syllabus - Birmingham Theological Seminary

Fall 2015
Work Phone: (205) 271-7682
BTS 7630– Marriage and Family Counseling
Fax: (205) 995-1459
Professor: Dr. Lou Priolo
Semester Hours: 2
Class Time: 12 weeks on Wednesdays, 6:00-8:20 pm (28 lecture hours)
This course is designed to equip pastors, elders, deacons, seminarians, guidance counselors,
and other lay Christians to become more biblically faithful and effective in their counseling
people who are experiencing relational problems as they prepare for marriage, as the
experience marriage, and as they experience parenthood.
1. Introduce the student to the biblical approach to counseling couples and families. Biblical
concepts and relational dynamics that pertain to marriage and family living will be discussed.
2. Help the student Investigate and critique the work of major therapists in the field of
Marriage and Family Counseling.
3. Assist the student in specifically applying the principles presented in the Introduction to
Biblical Counseling course to marriage related counseling issues.
4. Through practical exercise, assist the student in gaining mastery of the 8 critical elements
of Biblical Counseling as presented in the Methodology course, as applied to marital and
family problems.
Course Requirements and Grading
1. Read Solving Marriage Problems, and Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible by the
last day of class (Date). Graduate students must also read The Complete Husband. For all reading
assignments a 3X5 note card must be turned in stating that the reading was
2. Mid-term Exam–(take home) given (Date) return (Date)………………….20%
3. Final Exam– (comprehensive take home) given (Date) return by mail postmarked by
(Date) …………………………………………………………………………20%
4. Term Paper – Due (Dec. 2, 2015)……………………………………………………20%
The term paper should be at least nine (9) pages (double-spaced) on one of the following topics:
A Personalized Family Worship Program for Your Household
A Personalized Premarital Counseling Program (or Sunday School Course)
Biblical Submission of the Christian Wife to Her Husband
Loving Leadership of the Christian Husband Toward His Wife
An approved topic of special interest to you.
In lieu of a term paper, one of the following may be submitted:
 A program (or power point presentation) on the topic Communication in Marriage
 A 1Peter 3:7 Notebook for Husbands (men only, must include an extensive list of
Proverbs 20:5 type questions for a husband to ask his wife on a variety of “husbanding”
 A program (or power point presentation) on the topic Conflict Resolution in Marriage
 A counseling agenda for A Man or Woman Involved in an Adulterous Affair.
 A power point presentation on the topic Resolving In-law Conflicts
All topics must be confirmed in advance by the instructor. Papers will conform to the MLA
handbook on writing.
5. Notebook - Due (Dec. 16, 2015)……………………………………………… 20%
Included in this notebook will be notes of all class lectures and a copy of your term paper.
6. Class participation…………………………………………………… 10%
Solving Marriage Problems by Jay E. Adams
Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible by Jay E. Adams
The Complete Husband by Lou Priolo (Graduate Students only)
Schedule of Class Topics:*
This is only a tentative schedule. It is subject to change.
Premarital Counseling/Danger Signs
Purpose for Marriage/ Premarital Counseling/
Loving Leadership/Biblical Submission
Genuine Love
Character Traits of a Successful Marriage
Biblical Communication in Marriage
Conflict Resolution
The In-law Relationship
Sexual Relations in Marriage
Child Training and Discipline
What to do When Your Children Rebel
Divorce Intervention/“Divorce Recovery”
Due to the large content of material covered in this course it may become necessary to condense,
rearrange the order of or omit one or two of these topics.
Adams, Jay. The Christian Counselor’s Manual Phillipsburg: Presbyterian and Reformed
Publishing. 1973.
__________ Life under the Sun (Son), Counsel From the Book of Ecclesiastes, Stanley:
Timeless Texts, 1999.
_________ Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan,
_________ The Case of the Hopeless Marriage: A Nouthetic Counseling Case from
Beginning to End , Timeless Texts, 2007
Chappell, Bryan and Kathy. Each for the Other, Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2006.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 5th ed. Washington: American Psychiatric
Association, 2004.
Eyrich, Howard. Three to Get Ready, A Premarital Counseling Manual.
Bemidji: Focus Publishing, 2005.
Fitzpatrick, Elyse Helper by Design: God’s Perfect Plan for Women in Marriage, Moody
Press, 2003
Hindson, Ed and Howard Eyrich. Totally Sufficient. Birmingham: Growth Advantage
Communications, 1997.
Hines, William Leaving Yesterday Behind. Gearnies House, Fearn, Ross-shire: Christian
Focus, 2000.
Kittel, G. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. Translation of: Theologisches
Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament. Grand Rapids: W. B. Eerdmans, 1995.
Kruis, John. Quick Scriptural Reference for Counseling. 3rd ed. Grand Rapids: Baker
Academic, 2000.
MacArthur, John Jr., Wayne Mack and Masters College Faculty. Introduction to Biblical
Counseling. New York: Thomas Nelson, 1994.
Mack, Wayne. A Homework Manual for Biblical Living. Vol 2, Family and Marriage
Problems., Phillipsburg: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing, 1980.
________ In-Laws: Married with Parents, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing, 2009
Mack, Wayne and Wayne Johnston. A Christian Growth and Discipleship Manual, Vol 3,
A Homework Manual for Biblical Living, Bemidji: Focus Publishing, 2006
Owen, Jim. Christian Psychology’s War on God’s Word, Santa Barbara: EastGate
Publishers, 1996.
Peace, Martha. The Excellent Wife, Bemidji: Focus Publishing, 1997
Powlison, David. Seeing with New Eyes, Phillipsburg: P and R Publishing, 2003
Priolo, Lou The Complete Husband, Amityville: Calvary Press, 1999.
__________ Bitterness: The Root That Poblutes, Presbyterian and
Reformed, 2008
__________ Divorce: Before You Say “I Don’t”, Presbyterian and
Reformed, 2007
__________ Picking up The Pieces, Presbyterian and Reformed, 2012
__________ Teach Them Diligently: How to Use the Scriptures in Child Training,
Timeless Texts, 2000
Scott, Stuart The Exemplary Husband, Bemidji: Focus Publishing, 2002
Tripp, Paul David Instrument in the Redeemer’s Hands. Phillipsburg: P and R Publishing,
Vine, W. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words. Old Tappan:
Revell, 1981. Published in Electronic Form from Logos Research Systems, 1996.
Wheat, Ed, MD. Love Life for Every Married Couple. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996.
Wheat, Ed, MD and Gaye Wheat. Intended for Pleasure. 4th ed Grand Rapids: Fleming
H. Revell, 2006.