IAC Report: Maria Rosa Blanco I. The Comptroller is a part of the Executive To the Judiciary Branch of the MMC-Campus of Florida International University SGC-MMC: CONSTITUTION According to Article II Titled: ORGANIZATION Section 3: Branches of Government Subsection A: The powers of each SGC shall be divided into Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches. Also, according to ARTICLE III Titled: LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Section 2: Composition & Apportionment Subsection A: The SGC-MMC Senate shall be composed of thirty-two (32) Senators which shall be elected at MMC. The allocation of representation is listed within the parenthesis below: 1. Architecture and the Arts (1) 2. Arts and Sciences (5) 3. Business Administration (3) 4. Education (2) 5. Engineering and Computing (2) 6. Nursing & Health Sciences (2) 7. Public Health (1) 8. Honors College (1) 9. Law (1) 10.Medicine (1) 11.Four (4) Graduate Student Senators 12.Four (4) Lower Division Undergraduate Senators 13.Two (2) Housing Senators 14.Three (3) Senators at Large Section 4: Duties & Procedures A. The Vice President of each SGC shall be the exofficio President of the Senate, but shall have no vote unless there is a tie. In addition, ARTICLE IV Titled: EXECUTIVE BRANCH Section 2: Composition The Executive Branch shall be composed of a President, Vice President, Comptroller, Executive Cabinet, and Elections Board. Furthermore, ARTICLE V Titled: JUDICIAL BRANCH Section 2:Composition The Supreme Court shall be composed of one (1) Chief Justice, four (4) justices and two (2) Court Clerks. Therefore the Comptroller is a member of the Executive Branch. II. The Duties of the Comptroller SGC-MMC: CONSTITUTION ARTICLE IV Titled: EXECUTIVE BRANCH Section 3: Duties and Procedures C. The Comptroller shall: 1. Serve as the Chief Financial Officer of SGC and SGC funded entities. 2. Become knowledgeable of and abide by the SGC Finance Code. 3. Assist the Vice President of Student Affairs, or his/her designee, in the management and disbursement of SGC funds 4. Serve as a non-voting member of the Finance Committee. 5. Have any other power or duty as prescribed by the SGC Statutes. 6. Receive student petitions for monies and reject those that violate laws regarding the administration of A&S funds as detailed in Florida and SGC Statutes. SGC-MMC: STATUTES Article II. Executive Branch Section 2.04 Comptroller (a) The Comptroller shall be in charge of carrying out the distribution of the budget and of auditing and advising the SGC-MMC. (b) The Comptroller shall attend all Senate and Executive meetings. (c) The Comptroller shall be an ex-officio member of the Finance Committee. As such, he/she shall serve an advisory role within the committee, working to ensure compliance with all protocol and regulations of the University and SGC-MMC in allocating monies. (d) The Comptroller shall not chair the finance committee. However, he/she shall provide to the committee detailed reports of budgetary requests. The Comptroller shall work with the Finance Committee Chairperson to adequately process budgetary requests in compliance with budgetary policy. Article V. Senate Committees Section 5.03 Finance Committee (a)The Finance Committee (FC) shall be comprised of the Finance Chairperson, the SGC- MMC Comptroller and five additional representatives in affreance to the finance code and appointed through a majority vote of the Senate. Section 5.08 Graduate Student Funding Committee b) The Graduate Student Funding Committee will consist of the entire Graduate School Senate Delegation, the College of Law Senator, the College of Medicine Senator, and the Comptroller who will sit on the board as an ex-officio member. (i) The Comptroller shall have an advisory role and will not have a vote in the Committee. Article IX. Meetings and Absences Section 9.01 Meetings (a) For the purpose of regular meetings, the Executive Council shall meet on Wednesdays at 4:00 PM in GC 150. All Executive members (Cabinet, Committee Chairs, Governing Council Presidents, etc) must work their schedules around this time. Meetings shall last a maximum of two (2) hours. (c) The President and/or his/her designee are requested to attend all Senate meetings. The Vice President shall vote only to break a tie at Senate Meetings, and shall attend and be given all floor privileges as any other Senator. The Comptroller shall be required to attend both Executive and Senate Meetings. Section 9.02 Absences (a) Senators or officers are not allowed to miss more than two (2) unexcused absences per legislative session (summer semester excluded). (b) To be counted as present, Student Government Council members must be present for a majority of the meeting. Cabinet Meetings & Attendance Summer Attendance NAME 5-May 19-May M.R.B. Present Present 2-Jun Excused 30-Jun Excused 14-Jul Present Fall Attendance Meeting Minutes August 25th, 2010 – Maria Rosa Blanco (Absent) Report: V. Comptroller Report a. New room rental agreement Meeting Minutes September 1st, 2010 – Maria Rosa Blanco (Absent) Report: V. Comptroller Report a. No report Meeting Minutes September 8th, 2010 – Maria Rosa Blanco (Absent) Report: V. Comptroller Report 1. No report Meeting Minutes September 15th, 2010 – Maria Rosa Blanco (Absent) Report: V. Comptroller Report 1. No report Meeting Minutes September 22nd, 2010 – Maria Rosa Blanco (Absent) Report: V. Comptroller Report 1. No report-Internship in New York Total # of Meetings: 11 Total # of Absences: 8 = ~73% Total # of Unexcused Absences: 6 = ~55% 28-Jul Absent III. Monitoring the Executive via the Legislative Article V. Senate Committees Section 5.06 Internal Affairs Committee (c) The IAC will work with all of the members of the Executive branch, including the President, to ensure that the Internal Affairs Director keeps track of Executive office *Due to the fact the Executive does not have this position sole responsibility lies with the President Auxiliary Notes Florida International University - Legal Studies Institute Attendance Policy http://lsi.fiu.edu/paralegaloncampus/attendance Students are required to attend all classes and arrive on time. Excused absences will be accepted under certain circumstances. Three (3) tardies are the equivalent of one (1) unexcused absence. Students who accumulate three (3) days of unexcused absences will be automatically terminated from the program for unsatisfactory attendance. Florida International University – Human Resources From the STAFF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL FORM hr.fiu.edu/uploads/file/forms/elr/usps_appraisal.pdf ATTENDANCE: Attendance and punctuality are very important in maintaining a normal work load and efficient schedule. Employees are expected to report to work regularly and be ready to perform their assigned duties at the beginning of their assigned work shift. Is the employee absent frequently? Are the absences affecting his/her performance? Does this pattern constitute a hardship on the work environment? http://policies.fiu.edu/record_profile.php?id=390 1725.035 Bereavement Leave (AFSCME) Section: Human Resources Abstract: An employee shall be granted three (3) days of leave with pay for a death in the immediate family.