A People’s History of the United States Howard Zinn Chapter 11. Robber Barons and Rebels. Name ______________________________ 1. Between the Civil War and 1900: steam and electricity replaced__________; iron replaced________; and steel replaced _____________. 2. Before the Civil War, how long did it take to produce an acre of wheat?_________ How long did it take by 1900?___________. 3. Between 1860 and 1914, New York grew from 850,000 to ______________, Chicago from 110,000 to _____________, Philadelphia from 650,000 to ______________. 4. What did JP Morgan, JD Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Philip Armour, Jay Gould and James Mellon all have in common with regards to their service in the Civil War? 5. How many railroad workers were killed or injured in 1889? *6. How did the government help US Steel and JP Morgan pay all of the dividends to stockholders and bondholders? a. b. c. 7. What year was the Sherman Anti-trust law passed?_________What was it supposed to do? *8. In 1895, what was the Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of US v.E.C. Knight? *9. What transformation did the Supreme Court give to the 14th amendment? *10. a. What was the Supreme Court’s decision in Wabash v Illinois in 1886? b. In 1886, how many state laws did the Supreme Court of the USA nullify that had been passed to regulate corporations?___________ c. Of all of the 14th amendment cases brought before the Supreme Court between 1890 and 1910 how many dealt with Negro rights?__________ How many dealt with corporations?_________ 11. What did the lecture “Acres of Diamonds” imply about the poor? 12. “It was in the middle and late nineteenth century that high schools developed as aids to the industrial system, that history was widely required in the curriculum to foster patriotism.” To what extent do YOU agree with Zinn and why? 13. What connections are valid connections between immigration and socialist developments? 14. By the spring of 1886, the movement for an 8 hour workday had grown thanks to what union?_________ Who was the head of this union?_______________ *Use these answer to help you answer the free response question “ #2 To what extent did the constitution and the courts side with corporations in the late 19th century” 15. You are a public defense lawyer for Albert Parsons. Write down 10 questions for him and his answers. Now, write your opening statement for the jury, defending his innocence in the Haymarket Riots. Your opening statement should be no more than two minutes long. 16. You are a Pinkerton guard hired by Henry Frick to guard the strike breakers(scabs) at the Carnegie Homestead Steel plant. Describe what happens on the night of July 5th 1892, in an incident statement to your boss, defending your decision to retreat. 17. What propelled Eugene Debs into a lifetime of unionism and socialism? 18. What is Lawrence Goodwyn’s theory , discussed in his study of the Populist movement(The Democratic Process)regarding who controlled both the North and the South politically after the civil war?