Year 4 Mindmap Autumn Term

Name and locate countries, seas and oceans in UK
and around the world and identify key physical
and human characteristics
Name and locate N & S America, concentrating on
their environmental regions
Follow on identifying where different animals live
and which climates they are adapted to
To identify problems associated with the rainforest
and what we can do to help. ( Environment,
Invasion Games
Numbers, Colours, Greetings
* New beginnings
*What influences me? To explore how the media
presents information. To present their views and listen
to the views of others. Debate issues around
deforestation etc. Why do the workers do the job they
That pressure to behave in an unacceptable or risky
way can come from a variety of sources, including
people they know, and how to ask for help and use
basic techniques for resisting pressure to do wrong.
Design and Technology
Use research to inform the design of innovative, functional,
Term: Aut 1 Year 4
appealing products that are fit for purpose. Generate, develop
and communicate their ideas through discussion, annotated
sketches and cross-sectional diagrams (rainforest diaroma using
levers. Use a wider range of tools and equipment to perform
Question: Why should the rainforest be
important to all of us?
practical tasks (for example, cutting shaping and joining)
Select from and use a wider range of materials and components
according to their functional properties
Our Changing World:
How can we classify trees by looking at their leaves? How
to create a key to classify leaves?
Art and Design
Rousseau- Jungle Prints
Colour mixing
Linked to Science: leaf rubbings, group collage of autumnal
leaves/ photographs of autumnal leaves.
How can we classify and identify deciduous trees in winter?
Investigating leaves and leaf skeletons.
In which way are trees similar and different?
Can I identify types of bark?
How can we classify plants by looking at their flowers?
Outdoor learning
* Leaf printing
* Trip to YorksWood forest
* Moving heavy objects
* Looking at plants, leaves and trees in the
school grounds
Observing different features of flowers, recording
observations accurately.
The achievements of the earliest civilizations
Link with rainforest and chocolate- rainforest
people. Aztecs
To explore the life of tribal people –e.g. Yanomani
Look at the culture and way of living of Rainforest
Literacy- Cross Curricular writing
Rainforest Poetry
Issues and Dilemmas ( Zoos, Deforestation)
Zoo by Anthony Browne
Fair trade Products
Letter Writing
Persuasive Writing
Children will be able to learn about the Rainforest through
non-fiction and fiction texts such as the The Great Kapok
Tree by Lynn Cherry, The Vanishing Rainforest by Richard
Plat. Children will also be looking at animal poetry and using
this to identify features of poetry, write their own poems
in different styles and compare and contrast different
types of poems.
Children will learn about how computer networks, including
the internet work. They will be taught what the World
Wide Web is, as well as how to use and evaluate search
engines. Whilst using the internet, children will learn not
to give personal information and keep passwords private.
Children will use the internet to research different
elements of the Rainforest. Children will create an ICT
presentation about deforestation.