DIATOM PHYTOBENTHOS IN RIVERS OF WEL BASIN – PRELIMINARY RESULTS Joanna Picińska-Fałtynowicz INSTITUTE OF METEOROLOGY AND WATER MANAGEMENT WROCŁAW BRANCH, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Diatom phytobenthos river types I – Mountain streams 1. Siliceous stream of Tatry Mts. 2. Calcareous stream of Tatry Mts. 3. Stream of Sudety Mts. II – Mid-altitude calcareous streams 6. Mid-altitude calcareous stream with fine substratum 7. Mid-altitude calcareous stream with coarse substratum 12. Flysch stream III – Mid-altitude siliceous streams 4. Mid-altitude siliceous stream with coarse substratum 5. Mid-altitude siliceous stream with fine substratum IV – Mid-altitude calcareous rivers 9. Small mid-altitude calcareous river 14. Small flysch river 15. Medium mid-altitude eastern river V – Mid-altitude siliceous rivers 8. Small mid-altitude siliceous river 10. Medium mid-altitude siliceous river VI – Lowland streams and small rivers 16. Lowland clayey or loess stream 17. Lowland sandy stream 18. Lowland gravely stream 23. Organic stream 26. River in a valley of large lowland river VII – Lowland rivers 19. Lowland sandy-clayey river 20. Lowland gravely river 24. River in a peat valley 25. River connecting lakes Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund PRETREATMENT AND MICROSCOPIC ANALYSIS MICROSCOPIC EVALUATION - in light microscope with 1000 magnification using immersion objective 100x TAXONOMIC IDENTIFICATION – at least to a species level using standard literature (Krammer & lange-Bertalot 1986-1997) and other recent monographs COUNTING – 300-500 diatom valves should be counted in a permanent slifrom a sample RELATIVE ABUNDANCE of i-taxon in a sample: Li = Number of valves of taxoni / Number of all valves counted [300-500] Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund The TI and SI indices are calculated using a weighted formula of Zelinka & Marvan (1961): INDEX = S(LiAiWi)/S(LiWi) where: Li – relative abundance of i-taxon in a sample (within 300-500 valves counted ), Ai – value of sensitivity (optimum) of i-taxon, Wi – value of weight (tolerance) of i-taxon Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund The Trophic Index [TI]: Trophic values of indicator taxa: 0.3 – 3.9; Weight values of taxa: 1 – 5 The trophic status of a river according to TI: TI < 1,0 Trophic status Ultraoligotrophy 1,1-1,3 Oligotrophy 1,4-1,5 Oligo- mesotrophy 1,6-1,8 Mesotrophy 1,9-2,2 Meso- eutrophy 2,3-2,6 Eutrophy 2,7-3,1 Eu- politrophy 3,2-3,4 Politrophy > 3,4 Poli- hypertrophy Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund The Saprobic Index SI: Saprobic values of indicator taxa: 1.0 – 3.8 Weight values: 1 – 5 The saprobic status of a river according to SI: Community consists of taxa: SI Saprobic level Sensitive to organic pollution < 1,3 Oligosaprobic Weakly tolerant to organic pollution 1,4-1,7 Oligo- b-mesosaprobic Moderately tolerant to organic pollution 1,8-2,1 b-mesosaprobic Resistant to organic pollution Saprophiles 2,2-2,5 b-meso- a-mesosaprobic Resistant to organic pollution Saprobionts 2,6-3,0 a-mesosaprobic 3,1-3,4 a-meso- polisaprobic > 3,5 polisaprobic Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund For overall assessment, a module reflecting deviation of species composition in comparison with reference community has been added. The module of reference species [GR]: GR = StRi where: tRi – relative abundance of i-reference taxon The GR values vary between 1 (all species in a sample are of reference character) and 0 (none species is a reference one) Groups of reference species: – – – – for siliceous waters, for calcareous waters, for both siliceous and calcareous waters, type-specific taxa for river groups I–VII Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund The diatom multimetric index IO is an arithmetic average of three modules: TI, SI and GR. As the TI and SI indices have different ranges, they were transformed according to Schaumburg et al. 2005 as follows: ZTI = 1–(TI*0.25) ZSI = 1–[(SI-1)*0.33] The values of ZTI and ZSI vary between 1 (the best quality) and 0 (the worst quality) and IO = (ZTI + ZSI + GR)/3 The IO values change from 1 (the best status) to 0 (the worst status). Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund CLASS BOUNDARIES for Polish river types Ecological status 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15 16, 17, 18, 23, 26 19, 20, 24, 25 High > 0.75 > 0.70 > 0.70 > 0.65 Good 0.55 0.50 0.50 0.50 Moderate 0.35 0.30 0.30 0.30 Poor 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 Bad < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 < 0.15 Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund MATERIAL Two sampling campaignes: 27-29 April 2009 and 22-24 September 2009 Community sampled: epilithon A total of 38 samples collected Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Physical and chemical variables of rivers water in 27-29. 04. 2009 Conduct 25oC pH TOC DOC Ptot SRP N-NO3 NO2+NO3 N-NO2 SiO2 Hardn Chlorid es mS/cm pH mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l PO4 mg/l N mg/l N mg/l N mg/l mgCaCO3/l mg/l WEL_01 465 8,17 3,98 3,36 0,138 0,225 2,03 2,05 0,016 10,9 236 10 WEL_02 448 7,97 6,71 5,30 0,174 0,202 1,15 1,19 0,037 11,0 238 7,9 WEL_04 363 8,02 5,54 5,44 0,113 0,128 0,15 0,16 0,012 5,75 183 9,9 WEL_05 361 7,98 4,89 4,12 0,184 0,105 0,29 0,31 0,017 6,30 177 7,4 WEL_06 371 8,08 5,20 4,38 0,116 0,059 0,04 0,04 0,003 10,8 200 9,3 WEL_07 363 7,75 6,94 6,66 0,190 0,076 0,06 0,08 0,020 8,30 180 8,8 WEL_08 WEL_09 476 386 7,85 7,80 9,97 6,54 8,23 5,86 0,195 0,205 0,174 0,117 2,23 5,19 2,28 5,23 0,054 0,040 6,35 7,62 249 185 13 11 WEL_10 386 8,21 6,25 5,94 0,106 0,099 0,36 0,38 0,020 7,45 190 9,8 WEL_11 401 7,72 6,58 6,28 0,142 0,160 0,48 0,51 0,032 7,90 201 12 WEL_12 459 8,09 3,25 3,22 0,084 0,038 0,77 0,78 0,007 16,0 244 6,6 WEL_13 436 8,07 2,71 2,35 0,172 0,190 0,99 1,00 0,012 15,4 249 6,8 WEL_14 410 8,26 4,56 4,52 0,162 0,183 0,33 0,35 0,019 11,1 216 9,1 WEL_15 WEL_16 WEL_17 WEL_18 WEL_19 WEL_20 403 469 451 529 505 412 8,02 8,13 8,35 8,32 8,47 8,29 1,57 6,74 1,46 7,93 6,53 5,50 0,80 1,16 0,79 4,41 4,73 4,16 0,174 0,156 0,168 0,114 0,096 0,136 0,169 0,131 0,207 0,104 0,140 0,122 0,73 1,68 1,99 1,49 3,59 0,66 0,77 1,70 2,01 1,52 3,61 0,68 0,037 0,018 0,017 0,027 0,025 0,018 8,15 7,75 9,67 9,57 8,22 5,47 224 247 235 263 248 222 11 13 10 12 13 10 Site Code Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Physical and chemical variables of rivers water in 22-24. 09. 2009 Conduct 25oC pH TOC DOC Ptot SRP N-NO3 NO2+NO3 N-NO2 SiO2 Hardn Ca Chlorids mS/cm pH mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l PO4 mg/l N mg/l N mg/l N mg/l mgCaCO3/l mg/l mg/l WEL_01 473 7,99 4,81 2,41 0,116 0,258 2,10 2,11 0,012 13,5 254 92 9,6 WEL_02 458 7,95 4,07 3,03 0,109 0,179 1,39 1,41 0,019 13,6 238 86 8,7 WEL_04 388 8,15 5,84 5,83 0,101 0,193 0,45 0,46 0,015 9,90 193 64 10 WEL_05 418 8,00 3,61 3,26 0,122 0,219 0,87 0,90 0,034 12,4 212 72 7,8 WEL_06 340 8,08 7,34 5,20 0,161 0,220 0,02 0,02 0,005 11,1 164 58 9,5 WEL_07 309 7,83 9,03 5,95 0,125 0,040 0,01 0,02 0,007 9,10 147 50 9,5 WEL_08 WEL_09 WEL_10 WEL_11 447 342 337 335 8,04 7,79 8,04 7,95 9,53 8,36 7,65 8,96 6,46 6,15 6,41 5,85 0,156 0,120 0,091 0,122 0,256 0,122 0,037 0,193 1,89 0,63 0,04 0,46 1,91 0,66 0,05 0,49 0,022 0,032 0,007 0,032 7,24 8,72 8,10 8,86 219 165 160 166 77 54 56 56 15 11 10 10 WEL_12 459 7,99 2,91 2,54 0,112 0,202 1,07 1,08 0,010 16,9 245 85 6,0 WEL_13 339 8,13 4,43 2,78 0,123 0,256 0,25 0,25 0,004 6,32 169 56 5,4 WEL_14 396 8,05 6,14 4,17 0,132 0,219 0,35 0,36 0,009 10,9 193 65 8,9 WEL_15 WEL_16 366 538 7,96 8,12 7,04 5,21 5,81 3,30 0,109 0,153 0,190 0,330 0,44 3,74 0,45 3,78 0,008 0,036 9,66 12,9 173 262 59 93 11 16 WEL_17 448 8,13 3,61 2,94 0,140 0,230 1,82 1,85 0,034 14,8 226 80 8,4 WEL_18 WEL_19 545 523 8,43 8,17 3,16 4,42 2,03 2,69 0,130 0,162 0,258 0,242 4,73 3,75 4,77 3,78 0,038 0,032 14,7 13,8 279 262 95 87 13 13 WEL_20 385 8,08 6,29 4,23 0,118 0,219 0,66 0,67 0,010 8,80 198 61 9,9 Site Code Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund PRELIMIARY RESULTS April 2009 Dominant and sub-dominant diatom species Achnanthidium minutissimum Nitzschia dissipata Navicula reichardtiana Nitzschia fonticola Navicula cryptotenella Meridion circulare Cymella compacta Pseudostaurosira brevistriata Navicula tripunctata Diatoma vulgaris Staurosira construens Amphora pediculus Staurosira pinnata Navicula lanceolata Gomphonema olivaceum Gomphonema parvulum Gomphonema micropus Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund PRELIMIARY RESULTS April 2009 RIVER CODE SITE WEL WEL 01 FIUGAJKI RIVER TYPE TI SI GR IO Status 18 2,11 1,87 0,60 0,60 Good 18 2,53 1,58 0,82 0,66 Good 18 1,85 1,94 0,73 0,65 Good MAŁA WKRA WEL 02 RUMIENICA WEL 05 Above Dąbrowa Mała Lake Above Rumian Lake PŁOŚNICZANKA Tributary fom MROCZNO WEL 08 Inflow to Wel 17 2,56 2,00 0,68 0,57 Good WEL 12 Inflow to Wel 17 1,86 1,74 0,94 0,74 High OUTFLOW from KIEŁPIŃSKIE LAKE WEL 13 Inflow to Wel 17 2,27 1,98 0,44 0,52 Good KATLEWKA WEL 16 Inflow to Wel 17 2,51 1,94 0,59 0,55 Good STRUGA WEL 17 Świniarc 18 2,84 1,78 0,55 0,53 Good PRĄTNICA WEL 18 Tuszewo 18 2,88 1,94 0,41 0,46 Moderate PRĄTNICA WEL 19 Linowiec 18 2,91 2,06 0,55 0,49 Moderate Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund PRELIMIARY RESULTS April 2009 River CODE SITE RIVER TYPE WEL WEL 04 SZCZUPLINY 25 1,82 1,92 0,99 0,74 High WEL WEL 06 PRUSY 25 2,04 1,72 0,87 0,71 High WEL WEL 07 KOSZELEWKI 25 1,56 1,72 0,97 0,78 High WEL WEL 09 LIDZBARK a 25 2,34 1,79 0,99 0,71 High WEL WEL 10 LIDZBARK b 20 2,31 2,02 0,87 0,65 Good WEL WEL 11 PIEKIEŁKO 20 2,23 2,01 0,92 0,68 High WEL WEL 14 STARE KORYTO 20 2,71 1,90 0,52 0,51 Good WEL WEL 15 BAŁWANKA 20 2,44 1,90 0,65 0,58 Good WEL WEL 20 JAKUBKOWO 20 2,72 1,98 0,86 0,62 Good TI SI GR IO Status Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Assesement by diatom phytobenthos HIGH GOOD MODERATE POOR BAD Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Thank you for attention !!! Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund