Political Science Political Spectrum Government Liberal Power Conservative Politics Moderate Constitution Reactionary Revolutionary Type of Government What the name means Democracy Power of the People Citizens Republic Thing of the People Citizens through representativ es Oligarchy Ruled by a few A small group of powerful people Dictatorship To speak Dictator with authority Monarchy One person ruling Ruled by king or queen Anarchy Rule by nobody nobody Ruled by Example +/- NONE +People hold power through voting/ -Decisions take longer to make United States Great Britain Russia +Decisions can be made quickly/ North Korea -People have Cuba no say in decisions Saudi Arabia Somalia + No Rules/ -No Safety Characteristics of Republic: Free and fair elections Civil Rights Economic Freedom Multi-Party system Separation of Power w/ legislative branch How dictators control people 1 . Cut-off communication 2. Required/Mandatory voting 3. People spy on others for the government 4. Make one group a scapegoat (women) 5. Non-secret voting ballot 6. Brainwash/reprogram younger generation 7. Visible use of military for purpose of fear How dictators control people 8. Reference to patriotism/ nation’s history 9. Govt workers “Just following orders” 10. Child soldiers (common in African dictatorships) 11. Torture/Execution of political opponents(not showed 12. but implied) 13. Trials are staged 14. International Propoganda 15. Retaliation against family members if government criticized Daily Agenda 10/22 Answer the following questions in your notebooks. 1. What is the difference between a republic and a democracy? 2. Why is England NOT a monarchy? Authoritarian(Autocratic): A leader that gives clear commands of what should be done and how it should be done without input from his followers Democratic: A democratic leader offers guidance and asks for input from his/her followers. Not afraid to participate in the task. Laissez-Faire: Offers little guidance or direction to followers but allows them to decide what is best for the group. Daily Agenda 11/14 Pick up Unit Notes sheet Pick up Political Science Review Sheet