
Laurier Senior High School
Course Curriculum Content
Course: Physics
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Final Term Mark
(50% of term 3 mark = June
Lab Exam)
(50% of term 3 mark = June
Theory Exam)
Term breakdown:
C2 mark: average of class tests
C1 mark: 50% Labs, 50% Quizzes
Textbook: Quantum Physics
Materials: - Binder with paper and dividers: (3 sections) Notes/ Labs/ Tests
- Calculator (you are never allowed to share items during tests and quizzes)
- Graph Paper (approx.10 sheets)
- Ruler, geometry set, pencil, pen, eraser, paper
Content: Geometric Optics
- Waves
- Reflection of Light
- Refraction of Light
- Lenses
- Applied Geometric Optics
- Uniform Rectilinear Motion
- Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Motion
- Motion of Projectiles
Notions of Mechanics
- Frames of Reference
- Quantities & Units
- Vectors
- Types of Forces
- Bodies Subject to Forces
- Newton’s Laws
Energy & Its Transformations
- Work & Mechanical Power
- Mechanical Energy
- Elastic Potential Energy
Lab Rules: - You must follow all instructions given by lab technician and teacher during experiments.
- You will pay for material damages and your lab privileges will be revoked if you fail to follow
lab rules.
1. The lab bench must be clear of all objects not needed in experiment.
2. Do not run in the lab or sit on lab benches
3. Do not bring food or drinks into the lab.
4. Understand each step of the procedure before beginning an experiment.
5. Clean up your work station and the end of all experiments.
Behavior/Consequence: The best way to succeed in this class: BE RESPONSIBLE
- report to every class with books and supplies
- If you are absent, ask lab partner for notes, assignments. It is your
responsibility to come see the teacher for missed tests: Failure to do
so will result in a mark of 0%.
- complete assignments on time
- submit your own work (copying & cheating will not help you during tests
and exams and results in a mark of 0%)
- pay attention during class and study for tests
- ask the teacher to clarify whenever you don’t understand & attend tutorials
- be polite and cooperative with teacher and peers
- respect school property
- do not distract others, listen to music or talk while teacher is talking
(Phones and mp3 players are not allowed to be used in class or in the lab)
N.B.: Success in a high stream science class depends on hard work, excellent math skills and a
genuine interest in the subject matter. Take the time to read scientific articles, popular science
books, and watch educational documentaries, etc. on your own time. Come see me for suggestions.
Lab Reports
- During class, you perform labs with your lab partner(s).
- Lab exams are completed alone with no outside help or reference materials.
- Lab reports are given a group grade.
- If you and your lab partner are having difficulties working together (example: you do all the work), come
see me and you will be able to hand in an individual lab write-up.
- Be as neat as possible when completing the lab write-up.
- If you underline or make a chart, you must use a ruler.
- Label each section of the lab.
- Include the date, your name and your lab partners’ names.
- Do not use “I” or “We” in your lab report
- Reports must be handed in at the beginning of class (after second bell) or they are considered late. Late
penalty: 10% per day.
Title: you can be simple, creative… but make sure it’s relevant
Aim: state the reason for doing the experiment (To determine…)
Hypothesis: construct and if/then statement (not usually necessary for class labs)
Materials: list the materials used (must be in point form)
Procedure: state necessary steps to complete the experiment (must be enumerated)
Results: present the data in a table and/or graph
Sample Calculations: show the formulas and a sample calculation used to complete the experiment
(formula, values and answer with the correct units)
Analysis: interpret the results, usually questions from the textbook or handout will be assigned
Conclusion: The conclusion should be related to the aim. What did you discover? You may include an
important value from the lab to back up the conclusion. Be concise. Include relevant information
and don’t repeat yourself. Do tell me how much you enjoyed performing the lab!