Give The Body You Have A Fighting Chance Susan Merrick2012 TCOAAge Well Live Well Give the Body a Fighting Chance • Age Well Live Well – Austin Ambassador • 20 – year volunteer with aging & disability • Diagnosed “Pre-Everything” at 50 • Mom & Grandmother died of Alzheimer’s • Spent 5 years reading about reversing illnesses • Turned my health around with this formula Health = Nutrients/Calories Consumed ( • Good intentions? Or another layer of pavement on the road to illness? • Todd Whitthorne’s compelling 2011 TCOA message – Tools for health Give The Body A Fighting Chance You Can Be Thin and Unhealthy Give The Body A Fighting Chance Are You Kidding Me! ( -- Susan Darr (Merrick), circa 2003 (fresh from 40-Lb loss /Atkins’ & South Beach) Give the Body a Fighting Chance Healthy to 100 To Live Give the Body a Fighting ChanceTo Reverse & Prevent Degenerative Diseases Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease by Caldwell Esselstyn, MD Dr. Neal Bernard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes Beating Alzheimer’s by Tom Warren Healing the Gerson Way, by Charlotte Gerson Overcoming Thyroid Disorders by David Brownstein, MD (Fibromyalgia, Graves, Hashimoto’s, Hypo/Hyper Thyroid Disorders & 54 more (Headaches, Diabetes, Lupus & Stage IV Cancers) Give The Body A Fighting ChanceAgainst Fad Diets & Studies It matters how we trim down. The fuel the body’s cells need causes healthy, natural weight loss. Fad Diets Do Not They lack needed phytonutrient calories • • • • • • • • Diet pills? Bottled/canned smoothies/shakes? Appetite suppressants? Food deprivation? Beef, pork, poultry, fish, cheese, milk, ice cream? Processed foods? The Standard American Diet? Atkins/South Beach/Red Wine/Chocolate Give the Body a Fighting ChanceNEW START to Age WellLive Well N=? E W S T A R T Live Healthy to 100 Live with Disease Resources In Resources Out Give the Body a Fighting ChanceNEW START - Nutrition • Reverse Disease with Nutrition Health = Nutrients/Calories • Macro-nutrients in both animal & plants • Protein • Fat • Carbohydrate • Micro-nutrient-dense foods = plants • Vitamins • Minerals • Enzymes • Phytonutrients (Thousands work • Antioxidants • Bioflavonoids • Carotenoids Give the Body a Fighting ChanceNEW START - Nutrition Live Healthy to 100 Produce/Alkaline/True Hunger Spinach = more protein/calorie than meat, fish, eggs, cheese Complete protein is in all plants packaged with fiber and phytonutrients Live with Disease Products/Acidic/Toxic Hunger Animal = cancer & heart & gut diseases Animal = got its protein by eating plants Animal protein is packaged with saturated fat, cholesterol, arachidonic acid and leads to degenerative diseases, including dementia Avocado, walnuts, seeds = Omega 3s body makes EPA & DHA from Cheese = highest saturated fat / calorie Oils = harden & produce free-radicals & lead to degenerative diseases, including dementia Complex carbohydrates densely packed with phytonutrients Enriched flour + sugar = devoid of nutrients = inflammation = degenerative diseases, including dementia Resources In Resources Out Give the Body a Fighting ChanceNEW START - Nutrition Tool 2: Health = Nutrients/Calories Consumed 1. 2. 3. 4. Salad is the main dish. Eat it first at lunch & dinner Eat at least 4 fresh fruits daily Variety of raw greens & vegetables is spice of life For 6 weeks, limit high-starch whole foods to 1-cup/day (corn on cob, sweet potato, brown rice) 5. Eat at least a cup of beans or legumes every day 6. For 6 weeks, eliminate animal & dairy products 7. Have a tablespoon of ground flax seed a day 8. Eat an ounce of raw nuts & seeds a day in salad 9. Mushrooms with beans & soups & salads 10. Keep it simple Give the Body a Fighting ChanceNutrition – How we cook/eat matters Live Healthy to 100 Live with Disease Steam/blanch in H2O two min Browned meats = acrylamides Soak beans, legumes, grains Baked = acrylamides Heat vegetables to 112 degrees Fried = acrylamides Heat soups to 112 degrees Grilled = acrylamides Roasted = acrylamides True hunger BBQ’d = acrylamides Water-based cooking at low heat preserves enzymes, etc. Oil-based cooking hardens the oils & produces free radicals Chew until liquid Chomp, chomp, swallow Resources In Resources Out Give the Body a Fighting ChanceNEW START to Age WellLive Well Nutrition Live Healthy to 100 Live with Disease Produce/Alkaline/True Hunger Products/Acidic/Toxic Hunger Resources In Resources Out E=? W S T A R T Give the Body a Fighting Chance NEW START - Exercise Give the Body a Fighting ChanceNEW START to Age WellLive Well Nutrition Exercise Live Healthy to 100 Live with Disease Produce/Alkaline/True Hunger Products/Acidic/Toxic Hunger Active Sedentary W=? S T A R T Resources In Resources Out Give the Body a Fighting Chance NEW START - Water Live Healthy to 100 Live with Disease Water 8-10 glasses/meats Alcohol (even red wine) Water 4 to 5 glasses/plants Coffee Add H2O if exercising Milk (cow, soy) Add H2O if out in heat Juice (bottle, can, carton) Add H2O if stressed Powdered drinks Add H2O if up all night Soda Add H2O if eat “treat” Sports drinks Add H2O if sick, hurt, meds Tea Resources In Resources Out Give the Body a Fighting Chance NEW START - Water Live Healthy to 100 Live with Disease Body = 75% water Allergies & Asthma (lungs) Bowel moves 30 min/eat Constipation Heart, lungs, blood moves Edema, Congestive Heart Pain free Fibromyalgia pain Healthy gut (unless SAD) Gastrointestinal diseases Pain free Headaches, Migraines Pain free Joint pain. inflammation Brain = 85% water Seizure Resources In Resources Out Give the Body a Fighting ChanceNEW START to Age WellLive Well Nutrition Exercise Water Live Healthy to 100 Live with Disease Produce/Alkaline/True Hunger Products/Acidic/Toxic Hunger Active Sedentary Energy Inflammation S=? T A R T Resources In Resources Out Give the Body a Fighting Chance NEW START - Sunshine • 20 minutes of morning sunlight /day To make Vitamin D-3 from cholesterol in skin • Or plant-based Vitamin D-3 supplement Give the Body a Fighting ChanceNEW START Nutrition Exercise Water Sunshine Live Healthy to 100 Live with Disease Produce/Alkaline/True Hunger Products/Acidic/Toxic Hunger Active Sedentary Energy Inflammation Vitamin D3 Depression T=? A R T Resources In Resources Out Give the Body a Fighting Chance NEW START - Temperance Trash the Toxins: • Alcohol • Smoking • Drugs/Antibiotics • SAD Eating Out/Glutamates Pizza, Pasta, Baked Goods Sugar/Sweeteners/Sodas Animal, Oils, Cheese Herbicides/Pesticides Give the Brain a Fighting ChanceBy Avoiding Glutamates MSG Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein Hydrolyzed Protein Hydrolyzed Plant Protein Plant Protein Extract Sodium Caseinate Calcium Caseinate Yeast Extract Textured Protein Autolyzed Yeast HydrolyzedOat Flour Malt Extract Malt Flavoring Bouillon Broth Stock Flavoring Natural Flavoring Natural Beef/Chicken Flavoring Seasoning Spices Carrageenan Enzymes Soy Protein Concentrate Soy Protein Isolate Whey Protein Concentrate Proyease enzymes L-cysteine Aspartame / Neotame Give the Brain a Fighting ChanceBy Avoiding Packaged Foods & Eating Out Fruit-, nut-, seed- & vegetablebased : •Meals •Dishes •Soups •Salad dressings •Sauces •Chutney •& more Give the Body a Fighting ChanceNEW START to Age WellLive Well Nutrition Exercise Water Sunshine Temperance Live Healthy to 100 Live with Disease Produce/Alkaline/True Hunger Products/Acidic/Toxic Hunger Active Sedentary Energy Inflammation Vitamin D3 Depression Detoxed Toxic Load A=? R T Resources In Resources Out Give the Body a Fighting Chance NEW START - Air • • • • • • • • Oxygen to every cell Fresh morning air Daily deep breathing exercise Away from vehicle exhaust & ozone action days Annual field burning or prairie fires Air fresheners? Perfumed products? Noxious fumes? Give the Body a Fighting ChanceNEW START Live Healthy to 100 Nutrition Exercise Water Sunshine Temperance Air Produce/Alkaline/True Hunger Live with Disease Products/Acidic/Toxic Hunger Active Sedentary Energy Inflammation Vitamin D3 Depression Detoxed Toxic Load Oxygenated Oxygen-deprived R=? T Resources In Resources Out Give the Body a Fighting Chance NEW START - Rest • • • 8 hours 5-to-20-minute naps v. caffeine Cellular repair cycle 10 pm to 2 am Give the Body a Fighting ChanceNEW START Live Healthy to 100 Nutrition Exercise Water Sunshine Temperance Air Rest T= ? Produce/Alkaline/True Hunger Live with Disease Products/Acidic/Toxic Hunger Active Sedentary Energy Inflammation Vitamin D3 Depression Detoxed Toxic Load Oxygenated Oxygen-deprived Repair Cycle Waste Accumulation Resources In Resources Out Give the Body a Fighting Chance NEW START - Trust Trust your Maker to have provided the fuel our bodies need “Let thy food be thy medicine & medicine thy food” -- Hippocrates Give the Body a Fighting ChanceNEW START Live Healthy to 100 Nutrition Exercise Water Sunshine Temperance Air Rest Trust Produce/Alkaline/True Hunger Live with Disease Products/Acidic/Toxic Hunger Active Sedentary Energy Inflammation Vitamin D3 Poor absorption Detoxed Toxic Load Oxygenated Oxygen-deprived Repair Cycle Waste Accumulation Attitude of Gratitude Stress Resources In Resources Out Highest in Protein/Calorie? Animal Protien or . . . . . . Plant Protien? Which Has Free-Radical-Forming Acrylamides? Animal Protein or . . . or , , , , . . . Plant Protein? Give the Body a Fighting ChanceAgainst Sugar & Salt Living/dead? Food/toxic? Add/deplete reserves? Health/illness? Give The Body A Fighting Chance Against Processed Grains Living/dead? Food/toxic? Add/deplete reserves? Health/illness? Give The Body A Fighting Chance Against Dairy Living/dead? Food/toxic? Add/deplete reserves? Health/illness? Standard American Diet Menu BBQ Cheeseburger, fries, shake Fried chicken, mashed Pasta Pizza Chinese Takeout Beer, wine, margarita, soda, coffee, milk or tea Pudding, ice cream, cake, pie, cookies, brownies Living/dead? Food/toxic? Add/deplete reserves? Health/illness?