The New MLA - KU Writing Center

The New MLA
A guide for consultants…
Nitzan Meltzer The University of Kansas Writing Center 2009
What Has Changed?
 Paper format and in-text citations remain the
same. Works cited entries have changed.
Nitzan Meltzer The University of Kansas Writing Center 2009
What Has Changed?
Titles are now italicized instead of
For example:
Bernstein, Theodore M. The Careful Writer: A
Modern Guide to English Usage……
Nitzan Meltzer The University of Kansas Writing Center 2009
What Has Changed?
Medium of the source is specified at the
end of each entry.
Bernstein, Theodore M. The Careful
Writer: A Modern Guide to English
Usage. New York: Athenaeum, 1965.
Nitzan Meltzer The University of Kansas Writing Center 2009
What Has Changed?
Website entries no longer include the
Fuchigami, Salina Khan. “Green Business
Blog: The Devastating Cost of
Diamonds.” Cable News
Network, 15. Jun. 2009. Web. 16 Jun.
Nitzan Meltzer The University of Kansas Writing Center 2009
What Has Changed?
 Web sources now call for publication information
and page number. In the absence of publisher
information, use “N.p.”, and add “n.d.” when
there is no date of publication. “N.pag.” is
included when the website has no page
 Bierce, Ambrose. “Academy.” The Devil’s
Dictionary. The Collected Works of Ambrose
Bierce. Vol. 7. New York: Neale, 1911. N.
pag. The Ambrose Bierce Project. Web. 15
May 2008.
Nitzan Meltzer The University of Kansas Writing Center 2009
What Has Changed?
 Volume and issue numbers must be
included in bibliography entries of
scholarly journals whether or not the
journals use continuous pagination.
 Piper, Andrew. “Rethinking the Print
Object: Goethe and the Book of
Everything.” PMLA 121.1 (2006): 12438. Print.
Nitzan Meltzer The University of Kansas Writing Center 2009
Before and After
Bernstein, Theodore M. The Careful
Writer: A Modern Guide to English
Usage. New York: Athenaeum, 1965.
Bernstein, Theodore M. The Careful
Writer: A Modern Guide to English
Usage. New York: Athenaeum, 1965.
Nitzan Meltzer The University of Kansas Writing Center 2009
Before and After
 Before:
 Fuchigami, Salina Khan. “Green Business Blog:
The Devastating Cost of Diamonds.” 15 June 2009. Cable News
Network. 16 June 2009
 After:
 Fuchigami, Salina Khan. “Green Business Blog:
The Devastating Cost of Diamonds.” Cable News Network, 15. Jun.
2009. Web. 16 Jun. 2009.
Nitzan Meltzer The University of Kansas Writing Center 2009
Before and After
Kaplan, Eran. “Amos Oz’s A Tale of Love
and Darkness and the Sabra Myth.”
Jewish Social Studies: History, Culture,
Society 14.1 (2007): 119-43. Project Muse.
Web. 31 July 2009.
Nitzan Meltzer The University of Kansas Writing Center 2009