
On the Introduction of Reconfigurable
Hardware into Computer Architecture
Ross Brennan
 We will talk about the current microprocessor
design project, which has been undertaken by
students at Trinity College for the past 20 years
 Discuss the motivation behind creating an updated
version of this design project
 Discuss the prototyped microprocessor project
 Finally, we will discuss future work leading on
from the development of this prototype
Background and Related Work
 Using custom hardware and reconfigurable logic
devices to aid in the teaching of computer
architecture is not a new concept
 Previous efforts have concentrated on:
Designing and implementing custom hardware and simulation
Designing and implementing custom HDL processor models for
teaching purposes
Developing project boards based around dedicated soft-CPU
 Without major updates to the processor models,
these implementations cannot grow in complexity
The Current Design Project
 Designed around the Motorolla MC68008 CISC
 8 MHz system clock
 8-bit data bus
 Uses GALs to implement “glue-logic”
 Two serial ports implemented using ACIAs and
 Connections are wire-wrapped together by students
 Monitor program implemented in assembler by
Teaching Objectives
 To adopt a “hands-on” approach towards teaching
computer architecture concepts to students
 To show students the differences between various
processor architectures (RISC vs CISC, etc)
 To allow students to design and implement
Instruction Set Architectures (ISAs)
 To enable students to observe real time behaviour
of systems using logic state analysers
Prototyping the New Design [1]
 Requirements:
Backwardly compatible with the current design project
Highly reconfigurable
Students to implement required system “glue-logic”
Students should be able to develop a basic operating system
 A standardized bus interface was developed based
around the MC68008 protocol
Can use multiple synthesisable HDL processor models for use as
long as they implement the standardized bus interface
 One such model already available is the LEON
P-1754 processor
Prototyping the New Design [2]
 Diagram of the layout
for a single PROM
 Control logic is
implemented in a
CPLD or FPGA using a
 Connections are made
by wire-wrapping
components together
About LEON P-1754
 Initially developed by the ESA
Aimed for use in satellite control systems
 Synthesisable VHDL model of a 32-bit processor
 Highly configurable
Can remove unwanted internal peripherals
 Released open source under the GNU LGPL
 Now maintained by Jiri Gaisler
Main Processor Features
 RISC architecture
 SPARC V8 compliant
integer unit
 5-stage instruction pipeline
 On-chip AMBA AHB/APB
 32-bit, 33 MHz
Master/Target PCI Interface
 Parallel I/O Port
 2 Internal UARTs
 Internal Debug Support Unit
Diagram of the LEON core from Gaisler Research
LEON [1]
 Reduce complexity where possible
Use 8-bit data bus option (for wire-wrapping)
 Ability to disable non-essential components using a
graphical configuration tool
Removable PCI interface
Removable FPU
Removable SDRAM controller
 Software tools available from Gaisler Research
LECCS compiler
TSIM processor simulator
(free for student use)
(free for student use)
LEON [2]
 Reduced clock speed
Operates at 6.25 MHz
Advantageous for wire-wrapping
 Removable internal caches
Simplifies processor operation
Only method of observation via the bus
 Modified bus transaction protocol
Similar to MC68008 bus transaction protocol
Students required to add external bus signaling
 Removable internal memory map
Students are required to implement external logic instead
The Final Prototype
Picture of the final prototyped design on the VirtexII prototyping board.
Future Work
 Finalize the prototyped design
 Design and build a prototype board capable of
supporting multiple user configuration PROMs
 Take advantage of the different LEON processor
configuration options for tailoring the complexity
of the system
 Design and build a daughter board for use with the
main project board (PCI/FPU/Ethernet/32-bit
 Evaluate different HDL processor models for use
with the project board
 The prototyped design successfully proved
that the LEON model was suitable for use in
place of the MC68008
 The groundwork for designing a fully
operational hardware system was put in place
 Reconfigurable underlying hardware
 Scope for further development