Computers In Our Life Мета

Тема: Computers In Our Life
Мета: розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення на
основі нових та вже вивчених лексичних одиниць з теми, шляхом створення
різноманітних комунікативних ситуацій; вдосконалювати навички читання та
аудіювання; підвищувати пізнавальний інтерес до обраної професії
Тип: комбінований
Форми роботи: фронтальна, індивідуальна, робота в парах
Методи: словесні, наочні, практичні, інтерактивні
КМЗ: робочий зошит, аудіо записи, роздатковий матеріал
Міжпредметні зв’язки: інформатика, інформаційні технології, основи
роботи на ПК
Хід уроку:
I. Організаційний момент.
II. Введення в іншомовне середовище. Мотивація. Повідомлення
теми та мети уроку.
ІІІ. Основна частина:
- актуалізація опорних знань
- перевірка домашнього завдання
- говоріння (монологічні висловлювання)
- виконання лексичних вправ (робота з робочим зошитом)
- аудіювання (робота з діалогом)
- читання та переклад тексту
- виконання завдань для самоконтролю
IV. Підсумок уроку. Рефлексія.
V. Оцінки (мотивація). Домашнє завдання.
Хід уроку
І. Greetings.
II. Introduction. Motivation.
Read the four job advertisements .What are the most common requirements
for each job?
Ps` answers…….. The most common requirements for each job are IT skills
and knowledge of English. So you see how important your profession is. If you are
good at Computer Science and have good command of English you will have more
possibilities to find a good job. Your skills and abilities are useful in different jobs.
You could take advantage of it in making career in different fields.
Well, and the topic of our today`s lesson is Computers In Our Life.
You`ll be involved in different interesting activities today. We`ll talk about
the ways people use computers, we`ll revise the vocabularies on this topic and do
some exercises; you are going to deal with the dialogues. You`ll get to know the
history of the computer and some facts in a computer career. At the end of the
lesson you`ll write a progress test for self- assessment.
Here we go.
III. The Main Part
Brainstorming .
Guess the meaning of the following words, using the prompts (діти
знаходять визначення слів по темі)
-Checking home assignment.
- Communicative Activities:
Reading and Speaking. Teacher: Let us have a talk. Here are some things
that people of different professions can do on a computer. Look through the
statements and express your own ideas about the ways you use your computers.
(Учні складають список речей, які вони можуть робити за допомогою
- Language and Vocabulary Practice:
1. Filling in the gaps. (Учні відновлюють діалог, вставляючи в нього
пропущені слова .)
2. Skim the following text. Then read it by the sentences and try to fill in the
blanks with one of the four words given in the table. (Учні заповнюють текст
пропущеними словами та перекладають його `From the History of Personal
A Scrambled Dialogue. Pair Work. Teacher: Listen to the dialogue
attentively. You should put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order. (Робота з
діалогом (учні повинні розмістити репліки діалогу в правильному порядку).
Now listen to the dialogue again and check yourself.
Reading Activities.
Read and translate the text `A Career in the Computers`. Find English
equivalents in the text.
Progress test. Pupils are checking their knowledge of computer terms.
Teacher: Choose the correct word to fill the spaces. Insert the missing
IV. Summing up.
Where can you use your IT skills?
What are the main things you can do on a computer?
What is the first company in the world to develop personal computers?
What are the main requirements for applicants to be employed?
V. Marks. Home Assignment:
- learn new vocabularies
- fill in the gaps with the correct linking words from the list below
- retell the text
Workbook. Computers in Our Life.
Warming up.
Read the four job advertisements below. What are the most common
requirements for each job?
We are looking for Office Administrator
Required for
sports club.
We are
looking for a
person who
can work
skills and
fluent English
We require : very good spoken English, IT
skills, ability to work hard, strong
communication skills
A leading fashion company seeks ambitious
graduates to train in Merchandising.
Knowledge of fashion , computer design
experience would be valuable. Knowledge of
Busy city centre bistro needs seasonal managers.
Requirements: excellent English, good computer background, desire
to face challenges, flexible hours
Brainstorming . Guess the meaning of the following words, using the
a computer wizard; to boot; a scanner; a mouse; a modem; a keyboard;
a file; to upgrade; a disk
1. This small box is used to operate a computer. __________
2. A document on your computer. __________
3. A device which is used to transfer photos and texts to your computer. __
4. To make a computer better or able to do more things. _________
5. This looks like a typewriter and has the keys you need to press. _______
6. It can be hard, it can be floppy. __________
7. A device which allows your computer to send message along a telephone
line. _________
8. A person who is good at working on a computer. __________
9. To start a computer. ________
Communicative Activities
Reading and Speaking. Let us have a talk. Here are some things that people
of different professions can do on a computer. Look through the statements and
express your own ideas about the ways you use your computers.
A secretary: ` I use computers to do the usual office things like writing
letters and faxes, but what I find really useful is email. We are an international
company and I send emails to our offices all over the world.`
A publisher: `We use PCs to produce all sorts of texts in digital format. We
publish e-books and interactive e-learning programs on CD, and we help a local
company to design an online newspaper, displayed on the Web. `
A bank manager: `We use financial software to make calculations and then
generate graphs or charts. We also use a database to store information so that it can
be easily searched.`
A home user: `I like to retouch photos on my computer; I improve them by
making a few touches and then save them on a CD. I also enjoy looking at music
portals on the Web. I surf the Web every day and I often download files, I copy
music files from the Net to my PC.
Things I do on a computer while studying _______________
Things I do on a computer in my free time ______________________
Language and Vocabulary Practice
Filling in the gaps:
a) using; b) getting; c) database; d) training; e) doing; f) installing; g)
(P = Paul; B = Brinitha)
P: Hi, Brinitha.
B: Hi, Paul.
P: How's it going?
B: Fine, thanks.
P: What are you 1) _____ at the moment?
B: Oh, I 'm 2) ______ Nero.
P: How are you 3) _____ on?
B: Well, I 'm 4) _____ up a network. I 'm 5) _____ Microsoft Server.
P: Right. Where is Jackie today? Do you know?
B: Yes. She is on a 6) _____ course today. She's learning about the new
7) ____ system.
P: What about Mary and Imran? Where are they?
B: They aren't coming in today. They have a day off.
Listen to the dialogue ( 1 Track) and check your answers.
Skim the following text. Then read it by the sentences and try to fill in
the blanks with one of the four words given in the table.
From the History of Personal Computers
In 1977, Apple, the first company in the world to develop personal
computers, sold about 1,000 of them. In 1981, they (1) ______ 200,000. So the
computer (2) _______ from a mysterious thing into a household (3) _______.
Computers, as we know them today, (4) ______ first developed during the
Second World War. (5) ______ they were used to (6) _____ break the codes used
to (7) ______ secret information. After that, they were (8) _____ for doing
calculations for the (9) _____ H Bomb tests.
In fact, the (10) _____ they do hasn`t changed, what has changed is the (11)
______ they do it. Basically, computers do (12) ______ .
They can calculate many sets of (13) _____ in many different ways and very
(14) ______. This is called number-processing. Which (15) _____ and how the
computer processes them (16) _____ on the programme. This is a set of (17)
_______ specially written for each job the (18) _____ has to do. So, whether the
computer is (19) _______ to design a certain equipment or to (20) ______ will
depend on its programme.
a. hold;
b. bought;
a. receive; b. forgot;
a. device; b. guest; c. point;
a. are; b. was;
a. what;
b. then;
a. hope;
b. drop;
a. sell;
b. respect;
a. covered;
a. face;
c. have;
b. fire;
11) a. way;
d. cause
d. were
c. whose;
d. that
c. help;
d. drive
c. develop;
c. paid;
b. stay;
d. send
d. promised
c. fast;
b. demand;
12) a. compositions;
d. sought
c. created; d. changed
b. used;
10) a. description;
c. sold;
d. first
c. talk;
c. play;
c. job
d. unity
b. attention;
c. calculations;
d. accelerations
13) a. types;
b. numbers;
14) a. hardly;
b. likely;
c. nearly;
15) a. places; b. forms;
16) a. develops;
c. branches;
c. times;
b. destroys;
17) a. advertisements;
d. quantities
d. quickly
d. numbers
c. depends;
b. applications;
d. desires
c. investigations;
d. instructions
18) a. exit;
b. computer;
c. condition;
d. competition
19) a. refused;
20) a. like;
b. measured;
b. play;
c. link;
c. used;
d. entered
d. stay
A. Scrambled Dialogue:
Put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order.
(H = Helpdesk technician; T = Tuka)
T: Hi, my name's Tuka. I've upgraded my computer to Windows 7 and now
I can't find my personal files anywhere!
H: I see
T: Well, I hope so.
H: What Windows version did you have before?
H: OK. Is your computer on?
H: Good. Find Windows.old folder in your C drive.
T: I don't understand. How? I can't see it in Windows Explorer.
T: OK.
H: Please go to the search box, write Windows.old and click enter.
T: I've checked Windows 'help' and that didn't tell me anything. I need one
file urgently.
T: I'll do that.
H: Hello, Aqhel is speaking. How can I help you?
T: Before I had Windows Vista.
H: The Windows.old folder contains different folders. Your folders and
files are in Documents and Settings. You should find the files there.
T: Thanks.
H: I'm sure we can find your file. Don't worry.
T: Yes, it is.
H: I'll come down to your office if you still have a problem. Good luck.
Listen to the dialogue (2 Track) and check your answers.
Reading Activities
1. Read and translate the text.
A Career in Computers
When the boom in the information technology (IT) industry was at its height
in the 1990s, it was easy for gifted young computer programmers to get jobs
without having any formal qualifications. In those days, ability and experience
were seen as more valuable by employers than certificates. Indeed, enthusiastic
teenagers often knew as much, if not more, about the latest than university
graduates. Today, an unqualified computer fan is much less likely to get a job than
someone who has done a training course of some kind, at least with any of the
large organizations. But young people who have useful hands-on experience may
still work, especially with smaller companies which may also be willing to help
them further their education.
2. Find the English equivalents of the following words:
обдаровані програмісти, цінний досвід, освіта, отримати роботу,
підлітки, випускники університету, підготовчий курс, спеціальність,
некваліфікований, корисний, продовжити
Progress test
Choose the correct word to fill the spaces.
1. Turn on your computer. It will usually take a few minutes to _________.
a. boot itself
b. boot up c. get booted
2. Windows XP, Macintosh OSX and Linux are _________.
a. operating systems
b. operating tools
c. operators
3. On my computer, I have a picture of my cat as the __________.
a. desktop background
b. desktop picture
c. desktop scene
4. Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat and Corel Draw are programs or _____.
a. applicators
b. appliers
c. applications
5. To open Microsoft Word, click on the __________.
a. picture b. symbol
c. icon
6. I keep all my digital photos in a __________ called "Photos".
a. folder b. packet c. box
7. Is it possible to open Microsoft Excel __________ in Word?
a. texts
b. files
c. pages
8. In Microsoft Word, to start typing a new letter, open a new ___________.
a. document b. page c. paper
9. When you __________ a document, it's sent to the recycle bin.
a. destroy b. erase c. delete
10. Deleted documents stay in the recycle bin until you __________ it.
a. wash
b. empty
c. clean
11. In Windows, the icon is just a __________ to the application. If you
delete the icon, the application will still be on your computer.
a. connector b. shortcut c. link
12. If the computer crashes, you can try pressing the __________ button.
a. restart b. recommence c. replay
13. When I've finished using my computer, I always __________.
a. close it down b. shut it down c. shut it off
14. If I leave my computer on without using it, after a while it goes into
____ mode.
a. stand down b. waiting c. standby
B. Insert the missing words:
Close; drag and drop; find; free up; installed; launch; password; renamed;
running; save; search; start menu; uninstalling; user; window
1. I couldn't open the document you emailed me. I don't have Microsoft
Word____________ on my computer.
2. Click on that icon to____________ Internet Explorer.
3. I ____________ an important document, and now I can't find it.
4. If your computer is____________ several applications at the same time,
it's more likely to crash. It's better to ____________ the applications you're not
5. You can access all the applications on your computer from the _______.
6. You can view two Word documents on the screen at the same time. You
just open a new___________.
7. It's easy to move files into a folder. You can just ________________ .
8. I asked the computer to____________ for files with "English" in the
name, but it didn't____________ any.
9. This is a shared computer. Each ____________ has their own ________.
10. You can ____________space on your hard drive by____________
applications you never use.
11. If you ____________your photos as JPEGs instead of TIFFs, you'll use
a lot less memory.
- learn new vocabularies
- fill in the gaps with the correct linking words from the list below.
- retell the text
Computers: A Blessing or a Curse?
However (2); What is more; To sum up; In addition to this
Almost every home, office or school has a computer of some kind these
days. Many people feel that these machines are now an essential part of our lives,
but how necessary are they really?
One of the main advantages is the time that can be saved by using a
computer. This is especially beneficial in the workplace, where employees can do
their work far faster than they could in the past. 1) _____, computers can be
educational and fun. From a very young age, children can gain basic computer
skills through programmes that allow them to learn, draw, paint and play. In
today`s technological world, this knowledge can only help them in the future.
2) _____, there are various negative aspects to using computers. Many jobs
have been lost due to the fact that computers can do a lot of tasks more efficiently
than humans. This has led to high unemployment in many countries. 3) _____,
computers can actually cause health problems. Endless hours in front of a screen
can cause eye strain and headaches, which are serious side-effects.
4) ____ , it seems that computers are a useful addition to our fast-moving
world of high technology. 5) _____, it must be remembered that they are to serve
us –not to replace us.