Unit 4: Genetic Information, Variation and Relationships between Organisms Lesson 2 The Triplet Code A S EQU ENC E OF T HR EE D N A B A S ES , C A L L ED A T R I P L ET , C OD ES FOR A S P EC IFIC AMINO A C I D. T HE G ENET IC C OD E I S U N I V ER S A L, N ON - OV ER L A PPI N G A N D D EG EN ER A TE . IN EU K AR Y OT ES , MU C H OF T HE N U C L EA R D N A D OES N OT C OD E FOR P OL Y P EPT IDES . T HER E A R E, FOR EX A MP L E, N ON - C OD IN G MU L T I PLE R EPEAT S OF BAS E S EQUENC ES BET W EEN G ENES . EV EN W IT HIN A G EN E ON L Y S OME S EQU EN C ES , C A L L ED EX ON S , C OD E FOR A MINO AC ID S EQU EN C ES . W I T HIN T HE G EN E, T HES E EX ON S A R E S EP A R A TED BY ONE OR MOR E N ON - C O DI N G S EQU EN CES , C A L LED INT R ONS . Central Dogma of Genetics Learning Outcomes: 1) Describe what is meant by a triplet code for DNA 2) Explain why the DNA code is universal, nonoverlapping and degenerate 3) Discuss how DNA is also made of noncoding DNA even within genes. Starter: What does this code tell you? DNA is made up of a polymer of nucleotides with 4 different types of nucleotide bases. These are Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine. The order of these bases makes a code, which is read in groups of three. Learning Outcomes: 1) Describe what is meant by a triplet code for DNA 2) Explain why the DNA code is universal, non- overlapping and degenerate 3) Discuss how DNA is also made of noncoding DNA even within genes. The Triplet code The sequence of 4 different bases is highly specific and different for each gene. Every 3 bases is called a codon or a triplet code. A codon codes for 1 amino acid. (a specific order of codons will code for a polypeptide) Q: How many types of Amino acid are there? Explain how can complex proteins occur then? Learning Outcomes: 1) Describe what is meant by a triplet code for DNA 2) Explain why the DNA code is universal, nonoverlapping and degenerate 3) Discuss how DNA is also made of non-coding DNA even within genes. DNA code is…… 1. Universal All living things use DNA and triplet code as their genetic code to produce proteins 2. Non-overlapping – each codon is read separately: TCTGATACTGGAGGT is read as 5 codons. It is not read as TCT, CTG, TGA, GAT etc. 3. Degenerate More than one codon can code for the same amino acid. Learning Outcomes: 1) Describe what is meant by a triplet code for DNA 2) Explain why the DNA code is universal, non- overlapping and degenerate 3) Discuss how DNA is also made of noncoding DNA even within genes. Learning Outcomes: 1) Describe what is meant by a triplet code for DNA 2) Explain why the DNA code is universal, non- overlapping and degenerate 3) Discuss how DNA is also made of noncoding DNA even within genes. Non-coding DNA In the DNA sequence, most of the DNA is noncoding. This is both within genes (Introns and Exons) and between different genes. It does not code for amino acids, which suggests it has other roles: - we don’t know - codes for ribosomal RNA - codes for transfer RNA - codes for siRNA - codes for regRNA Learning Outcomes: 1) Describe what is meant by a triplet code for DNA 2) Explain why the DNA code is universal, non- overlapping and degenerate 3) Discuss how DNA is also made of noncoding DNA even within genes.