file - Athens Academy

EvoGen Exam Review Sheet:
Breakdown of Exam:
Multiple Choice:
Short Answer/Essay:
In Silico Portion:
40-50 Questions
30-40 Questions
2-4 Questions (Likely giving you a choice on which to answer)
Be prepared to use NCBI, DNA Subway, Primer 3 Plus, and/or do a Multiple Sequence
Alignment using Target/Muscle
What you will need:
#2 Pencil/Pen
Lab Notebook
First & Second Test Signed and Corrected
Topics to Review for Written Portion of Exam:
Structure of DNA
Components of a nucleotide
Semi-conservative replication
DNA is antiparallel
Experimental Controls (ie – positive controls
vs. negative controls in an experiment)
 The whole process of information transfer
(how does a cell make a protein???)
 DNA replication
 Codons & anticodons
 Understanding the genetic code
 Understanding different types of RNA
 Basic review of reagents used in
experiments done this semester (such as
Taq Mix, Gel Red, reagents used in
extraction and isolation of DNA, gel
electrophoresis, DNA Ladder, etc….)
 Differentiate between genomic DNA vs.
 Explain why we do DNA dilutions prior to
PCR reactions?
 Anthony Allison
 William Charles Wells
 Kary Mullis
 Charles Darwin
 Questions regarding proper pipette use (iewhich pipette to use for which volume
Short answer/Essay:
Co-Evolutionary Arms Race
Fossil Genes
Global Understanding of Experiments
DNA Sequencing vs. PCR
Mutations (SNPs, insertions, deletions,
polymorphisms in general)
Neutral mutations, synonomous vs. nonsynonomous mutations
Organismal fitness
What is bioinformatics? Why do we use it?
What are genome browsers?
What are gene models? What is EST
What is the wobble effect?
Fossil Genes
Toolkit Genes
Convergent Evolution
Coevolutionary Arms Race
DNA Sequencing vs. PCR
Components of PCR
Steps of PCR
Sanger Sequencing
Heterozygote Advantage
Dominant Allele
Recessive Allele