off Cell Phones
• No Laptops
• No Internet Browsing, emailing, IM-ing in
Lab (C’mon, it’s only 50 minutes!)
• Questions, Discussion, Ideas Welcome
• If You Will Miss an Exam or Quiz, Make
Arrangements **BEFORE** the Exam or
Quiz Date
• Exam, Quiz Dates Already Posted
• If Emergency:
– Doctor/Hospital Note
– Family Problem: Contact Info for Parents
Unacceptable Excuses
Slept Late
Felt Sick
I’m Just a Freshman
Roommate Ate My Alarm
Missed Bus
Had a Game/Match/Practice
Didn’t Know When Exam/Quiz Was
If Any of Above Happen, Get to Class As SOON
as Possible!!!
CS 105 - Ethics
• Exams:
– Closed Book, Closed Notes, Closed Everything
– Nothing in Ears (mp3 players, cell phones,
• Labs Should Be Done Independently,But
Working with Others Acceptable
• Project: To Be Announced
CS 105 – Where to Get Help
• www.cs.iit.edu/~cs105
• Instructor Office Hours
• TA’s Office Hours, Lab Time - Any TA Can
Answer Questions
• ARC: Academic Resource Center Has Tutors
Available (http://arc.iit.edu)
• Internet: Search for “C++ tutorial”, or “C++ help”
CS 105 – Web Page
• http://www.cs.iit.edu/~cs105
• Click on Syllabus
Weekly Assignments
Quiz and Exam Dates
Lecture Slides
TA Office Hours
Other Course Information
CS105 Labs (Cont)
• All Labs Assigned from Textbook (Malik)
• Work on Labs on Personal PC, or Campus
• Save .cpp File(s) to Floppy or flash drive,
or send to yourself in email and Bring to
Lab Section for Discussion and Questions
Course Philosophy
• Computer Science Side
– Problem Solving
– Logical Thought
– Programming in C++
• “Real World” Side
– Human Nature
– Corporate World
– Surviving during and after College
Problem Solving
Arrange a Deck of Cards by Suit and Rank
How Would You Do This?
How Would You Tell a Child to Do This?
How Would You Tell a Computer to Do
Problem Solving
• CS 105 Develops Logic Skills to Solve
Problems by Writing a Program
• A Program is a Problem Solving Tool
• Computers Follow Instructions Given to Them
• Computers Do Not Have “Intuition”
• Computers Do Not Make Decisions “on Their
Why Use a Program?
• Computers Perform Tasks Many Times
Faster than a Person
• Computers Are More Consistent than a
• Computers Can Work 24-7
• Source Code: the Original Problem-Solving,
Logical Solution Written in a Programming
Language (e.g. C++)
• Compiling: the Action of Turning the Source
Code into a Format the Computer Can Use
• Linking: the Action of Bringing in Already
Written Code (Libraries) for Use in a New
• Executable: the Result of Compiling and Linking
a Source Program; the “.exe” file that the
Computer Can Run
C++ Required Elements
• Every C++ Program Must Have:
Your First Program
// Jon Hanrath
// CS105
// Section 042
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
cout << “Hello World!!” << endl;
return (0);